X Marks the Spot

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X Marks the Spot Page 20

by Opal Carew

  She gripped Liam’s shoulders, her eyes widening at the maelstrom of delight shimmering through her. Her pleasure built higher and higher and then every nerve ending seemed to burst into flame. She sucked in a breath as the first throes of passion engulfed her.

  “You’re both making me come,” she cried, then began to moan.

  They pumped deeper and faster into her, their hot bodies pulsing against her.

  The tight coil inside her released and she spun into a realm of pure joy. She could feel their bodies moving against her, their big cocks filling her deeply. Hear their labored breathing as their hot breaths washed over her.

  She trembled between them, catapulting to ecstasy.

  Both men groaned, and she felt liquid heat fill her body as they erupted inside her, driving her further into bliss. She wailed, clinging to Liam, her head resting against Del’s shoulder.

  Her world shattered as a final rush of euphoria burst through her, expanding to dizzying heights.

  Then she blacked out.


  “Really, Liam, I’m fine,” Abi said.

  Liam drained the last of his coffee and shook his head, concern pulsing through him.

  “Abi, you fainted.”

  “Yes, well, that can happen to a woman sometimes when things are really”—her lips turned up in broad grin—“really good.”

  Del chuckled. “Come on, man. You’ve never had that happen before?”

  Liam stared at Del and his carefree smile.

  “Yeah, like you have.”

  “Yup, I have.” Del laughed again at Liam’s frown. “Don’t worry. You don’t have to get all competitive because I’m talking about last night and that’s a score for both of us.”

  Liam sat back in his chair and nodded, his own lips turning up in a smile.

  “It was pretty great.” Then he chuckled. “I can’t believe we made you faint.”

  He glanced at his watch. It was almost time to leave.

  “So are you sure you can’t join me?” Liam asked Abi. “I’d love your opinion on the other resort. Both of you.”

  Liam was flying to a nearby island to check out another of the resorts in the chain he was buying. He’d hoped to take Abi on a tour of the island while they were there. And he really did want her input on the resort. From the research he’d done, the place would impress on all levels and maybe a part of him wanted to remind Abi of what she, and their child, would have if she stayed with him.

  He’d invited Del, too, of course, because Abi wouldn’t want to leave him behind. But also because what the three of them were sharing right now was exciting and he wanted to give them as many opportunities to be together as he could.

  “I don’t think it would be a good idea,” Abi said. “My nausea is worse today and I’m feeling a little wobbly. And, no, it has nothing to do with me fainting,” she added quickly when she saw his expression tighten in concern.

  “Maybe I should cancel,” Liam said.

  “No, Liam. It’s just morning sickness,” Abi insisted. “It’s worse some days than others, but it’s nothing to be concerned about. And, Del, I think you should go with Liam. You don’t have to stay here to babysit me.”

  “Nope. Not going to happen,” Del said. “Liam needs to go for business, but I’m sure he’ll be happier knowing I’m here in case you need something.”

  Liam nodded. In fact, he was. He wouldn’t leave Abi here all alone. Period.

  Liam stood up. “Okay, I need to get going. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  Abi stood up, too, and wrapped her arms around him. He kissed her, the feel of her soft lips and the delicate floral scent of her making him want what he couldn’t have right now. Though convincing his rising cock might be a challenge.

  “Have a good trip,” she murmured against his ear.

  “I’ll do my best, but without you…”

  He stroked her hair back from her face, soaking in the sight of her luminous blue eyes and her lovely heart-shaped face.

  Fuck, he missed her already.

  “I’ll Skype you tonight,” he said.

  She grinned. “Skype so you can see me?” She giggled. “I can think of ways we can make this threesome thing work even if you’re not actually here.”

  His cock shot straight up. Fuck, so could he. And it involved him taking charge.

  * * *

  The whole time during his trip and the tour of the resort, all Liam could think about was the Skype call that evening. He could be in total control as he commanded Abi to do things for Del … touching herself to arouse him … touching him … and all the time they’d both know he was watching them … jacking off to what they were doing …

  Fuck, he had to get himself under control.

  The resort manager and head chef led him through the kitchen, telling him about their award-winning menu with great pride. They entered the main dining room where there was a huge brunch set up for the guests at the resort and it was a luxurious feast including lobster and prime rib, as well as local delicacies and a huge array of delectable desserts.

  As the chef described the fare, a staff member hurried to the manager and spoke with him briefly.

  “Mr. Perry, I’m sorry to interrupt,” the manager said, “but a Mr. Del MacLean called. He’s been trying to reach you. He said it’s urgent.”

  Liam pulled his cell from his pocket and turned off airplane mode. Immediately, he saw that he had five voice messages waiting and Del had sent him repeated text messages asking that he call.

  His chest tightened. Had something happened to Abi?

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” Liam said, and strode to the door as he dialed Del’s cell. It rang as he stepped outside into the warm air and sunshine.

  “Liam, thank God you got back to me. Abi’s in the hospital.”

  Liam’s chest tightened. “What the hell happened?”

  “We were out for a walk on the beach and she said she felt dizzy. We headed back to the villa, but she fainted. I got her to the hospital right away.”

  “What’s wrong? Is the baby all right?”

  “They don’t know yet. They’ve got her stabilized, but … there was a lot of bleeding.”

  “Fuck.” Liam remembered last time. She hadn’t fainted, but she’d had pain. And then had bled. Then she’d lost the baby.

  God, he didn’t want to go through that again. More importantly, he didn’t want Abi to go through it again.

  “I contacted her doctor in Maryville and she suggests we get her to a hospital back home as soon as possible. She spoke to the doctor here and they said she can travel right away.”

  “All right. I can be back in about two hours, then we’ll fly back together.”

  He’d used a local airline, wanting to experience what resort guests would on the trip from the bigger island where they’d fly in to the international airport then hop a small plane to the smaller island.

  “Liam, the doctor says she should go now.”

  Liam paced. “Fine. Okay. Have the driver take you to the airport now. I’ll ensure the jet’s ready to go when you get there.”

  After Liam hung up, he made the necessary calls. His heart pounded in his chest and he hoped to heaven that Abi, and the baby, would be all right.

  * * *

  The elevator doors opened on the fifth floor of the hospital and Liam strode down the hallway to the nurses’ station, carrying a large arrangement of flowers in pinks, purples, and accents of yellow.

  He’d phoned Del as soon as his flight had arrived and texted once he’d arrived at the hospital, so Del stood at the desk waiting for him.

  “Where’s Abi? I want to see her,” Liam said.

  “They’ve taken her for some tests, so you won’t be able to see her until she gets back. Right now her doctor wants to talk to us.”

  Del led him down a short hallway to an office.

  “She said to wait in here and she’ll be in as soon as she can.” Del sat down in one of the two gue
st chairs facing the desk.

  Liam set the flowers on the desk and sat beside him, his heart pounding.

  “How was your flight?” Del asked.

  Liam had flown commercial since Abi and Del had flown back on his private jet, but being in first class had made it no hardship.

  “Fine. How is Abi? Is she in pain?” Liam knew the doctor would give him the whole story, but he wanted something. The thought of her in discomfort made his heart ache.

  “No. She’s nauseous and a bit dizzy.”

  Liam’s chest tightened. He had to ask the question he most feared knowing the answer to.

  “Do they know if she’s going to … lose the baby?”

  The doctor briskly stepped into the office and closed the door behind her.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. McCallister, Abi’s family doctor.”

  She offered her hand to Liam and he shook it.

  “I’m Liam Perry.”

  She sat down behind the desk. “There’s a team working to take care of Abi and they’ve advised me what’s going on. Since Abi’s been seeing me for years and is comfortable with me, she asked if I’d talk to you and answer any of your questions.”

  Liam nodded.

  “The good news is that mom and baby are doing fine right now,” Dr. McCallister explained. “She came close to losing the baby and”—she frowned—“depending on how things went, mom was in some danger, too.”

  Liam’s heart clenched at the thought that they could have lost Abi.

  “Should we have known?” Liam asked. “She had some dizziness and nausea and…”

  Ah, fuck. And Abi had fainted during sex. What the hell was wrong with him that he didn’t insist she go to the doctor?

  “And…?” the doctor prompted.

  “Last night … when we had sex … she fainted,” Liam answered.

  The doctor’s brown eyes rested on Liam. “All of those things are normal things a woman might experience during pregnancy.” Her lips turned up in a smile. “That last one at any time, given the right circumstances. Don’t beat yourselves up about it.” She leaned forward. “You’re her husband, right?”

  “Yes,” Liam answered.

  She turned to Del. “And you’re her fiancé?”

  “Yes. The divorce isn’t final yet,” Del said.

  “I see. And who’s the father?”

  “I am,” Liam said.

  The doctor nodded. “I see things are complicated. Abi told me you’re hoping to change her mind about the divorce,” Dr. McCallister said to Liam.

  “Yes, that’s right,” Liam said.

  She sat back in her chair. “I know this is a difficult time for all of you. But I need you to understand that stress … and this situation you find yourselves in is a huge source of stress for Abi … is dangerous for her and the baby. Mr. Perry, have you considered the fact that Abi might be worried that you’re going to sue for custody?”

  His gaze jerked to her face, then shifted to Del who was staring at a paperweight on the desktop.

  He hadn’t considered that.

  God, if Abi thought that, she would feel trapped.

  “It’s important that the two of you figure out what you can do to minimize Abi’s stress and make her and her well-being a priority throughout the pregnancy. She’ll need both your support.”

  “Of course,” Liam said and Del nodded his agreement.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “Excuse me,” the doctor said as she stood up to answer it. She spoke with a nurse, then turned back to them.

  “The test results look good, but I’d still like to keep her here for a few days. When she leaves the hospital, she should stay with someone who can be with her during the day. She should rest as much as possible.”

  “We’ll figure something out,” Del said.

  * * *

  The doctor stayed a little longer and answered their questions, then she excused herself, leaving Liam and Del in the office.

  Liam stared at the flowers. Ones he’d picked out with Abi in mind. Because he knew her so well. Because he knew what she liked.

  And yet he’d had no clue that she would believe he might take her child from her.

  “A lot to think about,” Del said.

  Liam nodded distractedly, still reeling from the tumultuous emotions roiling through him from everything he’d just learned.


  Del stared at him, then stood up and rested his hand on Liam’s shoulder.

  “We can probably go see Abi now,” Del said. “From everything the doctor said, it probably wouldn’t be wise for both of us to see her right now, so I’ll go grab a coffee while you go in.”

  Liam drew in a deep breath and nodded, then pushed himself to his feet.

  He loved Abi more deeply than he could ever have imagined was possible to love another person. Yet he had caused her so much pain.

  He didn’t deserve her.


  Abi opened her eyes at the feel of a hand on her arm. Liam stared at her, his warm brown eyes filled with sadness. He was sitting in a chair beside her hospital bed.

  “Hi.” She was so tired. Keeping her eyes open was an effort.

  Liam took her hand. “I’m so sorry, kitten.”

  Alarm spiked through her.

  “The doctor told me the baby was okay.” Her voice was tight with anxiety.

  Had she misunderstood? Had they been waiting to break it to her gently?

  He squeezed her hand. “Yes, the baby’s fine.”

  She sucked in a breath, the tension easing from her.

  “Thank God.” She tightened her fingers around his. “So why did you say you’re sorry?”

  “Because I wasn’t there for you.” He leaned back in the chair, pain rippling in the depths of his brown eyes. “Because I’m the one who caused this. I’m the one who put you under so much stress that you almost lost the baby.”

  She tried to sit up but her head started spinning and she settled back on the pillow.

  “Liam, it’s not your fault.”

  He stroked her hair from her face. At the gentleness of his touch, the aching sadness in his eyes, her heart compressed.

  “I love you, baby,” he murmured. “And I never meant to hurt you.”

  The depth of feeling in his words tore at her heart.

  Oh, God, she loved this man.

  But she loved Del, too.

  Confusion coiled through her, snaking around her heart and tightening until she could barely breathe.

  She couldn’t see her life without either one of them.

  Tears welled in her eyes. What was she going to do?

  * * *

  Over the next few days, Del and Liam visited her every day. Liam was always there when she woke up in the morning and sat with her while she ate breakfast. Del showed up shortly after and chatted with her, while Liam was a silent presence, his thoughts and feelings hidden from her. Except for the ghost of sadness in his eyes.

  She didn’t know where things were going from here and neither Del nor Liam seemed inclined to talk about it. Until the third day when the doctor informed her she’d be released the next day. Del and Liam agreed with her that staying in Maryville near her family and Dr. McCallister would be the best.

  Del said he could arrange with the university to work from home and that way he could move into her place to stay with her. When September came and he had to go back to teach classes again, the three of them would reevaluate the situation.

  During the conversation, she glanced at Liam, but he avoided her gaze. She was surprised he wasn’t fighting to be the one to take care of her.

  Was the fear of their close call triggering old grief? Causing him to withdraw from her again?

  But Liam was there with her. He talked to the doctor every day, keeping tabs on her progress. And he often held her hand and reassured her that everything would be okay. That the baby would be okay. And when she felt the fear well up again, he would hold h
er hand and prompt her to talk about it.

  This was not the old Liam. Last time … when they’d actually lost the baby … he’d shut the subject down if she tried to talk about it.

  She was confused. About her feelings for these two men. About what would happen.

  About what she wanted to happen.

  * * *

  A knock sounded on Abi’s apartment door and she opened it to see a deliveryman holding a gift-wrapped box with a big bow and an arrangement of flowers. She signed the paper on his clipboard, then he handed her the gifts.

  She walked to the kitchen and set the flowers on the counter, then pulled away the paper around it. The flowers were in a lovely crystal vase. There was no card, but she was sure these were from Liam.

  She walked back into the living room and set the vase on the coffee table, then sat down to open the flat box. She tugged on the wide cloth ribbon, unfastening the bow. She pulled the ribbon from the box, then lifted off the lid. She peeled back the pink tissue inside, revealing a document.

  She stared at it in disbelief. It was the divorce papers. A bright pink sticky note stuck out on one side and she flipped to the marked page.

  There, right beside the X, was Liam’s signature.

  He was granting her the divorce.

  There was a folded note sitting on the page and she opened it.


  I know you want to be with Del and I know he’ll take good care of you. Better than I seem capable of doing. I don’t want to stand in the way of your happiness, so I’m stepping aside. Please know that I will always love you, and if you, or the baby, ever need anything, just call and I’ll be there for you.


  Her heart clenched.

  Having Liam sign the divorce papers is what she’d wanted for such a long time. What she’d hoped for. What she’d thought she’d needed to find her true happiness.

  She burst into tears.

  * * *

  Del walked into the apartment with two bags of groceries.

  “Hi, Abi. How are you feeling?”


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