Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12)

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Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12) Page 9

by Bowles, April

  A part of me knew she was right and it was that part that made me smile. “I know. I couldn’t ask for a better life for us.”

  “And I couldn’t want one. You’ve fulfilled your destiny and have become the most powerful leader of the world and I’m honored to be at your side through it all.”

  We leaned into each other and shared a kiss. She was right. It is who I have become and the world couldn’t have asked for anything different from me. I perfected it and would again through this trying time as long as she was here with me.

  Chapter 20


  Two months have passed since Lamar’s demise. We got to hear a more in depth story about who he really was from our fathers and I was glad he was gone.

  Randal was once again whole when the rebuilding projects were completed and the wounds of the past left no scars. The people too forgot the hardships that were faced during those dreadful hours and were back on the right track to living happy lives in the world’s greatest city.

  The girls received their first mission from Trever and we were on our way to the Silver Gates at northern docks in Seni to catch a ship. This was also their strangest mission. We were headed to Hintus to find someone named Rory but instead if killing him as an Assassin would, Trever wants them to bring him to him. It’s usually something that’s not done but I was glad we were going. I wouldn’t want them to transport a possible dangerous prisoner back to Kalu with just the animal abilities and invisibility to work with. They would need much more than that.

  Our travel was swift and we made it there just as the sun went down and the dock fires were lit.

  “So, which ship is it?” I asked.

  “I’m guessing that one.” Cadence answered as she pointed to a ship.

  She seemed happy about it but it really didn’t seem that special to me. “Who’s our captain this time?”

  “Only the coolest person you’ll ever meet.” Naomi said. “We actually haven’t seen him for a couple years.”

  “Him?” Bryce asked.

  “Yo, Jinx!” Cadence shouted when we approached the ship.

  A man sitting up in the rigging of the main mast looked down. “You came!” He stood up and leaned out over the edge. “I’ll be right down!”

  He grabbed a loose rope to his left and used it to slide down to the deck of the ship. Dirk, Bryce and I looked at each other.

  He was young, maybe our age. I suddenly didn’t like how excited the girls became to see him.

  He approached the top of the gangplank and looked down. “I would have hoped you’d come this way. I’ve missed you.”

  Cadence, Lana and Naomi immediately got down off their horses and ran half way up the gangplank to him.

  “Jinx!” Naomi said excitedly as she jumped into his arms.

  He picked her up to embrace her. “Naomi! Good to see you.” Naomi smiled then stepped aside. “Lana.”

  Lana returned the smile and quickly went into his arms. “You don’t know how much I missed seeing you though I know I haven’t know you as long.”

  Jinx smiled. “Oh, I have an idea. I have that effect on people.”

  Jinx looked over at Cadence next and they both stood there for a moment, looking at each other. “I was glad to hear you’d take us. It’s been a long time.”

  “That it has.” Jinx said as he moved closer to her. “So, are you going to make me beg? I won’t have it, you know?”

  Cadence smiled as she stepped closer to him for a hug.

  “Oh, you brought guests.” He finally noticed us while looking over her shoulder.

  “Yes.” Cadence said. “I hope that’s not a problem.”

  “No. No problem. Are they—”

  “There with us.” Lana cut in.

  Jinx smiled and nodded. “I see. Good for you. So, are you going to introduce us or shall I do it myself?”

  “Don’t you even.” Cadence smiled as she held him back. “We’ll do it.” She turned back and waved us to come over. We only looked at each other first before getting off our horses to walk over with them. “Jinx this is—”

  “I know who they are.” Jinx smiled. “I was just kidding. The Great Seni Fighters are well known by us sea travelers.”

  “Well, then everyone else, this is Jinx.” Cadence said. “He’s—ah—unique.”

  “Hey!” Jinx cut in. “Don’t be down playing me in front of company. As I recall, I’m the one that made those days of torture worth going through so call me what you will but always know that you wouldn’t have survived without me.”

  “He’s got a point.” Naomi smiled as she hung her arm around his neck.

  “Of course I do. I’m proud of that!”

  Cadence sighed. “Okay but you’re still out there.”

  “It’s the only place I’d want to be. So, if we’re done standing out here, talking nonsense, let’s get on board so I can give you the grand tour before we go.”

  “All right.” Cadence said as she took the reins of her horse from me. “But let’s settle the horses in the stables first.”

  “No need.” Jinx replied. “Take them with us.”

  “Really?” Naomi asked.

  “Look at this.” Jinx said as he turned around and looked at the ship. “Are you seeing this?”

  “Yes.” Cadence answered.

  “This isn’t like any ship you’ve ever been on, I bet. I designed and built it myself so it has everything the typical ship would not. Let me show you what I mean and bring the horses.” He started walking up the gangplank and we followed like requested.

  The crew members were going about their duties when they all stopped and looked toward their captain and us when we boarded.

  “At ease, gentlemen. They’re not for you.” Jinx said. “Ready the sails. We leave momentarily.” The crew immediately got back to work and Jinx started to show us around. “Well, welcome to my humble abode. The greatest floating paradise any sea has had the pleasure of sailing. Now, let’s get those horses below deck to their quarters.” Jinx turned from them and looked around. “Maverick! Sparks!”

  Two men hurried to Jinx and stood in front of him. “Captain.”

  “Take these horses down to the stables and be sure they are taken care of.”

  “Right away, captain.” They walked to the horses and took the reins from us.

  “Don’t worry.” Jinx said. “They’ll be fine. Now, back to the tour. The upper deck, where we are currently standing, has the on board galley just to your right with fabulous panoramic views of wherever we happen to be and to your left you’ll find the captain’s office and quarters which are mine.”

  “Obviously.” Cadence muttered.

  Jinx smiled as he continued. “And again to your left, at the stern, is the helm and to your right, at the bow, is the pool.”

  “A pool?” Lana wondered. “You have a pool on this thing?”

  Jinx smiled. “Yeah. You want to see it?”

  “Yeah, I do!”

  “All right, follow me.” Jinx turned and started walking toward the bow. We followed behind him and I looked into the galley as we passed. It was very elegant with the tables in neat rows and chairs perfectly spaced apart. We walked up the stairs to the bow.

  “Wow.” Naomi said.

  It was a very large ‘U’ shape pool with step down stairs going down into the cool clear tranquil waters. The surrounding areas were set for lounging with various sleigh style beds with side tables, designed for basking in the open sun.

  “I know, it is amazing.” Jinx said. “I see many great times happening out here. Now come, I’ll show you to the room you’ll be staying in.”

  “Wait a second.” Cadence interrupted stopping him from turning away. “This is unbelievable. You built this?”


  “You? The one labeled least likely to amount to anything?”

  Jinx laughed. “Oh, now you’re just getting your information from the wrong source. That old witch had it out for me the moment I walke
d through her door but I never let her get to me. It was actually quite funny to watch her try.”

  Naomi laughed to herself. “I remember. You always were persistent in reminding her why she hated you.”

  “And that, my friend, has carried me far since I left. I’m sure she’d turn in her grave to know what has become of me. Now, we’re running a little behind schedule due to this unexpected stop.” Jinx turned and started leading us back down the stairs. “So let’s get you settled in because I have to get this thing out into open water in oh, about five minutes.” Jinx led us below deck, through the narrow corridors. “Here we are.” He opened a door and we entered. “I’ve saved this one especially for you, in hopes you were coming. So, just throw your stuff anywhere and ah, please excuse me while I tend to my station. You’re all welcome to come topside and witness our departure if you’d like.”

  Jinx hurried off before anyone got the chance to reply and we set our stuff down to take a breath.

  “Well, should we go watch?” Cadence asked. I didn’t say anything and I think she’s just noticed that I haven’t in a while. “What’s wrong with you? None of you have said a word since we’ve been here.”

  “Nothing is wrong.” I replied. “There’s just not much we could or want to say.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. We’re fine.”

  “Well, okay. Let’s go then.” She turned around and we followed her out. I was kind of glad when she didn’t drag it out. I wouldn’t really know how to tell her what I really thought. She may have saw him as her friend but I didn’t.

  We reached the upper deck with the intentions to keep our thoughts to ourselves and the crew was rushing around getting things prepared to leave port. I looked up at the helm where we were headed to see Jinx at the wheel barking out orders. “Hoist the starboard and port anchors! We’re ready to make way! Release the sails on the ready!” He saw us. “Marvelous! So, you decided to observe and you’re just in time. You’d better hang on.”

  All at the same time, the crew members let loose the sails and the wind immediately caught them, pushing the ship forward in a single jolt. Jinx stood firm but the rest of us fell forward.

  He laughed. “Haven’t gained your sea legs yet, I see. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it soon enough.”

  “I was not prepared for that.” Naomi said.

  Jinx laughed again. “Hence why I said, hang on. You’re lucky you weren’t thrown farther. I’ve seen it happen.”

  “So, how long will it take us to reach the docks in Hintus?” Cadence asked.

  “Well, I’ve managed to arrange for us to dock in the trading port so we’re closer to the city but it really depends on the weather.” Jinx answered as he handed the wheel off to his helmsmen through conversation. “If it’s in our favor, three days. If not, then longer, who knows? Steady as she goes, Miles. It’s going to be a long night. I want a firm hand holding at all times.”

  “As always, captain.”

  Jinx smiled and put his focus back on us. “Well, there it is.” He looked back to the shore and we did too. “The last land you’ll see for a few days at least.”

  Lana groaned. “Don’t say that.”

  Jinx laughed as he started down the stairs to the upper deck. “Come. You all must be famished from your journey. I’m sure we have something to satisfy your appetite prepared in the galley.”

  We walked in and all sat down at a table together. Some other crew members came out and gave us all something to eat. He was right. We traveled all day to get here and we were hungry. I wouldn’t think that he’d find it odd to see us start to eat right away but he leaned into Cadence anyway.

  “Are your guys always this talkative or do you just bring them along for the mere joy to look at?” Cadence held her breath for a moment as Lana and Naomi tried to hold back from laughing. “What? It sounds like something you’d do.”

  “Well, why don’t you ask them?” Cadence said, looking over at me. “I’m sure they’ll give you a respectable response.”

  “So, they are capable of speaking.” Jinx smiled. “That’s good to know I wouldn’t be talking to myself all the time but I must say, I’m a bit disappointed. I half expected more from ones so great.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Dirk wondered as he put his fork down and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms and showing off his tense muscles.

  “Dirk!” Lana cut in.

  “Ooh, we have a feisty one among us.” Jinx smiled. “That’s always fun but I meant no disrespect. I merely noticed that you three have been unresponsive since you arrived as I anticipated more.”

  “See!” Cadence said as she turned to me. “Didn’t I say that to you earlier? What has gotten into you?”

  “Nothing. Like I said, we’re fine.”

  “Really?” Naomi wondered. “Because you do seem a little not like yourselves.”

  “What?” Bryce reacted. “What would make you say that? Everything is fine.”

  “Honestly?” Lana wondered. “You don’t have a problem being here?”

  “No. No problem unless you want to make this a problem.” Dirk said. “Then that’s when we could definitely have a problem with it.”

  There was a pause as everyone looked at Dirk due to his long response. I think a simple no would have been good enough.

  “Oh, hold that thought.” Jinx said as he looked out the window. He got up from his chair and stood on the outside of the galley door. “That’s enough northing, Miles! Set our course direct west!”

  “Aye, captain! Direct west!”

  Jinx nodded and walked back to his chair and was about to sit down when another member of the crew came to the door. “Captain.”

  Jinx remained standing as he looked up and the man held up a scroll. “Oh, yes. If you’ll excuse me, I have some other business to attend to.”

  “Of course.” Cadence replied. “We understand. Right everyone?”

  “Yes.” We all answered.

  Jinx smiled. “It’s getting late anyway so I’ll just see you in the morning then. As I’m sure we have plenty to catch up on.”

  He leaned down to Cadence and they kissed each other’s cheeks. “See you tomorrow.”

  Jinx nodded as he left the galley and headed to his office. The rest of us stayed behind for a while longer and finished our dinner then returned below deck to our room for the night. I was glad of it. This trip wasn’t going to end fast enough.

  Chapter 21


  I should have predicted it. Seth wasn’t fine. He clearly didn’t want to be here. So, to save ourselves from a fight, we left the guys asleep the next morning and headed to the upper deck. It was a bright sunny day with clear blue skies as far as the eyes could see and no clouds in sight.

  I took a nice deep breath just to breathe it all in. “What a day? It’s so beautiful out.”

  “It really is.” Naomi replied.

  Lana smiled. “Even despite where we are, I’ll even have to agree.”

  We headed to the helm, thinking Jinx would be up there but Miles was still the one at the wheel. “Morning, ladies.”

  “Morning Miles.” I smiled. “Have you seen Jinx around?”

  “The captain is pool side at the moment. You can find him there.”

  “Thank you.”

  We walked back across the upper deck, passed the galley and up the stairs on the other side. Jinx was lounging alone on one of the sleigh beds but saw us. “Good morning! Come join me!”

  “I’m afraid we’re a little over dressed.” I said, seeing him in just his shorts.

  “No worries. You can still sit out here with me.”

  We smiled and got out of as much as we could to sit with him under this warm sun. Naomi laid on his left with her back up against the back support like he was with her knees brought into her chest. Lana laid on his right on her back with her legs up over the back support and I laid directly across from him between his legs with my feet resting up on hi
s stomach.

  “So, what have you been up to since the war?” Lana asked.

  Jinx held out his hands and looked around. “Well.”

  “Oh, right. I should have known that but is that all?”

  Jinx sighed like even he was disappointed in it as he started giving me a foot massage. “Pretty much but what about you? You must have been living well just by the companions you brought with you. You know you want to brag about it. Well, go ahead. I’m listening.”

  “It’s been fun.” Naomi answered. “And kind of nice to always have them around.”

  “I’d say.” Jinx replied. “But do they always act like that?”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “Like they were last night. They seemed out of step a little for how I imagined them.”

  “No. They’re not always like that. I don’t really know what was wrong with them.”

  “I don’t think they like me.”

  “Oh, don’t say that.” Naomi cut in. “They wouldn’t have any reason to hate you. They don’t even know you.”

  “And yet I was sensing a strange vibe from them but I don’t know what it could be from.”

  “Well, let’s find out.” I said.


  “They’re right there, watching us.” I could see behind them and Seth, Dirk and Bryce were standing at the top of the stairs. Lana, Naomi and Jinx got wide eyes as they paused there but didn’t say a word. I didn’t know what was going to happen but Seth didn’t look very happy and I guess, looking at the situation, he had a right to be.

  Chapter 22


  “What are they doing?” Bryce asked. “Is this a joke?”

  I was asking the same question in my head but came up with no rational response.

  “No joke.” Dirk replied. “It looks like he’s making a move on them.”

  “We can’t let this continue.” I said. “We must fight back.”

  “So, how do we do that without making the girls hate us? We can’t just kill him, even though I’d like to.”


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