Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12)

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Despairing Tides (Fate's Intent Book 12) Page 12

by Bowles, April

“Come with me.” Bryce said.

  She nodded and clung to his side.

  “Now, you all know what to do, so do it!”

  They all hurried off to their positions. Dirk took a hold of the second helm, behind Jinx and could probably feel it trying to sway but kept it barring straight.

  Cadence climbed the mainmast and stood at the masthead as she put her hands together straight out in front of her to push the wind out around the ship.

  Bryce ran up to the bowsprit with Naomi and looked out through the storm to know how far we had to get before we were clear. “We’ve got three miles ahead of us, Seth!”

  “Okay! Lana, speed this thing up! We’ve got a lot of ocean to cover!”

  Lana nodded and went into the galley where she quickly stripped down before diving into the water, turning herself into a whale. She swam directly under the ship in a vertical circle, creating a water current that moved the ship forward.

  I stayed on deck and held one hand palm down out in front of me, calming the waves and my other hand palm up, above my head, keeping us from getting even more soaked from the rain.

  “We’re not going quick enough!” Bryce said. “We need more speed if we’re going to make it out of this in one piece!”

  I kept my hands in position and thought of what to do.

  “Lower the sails!” Jinx shouted. I looked back, still not moving my hands. “If you lower the sails, you can cast them into the wind to pick up speed!”

  I nodded and looked up. “Cadence, lower the sails! We must quicken this voyage!”

  “I can’t! If I let go of the wind while taking down the sails, who knows where it will bring us! You’ll have to do it! Just let go of the rain and you can get it done faster!”

  I agreed and brought down the hand I had raised over my head. The rain fell onto us now. I kept my other hand tending to the waves and used one of my gifts to bring down all sails at once.

  I tied them all down then put up my hand above my head again, blocking the rain. “Okay, Cadence! Direct the wind into the sails! We’re going for it!” She nodded and I looked up at Dirk and Jinx. “Keep it steady and be ready!”

  They nodded just as Cadence turned the wind into the sails and the ship started to move forward with even more speed.

  We managed to get through the storm much quicker now that the sails were down and soon drifted into blue skies.

  I sighed in relief to see the storm continuing to move east and us safely out of it. I finally got to put my arm down and let the blood flow through it as everyone abandoned their stations and walked up to the helm.

  “Well done, everyone.” I said. “We made it out alive.”

  “Where’s Lana?” Bryce asked.

  Dirk immediately let go of the second helm and looked over the starboard rail. “Lana!”

  There was no answer and no movement in the water.

  “Where is she?” Cadence asked as she looked over the edge with Dirk.

  “There!” Naomi pointed just off port side. Lana breached out of the water, turning herself from a whale to a bird and flew back onto the ship. Naomi put Lana’s clothes on the deck and she burrowed inside them. “It’s about time. We thought we lost you.”

  Lana laughed while turning back into her human form. “I’m all right. The storm wasn’t so bad underwater.”

  “Lucky you.” I said.

  The others laughed.

  “Okay. I guess I shouldn’t have doubted you.” Jinx said.

  “All is forgiven. Let’s just keep moving.”

  Bryce stepped up on the shrouds on the starboard side and leaned out over the water, looking to the west. “Our run in with the storm put us ahead of schedule! At this rate, we can make it to the docks by nightfall!”

  Jinx smiled. “Perfect but I hope you know what you’re doing when we arrive. I hear it’s not going to be easy.”

  “We have an idea.” Cadence answered. “But nothing substantially planned yet.”

  “Well, don’t you think you should be doing that? I may have some information you can use.”

  “What?” Naomi wondered.

  “Hang on.” Jinx said. “Miles, take over!” Miles came up from below deck and approached Jinx on the helm. “Keep us gearing direct west. We’ll make berth by nightfall.”

  “Aye, captain. Direct west.”

  “Come with me and I’ll tell you.” Jinx walked passed us and started down the stairs while we followed and into his office. He sat down at his desk and we all took a seat on the couch. “So. I didn’t receive all the details but as urgent as the King sounded I must assume you’re going to Hintus to bring back Rory. Am I right?”

  “Yes, but how did you know?” Cadence wondered.

  “Well, there’s no question as to why Trever would want him. He just became King and needs his son to take up his royal duty as Prince.”

  “What?!” That’s how we all reacted.

  “You didn’t know?”

  “No.” I answered.

  Jinx laughed. “Wow, you don’t get out much or word just travels faster by sea.”

  “So, all this time, Trever had a son?” Dirk wondered.

  “It makes more sense with all the secrets.” Bryce said. “But my mother is going to be so pissed that he didn’t tell her. How old is he?”

  “He’s young.” Jinx answered. “By now he’s got to be—oh, I’d say, probably only about fifteen almost sixteen.”

  “So, he’s just a kid.” Naomi said. “Well, this shouldn’t be too hard.”

  Jinx laughed to himself. “Yeah, you’re going to wish that were true. Rory’s got a mouth on him that continuously gets him into trouble but has yet to learn from any of it. He’s going to see this as a kidnapping not a rescue.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing we can’t handle.” I said.

  “Then you better hope you keep a sharp eye on him at all times. The second he sees your eyes averted from his, he’ll make a run for it but after the things I just saw, I’m sure you’ll make him wish he didn’t try it.” Everyone laughed. “So, do you know where to look?”

  “Not really, no.” Cadence answered. “But let me guess, you do?”

  “Of course. Here, I’ll show you.” He got up from his desk and walked over to a wooden rack holding rolled up maps. “Okay, let’s see here. Randal. Dorlin. Nindor. Talin, no. Ah, here we are. The great city of Canbell.” He took out the map and went back over to his desk. “Well, you’re not going to see it from way over there.” Everyone looked at each other then we got up and stood in front of his desk. “Here.” He pointed to the location on the map. “This used to be the old brewery on the south side of town, just a mere stroll from the palace. It’s abandoned now but Rory has somehow managed to find a use for it, perish the thought.”

  “So, that doesn’t look like it would be too hard to get to.” I said.

  “Good.” Cadence replied. “We should ready our things so we’re prepared to leave the moment we dock. I want to make this a quick grab and get out.”

  “Then let us hope that’s all it’ll take.” Jinx said.

  We had Dirk. It would be.

  Chapter 25


  Darkness fell and the fires at the Hintin trading port were visible from a distance at sea.

  “There it is.” Jinx said as we all stood at the bowsprit. “I hope you’re ready for this.”

  “More than.” I replied.

  The others followed me to the upper deck.

  “All hands to post!” Jinx shouted as the crew started to hurry around. “Raise sails and be ready to drop anchor! We’re coming in steadily, boys!”

  The crew got right to their orders and the sails were lifted in no time and the anchors dropped. The ship began to slow down almost to a stop and did just as we reached our desired position at the docks.

  “Maverick! Sparks! Retrieve our guest’s horses then lower the gangplank and take them ashore!”

  “Aye, captain.”

  They hurried off b
elow deck and brought up our six horses as other members from the crew lowered the gangplank down to the pier. They took them off the ship and I turned to Jinx. “Have a room prepared for our royal guest. We’ll be returning soon.”

  “Will do. Be careful.”

  I nodded and we kissed each other’s cheek before the rest of us walked ashore.

  “Thank you.” Seth said as we took our horses. “We’ll take it from here.”

  They nodded and walked back to the ship. Everyone got on their horse and we started to ride up the road toward Canbell.

  It’s been a while I had to admit but I had to firstly stay focused on what we came to do.

  We went through the gates and made our way to the abandoned brewery not far from there where Jinx showed us. We saw lights and heard noises inside when we got there and we got off our horses. We walked up to the door and I tried to open it but it was locked. I looked back at Dirk and he nodded. Everyone stepped away from the door as he stepped up to it and kicked it down. Dust flew everywhere and he stepped through the door. It got quiet at that moment and when the dust cleared, we saw just three standing inside.

  “Which one of you is Rory?” Dirk asked.

  There was a pause as two of them stepped back and both pushed the green-eyed, blonde haired one forward at the same time. “He is.”

  He most certainly was. He looked exactly like Trever.

  “Hey!” Rory shouted as he held up his hands. “If this is about the money, I swear to you, you’ll get it. I just need more time.”

  “This isn’t about money.” Seth said. “You two out.” Rory’s friends didn’t question it and quickly left through the broken down door. “We were sent to escort you back to Kalu and to Dorlin.”

  “What the fuck is in Dorlin that wants me so badly to send so many of you?”

  “Your father.” Bryce answered.

  The kid laughed. “My father?” He continued to laugh as we looked around at each other and back to him. “Oh, you’re serious. Well, then this isn’t an escort. You’re here to capture me but I’m sorry to tell you that that’s exactly what you’re going to have to do.” He quickly broke to his left and started running.

  “Seth!” I shouted.

  Seth used his speed and ran in front of Rory as he was looking back and he ran right into him, falling to the floor. He looked up with shock. “What are you?”

  Seth got a smile on his face as he leaned down to him. “Capturing you. It was easy.” Rory tried to get away again but Seth quickly grabbed him and held both his arms behind his back. “Let’s go.”

  He walked Rory back to us and I smiled. “So, thought you could get away but we knew that’s something you would do. Tie him up. We’re leaving.”

  Seth handed him off to Lana and she started to tie his hands behind his back. “Ooh, I could get used to this.”

  Lana pulled the rope tight and he flinched. “Don’t count on it, kid.”

  She pushed him towards the door and he stumbled to keep his feet. “All right, I’m going. Gees. You don’t have to be so damn pushy.”

  We walked outside and got back on our horses except Dirk tossed Rory up on his horse and started walking him back to the gates.

  “So, you still believe you’re taking me to my father?” Rory wondered.

  “That’s because we are.” Naomi replied.

  “You only think that but I, in fact, will not allow you to take me there. So, you can just think whatever you want but it’s not happening.”

  “Oh, it surely is.” I said. “I don’t think you understand how dire this situation is.”

  “Oh, I understand. You’re taking me to my death but I would much rather die before we get there, thanks.”

  “Is that a request?” Dirk stopped his horse and turned to Rory.

  Rory had a scared look on his face now.

  “Dirk, no.” Seth said. “And we’re not bringing you to your death, Rory. Your father needs you.”

  “Needs me? What does that mean, he needs me? Is this some kind of joke? You’re joking.”

  “You really don’t know, do you?” Bryce asked.

  “Know what?”

  “Who you’re father is.”

  Rory laughed. “I know who my father is. So he works for the King, so what? That’s nothing special.”

  “No, he is the King.” Naomi cut in.

  Rory had a confused look on his face again. “What? My father is King? So, that would make me—”

  “A Prince.” I sighed.

  Rory smiled. “Ooh, you want me now, don’t you? I can tell.”

  I laughed and looked over. “Sorry, kid. I have my own Prince and believe me, it’s not you.”

  Rory returned the laugh. “Oh, yeah right. Like I’m going to fall for that.”

  “Well, you should because it’s me.” Seth said.

  “And who the fuck are you?”

  Everyone looked around at each other then back at him.

  “You really don’t know who any of us are do you?” Lana asked.

  “Should I? You look like a bunch of psycho kidnappers to me.”

  Dirk laughed. “You see the girls?”

  “Why, are you blind?”

  “They’re the Kalu Assassins.”

  Rory’s eyes got wide.

  “And the guys?” Naomi asked. “Who do you think they might be?”

  “Whoa. I don’t believe it.”

  “Now, you see what we mean?” Seth asked.

  “I sure do. I must be a highly important person to have the six of you after me.”

  Everyone just sighed. It didn’t seem like we were going to get anywhere with him at the moment.

  “How about you just stop talking until we get you back to your father?” Dirk asked.

  “How about you make me, big guy?” Rory replied kicking his foot into Dirk’s shoulder.

  Dirk was getting mad as he stopped and turned around to Rory, grabbing his throat as his eyes flashed red and fire rose off his hair. “This will make you stop.”

  “Shit, that’s cool.” Rory muttered to himself.

  “Dirk, no!” I shouted. “Leave him be!”

  Dirk let loose his grip around Rory’s neck and turned forward.

  “That’s some valuable information.” Rory said. “None of you are allowed to hurt me, are you? I can use that.”

  “Don’t push us, kid.” I said. “If you get too out of hand, we’ll use force, regardless of who your father is.”

  Rory didn’t say another word and we reached the gates, starting back to the docks.

  “Well, here we are.” Bryce said. “The ship that waits to carry you home.”

  Rory’s mouth dropped when he saw it. “That’s what we’re traveling on?”

  “Yes.” I answered. “And there should be a room with your name on it.”

  “You mean a prison cell.” Rory muttered.

  Seth laughed. “Oh, if you’re lucky.”

  Rory got wide eyes as Dirk laughed too and pulled the horse forward onto the ship.

  “Welcome back.” Jinx said to greet us. “I see you’ve manage to obtain our precious cargo.”

  Rory looked over and sighed. “Oh, no! Not you! You’re sailing this thing?!”

  “Surprise! Don’t feel too downhearted. You’re stay here will surely be unnoticed.”

  Rory sighed and put is head down. “This can’t be happening. I can’t be here with him.”

  “I see you’ve met before.” I smiled as I leaned into Jinx.

  “Unfortunately, yes. This little fool thought he was going to get away with one of my ships but a year ago.”

  “And I would have if you ever left the thing. It was in port nearly four days and you never stepped foot on land.”

  “Land doesn’t agree with me. Now, let’s get you stowed away to your room.”

  “Gladly.” Dirk pulled Rory right down off his horse.

  “Hey! Watch it! Don’t make me tell my father about this.”

  “Go right ahead.
I’m sure he knows how much of a pain you are. He’ll understand.”

  Rory didn’t say anything but fought the whole way down to his room. We stopped in front of the door and Jinx opened it. “Here we are. Enjoy!”

  Dirk untied Rory’s hands and pushed him inside, slamming the door shut behind him and locked it. “Is this any way to treat royalty?! I’d hate to see how you’d treat a normal person!”

  We laughed and started to walk back to the upper deck.

  “He’s something else, isn’t he?” Dirk asked.

  “Told you.” Jinx smiled. “I think he’ll do just fine. Now, we’ll begin our journey back in the morning but for now, we could use the rest.”

  “That’s fair.” I said. “So, it’s still early, how about we go ashore and have a night on the town?”

  Lana smiled. “That sounds like a good plan. Would you like to join us, Jinx?”

  “No, thanks. Someone should stay here and watch the kid. I’ll be ready for him to make an escape.”

  “All right.” I said as we got back on our horses. “We’ll be back in time to sail to Kalu.”

  Jinx nodded and we rode off the ship, back to the city but I kind of had other plans about what we were going to do.

  “Why don’t you guys head to the market and see the sights?” I suggested.

  “Why? What are you going to do?” Seth asked.

  “I was thinking about possibly going to see my father. It’s been quite a few years.”

  “Oh, why don’t we just go with you?”

  “Yeah, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” Dirk wondered.

  “He hates everyone. I wouldn’t want something to happen and something will if he finds out who you are. I don’t think he knew that we were going to know about us being together.”

  “Well, you should at least go.” Naomi said. “We can just stay outside.”

  “All right. Come on.” The others nodded as they followed me up to the palace doors. I took a deep breath while handing my reins off to Lana and got off my horse. “I should only be a minute.”

  They nodded as I took another deep breath and walked inside. My father, King Wyatt, was sitting in his throne as I approached.

  He had a strange look on his face but I kneeled in front of him anyway and bowed my head. “Father.”


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