Mated_Their Vampire Princess

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Mated_Their Vampire Princess Page 4

by Harlow Thomas

  Smoke fills the house, flames licking up the wood walls, destroying everything in their path. I find Miller first, slumped over the kitchen bar, blood on his temple and his body limp. He’s alive, I can see the slow pulse in his neck and relief courses through me.

  “Get him out, Thomas.” The man doesn’t argue. He throws Miller over his shoulder and makes his way toward the door.

  The sound of coughing catches my ear and I rush toward it. It has to be Garrett. Please let it be him. My dark haired love is getting to his feet, his left eye swollen shut and a bruise marring his jaw.

  “Are you all right?” I ask.

  He nods and looks around. There’s a terrifying amount of fire around us. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Where’s Sebastian?”

  He shakes his head. “He’s not here. I haven’t seen him since this afternoon.”

  Running for the door, we barely make it out before a beam collapses behind us and the entire home is engulfed in the blaze.

  There’s no one around aside from the four of us as we stand outside the burning remains of our only sense of stability.

  Sebastian’s voice rings out in the distance. “Felicity! What’s going on?” He’s running to us, I can hear the cracking of twigs under his feet and the rustle of leaves. “Oh my God.” He breaks through the line of trees and panicked eyes meet mine. As soon as he sees me a sigh escapes him. “You’re okay. Fuck. I saw the flames from the brook. How did this happen?”

  “Three guys from the village broke in and knocked us out. They must’ve set the place on fire after.” Garrett winces as he speaks, as though it hurts to move his jaw.

  I stare down at Miller, his skin a waxy pale and breaths labored. “Sebastian, you have to heal Miller. He still hasn’t woken up. I think…” My stomach turns before I can utter the words. “I think he’s hurt too badly to recover on his own.”

  Sebastian’s blue eyes meet mine and he nods before kneeling next to Miller’s still form. Laying his hands on Miller’s forehead, Sebastian breathes deep and begins to work his magic.

  Chapter 12

  “We need to find shelter,” I say, stating the obvious while Sebastian recovers from healing Miller.

  “But where can we go? Those men who attacked us were from my village. They knew who I was. That means by now, Diana knows where we are. She probably has spies watching for one of us in each of our towns.” Miller runs a hand over his jaw while he stares at the ground. I know what he’s thinking, not because I can read his mind, but because it’s what I’d said before Garrett left.

  “You never should have sold those amulets. I told you it was dangerous.”

  Garrett’s dark gaze snaps up to find mine. “We had to eat, Felicity. Humans can’t survive on blood alone. Have you forgotten that you haven’t turned us all?”

  The anger in his words hits like a slap across my cheek. It burns and stings. “We could have found food a different way, made a better plan, something that would have allowed Thomas and me to protect you.”

  “You can’t keep us safe. That’s the point. You are dead to the world for half the day now. We can’t rely on you anymore. It’s our job to keep you alive while you sleep.” Garrett paces, his hands shoved in his pockets, brow furrowed in frustration. “It’s just damn lucky those idiots didn’t come sooner. If you hadn’t woken when you did, we’d all be dead with the exception of Sebastian.”

  A pained look crosses Sebastian’s handsome features. “Except, if I’d been in the house, maybe we could have stopped them. Three against three is better odds.”

  Garrett shrugs. “It’s over now, nothing we can do but move forward. Together.” He says the last word with a pointed edge, driving home the fact that we’re a unit.

  “Where do we go from here?” Sebastian asks. He still looks a little weary from healing Miller, but he’s on his feet and there’s some color in his cheeks.

  “I know a place,” Thomas says, but there’s something in his tone that makes me think it might not be entirely safe. “We won’t be found unless we leave, but it’s…different from this realm.”

  “Where?” I ask.

  “The Shadow Court.”

  My stomach twists in equal parts terrified anticipation and eagerness. I’ve heard rumors of the fae Shadow Court, whispers of their powers and delights, of the dangers they pose to humans and vampires alike. “Why would we go there?”

  Thomas trains his emerald green gaze on mine. “Because my uncle is the king.”

  I don’t know what to say. Thomas hasn’t been one hundred percent honest with me if he left out an important detail like that. He’s not just a human with fae blood. He’s fae royalty. “Thomas, if they find out I turned you…they’ll chain me up in silver and never let me out. Turning a royal is considered an act of war.”

  “I won’t tell them if you won’t.”

  “Don’t you think they’ll know?”

  “I’m sure they will know I’m a vampire now, but as far as I’m concerned, Diana turned me. You were trying to save my life.” He takes my hands and pulls me close, that penetrating stare touching my soul. “And that’s exactly what I’ll say if they push me. I owe my existence to you. Without you, I’d be gone.”

  He leans in and brushes his lips to mine, just a light touch, enough to let me know he needs me. “I couldn’t let anything happen to you,” I whisper through a throat thick with tears. Now is not the time to cry, but the memory of him dying on the stairs is still fresh.

  His arms tighten around me, sending comfort and love rushing over me like the tide. I let the walls down between our minds just enough to show him how good he makes me feel, how much he means to me, and how desperately I love him.

  Taking a deep breath, I pull away from him and look at the three men standing next to us. “How does a trip to the Shadow Court sound to you?” I ask.

  Garrett glances to the men on either side of him. “It’s better than Diana finding us.”

  Miller nods and Sebastian offers a light shrug before saying, “I’m game. I’ve always wanted to see what the faerie realm looked like.”

  “It’s really not that different from this world,” Thomas says, threading my fingers with his and leading us forward. “It’s the fae who are different.”

  An ominous tension settles over our group at his statement. Are we just walking from one danger to the next? Glancing back to the smoldering remnants of the house we’d thought our saving grace, I realize it’s a chance worth taking.

  Chapter 13

  We walk in silence, my four princes surrounding me, guarding me even though in the dark of night, I’m the most terrifying thing out here. Thomas leads us through a seemingly endless path of twists and turns, and before long, I begin to worry he doesn’t know where we’re going. But, as we reach the crest of a hill, I see it. A small circle of low stones. It almost looks like a makeshift hearth one might throw together to make a campfire.

  “Thomas?” I ask. I’ve never seen a faerie circle, but I’m pretty sure that’s what this is.

  “Only my blood will open the portal.”

  I hear Miller behind me, his whispered, “Blood magic,” making my skin crawl with fear. This is dark and ancient. But Thomas is more vampire than human or fae now. It might not even work.

  Thomas takes the short dagger offered by Garrett and slices his palm, walking around the stones and letting his blood drip over them. With each drop the rocks begin to glow a soft blue, gradually getting brighter as the seconds pass. “The faerie circles are made as a way for the fae to get in and out of the realm. There’s a reason humans and other creatures don’t ever just wander into Faerie. The courts of all four kingdoms cast a blood ward on every entry point. Fae blood is the only key.”

  Returning his knife to Garrett, Thomas takes my hand and holds his other out to Miller. “We all have to be touching for you to get through.” Sebastian rests his palm on Thomas’ shoulder while Garrett grips my vampire prince’s forearm, and together we
step over the glowing blue stones.

  My head spins and stomach drops as we reach the center of the circle and step over the other side. At first I wonder if it worked. Our surroundings look the same, except the scene in front of us seems blurred, like gauze is covering everything and giving it softer edges. Thomas releases us and walks forward, taking one hand and parting the scene before us as though it was a curtain. That’s when I see it. The faerie realm. We walk through and everything is different but the same. The colors are richer, brighter, more vibrant. The sun is a golden glow rising on the horizon immediately sending panic through me, until I realize that like my time on the island, this sun isn’t affecting me. I’m not burning, not dying, not weakened.

  “Why wouldn’t the sun hurt us here?” I ask, my gaze focused on Thomas.

  “I’m not sure.”

  We make our way farther in, and I hope we can find some kind of shelter soon. My hunger is rising, that desperate desire to feed and fuck growing with every step. I’m sure Thomas needs to feed as well. It’s been longer than usual for both of us. “Do you know where we’re going?” I try for a light and easy tone, not wanting to betray my need, but I’m fairly sure I fail.

  “The palace. My aunt and uncle will give us shelter—I hope.”

  “You hope?” Sebastian scoffs.

  “I haven’t seen them since I was very young. My mother is half fae, but she chose to live her life as a human with my father. She was shunned by her fae family after that. Once you leave, you don’t return.”

  “So it’s likely they’ll send us packing? Great.”

  I stiffen at the annoyance in Sebastian’s tone. “He’s doing everything he can to help keep us safe. Diana can’t reach us here. For now, we’re out of imminent danger.”

  As we continue on our path I fight my hunger, feeling dizzy and sick all at the same time. “I need to feed,” I say softly. “It’s too strong. I’m sorry. I have to stop.” The hunger turns to nausea, building rapidly in my stomach, the need to retch taking hold and sending me into the bushes. There’s nothing in my belly to purge, but the waves of sickness roll through me anyway.

  A gentle palm runs over my back, rubbing soothing circles while the other hand holds my hair back. It’s Sebastian, I can sense him.

  “Shh,” he murmurs. “It’s okay. Let me heal whatever is making you so sick, princess.”

  Another rush of nausea clutches me, sending me to my knees as my head begins to pound. “Please,” I say through a raspy throat. “Make it go away.”

  I’ve never felt this ill, not even when I’d been poisoned by silver. Fear stabs at my mind when I think of what could be causing this. Had those men done something else while we slept? Had they poisoned me?

  “Close your eyes,” Sebastian says.

  Garrett gathers me into his arms, settling us on the ground. I lean into him and do as Sebastian asks. The world stops spinning when I don’t have to focus on anything, but my stomach is still rolling like a ship in a storm. I feel Sebastian’s palm settle on my forehead, hear his sharp intake of breath, then a blinding light engulfs me and I lose consciousness.

  Chapter 14


  I carry her in my arms, terror gripping me as we rush toward the castle on the horizon. Sebastian’s face is grim and pale, as though trying to heal her took everything out of him, but she’s worse than before.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Garrett asks. They’re running behind me, trying to keep up, but failing. I should slow to a human pace, but I can’t. My love is hurting and I need to get her to a place where she can be tended to. My uncle must have some kind of magic that can help her.

  “Sebastian, why isn’t she better?” I hear Miller say, but the man in question doesn’t answer. I don’t think he’s being evasive. He doesn’t know.

  We reach the gate and, holding my princess tight with one arm, I bang on the on the solid metal causing a booming rattle to echo around us. Nothing happens. No one comes to investigate. Nothing. Desperation claws at me as Felicity lays limp in my grip.

  “Blood,” Garrett says as he approaches. He hands me the knife and I relinquish Felicity into his care.

  Slicing into my palm for the second time tonight, I press my hand to the sealed wall of steel. The same glow that appeared on the stones begins to radiate from where my blood touches the gate. A blue line grows, running from top to bottom, and the gate creaks open. Relief sags my shoulders, and I glance back at the men I’ve begun to consider my brothers rather than rivals. We’ve been through too much to fight one another.

  They follow me inside, Garrett still holding our princess tight in his grasp. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m sure I’ll have a lot to explain to my uncle when I see him. The palace is all stones and vines, with open archways leading to halls and staircases. I can only assume our unwitting host will be alerted of our presence sooner rather than later.

  I’m right. A striking woman with silver hair that tumbles to her waist approaches, her cloud gray gown flowing around her like it has a mind of its own.

  “Vampire. Your kind is not welcome here,” she says, her voice smooth as silk.

  I drop to one knee and bow my head, a gesture of respect and trust. She needs to understand I’m not here to harm her. “I’m sorry for the intrusion, but I’m here to see my uncle, King Soren. We’re in danger and seek refuge among my family.”

  She takes a long breath, scenting me. “You are fae. But…you’re turned. They’ve tainted you.”

  “It’s a long story. Please, take us to my uncle. My wife, my love, she’s ill.”

  The woman cocks a perfectly shaped silver eyebrow. “Wife?”

  “I am her chosen.”

  Garrett steps forward with Felicity held close to him. “We all are.”

  “This is the princess of the Night Court? We heard rumors she’d been charged with treason.”

  “She’s ours,” I say.

  “And you think the Shadow Court should help you? Vampires are vicious creatures who would sooner drain the fae than align with us.”

  I rise and stare her down. “I can assure you, the last thing Felicity wants to do is drain you. She will change the world for the better. She’s destined for it.”

  “Your name?”

  “Thomas Maxon. Son of Irina, sister of King Soren.”

  She shakes her head. “She left court. She’s no longer our sister.”

  Our? “Please take me to see my uncle. Even if it is to have him throw us to the mercy of the human world, I need to try and get Felicity help.”

  The woman shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “Why should I?”

  “Saskia, that’s quite enough from you.” A booming voice fills the courtyard where we stand and a man in glowing gold emerges from an archway. He’s tall and lean with emerald green eyes that match mine—and my mother’s. A crown of what looks like shards of black glass sits atop his head. King Soren. My uncle.

  “Uncle,” I say, dropping to my knee once again. “Forgive my unannounced arrival, but we are in need of your help.”

  “Rise, Thomas. You are welcome, all of you. I must apologize for my sister’s behavior. There has been…unrest amid the court since we heard of the Night Court’s downfall.”

  I stand and stare at my uncle in awe. He’s everything my mother said and I know that means he could strike me down with one blow, but he won’t. He’s good and kind.

  “Saskia, leave us.” He dismisses her without a backward glance, but I see the anger burning in her gaze.

  “You’re leaving us open to an attack. The rebels will see this as a weakness, brother.”

  “That’s enough.” His voice is strong and sure. “We’ll provide you with whatever you need, nephew. Your bride will be seen to by our healers, and as long as you’re here with us, consider the fae your friends.”

  I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. “Thank you.”

  A servant appears after King Soren gives a single snap of his finger
s. He directs the man to lead us to the chambers that will be ours for the remainder of our stay. As we walk in, Garrett immediately places Felicity on the bed, brushing her long hair away from her face. She moans and frowns, pain etched on her brow.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t heal her. I don’t know what’s wrong,” Sebastian says. “If something happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  I cross the room, knowing full well how strong his disdain is for me, but I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze. “It’s not your fault. They have strong magic here. Whatever is happening, they’ll be able to help.”

  The anguish in his eyes is mirrored in my heart. I can only hope my words are true. When the door opens and a short, round woman with a kind wizened face walks in, I recognize her for what she is immediately. She’s the healer.

  “Let me see the princess,” she says, bustling past us. We all stand around the bed, watching, unwilling to leave our Felicity alone with anyone.

  The healer sits on the mattress next to her, hands hovering over Felicity’s heart and forehead before frowning and drawing her palms lower. She runs them over Felicity’s entire form, head to toe before taking a shuddering breath.

  “She has the blood of the fae in her.” Her eyes are closed and she shakes her head. “And that of a healer, a seer, a telepath.”

  “She’s fed from us all,” Miller supplies.

  “I can not heal her.”

  My chest aches at her announcement. “No, you have to.”

  “I can not heal what isn’t sick. She needs to feed, to rest, and to care for the precious gift she’s carrying.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This woman is carrying a fae child.”

  Chapter 15


  Felicity is pregnant. With Thomas’ child. The healer’s words wash over me and I don’t know what to feel. It shouldn’t be possible for Thomas to get her pregnant. He’s a vampire. That’s why they need humans for the Choosing.


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