TAKEN! Box Set - Books 7-12

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TAKEN! Box Set - Books 7-12 Page 4

by Donald Wells

  When he poured the gasoline, he divided it equally between the trunk and the car’s interior. After motioning Jessica away, he reached inside and pushed in the cigarette lighter. Once it was hot, he took several steps back and tossed it into the trunk.

  The gas ignited in a great Whoosh and they got into her car and drove towards home.

  Jessica glanced over at him.

  “Are you okay?”


  “Did he give you a name?”

  “Yes,” he said, and then he told her who wanted her dead.

  Upon hearing the name, she nearly swerved off the road, but then she recovered and returned to the middle of the lane.

  “What do we do now?”

  He looked out into the gathering gloom of an early winter’s eve and uttered five words.

  “This time we kill him.”

  Jessica nodded in solemn agreement, and then made a left and pulled back onto the highway.



  When she was twenty, Jessica White was the receptionist for a psychiatrist who ran a private practice in the city of Boston. Dr. Caroline Harte was a friend of Jessica’s father and her list of patients was not only substantial, but also tended to be wealthy.

  Dr. Harte took Jessica under her wing and the pre-med student learned as much by working for her as she did from any of her professors.

  Dr. Harte was forty-six, happily married, and the mother of four children who ranged in age from eight to seventeen. Although she looked her age, the doctor was still beautiful, and her flaming red hair and large green eyes attracted as much attention as her curvaceous figure did.

  One person who found her irresistible, was a young man named Gregory Zubek.

  Zubek was the only child of Karl Zubek, a Polish immigrant who had come to this country with a mere twenty million dollars and at the time of Gregory’s... troubles, was on the verge of becoming a billionaire.

  Karl Zubek was seventy-one, and Gregory was the product of a union with his third wife, a British citizen, who fled back to London five years after Gregory was born. When she departed, she took a multi-million dollar settlement with her, but left behind her son.

  Sandra Zubek, Gregory’s mother, was, like Dr. Harte, a voluptuous redhead with green eyes.

  This simple coincidence would seal Dr. Harte’s fate.


  Early on a Tuesday afternoon, Jessica was rearranging Dr. Harte’s schedule for the following week, when Gregory Zubek walked into the office.

  Gregory was of average height, good-looking and always well dressed, on this day he also carried a bouquet of yellow roses with him.

  Jessica came from behind her desk to intercept him; however, Gregory waved her off and strode into the doctor’s inner office. Dr. Harte was seated behind her desk with a pad and pen in her hands. Seated before the doctor was a plump woman with too much make-up who had obviously been crying, because her face was streaked with mascara,

  Dr. Harte stood in a rush.

  “What’s going on here? Mr. Zubek, you can’t just barge in whenever you want.”

  Gregory walked towards her while smiling, oblivious to the angst he was causing.

  “I wanted to see you, Caroline, and look, I’ve brought you roses.”

  The plump woman got up and headed for the door.

  “Mrs. Muldoon?” Dr. Harte called. “I apologize for this interruption and of course there will be no charge for this session. Please call later and Jessica will make a new appointment.”

  The woman kept going as if she hadn’t heard the doctor, and a moment later, the sound of a door closing reached their ears.

  “Mr. Zubek, I—”

  “Gregory, Caroline, I’ve told you to call me Gregory.”

  “Mr. Zubek, please leave or I will call the police.”

  “The police? What the hell for?”

  “You are disrupting my practice, and quite frankly, I fear you might be dangerous.”

  Gregory looked puzzled.

  “Dangerous? Me? Caroline, don’t you know that I love you?”

  Jessica stood behind him, watching, as her curiosity and interest about the workings of the human psyche kept her fascinated.

  Gregory walked up close to the doctor and handed her the roses.

  “They’re not nearly as beautiful as you are, but I thought of you when I saw them.”

  The doctor looked over at Jessica.

  “Ms. White, please return to your desk, and close the door on your way out.”

  Jessica hesitated for just a second, before saying, “Yes, Dr. Harte,” She then did as the doctor requested and was sitting behind her desk when the shouting erupted, and even a solid oak door did little to filter the sounds.

  The doctor was furious and, between Gregory’s bouts of begging and crying, kept telling Gregory that his behavior was not only unacceptable, but also unwanted. In the end, Gregory left the office in a fury of his own and slammed the outer door on his way out.

  The doctor stood in her office doorway.

  “He needs help, he’s obsessed with me, and given our age difference, I’ve no doubt it’s some issue with his mother.”

  “Are you all right, Doctor?”

  The doctor smiled at Jessica.

  “I’m fine. I hated being so harsh with Mr. Zubek, but it was best that I disavowed him of the idea that there could ever be anything between us. His fantasy about me had to be destroyed.”

  “Maybe you should speak to his father?”

  “I have; he accused me of attempting to seduce Gregory.”


  “I suspect that Gregory can do no wrong in Mr. Zubek’s eyes.” The doctor looked at her watch. “Didn’t you have a lunch date with that boyfriend of yours?”

  Jessica realized the time and jumped up from her chair.

  “Oh, I’m running late, but I’ll be back on time.”

  “Don’t rush dear, and tell... what’s your boyfriend’s name again?”

  Jessica told her, and the doctor nodded.

  “Yes, I don’t know why I have trouble remembering it; it’s such a simple name. Tell him I said hello, and remind him that you’re coming to our anniversary party on the twentieth.”

  “We may not make it; he’s not much for parties.”

  The doctor searched Jessica’s eyes.

  “There’s a story behind that boy, isn’t there?”

  Jessica stiffened at the doctor’s perceptiveness, but met her gaze.

  “What do you mean?”

  “My son saw a picture of you two and recognized him. He told me that he’s some sort of fighter?”

  “He was, but he recently sold an invention of his and started his own company.”

  “And he’s how old?”

  “He just turned twenty,”

  “He’s different that one, I always get the sense that he’s keeping something barely contained.”

  “He’s a good man, Doctor.”

  “You love him, don’t you?”

  Jessica smiled,

  “I live for him.”

  “And he for you, I can tell, but, would you like some advice?”

  “Of course,”

  “Make him socialize more; it will be good for him. If wolves spent more time socializing among the sheep, perhaps they’d be less inclined to devour them.”

  This time, Jessica looked down at the floor.

  “I don’t know what you mean, Doctor.”

  “It’s just an expression, dear, now hurry, I’m sure he’s eager to see you.”

  Jessica gazed up.

  “Thank you, and we’ll be at your party.”

  The doctor grinned.

  “Smart girl,”


  Over lunch, Jessica told him about Gregory Zubek. They were eating at an Italian restaurant on Boylston Street, near the Victory Gardens. The eatery was small, but quaint, with checkered tablecloths and a waiter with a thick Italian accent.

  “He so
unds dangerous. Has he ever made any threats?”

  “No, he’s just infatuated with Dr. Harte, but I think she set him straight.”

  “It sounds like more than infatuation; he does know that she’s married, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes, but he doesn’t seem to care.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand.

  “Maybe I should talk to him.”

  “You mean beat him up, don’t you?”

  “If that’s what it takes.”

  She sighed.

  “Violence isn’t the answer; besides, I’m sure that Dr. Harte knows best, and she doesn’t seem worried.”

  “If he comes back, let me know. I don’t want you getting caught in the middle.”

  Jessica decided to change the subject.

  “So, what are you doing after lunch?”

  “I’m going to a baseball game.”

  “With your friend George, George Carver?”


  “He is your friend, isn’t he? I mean you two seem to get along.”

  He looked thoughtful for a moment, and then grinned.

  “I guess he is my friend. I didn’t realize it; I’ve never had one before.”

  Jessica gave his hand a squeeze.

  “You’ve got me.”

  “That’s not friendship; that’s a miracle.”


  On Wednesday, the doctor’s golden retriever went missing. On Thursday, the dog was found, or, at least his head was. The dog’s head had been left outside the front door of Dr. Harte’s home; it was discovered by her eight-year-old daughter, Cindy.

  The police questioned Gregory, who denied any involvement in the dog’s death and also told the police that the doctor had it in for him because he spurned her advances.

  A detective by the name of Geary heard what had happened and paid the doctor a visit at her office. Jessica listened along with the doctor, as Geary warned them about Gregory Zubek.

  “You’re telling us he’s dangerous? Well then, why isn’t he in jail?” the doctor said.

  “It’s his old man. Karl Zubek has been cleaning up for Gregory for years. You’re not the first you know, he stalked a woman in his apartment building two years ago, she was a redhead too and about your age. When she didn’t want anything to do with him, she got evicted. Daddy owned the building you see, a month after she moved, someone killed her in her new apartment.”

  “You think it was Gregory?” Jessica said.

  Geary ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair for a moment, as he considered his answer.

  “Now, I didn’t say that, in fact, I shouldn’t even be here. I just don’t want the doctor to take this lightly. Killing your dog could be just a prelude to something worse.”

  “Does Gregory have a record?” the doctor asked.

  “A juvie record, but it’s sealed. I have a friend in the juvenile crime division that remembers Gregory. She didn’t disclose any details, but she said he’s dangerous.”

  “Thank you for coming here, Detective,”

  “You’re welcome, Doctor, and here’s my card. Give me a call if you need me.”


  That next day, as they left the office, the doctor was dismayed to find that her new car wouldn’t start. Jessica offered to give her a ride home, and the doctor accepted.

  As Jessica drove along the highway, Dr. Harte talked excitedly about her upcoming twentieth anniversary party. Neither women notice the car following them until it sped it front of their vehicle and slammed on its brakes, causing Jessica to smash into it.

  Jessica’s car had only one airbag and it was on the driver’s side, a common feature in cars at the time. Jessica was shaken, but unharmed, when she looked over at the doctor, she saw that she was not only bleeding, but also unconscious.

  Gregory appeared at the window on the doctor’s side of the car and Jessica locked him out by hitting the button on her door. Gregory pulled impotently on the door handle and then let out a frustrated grunt.

  “Open the door, bitch; I only want the doctor.”

  “No!” Jessica screamed. “Go away; the police will be here soon.”

  Gregory laughed as he bent down and picked up a rock that was lying along the shoulder.

  “Look around, do you see anybody stopping? They all think it’s just another fender bender. There’s no one coming to help you.”

  Gregory reared his arm back in preparation to hurl the rock through the window, and Jessica covered her face with her arms.

  She heard Gregory make a muffled sound, and then... nothing.

  As she opened her eyes and lowered her arms, she discovered that Gregory was gone.

  But then, she heard it, a sound like someone clapping. She leaned over the doctor’s unconscious form, and in the gully on the side of the highway, she saw them, her boyfriend and Gregory, and her boyfriend was beating Gregory to death.

  “Noooo!” Jessica screamed, as she bounded from the car and ran down the short hill. When she reached them, she saw that Gregory was out cold.

  Jessica grabbed his arm.

  “Stop hitting him, you’ll kill him.”

  Her boyfriend was on the ground, straddling Gregory, his right fist was already bloody and his eyes held nothing but hate. While still on his knees, he plucked Gregory from the ground and wrapped an arm each around his neck and his head, in preparation to snap his neck.

  “He tried to kill you. He dies now.”

  Jessica got down on the ground and hugged him.

  “No baby, you can’t kill him. Let the law handle him.”

  “They’ll let him go, Jessica. If they let him go he may try and kill you again, you or the doctor.”

  Jessica sprang up.

  “The doctor! Oh my God, I have to get to a phone and call an ambulance.”

  “There’s a gas station down the road; they should have a phone. You go call for help.”

  Jessica started back up the hill, but then she turned.

  “Promise me you won’t kill him.”

  “He needs to die. He’s too dangerous.”

  “No. We live in a land of laws; we’re a society, let the police handle him. Please, for me?”

  “It’s a mistake to let him live.”

  “For me?”

  He gazed up at her as he let Gregory fall to the ground.

  “For you,”

  She took three more steps before turning again.

  “How did you find us?”

  “I’ve been following you ever since you told me what the cop said about him.”

  She smiled.

  “Thank God you were here.”

  And then she rushed off to get help.

  Behind her, her boyfriend gazed down at Gregory, wanting so badly to kill him that it bordered on need. He reached down and took hold of Gregory, but it was only to rip the sleeves from his shirt. He then used them to bind Gregory’s hands and feet.

  He glared down at Gregory.

  “A mistake,”


  The doctor wasn’t seriously injured, but only stunned, and soon made a full recovery.

  With the help of his father’s money and connections, Gregory was out on bail and assured that by the time his case went to trial, the charges against him would be greatly reduced.

  One week later, on Saturday morning, the doctor returned home from food shopping. She had run out to get a few last minute items for the party that was taking place that evening. When she entered her home, she was greeted by the sound of the TV blaring in the living room.

  “Bob! Kids! Please turn down that TV. Bob?”

  Dr. Harte walked into the living room and found her family bound and gagged, standing amidst them with a gun in his hand, was Gregory Zubek, his face still bruised from the beating he’d taken.

  Dr. Harte began to turn and Gregory shouted at her.

  “Run for help and I’ll shoot one of your kids.”

  The doctor froze, but a moment later, she smiled
at Gregory as she walked over and turned off the television, then, she began talking to him in a soft voice.

  “There’s no need for all this, Greg. Don’t you know when a woman is playing hard to get? I was simply extending the chase so that when I finally let you catch me, it would be more exciting.”

  “Hard to get? You yelled at me. You told me that you wanted nothing to do with me, tried to have me charged with attempted murder, and today, today I’m given this.”

  Gregory reached into his pocket and took out a piece of crumpled paper.

  Dr. Harte could only assume that it was a copy of the restraining order she filed against him.

  She kept smiling.

  “Why don’t we go somewhere where we can be alone? I have a cottage on the water in Marblehead; it’s very romantic.”

  Gregory began laughing.

  “How stupid do you think I am? You just want to get me away from your family, don’t you?”

  “No, I simply thought that we could—”

  “Shut up!”

  “All right then, what do you want?”

  “You, I want you.”

  “And then you’ll leave?”


  The doctor gazed about at her family. All three of her daughters were crying and both her son and her husband were bleeding, as if Gregory had whipped them with the gun.

  The doctor took a deep breath and then gestured towards the hall.

  “The bedroom is upstairs.”

  Gregory shook his head.

  “Uh-uh, right here, I want your family to see what a slut you really are.”

  The doctor began to cry. She walked up to Gregory and stared into his eyes.

  “I’ll do anything you want, I swear, but not here; I’m begging you, not here.”

  Gregory nodded in understanding, but then he placed the gun to her head.

  “Get down on your knees.”


  Despite the doctor’s protests, Jessica insisted on arriving early for the party so that she could help set things up.

  As they walked towards the front door of the secluded home, she looked over and noticed that her boyfriend’s expression had tightened into a grimace of apprehension.

  “You just might have a good time you know; after all, that’s what parties are for.”


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