Demon Bait (Keeley Thomson)

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Demon Bait (Keeley Thomson) Page 9

by P. S. Power

  "Lover." It came out sounding a bit wrong, but Keeley didn't blush about it. If you picked a name like that, you probably wanted that kind of effect.

  "Mistress of Souls." There was no attempt at being pleasant, since she looked over at The Vile and sneered, even as he rather kindly grinned back at her. Oh, sure, it was the kind of thing to make most have nightmares, but the attempt was real enough.

  Before she could speak however, Keeley held up her right hand a little, which got them all to look at her. She could have been about to do something, like steal their will, for instance, so they all tensed, just a tiny bit, seeming to relax when she spoke instead.

  "I need to be informed as to the nature of the difficulty. We should all strive to deal with this today, or at least not turn whatever it is into a larger problem. If an equitable resolution cannot be found, then I'll personally take whatever the issue is and all valuable or desirable parts of it, and leave you with nothing to fight over. Is that agreeable to you? If so, please don't answer, since my abilities might accidently try to take you over if you do." It was a threat, and one that she followed with a smile. "Which means that you all agree with that? Excellent. The real goal is, however, to have everyone leave here, if not happy, then at least no worse off than you started. Right now, let's go in and have a seat? We can eat something and have some drinks. You can each trade something of comparable value to what you have, later. I'll leave that assessment to you."

  She turned, and started to walk inside, wondering which of the three would attack her first. She was being incredibly snooty, by Greater Demon rules and standards. Really, they probably should have all attacked at once, agreeing that whatever they'd been troubled about before was worth less than being rid of her, but no one did more than follow. The Vile came in last, stopping at the door, and suddenly flaring with magic. Rather than an energy blast hitting them, or an increase in stench, the man suddenly transformed. His face became real looking, which was an illusion, held over his true form like a mask, and the odor, when she let herself chance a whiff of him, had turned to a pleasant musk. One that mimicked a popular men's body spray. He seemed normal suddenly, if a bit stiff.

  "So that I won't taint your dwelling, Mistress of Souls. May I call you something else? Mistress seems a bit too... Commanding, for the time being." The words from the Vile were well spoken and articulate, holding the air of a well educated person who wasn't in any particular hurry or rush.

  "Keeley, or Keels, if you wish? What may I call you?" Vile would work, but that seemed a bit off, too.

  There was a long pause, before the man spoke again, sounding a little odd this time. Flattered, rather than too proper.

  "I was once called Marcus. Would that serve?"

  "Certainly, Marcus. Please all of you, come in. We should..." Keels looked at The Lover and winked, which didn't get a glare back or anything. "Really, perhaps we should have another name for you, too? Not that Lover isn't a fine name."

  There was a saucy hair flip, and a flirty look, but the woman didn't say anything until after she sat in the living room, taking one side of the sofa, next to William. Without even a hint of shyness she moved in next to him, almost as if making room for Marcus, who elected to sit in one of the two reclining chairs instead. They were all in a soft cream color, which was probably a mistake, but went very well with the black and green streaked marble tile floor she'd put in.

  Finally, the lady, her face looking a bit too directly at Keeley, smiled.

  "Emera. Though you, dear, may call me any time." It was a joke, but there was no indication of that on the surface of her being.

  "Thank you, Emera. Now, why don't you tell me what the issue is here? Each of you can have a turn at it, if needed, to put your own spin on things. Why doesn't... Marcus, go first?" Her idea there was that The Vile would be the one she needed both to court the most and who would be likely to have a problem with reality. The others were sane, which meant they saw things clearly. That didn't mean they knew it all, but most problems came about when people couldn't understand what really was in the world, and didn't know it.

  The man perked up a bit, as William leaned in to listen politely, and Emera crossed her arms across her breasts, pushing them down, locking herself off from whatever was being said. Which meant she clearly didn't think it was real, or at least wanted Keeley to think that of her.

  "Thank you, Keeley. I'll attempt to be brief and concise. I contracted The Cartographer to draw up a map to a secret location, where I might hide some valuable possessions, and have them unmolested by others. When I arrived, I found the place already being used, by The Lover. That would have simply been an issue between myself and William, for selling the map twice, against our agreement, but when I went to him, he assured me that the two maps he'd given us were completely different and led to different locations. They do appear to be different, but when The Lover follows hers, it consistently takes her to the location I'd bartered for. We do not know who is responsible for this, or what recompense should be mete out for it." Then he stopped, and looked at the others, who seemed to agree with him, for the most part, about what he'd just said.

  They even waited to speak about it. That was really pretty considerate, as far as she was concerned. She'd expected to have to instantly try and stop actual violence. This was nicer. It was almost as if Tarsus hadn't told them to be difficult on purpose or something.

  "Emera? Would you like to go next?"

  "My experience was similar. I asked for a map, since it takes less work to do that than find my own hiding spots, and the Cartographer is well noted for being trustworthy in such matters. After several days of working on the new site, setting up safeguards and protections, this... Thing, showed up and started claiming that I'd stolen his spot. We fought about it, but ended with it being a draw. Short of bringing others into this matter, there doesn't seem to be a resolution. That paper pusher, Tarsus, suggested that we dump it on you, so that when we took our friends to war over the issue, we had someone to blame other than ourselves. So, here we are!" The honesty rang out in her words, hidden just beneath the ingenuous tone.

  "Good idea. Then no one said Tarsus was stupid, did they? So, William, from your perspective?"

  That got the being to pause, and then slide his large hand into a small gray pouch on his waist, from the way things inside of it moved when he did that, it was filled with some kind of dust. Given that the man looked like he could bench press the house they were in, it probably wasn't anything normal or regular either. Keeley took it as a warning, and got ready to move, if fighting started.

  He merely spoke, calmly, instead.

  "I provided each of these others with maps, which are extremely difficult to manufacture, requiring expensive materials and much travel on my part. They are similar, but lead to different locations. I have tested and retested them several times. The one that Vile here, Marcus, has is a set of directions to the location they both have been contesting. The other is to a completely different and very remote spot. Normally I would simply remake the maps for them, but it took several months for each one. The value of my time may not be great to others, but to me it is rather more so. I do not know what to do about it, that anyone else will allow. Now there are hard feelings on both sides, and no one will back down, I fear."

  Keeley thought for a few minutes then, going over everything she'd just heard and what it would mean.

  The important part wasn't the problem itself, but the underlying issues between the various people. She could tell that, without having to get any more information from them. William had shared that with her openly, and neither of the others had reacted to the idea that he would, so it wasn't some kind of secret. They had friends, on each side, and they thought that their people would back them up in a war, over minor hurt feelings. Given what her real goal was, she was going to bet that there would be four very powerful beings involved here. Or, rather, three.

  The Void wouldn't be part of the mix.

er a bit she nodded.

  "I see. Okay, so, let's reduce this problem, shall we?" She looked at the others and no one asked what she meant, they just each got ready to fight. Because, clearly, being who she was that would be all about taking them over. It was tempting, to tell the truth, except that then she'd have more pet Demons than she wanted for the time being. She only had two rooms after all.

  No one seemed terrified of the idea, but it was clear that each planned to kill her the second they felt even the slightest tickle of energy coming from her direction. Luckily for her, that wasn't part of her plan for the day.

  "First, William, will you remake those maps for these two? I think I can show you why there was a problem this time. These two simply use the lines differently, which changes the starting point." Or, to be more than blunt, she could have pointed out that The Lover was barely able to get into the lines, and used more power doing that than was sane, but it would be pointing out a flaw in a person that probably had a lot of powerful and insane friends.

  The Cartographer glared at her a little, not seeming all that pleased to hear those words.

  "My maps were fine. I gave them what they paid for." It seemed, for a bit, like he was going to have a real problem with the idea.

  "Exactly. You aren't to blame here, except that you didn't take into account the fact that your maps are also representations of the beings using them. That created a problem, in this case. True, no one else in existence would think about it either, until it was a problem, but now you know, which is valuable to you, if annoying to find out this way." Without waiting, she glanced at the other two, speaking to Emera first. "You may keep using the location that you've been working with, if you'll trade maps with Marcus? That isn't ideal, and new locations will be coming for you both, but it will give each of you an extra value from this. In exchange, I think that you should each try to come up with some sort of gift for William, for being so kind as to put himself out for you in this, to make certain you're both happy." She sounded very bossy, in that moment. Commanding too, and young, as well as more than a bit idealistic.

  Again, she knew that the real problem wasn't these three and their petty disagreement, but the others involved. It was, helpfully enough, Marcus that explained that part to her, so that she wouldn't have to give them the idea that she already understood that portion of things.

  "That's a solution. I think that things have already gone too far for sense and reason however. The Chaotic has taken up my part in this and has some small issue with The Lover. A bad breakup in the fifties, I hear? Eighteen-fifties, if I have that right. It's an excuse only, but as any that know him will tell you, The Chaotic does not often follow rules. Anyone's."

  That got Emera to grimace.

  "On hearing that, I might have possibly made an agreement with The Rage, for protection. It's an understandable thing, don't you agree? They are two of the most imposing of our kind, and can command armies to their whim."

  Which left the Helmsman. Keeley half expected The Cartographer to mention that, but he just sighed and shook his head a little. "Neither of them would touch me, of course, since it would be without bearing to this. Except that my... Failure, as you pointed out, is now part of this. I'll see to fixing my portion of things, so that I'm not attacked without cause. I suppose that fixes this, as far as you're concerned, Keeley? It seems that you've rather handily conquered your Second Crucible, doesn't it?"

  To her surprise the others stood up, then, speaking softly.

  The Lover moved in for a hug, and pushed herself against Keels with a bit more effort than should be needed really. Grinding and rubbing in ways that weren't quite understandable. It was all about sex, but not something natural either. That was, probably, what being The Lover meant however. She was a being, like they all were, of magical extremes.

  "Congratulations, if that is a thing you wish for. I failed, you know, when I was tested. I didn't even have to deal with an insane one, like you did. This was well performed." Then she took a step back, and looked at The Vile, as if he were going to say something rude now that he'd pretty much won the day.

  He hadn't been in the wrong however, so Keeley could accept that idea. Instead he smiled at her, which looked like he really wanted to convey joy for her. Even pride, though she didn't know why that was.

  "Yes, I congratulate you too, Keeley. May I call on you again, in the future? You seem a delightful person. We could perhaps have that meal you mentioned?"

  "That would be good. Perhaps... in six days? I still need to get things set up here. Call it, seven in the evening? My time." She had no clue where he lived or worked, but the man seemed to think it was a great idea. He said so, several times at least.

  Then, as if there wasn't a massive problem in the offing still, they all left. Like that was going to work for Tarsus. Then again, maybe it would? If she'd actually passed that Second Crucible for some reason, then, like it or not, she may well be the most junior member of the Greater Demon Council, or whatever it was they called it. Which could give her a reason to push her nose into things, if needed. Like stopping a war, or... She didn't know what else, but there would be something, she didn't doubt at all.

  Chapter seven

  Keeley knew that she needed to get in touch with a few people, mainly to set up how to find The Rage and the others, but decided that seeing to dinner was a good idea first. If she even had meals like that anymore. It was late, so she cooked a lot of meat, mainly steaks and hamburger patties, and made sandwiches for herself. She cheated and used store bought bread and buns, but did have a stove and refrigerator in her nicely renovated kitchen already. She also put on a big pot of potatoes, cutting them up but leaving the skins on, since they were golden, which wasn't too objectionable, and added a few extra calories.

  It was nearly enough food for herself, but just as she pulled it all off the stove and had it ready for eating, there was a gentle knock on her front door. She didn't have a lot of neighbors, not within a few miles at least, and while it could have been anyone, she hadn't felt them coming in magically. That didn't mean it wasn't a Greater Demon, of course, just that they hadn't used the lines to get there.

  When she opened the door she was a bit shocked anyway, since it was a Vampire standing there. One that she'd never met before. A young looking red-haired girl, who seemed about eighteen or thereabouts, with skin so pale it seemed almost translucent. She wasn't very old, either. About a hundred and fifty at a guess. Old enough to be in charge, but not so much that she held an important position, most likely. Probably the local Proctor for the area, then.

  Keeley smiled.

  "Hello! I was just about to sit down to dinner, would you like to have something?" She didn't have any blood on hand, but the girl, who only seemed a little older than she was, looked shocked.

  "I... No. I was just wondering if I could use your phone? I... My car, broke down, a bit that way?" She pointed off to Keeley's right. It was a good enough reason to go to the only house visible for miles, so Keeley agreed. She had a land line, since that ran out to her place, but the cell reception was a little weak. She got three bars, most of the time, but hadn't wanted to risk it in case something important came up.

  "Oh? Well, of course. Please, come in." Her kind didn't need to be invited, in the main, old legends aside, but the Vampires tended to be polite. Or at least that was true once they realized you could kill them with a breath. Their training tended to run toward respect for power greater than their own, in order to keep their rather wild young under control.

  "Thank you. I was afraid I'd have to walk all the way into Sparks. I... Don't think I know you, are you new to the area?" She looked around, taking in the set up, which was pretty nice, but not something that screamed multi-millionaire. Putting it up in a week would have, but the lady didn't really know that was the case, Keeley noticed, as she patted the woman's bare arm gently, absorbing her entire life. All of her hopes, dreams and memories taken in a few moments.

  It was a
scene of horrors and terrors that crossed a bit more time than she'd figured it would. Nearly two hundred years, which meant the lady, Felicia, was able to get up when it was still light out, and even perform some basic duties during the afternoon. Earlier, if she forced herself to act, though that was hard still.

  Her eyes were a brown that had a slight hint of orange to them, which was unusual, and probably why she'd been brought over in the first place. A lot of that kind had something slightly unique about them. Strange eyes, and odd hair color, or even just a goofy face. The older ones in particular. It used to be that Vampires needed to hunt and not be noticed, so looking attractive without sending up warning flares was what people looked for in their new generations. Now, with all the movies and books, that had started to shift, to a prettier model. This woman had been attractive enough, when she'd lived, but wasn't even a seven, really. Not without make up and nice clothing, which she didn't have on, being dressed much like Keeley was herself in cheap running shoes, jeans and a t-shirt.

  Hers said "The All Vampire Band" on it, and had a group shot in line art drawing, which got Keeley to smile.

  "The phone's over here?" The woman hadn't come to attack her, or even to size up the new boss, since she had no clue at all that Keels wasn't just what she seemed. That was the part that had gotten her attention.

  After all, a young looking woman that spent money without seeming worried over it, and who had moved into the middle of nowhere... It could be a little suspicious, and might even play in to the profile of a lot of different beings. Vampires being one of them. It was clear however, that she wasn't one of their kind, and seemed Human, so the plan was to just use the phone, pretend to call for help and then leave the girl alone. She was too skinny to make a good meal after all, and that would be breaking the new rules. Not that they'd been voted in yet, but Felecia had been keeping her people in line as far as that went. It meant they mainly ate animals most nights, or disgusting bag blood from the Red Cross, since they had a guy in there that could be bribed. It was making people a bit unhappy, but they all got it.


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