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Casino Page 31

by Nicholas Pileggi

Las Vegas Sheriff’s Office, 82, 158

  Las Vegas Sun, 250,

  Las Vegas Valley Bank, 137, 233

  lavenders, 100

  Law, Dick, 239, 243

  Lawry, Barbara, 373

  Laxalt, Paul, 292

  laydown bets, 83, 102

  layoffs, of bets, 22–23, 59

  Leaning Tower of Pizza, 155

  Learjets, 135, 185, 189, 218, 312

  “Lifetime of Betting and Being an Oddsmaker and Handicapper” (Rosenthal), 253

  “like,” in betting parlance, 27

  lip-reading, 169, 329

  Lisner, Jerry, 175–79

  loan-sharking, 111, 155

  by Spilotro, 111, 122, 273, Lockheed Aerojet, 86

  Lombardo, Joseph “Joe the Clown,” 30, 49, 111, 274, 327, 361–62, 368, 388

  Lonardo, Joe, 391

  Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, 384

  Los Angeles Probate Court, 387

  Los Angeles Times, 206, 361, 384

  luck, 13–14, 53, 374

  McBride, Harry, 251

  McCarthy, Billy, 31–36, 110

  McCarthy, John, 375, 377

  McClellan Subcommittee on Gambling and Organized Crime, Rosenthal questioned by, 3, 65, 66–67, 75, 105

  McGee, Alice, 82, 85–87

  McGee, Ingram, 86

  McGee, Roy, 82, 85, 86, 87

  McNair, Barbara, 181

  Mafia, see mob bosses; organized crime

  maître d’s, 83, 160

  Maldonado, Lawrence, 384

  Manzi, Rick, 181

  Marcus, Matt, 168

  Marina, 198

  Mark Seven Tavern, 30

  Marlo, Josephine, 295, 301

  Marmor, Lenny, 82, 85, 261–62, 385, 387

  Geri Rosenthal’s relationship with, 82, 85, 86, 185, 187, 261–62, 311–14, 329, 331,

  Marmor, Robin, 82, 86–87, 88, 184, 185, 262, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 332, 384–85, 387, 388

  Martin, Bobby, 78, 384

  Martin, Charlotte, 384

  Matecki, Wayne, 159, 176, 328, 363

  Maus, Ronald, 384

  Mazatlán, 242

  meat companies, mob-owned, 123

  Mendelson, Mark, 396–97

  Mexico, 242

  MGM, 14, 175

  MGM Grand, 196, 229, 401

  Miami, Fla., 23, 49

  Rosenthal in, 57–65, 69

  Michaels, Emmett, 326–27

  Michigan, University of, 66

  million dollars, weights of various forms of, 8, 197

  Milwaukee, Wisc., 137, 138, 139, 140, 200, 203, 208

  Minnesota Fats, 259–61

  Mirage, 401

  Miraglia, Jimmy, 31–36, 110

  Mission Viejo Nadadores, 393

  Mitchell, John, 3

  mob, see organized crime

  mob bosses, 9–10, 45, 208

  advice on automobiles from, 30

  arrests of, 304–5

  Clifford’s visit to, 360–61

  fates of, 387–92

  Glick’s meetings with, 150–54, 229–30, 235, 287–89, 390

  kickbacks paid to, 48

  plan to force out Glick by, 283–85, 290–91

  potential witnesses ordered killed by, 369

  Rosenthal’s handicapping for, 37, 55

  Rosenthal’s relationship with, 37–41, 65, 107, 145, 189, 196, 266–67, 322–29, 348–49, 353

  skimming by, 197–200, 201

  and Spilotro’s affair with Geri Rosenthal, 327–29, 348–50, 353

  Spilotro’s death and, 399

  Spilotro’s Las Vegas activities and, 119, 129, 162–63, 180, 270, 272–73, 274–79

  Stardust controlled by, 95, 103–4, 146, 148–49, 167, 242–43

  see also organized crime

  Monaco, 50, 51

  Monday night football, 78, 214

  Monte Carlo, 50, 51

  Mooney, Frank, 199, 234

  motion detectors, 364

  Mount Sinai Memorial Park, 387

  Multiple Sports Service, 48

  Murray, Rich, 359–60

  My Place Lounge, 175, 179

  National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 264

  National Football League (NFL), 96

  Neely, Steven, 135

  Neumann, Larry, 162, 328, 363, 364

  Nevada Gaming Control Board, 131, 139, 198, 239, 257–58, 289, 295–96, 317

  Glick licensed by, 131, 139–40

  Rosenthal’s connection to commissioner of, 212–13, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220–21

  Rosenthal’s key-employee license denied by, 9, 104–6, 124, 146, 188, 196, 215–23, 296

  Rosenthal’s lawsuits against, 227–28, 230–31, 252–53, 264–65

  Rosenthal’s lawsuits against, rulings in, 250–51, 252

  Stardust’s license suspended by, 392–93

  Nevada Supreme Court, 252

  Newport, Ky., 22

  Newton, Wayne, 354

  Nicoletti, Charles “Chuckie,” 30, 34, 35–36

  nolo contendere plea, of Rosenthal, 3, 69, 75, 105

  no-limit bets, 13

  North Avenue Steak House, 112

  North Bay Village Department, 62

  North Carolina, Rosenthal’s college basketball bribery plea in, 3, 69–70, 75, 219, 253

  O’Brien, John, 116

  O’Callaghan, Mike, 217

  odds spread, 13

  Odessky, Dick, 129–30, 210–13

  Oregon, University of, 66

  organized crime:

  Jews in, 269

  major Chicago figures in, 26

  Spilotro’s introduction to figures in, 30

  see also mob bosses

  Organized Crime Strike Force, 292, 366

  Ouseley, Bill, 290, 304

  outfit, see mob bosses; organized crime Palace Court Restaurant, 151

  Palm Room, 148

  paper, slang meaning of, 158

  Paprocky, Ray, 69

  Paris, 50

  Parsons, Charlie, 369–72, 376,

  past-posting, 213

  Patsy’s Restaurant, 26

  Pavlikowski, Joseph, 91, 250, 252

  Peck, Gregory, 274, 276, 277–78

  Pellichio, Linda, 87–88

  Percodan, 187–88

  Petacque, Art, 116, 354

  Peyton, Pam, 255–58

  Pignatelli, Joseph “Joe Pig,” 234

  Pinky (Rosenthal’s girlfriend), 261

  pit bosses, 98

  Pless, John, 400

  point shaving, 66

  point spreads, 13, 71–72, 78


  bookmaking operations protected by, 21–22, 45, 57

  police scanners, 161, 176

  Presser, Bill, 141, 144

  Price, Elliott, 77, 90

  Pump Room, 144

  Quaaludes, 176

  Quinn & Peebles, 295

  Race and Sports Book, 208–209, 244

  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 371

  Rand, Tamara, 304–8, 281

  Ranney, Frank, 138, 140–41, 201

  Recrion Corporation, 129, 133, 136, 137, 144

  Reliance Electric Company, 8

  Ricca, Paul “the Waiter,” 26

  Rice, Downey, 105

  Rice, John, 374

  Rich, Charlie “Cuby,” 298

  RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act), 371

  Riviera, 107

  Rockman, Milton Maishe, 304, 388, 390, 392

  Rocky’s Lounge, 328

  Roemer, William, 38–44, 114–16, 124–26, 400

  Spilotro’s nickname bestowed by, 116

  Rogers, Linda, 218

  Rojas, Rosa, 172–75

  Romano, Sal, 363, 364, 365, 367

  room clerks, 244

  Rose Bowl, 162

  Rose Bowl Sports Book, 77, 94

  Rosenthal, Frank “Lefty”:

  alcohol and, 190, 192

  Beckley’s advice to
, 45–48

  betting terms used by, 55

  birth of, 14

  bugging of own phone by, 329–31

  California move of, 393, 397 car bombing of, 1–2, 9, 10, 372–74

  casino ban of, 402

  casino work of, see Stardust

  character of, 2, 146, 147, 148, 202–4, 222, 284–85, 309–10, 316, 336

  college basketball bribery nolo plea of, 3, 70, 75, 105, 219, 253

  DeLuna’s code name for, 282

  early criminal activities of, 3

  FBI’s bugging of, 69

  first bookmaking arrest of, 57

  first marriage of, 88

  first racetrack experiences of, 15

  Florida race track ban against, 3, 69, 253

  gambling and racketeering indictment against, 3

  Gaming Control Board sued by, 230–31, 252–54, 264–66

  Geri Rosenthal’s death and, 385–87

  girlfriends of, 183, 232–33, 261, 310, 314–15, 319, 334

  handicapping expertise of, 14–25, 51–57

  key-employee license denied to, 9, 104–6, 124, 146, 188, 196, 215–23, 396

  Las Vegas home of, 9

  luck and, 13–14, 374

  McClellan Subcommittee’s questioning of, 3, 65, 66–67, 75, 105

  in Miami, 57–65, 69

  move to Las Vegas by, 71–78

  newspaper column written by, 254

  nickname of, 3, 66

  office of, 203

  and proposed buyout of Glick, 283–85, 290, 291

  racehorses owned by, 331

  reputation of, 2, 8–9

  second marriage of, see Rosenthal, Geri McGee

  self-investigation of, 217–18

  on skimming, 238

  skimming operations and, 245, 249

  Spilotro’s relationship with, 53–54, 63–65, 110, 118–21, 124, 179–81, 192–93, 219–21, 230, 245, 246, 268–72, 316–18, 324, 333, 348–49, 353–54, 359, 375–76, 379,

  sports book-betting introduced to Las Vegas by, 2

  television talk show hosted by, 9, 254, 255–61, 263–64, 315

  twilight years of, 402

  unhipness of, 190

  wardrobe of, 9, 188

  Rosenthal, Geri McGee, 9, 96, 121–22

  alcohol and drug use of, 83, 92, 119, 184, 187, 189–94, 231–34, 307–8, 316, 319, 323, 332, 351, 382, 383, 384, 387

  attempted shootings of Rosenthal by, 307–9, 338–43

  background of, 85–88

  chip hustling of, 78–81, 82, 92

  as dancer, 78, 79, 82, 85, 86

  death of, 383–87

  estate of, 387–88

  family of, 82, 85–86

  independence of, 186–87

  life after divorce of, 381–83

  million-dollar jewelry gift from Rosenthal to, 233–34, 351

  money as love of, 84–85, 320

  old boyfriend of, see Marmor, Lenny

  physical beauty of, 78, 90–91, 193–94, 319, 324

  in psychiatric ward, 350–51

  quit claim agreement between Rosenthal and, 331

  Rosenthal’s divorce from, 350–51

  Rosenthal’s first meeting and early relationship with, 78–81, 83–85, 87, 88–91

  Rosenthal’s relationship with, 91–93, 94, 183–94, 231–34, 261–63, 307–35, 336–52, 380, 381–83

  safety deposit boxes of Rosenthal and, 233–34, 312, 314, 332, 339–43

  Spilotro’s affair with, 234, 311, 312–14, 315, 321–35, 337, 343, 348–50, 353, 376

  wedding of Rosenthal and, 91–93, 250

  Rosenthal, Stephanie, 311, 385, 388

  birth of, 184

  competitive swimming by, 330, 331, 393–97

  Geri Rosenthal’s relationship with, 184, 192–93, 318–19

  in Rosenthals’ marital disputes, 318–19, 320–21, 331, 337, 351

  Steven Rosenthal’s relationship with, 185, 192–93, 394–95

  Rosenthal, Steven, 94, 183, 192, 263, 311, 381, 385, 388

  competitive swimming by, 330, 331, 393, 394, 395

  Geri Rosenthal’s relationship with, 233, 310

  in Rosenthals’ marital disputes, 318–19, 320–21, 331, 351

  Stephanie Rosenthal’s relationship with, 185, 193, 395

  Rossen, Robert, 259

  roulette wheels, 98

  Russel, Barbara, 274–78

  Sachs, Alan, 103, 107–9, 129

  Sahara casino, 359–60

  St. John, Jill, 259, 264

  Salerno, Lou, 160

  Sam (bookmaker), 21–22, 259, 264

  Sammy Pigs, 30

  San Diego, Calif., 189, 204

  San Diego Union, 206

  Saratoga Development Corporation, 243

  Sarno, Jay, 236–37

  scales, for coin counting and weighing, 8, 199, 200, 234

  Scalfiaro, Tommy, 187–89

  Scalvo, Philly, 31–35

  Scalvo, Ronnie, 31–35

  scanners, 161, 176

  Schiro, Paulie, 29

  scramblers, 164

  Seagrave, Jim, 258

  Secret Service, 373

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 129, 136, 234, 280–81

  Select Sports Service, 71

  Shandell, Dean, 76–77

  shavers (phony dice), 6

  Shenker, Morris, 133–34

  Shepard, Don, 297–98, 305

  Sheraton, 4

  Sherman Oaks, Calif., 85

  Sheryl (Spilotro’s girlfriend), 171, 172–75

  shoe shining, 26–27

  see also loan-sharking

  Siegel, “Bugsy,” 4, 197, 299, 401

  Siegel, Sammy, 179, 335

  Siegfried and Roy, 195–96

  Silver, Jeffrey, 105–6, 220–21

  Simon, Mike, 261, 327

  Simplot, J. R, 137

  Simpson, O. J., 259

  Sinatra, Frank, 259, 264

  skimming, 155, 197–209, 266, 295

  dishonesty and, 297–301, 301–2

  distribution of proceeds from, 200, 292, 304

  embezzlement vs., 242

  methods of, 7–8, 197–200, 243, 301–2

  murders as result of perceived threats to, 201–8

  small scale vs. organized, 238

  at Stardust, 196–98, 201, 208–9, 234–45, 249, 281, 300, 368, 388, 392

  at Tropicana, 292, 297–98, 301–3, 368, 388

  slot machines:

  as largest casino revenue source, 392

  stealing money from, 98, 99, 197–99, 238–39, 240–42

  Slots O’Fun, 302

  Smith, Gene, 357, 360

  Smith, Sandy, 116

  Solomon, Bibi, 186

  Solomon, Harry, 186

  Solomon, Kenny, 137

  Soloway, Jerry, 139–40, 149

  Speciale, Jasper, 155

  speed dialing, 59

  Spero brothers, 290

  Spilotro, Anne, 398, 399

  Spilotro, Anthony “Tony the Ant”:

  antisurveillance precautions taken by, 53, 122, 164, 165, 168, 169, 329

  as bail bondsman, 111, 114

  brothers of, 26, 121, 172, 270, 324

  Buccieri’s death threat to, 42–44

  character of, 114–16, 156–58, 163–66, 173

  Chicago home of, 52, 117–18

  Chicago mob bosses’ connection to Las Vegas activities of, 119, 120, 162, 180, 270, 272–73, 274–79

  childhood of, 26–29

  coded handwritten notes of, 164

  compartmentalization by, 51–53

  conviction-free Las Vegas record of, 181

  Culotta’s burglary rings and, 28–29, 48, 51, 158–63, 272–73, 354, 361–66

  Cullotta’s childhood friendship with, 26–29

  Cullotta’s hit ordered by, 369–72

  driving ability of, 73–74, 166

  early criminal activities of, 28–30, 48, 110–17

  Edward Buccieri’s murder assi
gned to, 204

  European diamond-heisting trip of, 48–51

  FBI surveillance of, 123, 163–72, 272–79, 326–27, 328–29, 355–56

  in first mob hit, 30–36, 110, 123

  gambling by, 53–56, 64, 163, 168–69, 316–17

  Geri Rosenthal’s affair with, 10, 234, 311, 312–14, 315, 321–35, 337, 343, 348–50, 353, 376

  gift and jewelry shops owned by, 122, 163

  gin rummy expertise of, 52

  girlfriend of, 171, 172–75

  heart condition of, 392

  height of, 27, 63, 115

  hit requests made by, 271–72

  last arrest and trial of, 366–67,

  Las Vegas move of, 117–23, 155

  Lisner’s murder ordered by, 175–81

  marriage of, see Spilotro, Nancy

  as master thief, 49

  mob ambition of, 30–31, 110, 113–14,

  murder of, 398–400

  murder raps eluded by, 123–24, 181–82

  origin of nickname of, 116

  perpetual tardiness of, 72

  police and IRS sued by, 110, 116, 117

  restaurant checks always paid by, 159

  Rosenthal chauffeured to Chicago airport by, 72–75

  Rosenthal’s relationship with, 53–54, 63–65, 110, 118–21, 124, 179–81, 192–93, 219–21, 230, 245, 246, 268–72, 316–18, 324, 333, 348–49, 353–54, 359, 375–76, 379

  Stardust hiring influence of, 167–68

  state-wide casino ban on, 359

  street tax imposed by, 156, 158–59

  as suspect in Rosenthal’s car bombing, 10, 376, 379

  tea drinking habit of, 168

  Thomas and, 245, 246–48

  volatile temper of, 165–66

  Spilotro, Antoinette, 28

  Spilotro, Arlene, 125–26

  Spilotro, Johnny, 26, 125, 169, 175, 361

  Spilotro, Michael, 26, 273 murder of, 398–400

  Spilotro, Nancy, 49, 50–51, 52, 117, 118, 119, 121–23, 125–26, 174, 234, 324, 326, 335, 338–39, 343

  Spilotro’s relationship with, 166, 170–72

  Spilotro, Pasquale, 360

  Spilotro, Patrick, 26

  Spilotro, Patsy, 26, 27

  Spilotro, Victor, 26, 28

  Spilotro, Vincent (Anthony Spilotro’s brother), 26

  Spilotro, Vincent (Anthony Spilotro’s son), 117, 121, 122, 166, 172, 174, 330

  sponsors, 327

  Sporadic, “Crazy Bob,” 29

  sports book-betting, 12, 195, 213–15

  Stacy (sports bettor), 25–26

  Stardust, 2, 8, 160, 212, 263–64, 401

  auxiliary banks at, 199–200, 240, 241

  Chicago mob’s control of, 95, 103–4, 167–68, 242–43

  gaming license suspended at, 392

  Glick’s purchase 129–30, 133–44

  history of, 95

  investigations of skimming at, 238–43, 281, 392

  Rosenthal’s control of, 103, 106, 145–50, 153–54, 195, 210, 211, 215–16, 222–23, 228–29, 245–47, 250–51, 252–54, 266–67

  Rosenthal’s court-ordered rehiring at, 250–51


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