Gemini Rising: Paris Burning

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Gemini Rising: Paris Burning Page 2

by Eve Vaughn


  All would be fine. Once he had her back on his ship and set about exacting his revenge, he was sure some other kind of feelings would surface. Zahn frowned as the device beeped almost out of control. There were two dots on the DNA tracking meter. How could that be?

  He’d bribed one of the servants at the king’s palace to bring him something personal of London’s, in order for him to track her. What he got was a hair brush. The strands of hair loaded into the device had brought him this far. Why was it malfunctioning now? One of the dots was immobile, but the other was moving further away from him.

  It had to be some kind of fluke. He tapped the machine. Both dots were still there. He’d have to make a decision soon as to which direction he should go. Damn it all! He’d go for the one closest, which happened to be the one not moving. Zahn walked in the direction of the dot. He soon found himself in front of a large structure. What kind of place was this? The tracker told him there were several people inside. There was only one person he was interested in finding.

  What was the princess doing here? Well, he’d find out soon enough. When he tried to open the door, Zahn discovered it was locked. It seemed like a primitive form of security. He could easily open it with a simple master pick, which he produced from his utility belt. He had it open within seconds.

  When he entered the building the tracking device beeped louder. There were several doors around her. He held the machine in front of him, then above him. She was upstairs. Zahn let the tracker guide him. Another flight of stairs later, he stood in front of a door he was positive London was behind. Getting inside was even easier than the door to the building.

  Once inside, he looked around with a frown. This tiny place was littered with cheap looking furniture and was no bigger than the closet where he housed his boots, in fact it was smaller. He heard running water. Turning the DNA tracker off, he placed it on a nearby table and moved toward the sound.

  The door was slightly ajar, steam seeping out. Walking inside, he saw her silhouette behind a curtain. She hummed an unfamiliar tune. Part of him said he should wait for her to finish washing, but the other half said seize her! She had run away from him and she was his.

  He ripped the shower curtain open. London turned around in astonishment. The hands that had been in her hair immediately covered her breasts. She wasn’t the only surprised one.

  Zahn was too.

  In her naked glory, London made his cock stiffen. Yes, he’d expected her to be nude, but he certainly hadn’t thought he’d react this way. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her pleasing shape. Though her hands were over them now, he couldn’t forget the sight of those full breasts tipped with dark, nearly black nipples. Between her tiny waist and well-rounded backside, Zahn found himself clenching his fists at his sides so he wouldn’t pull her against him.

  There was something different about her; however, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Her hair was short and there was a beauty mark on her upper lip. It had to have been there, but in the back of his mind he wondered why he had never noticed it before, especially when it emphasized her full, sensual lips.

  Before he could further examine her, she released a blood-curdling scream. Her reaction angered him. How dare she pretend outrage after she’d put him and her family through what she did? He grabbed her forearms, hauling her against his chest. His mouth covered hers to silence the scream -- at least that’s what he’d intended, but instead something else happened. His body tightened with arousal. Where had these sudden feelings come from?

  Her fists pounded against his chest, but it barely registered. He wanted her. Having London in his arms like this, her body wet and slick against his, had lust coursing through his veins. He realized mating with her wouldn’t be the trial he thought it would be. On the contrary, he’d enjoy her very much.

  Paris tried to push herself out of the hulk’s grasp and break his suffocating kiss, but every time her head moved, his would follow. Where had he come from? Who was he? This was supposed to be a safe neighborhood. Things like this didn’t happen to her. Not only that, why wasn’t she completely repulsed by his touch like she ought to be? Instead, an incredible heat flooded between her thighs.

  No! This was wrong.

  She wouldn’t allow this bastard to rape and then possibly kill her. Using the only weapon she had at her disposal, Paris brought her knee up and slammed it into his crotch as hard as she could.

  He released her, letting out a loud grunt. He loosened his hold just enough for her to wiggle out of his arms. She couldn’t run out of her apartment with no clothes. Paris contemplated grabbing the throw blanket from her daybed and wrapping it around herself, but decided, under the circumstances, it was best to get the hell out of here.

  That split second when she hesitated cost her, because her intruder caught up to Paris. He started to speak, but she didn’t understand a word he was saying, not that it mattered. She had to get away. In her struggle, she hit and clawed him. When she tried to scream, he covered her mouth with a large hand and spoke in that unfamiliar language again.

  Oh my God. I’m going to die.

  She kicked and lashed out, which only made him tighten his bear-like grip on her. He was unrelenting. How could she ever escape? Maybe if she pretended compliance he’d think she had given up and relax his hold.

  Paris went limp in his arms. “Please let me go,” she whispered in desperation. “My purse is on the dresser. Take it. Just don’t hurt me.”

  The hulk placed Paris on her feet and turned her around to face him. At first she believed his eyes were black, but actually they were a dark fathomless green, so deep and mesmerizing she could barely look away. His face was hard and chiseled as if from granite.

  He could have been a handsome man if not for the harsh look and firm set of his thin but well-shaped lips. She allowed her gaze to slide over his bare chest. He had to be the broadest man she’d ever seen, his body all ripples, hollows and hard planes. It occurred to Paris that his style of dress seemed a little out of place.

  The man wore a brown leather vest and what looked like deerskin pants clung to muscled thighs. Black, swashbuckling type boots ending at his knees finished the look.

  He reached out.

  Paris flinched, but forced herself not to pull away when he caressed her cheek with his calloused palm. Why was she warm all of a sudden? She couldn’t possibly be attracted to this weirdo -- even if he did have the body of a god.

  No! It wasn’t possible. Easy, girl, let him think you’ve surrendered. Then wham! A gust of heat flickered between her thighs. The barbarian lifted his other palm and cupped her face as though mesmerized.

  Paris’s lips parted slightly in her bewilderment. Why was her body responding to him this way? She didn’t want to like it -- couldn’t.

  Just as his lips touched hers, Paris brought her knee up again. Unfortunately, this time he was ready for her. Quickly turning to the side, he slammed her into the door.

  Her head banged against it, creating a dull ache. Her vision grew blurry, and the room started to go dark. Paris’s last conscious thought was that she was going to die.

  * * *

  “My love, you’ve been out here for over an hour. It’s time for bed.” King Blaze stepped outside and entered the mechanical garden, his gaze falling on his beloved wife, Calliope.

  If he could, he’d wipe the sadness from her lovely face, but her pain mirrored his own. Calliope turned to him with a smile on her face. She still made his pulse quicken, body tighten, and cock stir whenever she was near after all these years. There was so much love inside of him for this woman, there weren’t words adequate enough to describe his feelings.

  Blaze held his arms out to her.

  Calliope walked into them, pressing her head against his chest. “Mmm. I needed this. I thought you were in a meeting with your council.”

  He sighed. “They had no more to add from our last gathering.”

  She looked up at him, large
brown eyes filled with worry. “So it may be possible London didn’t get out of the heliocraft before it exploded?”

  “No. I’m not saying that, simply there have been no new developments. Don’t worry, my love. She’s out there somewhere. We’ll find her and when we do, she’ll be brought home safely.”

  “Have you heard from General Zahn yet?”

  “Not yet, but I’ve decided not to lay London’s fate completely in his hands. I’m going to Earth to bring her back myself.”

  Calliope placed her hands on his chest. “Then I’ll come too.”

  “No, my love. Someone must stay here just in case Zahn returns.”

  “Jayru can be here. He’s old enough.”

  “But I would feel more comfortable if you were here. Besides, if I were to take you with me, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

  She raised an arched brow. “Do you mean to tell me your mind is on you know what right now?”

  Blaze grinned. “If by you know what you mean fucking you, that’s exactly what I mean.” He took a seat and pulled her onto his lap, taking her mouth in an urgent kiss. The passion for her burned strong with each passing moment he spent with her. To think, he’d once had a harem, several women vying for his attention night after night. When Calliope came into his life, however, Blaze knew she was the only woman for him.

  He loved her with every breath in his being. His cock ached for her. A faint whiff of her hot pussy wafted to his nose.

  She was ready for him.

  Blaze grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her dark creamy thighs. Her skin was so soft under his palm, like warm velvet.

  She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her breasts against his chest. “Oh, Blaze,” she sighed into his mouth.

  Calliope’s tangy, sweet taste titillated his senses, sending bursts of sensation up and down his spine. Blaze wedged his fingers between her thighs.

  She wore no underwear. It was futile anyway. They never lasted long whenever he was around. She spread her legs further apart with a moan. The incredible heat hit him immediately.

  Yes, she was ready for him all right.

  Easing two fingers inside of her hot sheath, he gently fucked her. She wiggled her hips, grinding and moving to the rhythm he’d orchestrated.

  Calliope pulled her mouth away from his and rested her head against his shoulder. “Oh, Blaze. Yes. Please, just like that.”

  Blaze thrust into her several minutes more before extracting his fingers from her moist hole and rubbing a damp digit across her full bottom lip. When she ran her tempting pink tongue across it, he grew more aroused. His cock was close to exploding.

  He sucked his fingers, savoring Calliope’s flavorful cream. Unable to contain himself any longer, Blaze moved her aside just long enough to undo his pants.

  In hurried movements Calliope stood up, and straddled him, her dress hiked over curvaceous hips. She lowered her wet cunt over his cock. She was so tight around him. She was made especially for him. With gritted teeth, Blaze grasped her hips and guided her along his length. “Oh, yes, my pussy. All mine,” he groaned.

  “My cock,” she moaned in response. She pressed kisses along his neck, sending waves of molten hot fire through his veins. She was his queen, partner, lover, and woman.

  Her pussy muscles clenched around him, holding on like a vise. “I love you so much, Blaze.”

  “And I you.” He thrust his hips harder into her, slamming his cock, driving as deep as he could go.

  Her breasts bounced as she moved with him, her fingers digging into his shoulders. A sudden explosion burst inside of him. He spewed his seed up her tight channel. “Blaze!” she screamed, signaling her own peak. She shuddered against him.

  Calliope wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight. “I really needed that.”

  Blaze kissed her now sweat-glistened forehead. “As did I. These past few weeks have been a trying experience for all of us. Our sons are just as affected by their missing sister as we are. Jayru’s temper has been quite fragile lately, and our youngest…”

  She frowned. “What’s wrong with Taylon?”

  “I thought I caught him crying.”

  “Well, he’s still a little boy.”

  “I know, but I think it embarrassed him that I caught him.”

  Calliope pouted. “Aww, my poor baby. Maybe it would be best if I remained here for my sons. I’ll miss you so much.”

  Blaze cupped her face in his palms. “I promise to return as soon as I can.”

  “With London of course.”

  “I won’t return until she’s home safe.”

  Chapter Three

  Zahn had never been happier to be back on his ship. Now that London was in his grasp, he could head back to Thibius, but first, he’d see that they delayed the trip back for a couple days. He planned to mete out a little punishment.

  He stretched out in his tub, sipping the heated wine from his chalice. The pollution on planet Earth left him with an unclean feeling. Zahn contemplated the events since he’d captured London. Something was definitely different about the princess he couldn’t quite put his finger on. She looked the same, save the haircut, but still, there was something else about her.

  For one thing, when he caught her in the shower there had been fear. Considering what he had in store for her she ought to be afraid, but there was a look of… what was it exactly? It almost seemed as if she didn’t recognize him.

  After she’d passed out, Zahn had checked to make sure she was all right. Other than the bump on her head, he assured himself London was fine. He then used his cloaking device, normally used as a tool in warfare, to carry her back to the ship. It had been annoying enough to have all the curious bystanders staring at him on his own, but carrying an unconscious woman was quite another thing.

  Placing his chalice down, Zahn stood up and grabbed a towel before drying himself.

  It was time. He threw on a robe and strode into his adjoining room. London lay face down, arms stretched out with each wrist chained to his bed posts. Her legs were spread apart as well -- also secured by the shackles. And she wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. The expanse of soft silken skin, gently curving to a curvaceous backside, had his cock stiffening.

  She was still unconscious, but not for long.

  He walked over to the bed and sat next to her prone body. Unable to help himself, he trailed his fingers along the back of her thighs. His gaze drifted to her plump pussy lips. Zahn continued his exploration, allowing his fingertips to graze her folds. Just then, she shivered as though sensing his touch and enjoying it.

  He licked his lips in anticipation of the pleasure to come. London groaned, moving her head from side to side. She was coming to. Good. He preferred her to be awake for what he planned for her. She looked so lovely, so innocent in her slumber.

  Then he remembered the humiliation he’d suffered at her hands and anger tore through his chest. “Wake up,” he growled, nudging her shoulder with a fierce poke. She didn’t deserve to pose as an innocent, even in sleep. Not after what she’d done.

  London stirred, a moan escaping her full lips. She stayed still for a moment before twisting her head until their eyes met. She opened her mouth as if to scream, but he covered it with his palm.

  “Silence! You have a lot of nerve, Princess London Blazedawyter, to run away from home the way you did, worrying your parents and dishonoring your king. People have been put to death for less, but you… you think because you’re a princess, you can do whatever you want. I’ve seen how you’re able to get your way with your father and mother, but it won’t be so with me. No, you’ll soon learn who your master is, and I am he.”

  London’s eyes widened with what looked like fear, her muffled yells behind his palm still loud. Zahn almost felt sorry for her, but he couldn’t let her think she’d gotten the best of him. He’d show her he wasn’t as easily manipulated as everyone else on Thibius. With his free hand, he brought his palm crashing down on h
er rear. “Now be quiet.”

  Zahn was aware of his strength and knew he didn’t use all of it, yet her dark eyes welled with tears. Maybe he had hit her a little harder than he should have. “I wouldn’t have done it had you behaved, London. I am not a bad man. Things could be pleasurable between us as well. Let me show you.” Zahn removed his hand from her mouth before lowering his head.

  He pressed his lips on the back of her graceful neck.

  She stiffened momentarily and then renewed her struggles.

  “The more you fight, the more you’ll tire yourself out.”

  When she continued to fight, he slapped her buttocks again, this time with more power. He’d have her complete obedience before they made it back to Thibius. She stopped moving.

  A faint smile touched his lips. At least she was a fast learner. He watched her expression to see if she would try and scream again. London remained silent. They would be mates, so what better time to acquaint himself with her delectable body than right now?

  She was at his complete mercy. On his ship, there was no one to override his commands. He was king. “I warned you, did I not? I told you to be still. If you try to test my authority again, you’ll receive more of the same. Now… where was I?” Zahn brushed his lips across her shoulder blade. Though she didn’t respond, she didn’t flinch away either.

  He ran his hands along the delicate curve of her back, reveling in the softness of her pleasing body beneath his fingertips. Her dark skin hue against his pale hand created an erotic contrast. His cock throbbed, trying to break from his robe.

  Her flowery scent drifted to his nostrils, making him more aware of her than ever. Each time his palms moved up her back, he brought them down, lower than before until he cupped her rounded cheeks. They were so luscious and firm, somewhat large for a woman of her petite stature, yet it was sexy.


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