by Eve Vaughn
When she walked in he frowned. Paris took a step back. This wasn’t the reception she’d expected. Was she making the mistake of her life by approaching him?
“Yes, Paris. What did you want? We should be leaving shortly.”
“About that. I wanted to talk to you about a few things before we left for the king’s palace.”
“What things?” He wasn’t being very approachable right now. She wondered why she was even bothering.
“I wanted to… to talk about us actually.”
“Us? I wasn’t aware there was an us.”
She wanted to throw something at him and tell him to stop making this so hard for her. “Look, this isn’t easy for me, and I’d appreciate it if you let me finish speaking before you interrupt.”
“All right, speak your mind, Paris.”
“First, I want to know if you really plan on marrying my sister.”
He was silent for a moment. “What does it matter to you? You said yourself that you wouldn’t be there for the ceremony.”
“Of course I won’t be there. Not when I know you’d both be making the biggest mistakes of your lives. You can’t marry my sister when you have feelings for me!” She blinked back the tears threatening to spill.
Zahn stared at her with his mouth agape.
When he didn’t speak she went on. “I have feelings for you, Zahn. I may not be the twin you intended to take back to Thibius, but I’m the twin you want to be with. And I think if my sister had truly cared for you, she wouldn’t have run away from your betrothal or am I reading the situation all wrong?”
He still didn’t say anything and she had her answer from his silence.
“It would have been nice if you had at least uttered one word.” Paris turned to leave but was halted when two strong hands grabbed her. Zahn had moved so swiftly she didn’t hear him approach. He turned her around in his arms and covered her mouth with his. His tongue probed inside her parted lips, tasting her.
She clasped her arms around him and he lifted her, carrying her to a large leather couch. He laid her down without lifting his mouth. The fire that she experienced only with him threatened to consume them both.
It had been a risk coming here and laying her heart on the line, but now she was in his arms where she wanted to stay. She eagerly plucked at his clothes, wanting to feel his naked flesh against hers.
This all seemed like a beautiful dream she didn’t want to wake from. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she muttered against his lips.
In frantic movements they helped each other undress until they both wore nothing but skin. She never wanted something so badly in her life before.
“Ah, Paris, I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way about me,” he whispered. “Now I’m never letting you go.”
Paris’s heart fluttered hearing him say her name in the throes of passion. He knew exactly who she was and there would be no more mistaking her for her sister.
Her pussy throbbed for him. She wanted his cock inside her more than she needed air to breathe. Only he could ease the ache within. Since their last encounter she’d thought of nothing else but making love to him.
She pressed kisses along his collarbone and chest, savoring the slightly salty taste of his skin. Everything about him turned her on.
His erection pressed against her thigh as though pleading for entrance. “Open your legs for me, my love.”
Paris didn’t think to disobey, she wanted this so bad she could taste it. This time foreplay was thrown out the window. They both had a yearning that needed to be fulfilled and she wouldn’t be satisfied until he took her.
Zahn guided his cock inside of her and eased into her passage. She clenched her muscles around him, pulling Zahn deeper.
He gritted his teeth. “Oh, Paris, you’re so tight. Uh! This pussy was made just for me.”
Paris met each thrust with her own, lifting her hips each time he drove into her. Her cries of pleasure filled the air. Zahn lowered his head to nip at her neck, creating the most titillating sensation. She was going insane for this man.
Zahn groaned. “I want to make this last for you, but I can’t hold on much longer.”
“Then don’t hold back. Give me all you’ve got.” She held him against her, accepting his seed. She clenched her pussy around him, milking his cock of every bit of come he had.
With a gasp of satisfaction, he buried his face against her neck. “I’ve wanted to make love to you since the last time, but I didn’t dare.”
Paris stroked his back. “Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t think I had a right to. You weren’t London.”
She stiffened at the mention of her sister’s name.
He kissed her temple. “Hear me out. London was my intended, but with her, it was just a duty thing. It was an honor that the king thought me worthy enough to choose me for his daughter who everyone knows he dearly loves. I felt she was a suitable wife for me. On the night of our betrothal dinner she ran away. She didn’t want our union.”
“My sister is nuts. How could she not want you?”
“Very easily. I suppose the same way I felt nothing for her besides brotherly feelings. The two of you look almost exactly alike yet I can’t keep my hands off you.”
Paris grinned. “I’m sure if you would have known London had a twin you would have figured out why you felt these new feelings.”
“Probably. I found them disturbing, and didn’t want to fall for you, but each time I touched you, I couldn’t get enough.”
“When you thought I was London, did you intend to do all those things you did to me, to her?”
“Honestly, I planned on it, but now I know I wouldn’t have been able to go through with it. I should have listened to my instincts about the union. An accomplished wife is a good asset, but without passion, it would have led to a long boring existence. I doubt I will ever tire of you.”
“So what happens now? When you contacted my mother this morning didn’t she say the king and London arrived back home safely?”
“Yes. The king says he wants to talk to me about the betrothal but I have a feeling I know what it’s about. I think the princess wishes to break it, which is fine with me, because I have every intention of making you my bride.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t thought that far along the line, but the idea of being with Zahn for the rest of her life made her happy. “Aren’t you supposed to ask me to marry you?”
“No. I’m not leaving that to chance. You are marrying me. You do want to, don’t you?”
She gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. “I can’t think of a thing that would make me happier… besides finally seeing my mother, sister and brothers. Speaking of which, shouldn’t we have left already?”
“We can leave shortly. Besides, now that you’ll be living on Thibius, you can see your family as much as you’d like.”
Paris hadn’t thought about that. She’d be leaving Earth and all she knew behind. When she gave this some thought, she realized she wasn’t leaving much. She would have to somehow get in contact with Carol to let her know she was okay, but other than that, her future now lay with Zahn.
She looked into his dark green eyes, her emotions overwhelming her. Paris never knew so much happiness could exist.
“Can I tell you something?” Zahn whispered.
“You can tell me anything.”
“Before I met you, I believed love made men weak, but I’ve never felt stronger.”
She cupped the side of his face. “We’ll be each other’s strength.”
So much good was finally happening in her life. She would finally be reunited with her mother and sister, and she’d found a man who she knew she’d love for the rest of her life.
This was the excitement she’d been looking for.
Queen Calliope waited anxiously for the arrival of her daughter. What was taking them so long to get here? They should have been here by now. She supposed another
few minutes wouldn’t hurt considering it had been over twenty years since she’d last seen Paris.
Blaze squeezed her hand in a reassuring gesture. “It’s all right, my love. They’ll arrive shortly.”
“I know, but…” Her eyes welled with tears as she thought of all the years lost because she thought her daughter dead.
“You don’t have to tell me how you feel. I already know. You’re anxious.”
She smiled, appreciating her husband’s understanding. “What if she hates me? She might think I abandoned her.”
“You had no choice, Calliope. I’m sure she’ll bear you no resentment once you explain what happened.”
London walked over to them and took her mother’s free hand. “You have nothing to worry about. Zahn said Paris was excited to finally see us again.”
The queen sighed, hoping her daughter and husband were right. The past several hours had been an emotional whirlwind for her. When Blaze and London had arrived at the palace safely, Calliope believed all would be well, but the bombshell was dropped.
London would be going back to Earth to be with Matt. Calliope was still digesting that bit of information. She thought Matt was a nice young man, and it was obvious to anyone looking at the couple that they were in love. Instinctively she knew London’s soon-to-be husband would cherish, protect and honor her for as long as they lived.
The kind of looks they exchanged were the same ones she and Blaze shared. Even though she knew London would be happy with her chosen mate, it didn’t mean Calliope had to like the idea of her being so far away. The news had been devastating but London promised to visit regularly. Blaze had also assured her that they too would go to Earth periodically.
Just as she was getting used to London’s announcement, Zahn finally contacted them. He’d found Paris alive and well. Zahn had explained the mix-up. There was an emotion in Zahn’s voice Calliope detected when he spoke of Paris. Maybe something had developed between the two of them on the trip from Earth. She certainly hoped so.
In her heart, she’d never stopped believing Paris was alive, but the evidence back then had been so conclusive. At the time the search parties had been sent to Earth to find Paris, the DNA tracker was still not as sophisticated as its current model, so the margin of error had been larger.
Calliope had London to thank for believing, when hope was slowly beginning to fade.
Tuk, their faithful servant for many years, entered the throne room. “Your Highnesses, they’ve arrived.”
Calliope looked at her husband and then to her daughter, anxiety and excitement filling her at once. Her six sons stood behind them ready to greet their sister as well. She nodded toward the servant. “Please show them in.”
Tuk bowed her head in reverence. “Of course, your majesty.”
When Tuk returned, she was followed by General Zahn and Paris.
She remained rooted to the spot unable to tear her eyes away from the beauty who stood before her. Calliope thought her heart would burst with emotion.
London was not so reserved. She ran to Paris, nearly knocking her twin over. Paris seemed surprised by her sister’s exuberance, but she returned the hearty embrace. Soon the twins were both laughing and crying as they held on to each other. But still Calliope couldn’t move.
Blaze gave her a questioning look. “My love, why don’t you go to her?”
“I’m scared,” she whispered back.
He frowned. “Why? Isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for all these years?”
“It is, but I’m afraid I’ll wake up and it will all be a fantasy. Since we’ve been separated, I used to dream I’d see her, and then when we hugged she’d disappear. I don’t think I could handle it if this wasn’t real.”
Just then the twins broke apart. London grabbed her sister’s hand and practically dragged Paris toward Calliope, stopping only a few feet away. “Paris, this is our mother.”
Calliope’s eyes met large brown eyes like her own. Tears ran down her face unheeded. “Paris.”
Paris took a step closer. “Mom?”
Blaze gave Calliope a gentle nudge. “Go to her, my love.”
Calliope stepped toward Paris, extending her arms in greeting.
Without hesitation, Paris ran into her mother’s embrace. Calliope held Paris tight, not wanting to let go. She had her baby back. Holding out one arm, she beckoned London forward and included her in the hug.
Having both her daughters with her was all her dreams come true. Though she knew they both would soon take different paths, it was good to have them both with her. Joy soared through her breast. Her broken heart was now mended.
Eve Vaughn
Eve Vaughn has enjoyed creating characters and making up stories from an early age. As a child she was always getting into mischief, so when she lost her television privileges (which was often), writing was her outlet. Her stories have gotten quite a bit spicier since then! Eve likes to read, bake, make crafts, travel, and spend time with her family. She lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband and pet turtle. She loves to hear from her fans, so feel free to contact her at, join her yahoo group at and visit her website at