_Anthology - Monsters

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_Anthology - Monsters Page 6

by _Anthology

  "It's up to you, sweet," he murmured against the chaste kiss, hands moving reassuringly over Trev's back.

  The trick to faking it, he smiled to himself, was believing in the lie. Trev shivered a little again, moaned, lips parting willingly beneath Kalt's, arms winding around his shoulders. The response was impeccably attentive, but Kalt's real focus was on waiting for that imperceptible nod of the head. Anticipation and hunger spiked again, made his hips jerk against Trev's.

  "Good..." Lips drawing back, he brushed one hand affectionately over the disastrously colored hair. The other hand tugged Trev up from the couch, led him over to the bedroom door, eyes simultaneously sweet and sultry. The sight that greeted them beyond the bedroom door was that of Thorn kissing the mouse gently, seducing him with lips and tongue. His hands roamed over Jazz's back and the boy moved against him with each touch. Sensual as the image was, however, it didn't compare to the heat that smoldered in Kalt as Thorn's eyes flicked up to meet his.

  Trev's hesitation flared again, fingers tightening tensely around Kalt's, suddenly nervous as to what was going to happen. Kalt just squeezed his hand, tugging him further into the room with another gentle, reassuring smile, and drawing him close, murmuring softly. "It's okay, it's just a game... don't worry."

  The mouse's breath hitched softly at the scene he was watching past Kalt's shoulder. The fleeting sense of irritability that Thorn was apparently stealing his thunder even now ebbed, as Trev seemed to grow bolder thanks to the inspirational view. Leaning up, his hands wound in Kalt's hair, drawing him down into a demanding, if slightly sloppy, kiss.

  Mimicking the scene in the elevator, Kalt broke the kiss after a moment, positioning Trev in front of him -- far be it from him to obstruct the view -- keeping the kid pressed against him while his hands roamed. The same need for restraint was gone now; there would be no disapproving looks from Thorn this time for Kalt's impatience.

  Thorn broke the kiss, leaving Jazz panting. "One moment." Walking into the bathroom he emerged a few moments later with a damp washrag. Kalt smiled to himself; he knew Thorn well enough to know he'd be dammed before he seduced the boy with all that make-up. Walking back toward Jazz, Thorn smiled. "I never could abide the taste of cosmetics on my tongue, do you mind?" He held a hand up, gesture indicating he was very willing to wash the boy's face himself.

  An almost sheepish smile flashed and with a quick nod from the mouse, Thorn began to cleanse the face of the gunk. The skin underneath was beautiful, not a mark, not a blemish. Thorn leaned forward and licked at the boy's cheek, sliding his tongue toward kiss-bruised lips.

  Jazz opened up his mouth, evidently anticipating a kiss, but all Thorn did was lick those lips from the outside. It was all Kalt could do not to lick his own lips in sympathy at the frustration. "Take off your shirt for me," Thorn whispered into Jazz's mouth, while his hand continued to clean the rest of the make-up from the boy's throat

  Kalt chuckled softly at Thorn's fastidiousness as he cleaned off the make-up, but the sound wasn't derisive. There was something endearing about it that made Kalt's smile almost wistful. Letting the tip of his tongue run along the side of Trev's throat, Kalt moaned softly himself at the quick melody of the pulse that raced beneath his lips. His hands slid up the kid's sides, making deft work of the clingy shirt. One hand stayed to stroke along the soft warm skin of a slender chest, the other raked down to close over Trev's clothed arousal, grasping firmly and massaging slowly. Trev whimpered, rubbing back against him.

  There was a heartbeat thundering at every point where his body met Trev's and the rush of anticipation was making Kalt lightheaded with the need, drunk on it. Jazz dropped the shirt from his shoulders, his hands moving to unbutton Thorn's coat. Thorn himself was apparently in no hurry, having feasted earlier. And the bastard knew that Kalt hadn't fed yet, knew his hunger would be sharper than Thorn's. It would be interesting to see if Kalt could hold out as long.

  Thorn reached over, dipping a strawberry into the cream and rubbing the white substance on Jazz's lips. "Take your pants off for me..." Thorn moved to sit on the edge of the bed and pulled the boy between his legs. Jazz licked the cream while undoing the belt on his pants, then dropping them, standing there nude, white skin flushed pink with desire and shyness. Kalt wondered idly whether Thorn was tempted to change the boy. On the surface he certainly seemed Thorn's type, the beauty hidden under the clothing, under the cosmetics, was completely lovely. But when he looked up into those eyes, he could see greed and avarice and hints of stupidity, and those, he knew, were definitely not things Thorn could abide.

  Thorn had removed his jacket and, since he'd wore nothing under it but his pants, the black raven wings on his back looked as if they flapped with every movement. Putting the strawberry between his teeth, he pulled Trev to him as though daring the boy to take the berry from his lips. Trev eagerly climbed atop him, letting his tongue play around the edges of the fruit before pulling it into his mouth, and Thorn's tongue as well.

  Slowly moving Trev closer to the bed, Kalt's gaze was fixed on Thorn. The prettiness of the mouse was something incidental. He wasn't here to watch the prey, after all, he was here to watch the hunter play. Still, that didn't mean he couldn't afford to give the mouse some leeway to play. His hands slid down to the waist of those tight jeans, blunt nails raking hard enough to leave ghosted imprints of scratches. Trev whimpered, squirmed against him, hands reaching back for him, lips pressing messy and badly aimed kisses along his jaw.

  There was something sweet about him, Kalt supposed, in a fumbling inexperienced sort of way. Whatever else Kalt was, he was no-one's tutor. Pale eyes fixed on Thorn's, Kalt allowed just enough fang to extend to barely scratch the skin beneath his lips, giving Trev's erection another knowing stroke beneath the confines of tight jeans as they slid down the kid's narrow hips.

  Kalt's attention, though, was solely on Thorn. Never once breaking the kiss, Thorn had rolled them over and the juice from the strawberries and their own saliva dribbled past the corner of Jazz's lips. Sitting up on the boy's hips, Thorn rose up to remove his own pants. He picked up another strawberry, this one dipped in chocolate, and then ran the tip along Jazz's inner thigh. Bending down, head tilted, Thorn lapped up the chocolate, his cheek rubbing against the sacs nestled there.

  Jazz moaned and his legs spread open of their own volition, unsurprisingly wanting more, which Thorn gave him, running that same chocolate coated strawberry along the side of the engorged erection before his face. Using only his tongue, he licked first upward, then slowly back down before going back up once more, eyes never leaving Kalt's. Then he took the head of Jazz's cock inside the vacuum heat of his lips and mouth. The boy arched up as Jazz fairly yelled at the first suck.

  Somewhere at the edge of Kalt's attention, Trev gasped his name, bucking back against him. The jolt of pleasure dragged his focus back momentarily. His eyes darkened at the reason for the gasp, watching Thorn and Jazz with detached observation even as the slinky body in his arms writhed against him, pleading with incoherent moans for more.

  A thin little ribbon of blood beaded from the scratch, barely enough to taste, let alone assuage any hunger. It still made Kalt moan low in the back of his throat as his lips ghosted kisses over the shallow welt, breathing quick and shallow. It was a slip, and he knew it. Too early in the game. That Trev hadn't noticed yet was more luck than judgment. And Thorn would never let him hear the end of it.

  Not quite letting go of the mouse, Kalt reached for the abandoned bottle of wine on the nightstand, brushing Thorn's tattoo 'accidentally' as his hand ghosted along Thorn's back. Thorn shifted beneath the touch as though it had burned, and from Jazz's groan, it seemed he'd benefited from Thorn's reaction too. Watching what Thorn did to his boy only heightened Kalt's appetite, honed it ‘til it was a fine taut string just waiting for a master to pluck at it. Moving back to an unoccupied part of the bed, he watched with a sly smile as Trev continued to stare at Thorn and his friend, blue eyes wide, breathing ragged.
br />   From the imperceptible darkening in the glance Thorn gave him, Kalt knew the other man smelled rather than saw the little bit of blood. Nothing anyone would get excited about, but enough to sharpen a hunger. Even while his lips worked the hard flesh of his little Goth, Thorn's eyes watched everything Kalt did.

  "Sweet..." Kalt gestured to the strawberries and cream, before wrapping his arms around Trev from behind again, the bottle of wine rubbing against the unfastened fly of the boy's pants, tongue teasing along the scratch again. "Sweeter."

  Turning Trev around, Kalt kissed him deeply, heedless as to whether the boy could taste the trace of blood or not. Stepping back slightly, a gentle nudge sent his mouse sprawling back onto the empty side of the bed. Those blue eyes smiled up at him, hazy with desire, the pale slender body offered up like some kind of prize.

  Oh, sweet, if you only knew how much...

  He watched as Thorn continued to suck Jazz's hard flesh, though his eyes were glued to Kalt, hunger for other things shining deep within. When Jazz's cock was released from that delicious torture, the boy whimpered in want, but it seemed Thorn had other things in mind as he leaned down and ran his tongue along the juncture where thigh met hip. His cheek rested against the mouse's balls, rubbing back and forth as he ran his tongue all around the base of the shaft and back to that place, before his fangs emerged and sunk into flesh.

  His eyes smiled at Kalt. When Kalt's gaze met Thorn's again, he almost whimpered right along with the mouse. Watching those fangs pierce skin, penetrate flesh, the scent of the moisture that ran from that bite heady and strong, underlined with the musk of arousal, those eyes... It made his mind spin, erection pounding achingly hard against the confines of his pants.

  Trev's attention was riveted on Kalt, there was no chance he'd notice what Thorn was doing to his friend, but he touched the boy's mind anyway, a precaution that probably wasn't necessary. With a growl that spoke of all kinds of hungers, he tugged the mouse's pants the rest of the way off long rangy legs, parting them a little roughly, grinding his hips against the cradle of Trev's thighs. The boy's whimper was swallowed up in a demanding kiss, his fingers raking hard down Kalt's back.

  Kalt knew from experience that Thorn could smell his arousal and that awareness just fed his own hunger. He could almost taste the lifeblood filling Thorn's mouth, but that bite was probably intended to tease Kalt more than anything. Thorn pulled back, blood on his lips, droplets sliding down his chin, not a lot, but enough to make Kalt hungrier, which he supposed was the objective. Taking the blood that had pooled where he'd bitten the mouse, Thorn used it to coat himself, licking the rest from his hands, an action that made Kalt swallow reflexively. Swinging Jazz onto his hands and knees, Thorn stood at the edge of the bed and slowly began to slide inside that tight heat, the boy crying out as pleasure and pain assaulted him.

  Smiling over toward Kalt, licking his lips, Thorn seated himself to the hilt, moaning softly.

  Trev was mewling and squirming and begging beneath him, but the only thing racing through Kalt's mind was that image. Thorn, beautiful and monochrome, with that bright red blood on his lips.

  The hunger was like an acid in his blood, searing everywhere the pulse touched. Kalt thrust hard against Trev again, growling into the kiss as the mouse whimpered, pressed up against him. Enough. Before the hunger obliterated the capacity to think, he drew back from the hard kiss, hands grabbing Trev by the hips, turning him over to kneel on the bed. One hand getting his own pants open, the other reaching for the wine bottle, Kalt leaned down, lips brushing Trev's ear.

  "You want that too, sweet?" He licked at the skin just below the mouse's ear, feeling the pulse, feeling it echo in a throb of his erection as he freed it from the fly of his jeans. Trev's breath hitched in as coherent an answer as Kalt figured he was going to get, transfixed by the other couple.

  Thorn would tell him it was a waste of good wine. Kalt couldn't help grinning ferally at that thought as he poured the red liquid over the small of the boy's back, letting it trickle down over his thighs, down the valley of his ass. Wet enough, good enough to reduce a little resistance as he grasped Trev's hips again, driving in with one hard thrust, gritting his teeth at the tightness.

  At the edge of his awareness he could feel Thorn watching it all, while thrusting into Jazz. Heavy lidded wine colored eyes took it all in, his thrusts slow and measured. The sounds Thorn's mouse made would be gratifying to anyone else; they were loud, needy and highly sexual. But Kalt knew better, he realized that Thorn wasn't after the sounds, he was after the game, the game of pushing Kalt over the edge, everything he'd done here tonight was designed for it.

  The body beneath his own felt good, but the body across the way was the prize. He could almost hate Thorn's prey if he were a lesser man. Thorn leaned over Jazz's back, one hand moving to take the boy's cock and stroke it with each languid thrust, while he ran his tongue down the boy's spine. For a second Kalt let himself believe it was him beneath Thorn and his actions bespoke the fantasy, his touches giving way to heated pleasures.

  Buried deep within the boy beneath him, Kalt tried to rein in the aggressiveness of the hunger, fought desperately for a shred of control.

  He was forgetting the reason this game began tonight and that just couldn't be tolerated. Pausing for a moment, he took a swig from the near-empty wine bottle, before splashing what was left over the point where his body met that tautly stretched ring of muscle. Trev whimpered softly, but a touch of his mind and a hand at the small of his back calmed him.

  Meeting Thorn's gaze, a sliver of restraint back in place, Kalt began to thrust, hard and slow, drawing a cry from Trev's lips with each stroke. One hand reached for that badly dyed hair, tangling in it, yanking Trev up against him, fangs showing as they grazed over the scratch on the boy's shoulder.

  Thorn was still watching him, as though he was unable not to. His thrusts became a bit fiercer, a bit faster, as he stroked in time with them. Jazz was crying out, his body covered in moisture. Thorn leaned over him and pulled him flush to his own body, one hand holding the boy across the chest, the other stroking Jazz's cock, while he thrust in and out.

  Kalt shivered as Thorn's fangs slid deep into the boy's pulse point, the rush of blood making Thorn's body shudder in pleasure. From the slow tension in the muscles of his jaw, he knew Thorn was tempering how much blood he was taking, using his tongue and fangs to keep it at a slow trickle. The whole time he kept his eyes on Kalt and Kalt's mouse.

  The things Kalt's gaze was drowning in were doing far more damage to his mind than anything his body was sinking into. Tight and hot and sweet as Trev was, he might as well have not been there. Kalt would still be feeling the same relentless rush of hunger just watching Thorn.

  When those fangs pierced skin again, Kalt barely caught the moan before it escaped his lips, cock jerking inside Trev, but the boy's pleasure wasn't his concern. Hand tight in pink and blue hair again, he angled Trev's head so that he couldn't turn away from the sight in front of them.

  Thrusting harder, his voice was low and husky as old whiskey as he murmured against Trev's ear. "Look... Look at what beauty really is." He watched as Thorn quivered at the words, the tattoo on his back looked like the wings were actually flapping with each movement. Thorn's jaw and throat worked as the blood rushed in his mouth, some slipping out of the corners of his lips. His thrusting and stroking were increasing heatedly and, judging by the cries and moans, the mouse beneath him was so very close to the most intensely erotic orgasm he'd ever had in his young life.

  Yet even as Jazz was nudged over that crest, Thorn's moan betrayed the fact that his own orgasm was still ruthlessly held back. He pulled his lips from the boy's throat just as the boy nearly died from loss of blood. Thorn left him barely alive, but the body was limp as he laid it down, eyes ruthlessly watching Kalt the whole time.

  "Your turn I believe, youngling."

  Even as Thorn's words washed over him, it was that trickle of blood from the corner of Thorn's l
ips that finally made Kalt crack. Fuck the game, fuck everything but the hunger and the searing ache in his veins, like they were being parched dry. Yanking Trev's head back, still thrusting hard, he dropped any mental coercion that kept the boy from seeing what was really going on.

  The tightness that terror wound into the mouse's body was so intense it hurt. Kalt could barely move to thrust, just let the rippling of that deliriously tense body wring the climax from him, let the fear feed the hunger. Just before the mouse opened his mouth to scream, Kalt reared back and his fangs sank into the side of the boy's throat. Everything after that was heat. Blood and orgasm and life, everything danced with life, glimmered with it, and the rush of the hunger and the release went through his head so hard it almost made him dizzy.

  *** The beauty of the tableau before him had Thorn licking his lips, tasting the droplets of blood. He sent his thoughts to Kalt's mouse, keeping the boy from screaming; it wouldn't do in a place like this. Pulling out from the nearly lifeless body of his own boy, he climbed across the bed, reaching out for Kalt, pulling him close and kissing him fiercely, keeping the other mouse immobile and soothing the fear for the time being.

  Everything was forgotten at the kiss. It had always been that way, burned a fire in Thorn that obliterated the hunger, letting the surroundings fade to a haze. While still buried in the barely conscious body of the mouse, Kalt's arms wound around Thorn, tasting blood and wine and a hunger that had nothing to do with taking life and all to do with the want flowing between them.

  Reaching down, but not breaking the kiss, Thorn pulled the body of the mouse away from Kalt slowly, pushing the boy out of the way carelessly. His mind didn't let go of either of the mice, keeping them quiet, keeping them from knowing what happened completely. But they were in the way. He wanted room for him and Kalt to play on the bed.


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