Death of Time (SpaceFed StarShips Series Book 4) 2nd Edition.: A thrilling, psychological, Mystery and Suspense, sci-fi detective thriller. (SpaceFed StarShips Trilogy)

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Death of Time (SpaceFed StarShips Series Book 4) 2nd Edition.: A thrilling, psychological, Mystery and Suspense, sci-fi detective thriller. (SpaceFed StarShips Trilogy) Page 17

by Gerry A. Saunders


  Smits,” Hanson said. “What’s the matter? You look worried?”

  “Aren’t you? I’m sure of one thing. His weapon may be becoming less potent.

  But it can still kill you, right up to the moment the weapon’s fissile material is entirely spent,” she said, noticing that Micky and Charlie were both visibly dismayed at this information.

  “Okay Hanson,” Micky finally said. “We’ve got enough info now so this seems a good time for us to leave. Thanks to everyone for your help.”

  “What are you going to do now? Micky.”

  “Try to survive, Doctor Hanson… We’ll cruise around a while, just to see if we can pick him up. But I think he’s probably got all the information he needs by now.”

  “What about the test?” Smits asked.

  “Go on with it as planned. But the day before the test, let me know the exact time and place, and I’ll be there with you.”

  Micky then handed his personal card to Hanson along with a sheet of folded paper. “Just call me.”

  “Will do Micky…,” he said looking at the card. “This is an odd telephone number on your card?”

  “It’s because I have a dual sequence phone. Anything else that I should know about before we go?”


  “Shush, Read it later,” Micky whispered.

  “Well, I’m sure he won’t want to kill any of us before the test Micky,” Smits said. Then deep in thought quietly added, “No, I’m sure that I’m right. We should be safe up until the day of the test.”

  Out of the four of them, Micky’s respect for Smits had risen the most. He could see that she had done her homework and was taking the threat seriously.

  Micky shook hands with the men, then deliberately kissed Smits on both cheeks. She blushed and smiled at him.

  “Come, I’ll show you out,” Hanson said as Charlie said her goodbyes.

  Once outside the building, Micky thanked Hanson, wishing him good luck.

  “I’ll instruct the guards to let you both straight through when you return.”

  “Thanks, Hanson, we’ll see you on the day of the test.”

  “I look forward to it Micky. Charlie.”

  Then Hanson went back into the building. Just inside the entrance, however, he couldn’t resist stopping to read Micky’s note, then took a lighter from his pocket and burnt the message, as instructed.

  They walked across the visitor's parking section to their black armoured Mercedes.

  Chris, their driver, opened the door for them.

  “Thanks. Have you been bored?”

  “No, Miss. I had an excellent book to read, that’s all I needed.”

  Micky followed Charlie in and sat down beside her on the back seat then snuggled up close together, as Chris closed the door.

  “I expected to see drones flying around everywhere here, Chris?”

  “Well, a few years ago, they were everywhere.”

  “But, not now? Why?”

  “Abuse. One of the main reasons for their decline was that neighbours used them to spy on each other.”

  “Ugh. Can you imagine having a bath and seeing a drone hovering outside your window, filming you? Sick people. I’d soon put a stop to that,” Charlie sternly said.

  “And the people did Miss. With direct action. With the gun law as it is over here, people just shot them out of the sky.”

  “Like a turkey shoot,” Micky explained, smiling.

  “We wouldn’t be able to do that in the UK,” Charlie added. “Mores the pity.”

  “Where to sir?”

  “Why are you addressing me formally, Chris?”

  “Well, I was talking to Lieutenant Armstrong earlier, using your Christian names, but he thought my attention to detail and safety might slip if I’m too familiar.”

  “Okay. We may not agree with his assessment, but we’ll respect his wishes,” Micky said, then felt Chris’s emotions, which were expressing disappointment.

  “You could still call me Chris.”

  “Right. Drop the Sir and Miss unless we have to meet your bosses,” Charlie affirmed.

  “Thanks, Charlie.”

  Micky looked at his watch to see it was well past five o’clock. ‘Time had flown today,’ he thought.

  “I reckon it's back to the hotel for a shower, meal then an early night. What do you say, Charlie?”

  She eyed him for a moment. ‘He does look tired,’ she thought. “Yes, that would be good, it feels like it’s been a long day.”

  “OK Chris, the hotel, please. But just cruise around this area for a few minutes before we leave.”

  “Yes sir, just tell me when to stop.”

  The Mercedes pulled away heading for the main entrance.

  At the gate, a guard briefly looked in at them. “We’ve been told to let you pass straight through from now on sir.”

  “Thank you that will be most helpful. I can’t stress enough that this killer wears a bulletproof vest. So for your own sakes, shoot at his head or gun hand.”

  “We will sir, thank you.”

  The gate slid open, as the ‘Stinger’ dropped below the surface.

  Chris accelerated the Limo out and started to slowly cruise along the roads close to Cebro.

  He drove around for about fifteen minutes, but Micky didn’t pick up anything to alarm him.

  “OK Chris, the hotel, please.”

  “On our way.”

  “What book are you reading Chris?” Charlie asked.

  “It’s one of the SpaceFed trilogy books.”

  “Is it a good book then?”

  “Job to put it down, Miss.”

  They sat in silence until they reached the hotel.

  “You can have the rest of the time off,” Micky said jokingly as they got out of the car. “But be back here by 10:30 tomorrow.”

  “Right. I’ll be here, on the dot.”

  Chris drove off as Micky and Charlie entered the hotel. A few minutes later were laying back on their sofa.

  “Early meal tonight, Charlie?”

  “Agreed. What did you give to Hanson with your card?”

  “Just telling him of a slight change to events. Too risky in digital form.”

  “Because of the killer’s eavesdropping?”

  “Exactly. I told him to burn it after.”


  After relaxing a while, he got up and raided the drinks cabinet. “Join me, Charlie?”

  “Just orange juice for me. You should stop drinking Micky.”

  “Probably,” he said, drinking it back in one. “But I needed that.”

  Both put the glasses away, then freshened up before they left for an early meal. After which they returned to their room. It was still only five past nine.

  “I feel much better with some food inside me.”

  “Agreed, Charlie.”

  “I’m going to have a shower now. I might take a drink of something to bed with me.”

  “I’ll follow you.”

  Charlie showered, then raided the drinks vendor, finding a half bottle of red wine. She poured it into two small glasses and took them into the bedroom.

  Micky had already followed her and was busy showering.

  Before he joined her in the bedroom, he did a mental scan. Scanning outwards as far as he could.

  He only picked three abnormal levels. Those of an energetic couple further down the corridor and Charlie, waiting in anticipation.

  She was lying on the bed, as he came in. He sensed her emotional level rise even more as she watched him walk in, naked.

  ‘She’s gorgeous,’ he thought as he looked at her. Then felt an involuntary reaction, down below.

  She saw his reaction, then deliberately straightened her legs, keeping them tight together she tensed her leg muscles.

  “Come on,” she encouraged him, provocatively moving her body as he came over to the bed and stood close to her. She caught hold of him, pulling him down onto the bed.
  “Christine Herriot Bernstein, I love you.”

  “Then show me,” she said opening her legs far enough for him to kneel between them as he rolled then knelt over her. He lowered himself gently down on her while she held him firmly, pulling him close and guiding him in.

  She felt his hardness inside her then squirmed in ecstasy as she felt him thrusting into her. She gasped, lost in the moment once again.

  Chapter 24.


  They woke refreshed after a good night’s sleep, but Charlie felt sick again. This time she was.

  “You need to see a doctor.”

  “Not a doctor Micky, a Pharmacy more likely.”

  “We should get you checked anyway.”

  “Well, this is new to me, but I would bet that I’m pregnant.”

  He felt a moment of joy, followed by a feeling of sadness. Realising that, if she were, he’d almost certainly never see his child born.

  “I assume you don’t want breakfast then, Charlie?”

  “You can. I’ll get something later.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, go.”

  “Okay, I’ll just set up the laptop and scrambler, just in case Cedrick has more information for us.”

  Once done, he headed for the restaurant and waded through a full American breakfast.

  By the time he returned, Charlie had already eaten two chocolate bars that she’d raided from the vending machine. And, feeling a lot better, was dressed and ready to go.

  “Where are we going this morning?”

  “I’ll let you know after I check to see if Cedrick’s tried to call us.”

  “Well, the laptop hasn’t beeped.”

  She was right, there weren’t any messages from Cedrick.

  “I’d better call him,” he said. “Can’t let him sleep in, can I,” he added, chuckling to himself as he made the call.

  Cedrick’s face showed on his screen.

  “Don’t you ever sleep Micky,” he irritably snapped.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Its people like you that send people like me to an early grave… Err, sorry, I didn’t think.”

  Hearing this, Charlie looked at Cedrick’s image on the screen then at Micky, and a chill ran down her spine.

  She could see a difference in Micky’s face, wrinkles had started to form around his eyes.

  “That’s okay Cedrick,” Micky blithely replied, unaware of the fact that Charlie had heard Cedrick’s remarks.

  “What have you got for us?”

  “Nothing really. Although, there’s been another murder. Lieutenant Armstrong says it’s not related to our investigation, but his bosses are getting jittery. They want you to look at the victim.”

  “H’m Lieutenant Armstrong again. We’d better go then, Charlie.”

  “Yeah, it’ll give us something useful to do today, instead of just driving aimlessly about hoping you can sniff out this killer,” Charlie agreed, sounding enthusiastic.

  “OK, Cedrick. Charlie’s spoken so I guess we’ll have to go.”

  “Well. Good for her. Anyway, I’ve already told him you would.”

  Then Cedrick looked at Micky again, with his face appearing to be larger as he moved closer to his screen to see Micky’s image.

  “You look tired my boy.”

  “Yes. I am a bit,” Micky replied. Then asked Charlie to check the bedroom again.

  “OK,” she said and went off to look.

  “Cedrick, you remember what I asked you to do before we went to the Parkers?”

  “Yes. I promised you that I would protect her if you end up dead. I keep my promises, Micky.”

  “Well, I’m sure that she’s pregnant. I can feel her emotions and they confirm that I’m correct.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, don’t worry Micky. She’ll be out of danger in the blink of an eye. But just her. You know it has to be that way?”

  “Yes. Thanks, Cedrick,” he said, then stopped as Charlie came back.

  “It’s good Micky, nothing we need,” she said looking at him suspiciously. “Are you talking about me?”

  “Micky tells me that you might be pregnant Charlie.”

  “Perhaps, but it’s a bit early to say, Cedrick.”

  “OK understood Charlie,” Cedrick replied.

  Then said, “Micky, Lieutenant Armstrong’s downloading the crime scene directions into Chris’s sat-nav system. I’ll download a report on this killer to your laptop.”

  “OK, send it.”

  A few seconds later he heard the beep from the laptop.

  “Got it Cedrick, thanks.”

  “I’ll leave you to it then,” he replied ending the connection. While Micky copied the file to his own phone.

  He looked at his watch. 10:20. “Right, we’re ready to go Charlie.”

  Micky carried out a scan, which picked up their driver who had just arrived. He noted that Chris was agitated at being late and had obviously had a bad night.

  “Chris is here, Charlie.”

  Both checked their revolvers, made sure they hadn’t left anything behind. Then left, handing their room access card in at reception.

  “Morning Chris, sorry you had a bad night.”

  “So am I,” Chris replied, before realising what Micky had said

  “How did you…?” He started to say, then stopped, looking strangely at Micky for a moment.

  “I’ve already downloaded Lieutenant Armstrong’s directions to this new crime scene.”

  “Excellent. Charlie and I will study the preliminary crime report while we’re travelling.”

  “Is it far Chris?” Charlie asked.

  “No Charlie, just a bit further out than Cebro.”

  Chris opened the rear door for Charlie. As soon as they had their seatbelts on, their black Mercedes pulled out of the hotel and headed out.

  “This looks like Chester Pike. Oh yes, right past where we chased him into Acres Drive,” Micky remarked.

  “Yeah, then he gave me the slip.”

  “Not your fault, Chris.”

  “I know Micky. Still hurts, though,” he replied as he waited for his Satnav screen to refresh with the new data.

  “OK, we need to go up North Swarthmore Avenue till we see the police roadblock.”

  While they were on route, Micky kept up his mental scanning. But nothing caught his attention.

  The information Cedrick had downloaded was now on his phone. Although he could see that the quality of the pictures wasn’t very good, and the report had lost a certain clarity it was nevertheless a starting point.

  “Oh Chris, stop if you see a Pharmacy, we need to get something.”


  Charlie looked daggers at Micky.


  “Don’t embarrass me.”

  “It’s ok. I’ll go in and get it. I need to know, Charlie.”

  “Alright, then I’ll go in on my own.”

  “There’s a Pharmacy a bit further ahead. It’s slightly off our route, but I’ll stop there.”

  “Thanks, Chris.”

  Three minutes later the Limo pulled up outside. But Micky, remembering that his wife Alesha had been shot dead during a robbery, was reluctant to let Charlie go in alone.

  “I’ll come in with you,” he proposed.

  “No, you won’t. I’ll do it myself, and I’ll check the situation.”

  “OK, go on then,” he said seeing that she was determined.

  Then carried out an in-depth Mental scan to make sure things were safe for her.

  Charlie went across to the Pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test kit.

  She felt guilty, remembering why Micky had suggested coming in with her. His wife had been killed in a robbery. So, of course, he was bound to be nervous about her going in alone.

  She saw a cubicle which had generously been provided by the establishment for just such a thing, she thought. But on entering realised it must actually be meant for mothers to change their ba
by’s nappies etcetera.

  Very handy anyway she thought as she carried out the test. Waited a few moments then looked. The reading was ‘Positive.’

  She returned to the car, her face alight with joy.

  Once inside, she looked at Micky hardly able to contain herself.

  “Yes,” she said, kissing him. Micky smiled and kissed her back, then sat back thinking ‘Now you really have to keep your promise Cedrick.’

  “OK Chris, we’re done here. We’d better get a move on.”

  “Yes Charlie,” Chris said. He floored the accelerator pedal, and the Limo surged forward, tyres squealing.

  Micky and Charlie looked at the preliminary crime report as they went, then decided it was a waste of time. It was too vague Anyway, they would soon be there.

  During the rest of the trip, Micky was deep in thought. But remembered to scan occasionally.

  The killer wasn’t his primary concern, he decided. It was their baby. Yes, he knew he probably wouldn’t live to see it born. But he knew Charlie, Cedrick and Linda would all work together to bring him, or her, up.

  It also dawned on him that Charlie’s father, in England was high up in the police force. She was indeed well connected and would have all the help she needed.

  Then realized that he was confused with this ‘him or her’ emotional tag.

  He remembered when Alice was helping him to develop his ability. She had taken him to a prenatal care clinic many times, to see if he could distinguish, from the mother’s emotional flavour, whether the mother to be was having a boy or girl.

  And yes, he had sensed a difference, small, but it was there.

  He, very gently carried out another scan on Charlie. But he was still confused.

  It didn’t make sense. The emotional flavour was neither male nor female.

  Chapter 25.


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