The Devil's Good Intentions

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The Devil's Good Intentions Page 30

by Kari Miller

  The thought of Katherine carrying his child made him feel triumphant and proud. He envisioned her nursing their child while he sat back and looked on. It was a picture he couldn’t wait to see come to fruition.

  He wanted a house full of children and honestly didn’t fancy a boy over a girl; just as long as the child was born from her belly he was happy. She would be radiant as her stomach bloomed with his child nestled safely within her. He could see himself being a doting Father and even looked forward to passing on some of his responsibilities to others so that he could spend more time at home with his family.

  Ed had informed them that he thought he found the most perfect property for their future home. The men had agreed that they would all go on an “extended hunting trip” and inspect the property for themselves. If it turned out that the property was indeed suitable, they would start construction immediately. The property was located not in Scotland but on an island just off the coast of Jamaica. The land was undeveloped which is what they wanted and large enough to build the estate that would house all of the brotherhood and their families, as well as the servants and land tenants. While they were gone they would set all of the women up on his property and employ an abundance of guards and escorts. They only expected to be gone for a month but didn’t want to take any chances.

  The property manager he was meeting with was to attend them on this journey and if they decided to purchase the island, they would leave it to him to hire the architect and the builders to construct their future. Simon had agreed to oversee the construction and Charles had already drawn the blueprint of what they expected.

  Because all of the Brotherhood was beyond wealthy and the investment was to be shared between them - money was not an issue.

  Ed had informed them that the captain of the enchantress had stumbled across the island by accident after a storm had taken them off course and spoke to Ed about it. The island was hidden among several smaller islands and looked as though it was undiscovered. He had commented that the islands tropical terrain was in abundance and they had found mango trees that provided additional food to help make up for the additional days it took for them to find their course again.

  When Salvador reached the office of his property manager, he knocked on the door with authority and stood back and waited.

  “Lord Salvador” The butler greeted him as he opened the door for Salvador to pass.

  “Hello Geeves, is Patrick here?”

  “Yes Sire, he is in his study. Please allow me to announce you.” The butler replied before turning on his heel to do just that.

  After a quick moment, Salvador was led into the study.

  “Salvador!” Patrick exclaimed as he stood from behind his desk and made his way over to him.

  “Hello Patrick.” Salvador returned with a business like kindness he reserved only for those he trusted.

  “And to what do I owe the honour?” Patrick asked as he shook Salvador’s hand.

  “May I?” Salvador gestured to the sitting area.

  “Of course!” Patrick bellowed out.

  As they got themselves seated, a maid came in with a tray of tea. After serving them, she quietly dismissed herself.

  “Let me get to the point.” Salvador started, after taking a sip of his tea and replacing it on his saucer.

  “Please do” Patrick replied reluctantly.

  “The brotherhood will be embarking on a journey to an island just off the Jamaican coastline. We intend to inspect the property and if it suites our needs we will purchase it and begin construction immediately.”

  Patrick knew about what the brotherhood wanted to do because he had been informed to keep his eye out for any such properties. He had always felt honoured that they had let him in on their plans and swore that he would never let them down.

  “Indeed!” Patrick exclaimed excitedly.

  “Indeed.” Salvador responded dryly. “Patrick, we plan for you to join us on this trip. If we do decide to move forward with our plans then it will be left to you to manage the construction of our estate as well as the tenant’s buildings - with of course the overseeing being done by Simon.”

  Patrick was silent for a moment. This was huge for him and would mean that he would be away from Oxford for at least a year. He was without a family so therefore did not have to worry about leaving anyone behind, but it was still an enormous commitment. He was however prepared to do whatever he had to do to see this through. He was already forewarned that it may come to this so was not surprised at the request.

  “Of course, Salvador. When is this journey to take place?”

  “We will leave in two weeks’ time. We meant to take a private fleet, but with Captain Sebastian giving my ships trouble, I have decided that we will take the enchantress. We need Captain Roberts to guide us to our destination and it would be less curious for spectators if we took my cargo ship.”

  “That makes sense. It will indeed be a rough journey.” Patrick speculated to himself out loud.

  “The accommodations will be tight and uncomfortable, but necessary.” Salvador responded.

  “Yes, I can see that but nevertheless it must be done.” Patrick finished off confidently.

  Salvador grinned with satisfaction.

  Salvador had known Patrick for years and the man had never let him down once. If not for Patrick’s expertise, he would have fallen victim to some bad investments that would have hurt his financial state substantially. Salvador respected him from a business standpoint, but he had no care for the way the man lived from a personal standpoint. Salvador had drawn up a contract of employment that was very strict. One of the stipulations he made, not just with Patrick but all of his managers, was that they were never to indulge in gambling. Salvador needed to trust that his men would not abuse his accounts and had no use for men who gambled away their own finances, only to be forced to “borrow” finances from him “unknowingly”. Salvador was more than intelligent and had his bookkeeper go over his accounts with him on a monthly basis. He knew the cost of supply and material and would know if anyone was abusing his trust. Only in two occurrences had he found his trust breached and both those men were never found.

  Salvador didn’t earn his reputation based on rumours and speculation; people knew what he was about and had good reason to fear him.

  “So it is settled. Be ready in two weeks’ time. I will send a courier to you with the exact date and coordinates. Pack for travel only, we will not spend a lot of time on the island and I will provide the food and shelter.” Salvador informed him as he stood up and offered Patrick his hand to shake.

  Patrick accepted his hand and thanked him profusely before Salvador left for his next appointment.


  Katherine scowled at Bernard as he held onto her reins.

  “Lady Katherine, I bid you to ride with more care.” He responded to her scowl.

  “What is this Bernard? You have never questioned my riding habits before.” She tried to scold him.

  “And that has been my mistake. I intend to correct that and strongly bid you to slow your mount and ride with ease.” He responded smoothly.

  Katherine was severely annoyed and even though she had never exercised her authority over any of the servants, she couldn’t help herself in this instance.

  “Am I to answer to you now?” She stated with the aristocrat arrogance that she was born to.

  “My one and only duty is to accompany you on your daily rides and assure that you are safe. If I cannot follow through with that duty then I will be forced to look for employment elsewhere. I implore you to heed my instructions Lady Katherine.”

  She immediately felt horrible for her bratty behaviour and felt sympathy for him. Bernard was newly married with a child on the way. If Salvador ever found out how hard she rode her horse, he would most surely take his anger out on Bernard. Her frustration should be towards her husband, not her escort. And even still she knew that her husband was overly protective of her and would never consent
to her reckless behaviour.

  “I’m sorry Bernard; I don’t know what got into me.” She replied sheepishly as she slowed her mount to a more desirable pace.

  “No need to apologize. I recognize that you are a better rider than most and therefore probably not used to the safer pace that is expected. It’ll just take some time to get used to.” He replied with genuine friendliness.

  “Thank you Bernard” She gave him a radiant smile that stopped his breath for a moment, before she turned away and continued down the path.

  When they returned, Katherine went to change out of her riding habit. She meant to sit on the bed for only a moment to catch her breath as a dizzy spell struck her once again, but instead found herself dozing off.

  When she woke again she noted that the sun was starting to descend in the sky and Sarah was bustling around her wardrobe.

  Groggily sitting up, she looked towards her maid.

  “You can’t sleep all day Lady Katherine, you won’t be able to sleep tonight!” Her maid exclaimed as she pulled an electric blue velvet evening gown from her wardrobe and brought it to the bed.

  “Come now and let’s get you refreshed.” She clucked as she helped her out of bed and led her to the bathing chamber.

  After helping Katherine out of her clothes, she sat her in a bathing chair and continued to sponge clean her.

  “No bath?” Katherine noted groggily, disturbed that she didn’t feel rested at all regardless of how long she had napped for.

  “I reckon that My Lord would like that privilege.” Sarah chuckled out as she washed Katherine’s back.

  Katherine blushed at her comment but kept quiet.

  Sarah helped her with her evening gown and then proceeded to fix her hair.

  When she was done, Katherine was almost glowing. Because of the time she had been spending in her secret garden, she had recaptured her tan and her skin was so golden that it looked as though she were glowing. Her maid had left Katherine’s hair down but had put a scented cream in her hair that brought out her natural curls. Even Katherine had to admit that she was a pleasant vision.

  To finish off her ensemble, Sarah fastened a pearl necklace around her neck and gave her the matching ring to go with.

  “What a beautiful set” Sarah noted as Katherine placed the ring on her finger.

  “Salvador presented this to me a few days ago. I keep telling him that such gifts are unnecessary, but he insists that he will not be satisfied until my safe is overflowing with jewels.”

  “Lord Salvador is quite taken with you Lady Katherine. I’ve never seen him look at anyone in such a way as he looks on you.” Sarah commented.

  “Don’t be silly Sarah; he looks at me the same way he looks at Rachel and Angel.” She responded.

  Katherine knew that wasn’t true but was fishing for reassurance from her maid.

  “Indeed I tell the truth! When he thinks he is unobserved, he looks on you as though you are his heartbeat!” Sarah defended herself.

  Katherine blushed from head to toe and felt a spark of hope deep within her breast.

  “Did he look at Allison that way?” Katherine asked before thinking about what she was saying.

  “Heavens no! Lord Salvador never invited Allison to stay here, the two times she did stay here was because she came to him of her own accord and he was too polite to turn her away. But even then, she had never once entered his personal chamber. Other than his servants, you are the only woman who has ever had that privilege and I’m certain if it were up to him he would never let you leave!” Her maid responded with a chuckle.

  Katherine would have gasped at her audacity but had grown to like that her maid felt comfortable enough to speak her mind, and in all honesty she wouldn’t change a thing about her. So instead of scolding her she laughed out loud.

  “I have thought that too!” Katherine managed to get out through her bouts of laughter.

  “You are a good wife Lady Katherine and we are as proud to serve you as Lord Salvador is proud to have you by his side.” Sarah confessed with genuine affection.

  Katherine turned to her on her bench and took her maids hands in hers.

  “And I must confess that if it weren’t for the kindness of you and the other servants, I would have had a harder time adjusting to this life. I truly value you Sarah.” Katherine confided with an equal smile.

  “Yes well, it’s good that we get along.” Sarah managed to croak out, trying to hold back tears before remembering that she was Lady Katherine’s charge and needed to be of sound and mind.

  “Now come along Mistress and allow me to attend you to a stroll through the gardens before your husband returns.” She straightened out and pulled Katherine to her feet.

  Katherine smiled knowingly and allowed herself to be pulled along.

  Chapter 26 - A Beautiful Realization

  When Salvador arrived back at his estate, he immediately went looking for his wife. He felt a new surge of protectiveness that overrode his previous surges. He needed to make sure she was alright and would not rest until he saw so with his own eyes.

  “Winston” He stopped a servant who was bustling along the hallway to put coals in a hearth.

  “Yes My Lord?” He stopped and did his best to bow without spilling his load.

  “Can you inform me as to where I might find my wife?”

  “Yes My Lord, She is strolling in the garden with her maid.”

  “Thank you.” Salvador replied as he headed in that direction.

  When he came out onto his back porch, the vision that struck him was breathtaking.

  Katherine was wearing a gown that made her look like royalty and her lose hair whipped at her from the wind as Sarah tried to place a rose bud in her hair, that was promptly carried away by the wind.

  He could not get over how fortunate he was to finally have her. His gaze landed on her flat stomach and he smiled knowingly that soon she would be swollen with his child and looking even more radiant than she did now.

  As if she sensed his presence, she turned her head to him and then smiled shyly as she waved at him.

  Sarah took her arm and led her to him, handing her over to him when they were safely up the steps.

  “Wife” he murmured in her ear as he pulled her close for an embrace.

  “Husband” she giggled out as she welcomed him.

  “You fair well I trust…” he murmured again.

  “Mmm” She mumbled as she buried her face into his chest.

  Tightening his arms around her, he felt an incredible surge of love that almost knocked him to his knees.

  He buried his lips into the top of her head and breathed in her scent. He could feel his erection in painful clarity and judging by her gasp, she could too.

  “You see what you do to me” He chuckled into her hair as he refused to let her squirm away from him.

  “Come love, help me get cleaned up.” He cooed to her seductively as he pulled her towards the house.

  Katherine laughed as he swung her around and carried her up the stairs.

  When they reached their chamber, Salvador once again pulled her into a tight embrace and captured her lips before she could catch her breath.

  As he stole her breath for his own, he carefully guided her against the wall. He tore his lips from hers and trailed them down her throat to place nips at her exposed cleavage.

  When he looked up at her, her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly opened as she sighed wistfully and embraced his head to her bosom.

  He released his painful erection from his trousers and took it in hand; with his other hand he lifted her skirts and buried himself beneath it.

  Katherine gasped and clenched her legs together as his fingers lifted her petticoat.

  “Open” he commanded from beneath her dress and gave her a slight pinch on her behind.

  She reluctantly obeyed and then cried out when he buried his head in her slick core.

  As he lapped at her, he vigorously stroked himself. He
didn’t need to envision anything to bring him to the brink; he had Katherine’s sweet cream on the tip of his tongue and lustful moans being sung by her lips to drive him over the edge. He ran his tongue slowly from her core to her tempting little bud causing her to cry out his name in passion. When he finally gave her what she needed for release, he drank from her like a starving babe.

  Ducking out of her dress, he pulled her to her knees and then skilfully found his mark and drove into her.

  Three thrusts was all it took for him to explode inside her.

  When his head stopped spinning, he cradled her to his chest and smoothed out her skirt.

  She had a dreamy look on her face and a small smirk that he couldn’t help but kiss.

  “I should have probably eaten supper before I had my dessert - but I just couldn’t help myself.” He murmured as he rested his cheek against hers.

  “Oh my” was all she could utter as she snuggled into him.

  God he loved her. So much so that it hurt. Just the thought of leaving her for a whole month tormented him, but he reasoned with himself that it was for the greater good. He didn’t know how he had survived all these years without her or even found ecstasy in another woman’s arms. Since he had been married, he had been approached by several beautiful women while in town and it surprised him that he didn’t have one sensual thought about any of them. It was always Katherine’s image that haunted him wherever he went. Sometimes he would be reminded of some silly thing she had said and would break into a grin, leaving others to wonder at his behaviour.

  They had been married now for over two months and in that time it had been the happiest time of his life. He was determined not to let anything disturb what they had and was even more determined to make her as happy as she made him.

  “Go get washed up love and we’ll head downstairs.” He commanded as he lifted her out of his lap and stood up.


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