Christina's Tapestry

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Christina's Tapestry Page 12

by N. J. Walters

  Marc’s chest was heaving with anger as he moved towards his brother. “But I didn’t care because that meant that I could have her too, even if it was only one night a week. We could have had sons between us.” His voice broke, and he stopped and looked at Jared with all the pain he felt shining in his eyes. “Sons and, if we were extremely blessed, a daughter. A little girl who looked just like Christina.” Marc fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

  Jarek staggered to the table and sat down hard on one of the chairs. Pictures of six dark-haired boys and one blonde, impish-looking little girl flashed across his brain, imprinting themselves there. Each child was different. Some looked more like him and one was definitely Marc’s, but the girl child was all Christina.

  And he had lost them all. Let them all go.

  An inhuman cry of pain was torn from his throat as he surged from his seat. Picking up the table in his bare hands, he flung it against the wall. It splintered into several smaller pieces and fell to the floor. Both chairs were next. And then the bench seat. The seat that Christina had loved to sit on and gaze out the window.

  He stalked towards the bed, stopping long enough to pick up his sword. He’d hack the damn thing to bits. He hadn’t deserved her. Hadn’t fought hard enough for her. Her scent wafted up from the bed, taunting him with what he had lost. Raising his arms high, he started to bring the sword down, but another pair of hands wrapped around the sword hilt and fought him for control.

  He growled in rage, and fought like a man possessed. Getting control of the weapon, he whirled on his attacker and almost cleaved his brother in half. Marc didn’t even try to defend himself, but stood there as if silently asking Jarek to end his misery.

  Jarek shuddered, his rage leaving him as he realized what he’d almost done. The sword fell to the floor with a clatter and he grabbed his brother by the shoulders and shook him. “Don’t you ever do something that stupid again.”

  Then he pulled Marc into his arms and hugged him tight. His brother was all the family he had now and he would not let him go. They clung to each other and for a moment if felt as if they were both about five years of age, instead of grown men, and seeking comfort from each other after some small tragedy.

  But this was different. Like the death of their parents, this event would mark their life forever. Jarek released his brother and stepped back. “I’m sorry.”

  Turning, he left the room, unable to face Marc anymore. He was ashamed of his outburst and for the fact that he’d almost hurt his brother, but mostly he was sorry he’d allowed Christina to slip through their grasp.

  He made his way up to the battlements, seeking the peace and comfort of the night air. Striding to the wall, he wrapped his fingers around the edge, allowing the cold, jagged stone to dig into his hands, hoping his home could give him the grounding and comfort he needed.

  “Why, Christina? Why did you leave and why didn’t I fight harder to make you want to stay?” His voice echoed through the night, the bright moon and stars seeming to mock his pain.

  “I can’t answer the second question, but I can answer the first.”

  He whirled around and searched the shadows, sure he had lost his mind and was now hearing her voice when she was no longer there. A slight movement to his right set him in motion and he grabbed at whoever was in the dark.

  A startled cry had him tugging the struggling form out into the light. The moonlight hit her hair first, making it shine. Disheveled and with tearstains on her face, Christina gazed up at him.

  He frowned and his grip tightened, making her flinch. “Are you real?” Jarek eased his grip, but didn’t release her.

  “Yes, I’m real.” She quit trying to pull away from him. “I convinced myself that you wanted me to stay. I only hope I made the right decision.”

  Her words struck him hard. She had stayed without knowing if he wanted her. She had stayed without knowing the depth of his feelings for her. The woman was amazing.

  If she was that brave, then he could not be a coward.

  He went to one knee in front of her, bowed his head and placed his hand on his heart. “You are the heart that beats in this chest and in this home and if you would have me for husband I will give you my love, loyalty and devotion for as long as I live. With me, you gain the love, loyalty and devotion of my brother as well, who will be lover to you, and would also be your husband should I die before him. In return, I ask for your love, loyalty and devotion and any children that the gods see fit to gift us with.” His formal plea finished, he raised his eyes to her. “I have seen them in my mind.”


  “Our children. Six strong, healthy boys and one beautiful girl.”

  He caught her as she fell into his arms. Crying, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him wherever she could reach him. He scooped her into his arms, and sat with his back against the wall, cradling her close to his heart.

  “Does that mean you will have me for your husband?”

  Christina swiped her hand across her eyes and smiled up at him through luminous eyes. “Does that mean you love me?”


  “Then, yes. I’ll marry you and have your children.”

  Jarek cupped her precious face in his hands. “You will never regret your choice.”

  “I know.” Such love shone from her face, he was almost blinded by its purity.

  Capturing her lips, he sealed their bargain. He could feel his cock swelling against the silk of her nightgown and wanted her as naked as he was. He wanted to lay her on the cold stone and fuck her, claiming her for his own. The only thing stopping him was the look on his brother’s face earlier.

  Marc. They had to find Marc and tell him.

  Breaking away from her lips, he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose and her chin. Her hands stroked his chest and neck, pulling him closer.

  “Marc,” he gasped out.

  “What about Marc?”

  “Yes, what about Marc?” They pulled apart when his voice came from the shadows.

  Jarek had never loved Christina more than that moment when she turned towards Marc’s voice and held out her hand. “There is always room for you, Marc.”

  Marc came towards them with such a look of longing on his face that Jarek had to swallow back his own emotions.

  Christina reached out, grabbed his hand, tugging him down until he was seated next to them. Still cradled in Jarek’s arms, she guided Marc’s head into her lap and stroked his hair before bending over to kiss him. Marc sighed with relief and kissed Christina back.

  The three of them sat there until the sun was rising. It was only then that Marc got to his feet and waited until Jarek stood with Christina in his arms. Leading the way, Marc turned his back on the dawn and headed towards the stairs as the first noises of the waking castle reached them. First they would dress and then they would share the news.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was silly to feel nervous. After all, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t slept with Jarek before. But tonight was different. Tonight, they were man and wife and they would be alone in Jarek’s big bed. Christina didn’t feel bad for Marc, even though he gave her a hangdog look every time she glanced his way. Jarek had conceded Marc his one night a week last night because he wanted them to have an entire week alone together after the wedding.

  Of course, that hadn’t stopped Jarek for sneaking into bed with them early this morning. The memory of that made her nipples tighten and push against the bodice of her beautiful new gold velvet gown.

  “Congratulations.” Zaren Bakra was staring down at her with a knowing look in his eye. He confirmed it with is next outrageous statement. “You could have had three of us or all four if you’d wanted to. We would have kept you very happy.”

  Christina had been surprised when the Bakra brothers had joined them for the wedding celebration, but she relaxed when they’d seemed to be satisfied with her choice. She tried to be angry at his comment, but she could hear the under
lying sadness in his voice and forgave him. “I’m sorry, Zaren. This only works with Jarek and Marc.”

  He nodded and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “I was afraid of that. But—” he gave her a wicked smile. “If you ever get tired of them…”

  She smiled at him and patted his chest, which was just like a piece of stone. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Still trying to steal my wife, Zaren?” Jarek’s arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her back against his rock-hard chest.

  “Trying, but it’s not working,” he teased. Zaren sobered as he watched them together and, as if coming to some internal decision gave them both a formal bow. “The House of Bakra has great respect for the House of Garen. A tapestry wife is worth her weight in gold and may attract unwanted interest. Know that if your House or wife is threatened, the House of Bakra will stand beside you.”

  Christina could feel Jarek tense behind her. He released her and moved to her side and extended his arm to Zaren. They clasped forearms and thumped each other on the back.

  “Thank you, my friend. And know that you and your House may call us friend and ally if the need arises.” Jarek released Zaren and stepped back.

  Zaren reached out to her and she extended her arm to receive his formal handshake like the one he’d given Jarek. The twinkle in his blue eyes was the only warning she got before he swooped down and kissed her. Before she could gather her wits, he was already backing away from her.

  He held his hands up in mock surrender. “Even you cannot protest a kiss to the bride.”

  “No,” Jarek growled. “But one is all you get.”

  Zaren saluted them and then melted back into the throng celebrating in the hall.

  “There’s something I don’t understand.”

  “What is that, my love?” Jarek tucked her under his arm and led her to the head of the banquet table.

  “If Zaren is your friend and ally, then why did he challenge for me? He would have killed you if he could have. Wouldn’t he?” There were many facets of this culture that Christina did not understand, but she was determined to learn.

  “Aye. He would have.” He guided her easily through the crowd and seated her at the table. “Wives are no small thing here. And, apart from one or two exceptions in our history, the tapestry brings just one bride every generation. It is thought to be lucky as the match, if made, is always a happy and fruitful one. All men want such a thing for themselves.”

  He pulled out his own chair and seated himself next to her. “And I am no different. Had they discovered you first, I would have challenged for you.” A grin crossed his handsome face, making him look young and happy. “But then, I knew that you were meant to be mine from the first moment I laid eyes upon you.”

  Christina laughed, as he’d intended, unable to resist his charm. He looked particularly handsome tonight. His black hair hung to his waist and shone in the candlelight. The familiar thin braids hung on either side of his face, framing his golden-brown eyes to perfection. His features weren’t classically handsome, like the Bakra brothers, but his face had character with its harsh features. To her, he was the most handsome man in the world, mostly because of the way he looked at her and treated her.

  He was wearing a pair of tight black leather pants that outlined every bulge in his thighs and especially the one between his legs. Once again, his chest was bare and his stomach rippled with muscles. His shoulders were massive and only a vest covered him. The familiar silver torque was hanging from his neck, and ornate armbands wrapped around his upper arms and wrists.

  Just looking at him made her nipples tingle. She squirmed on the chair, trying to get comfortable. Moisture coated the swollen lips of her sex and she clamped her legs together to help ease the growing ache.

  “Not much longer, Christina.” The devil was the picture of innocence as he angled his body towards her, slipped his right hand under the table, wrapped it around the skirts of her gown and began to tug it up over her knees.

  She gasped, grateful that the table had been covered with a white cloth for the occasion and his actions were shielded from all the others who were eating, talking and laughing. She slapped at his hand, but he ignored her and pushed it under the cloth and up over her bare thigh.

  Swallowing a moan, she tried to keep her thighs closed, but his fingers continued to feather light touches up the inside of her leg and they fell open of their own accord.

  “To the bride and groom.” Christina froze as every eye in the room swung towards them. Marc was standing with his goblet raised and a sly grin on his face. “May they live long and be fruitful.”

  The crowd laughed and shouted out some ribald comments. Jarek plucked his goblet off the table with his left hand, raised it high and then drank. The crowd roared its approval when he held it to her lips and she drank. She grasped the cup with both hands and realized her mistake when Jarek cupped her chin with his left hand and kissed her. He swallowed her shriek as his fingers slid high, parted the folds of her sex and surged inside her.

  Christina couldn’t believe he’d do such a thing in front of all these people, even if they didn’t know what he was doing. She knew what he was doing. It embarrassed her and it made her hot. Her juices flowed over his fingers as he continued to work them in and out of her pussy. Her breasts strained against the front of her dress and when Jarek finally released her lips, she was totally breathless.

  “And from the looks of things, my brother is not wasting any time.” Marc’s laughter reached her ears and she jerked, upending the goblet of wine over herself and Jarek.

  She tried to lurch up from the table, but Jarek clamped his hand over her shoulder, silently reminding her of where his other hand still was. Christina covered her face with her hands.

  Pulling his hand from beneath her skirts, he surged to his feet, not bothering to try and hide the enormous erection straining at the front of his pants. He tugged her from her seat and swept her into his arms. A huge grin split his face as he addressed the crowd. “It appears that I am not the only one who is eager.”

  Burying her face against his shoulder, she silently promised herself that she’d get even with him for this. The laughter rang out all around her, but it was happy and joyous and when she dared a peek, people were smiling at her. The jovial mood was infectious and she found herself beginning to see the humor in the situation.

  Getting into the spirit of things, she grabbed the thin braids that hung on either side of his face and pulled him down until she could kiss him. The crowded clapped and egged her on.

  “Better get a move on before things get out of hand.” Marc was waiting when she finished kissing Jarek. Leaning over, he placed a soft kiss on her lips and another on her forehead. “Thank you for last night.”

  “You’re welcome.” There was no way she could be blasé about this. She loved Marc in a different way than Jarek, but it still felt strange to be discussing it while she was in Jarek’s arms. It was different when it was the three of them together. Easier somehow because Jarek was there with her.

  Marc sighed. “I foresee few of those nights in my future.”

  Christina didn’t quite know what to say, but she sensed Jarek’s surprise in the way his muscles suddenly tensed.

  Marc pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “She is more comfortable with you there, brother, and I would not cause her any discomfort. Maybe in time it will become easier.”

  His generosity astounded her. Impulsively, she reached out her arms and wrapped them around Marc, hugging him tight before she kissed him gently. “Thank you.”

  His eyes softened and he nodded. “To Christina, the gift of the tapestry.” She could tell that Marc’s jovial tones were forced as he turned back to the celebrating crowd and she longed to comfort him.

  “Do not worry, love. We will invite him with us often, but I will stay with you if that pleases you,” Jarek whispered softly in her ear.

  She nodded and then waved at the bo
isterous crowd as they parted to allow Jarek access to the stairs. People patted her arm and shouted advice to them both as they ascended the stairs.

  Thy disappeared around a bend and the noises began to recede. She nuzzled Jarek’s neck and he groaned. “That could be dangerous, love.”

  “I’m beginning to like danger.” She felt saucy and sexy. Her entire body tingled and laughter bubbled up inside her like champagne.

  “Do you now?” Lowering her feet to the floor, he turned her until she was facing the wall. “Then you must face the consequences, wench.”

  She was still laughing when he flipped up the back of her skirts and ground his erection against her naked ass. Her laughter faded and turned to a moan when his fingers stroked the heated folds of her sex, teasing the swollen bud of her clit. Her hips moved backwards, seeking more of his touch.

  “Yes. Just like that.” He positioned her hands on the wall, covering them with his. Nibbling on her neck, he cupped her breasts and teased her nipples through the fabric. It was torture.

  “Touch them.” She wanted his hands on her. Needed that connection with him.

  His fingers worked the laces of her bodice and spread the fabric wide. He pushed her chemise down and then covered the pale mounds with his darker hands. She watched as he rolled her nipples between his fingers. She could feel her juices sliding down the inside of her leg.

  “Someone might come.”

  “Hopefully we both will.” Jarek’s sexy laugh had her arching into his hands.

  “That’s not what I meant.” She couldn’t even remember what she’d meant, he was making her crazy with desire.

  “No. But it’s what I mean to do.”

  She almost cried when his hands left her, but she could feel him unlacing the ties to his pants and pushed her bottom towards him. He gave her no warning, but plunged his cock to the hilt. A long, low wail came from her throat before she could stop it. She dropped her forehead to the cool stone wall, beyond caring if anyone saw them or heard them.

  One of his hands spread the lips of her sex and his middle finger stroked her clit. The other wrapped around her breast and squeezed as he pulled his cock almost out before driving back in again.


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