Buck Wild (Bennett Boys Ranch Book 1)

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Buck Wild (Bennett Boys Ranch Book 1) Page 22

by Lauren Landish


  I nod, scratching Bacon’s belly. “Totally.”

  After Bacon is happily headed back home with her owner, all apologies for not treating her right, Doc looks at me with an odd expression. I’m lost for a second, checking my zipper and my nose, thinking something must be wrong. “Doc?”

  He laughs, shaking his head. “You’re fine, girl. I’m just thinking . . . I don’t know what I’m gonna do around here without you. This summer has shown me that I need to slow down, get some help around here. Just too bad it can’t be you since you’re going back to school.”

  My heart soars at the compliment from a veterinarian that I respect so much, but at the same time, my stomach drops because he’s right. I’m leaving. August is just around the corner. I’ve already seen the high school football team out on the field starting their drills as I drive home from Doc’s office.

  I try to squash the sadness that threatens to overwhelm me at the thought of leaving, pasting a smile on my face. “Thank you so much, Doc. That’s quite the compliment from someone like you. I really have learned so much. I hope my practice is basically . . . this . . . one day.”

  I gesture around the room, conveying that he’s pretty much got my dream gig. Doc smiles, looking around the exam room fondly, but I can tell he’s really seeing beyond it, to all his years caring for animals. “Yeah . . . so, Miss Sophie, I’m not randomly buttering you up. I have a proposition for you. Say no if you want to, of course, but I’ll admit that I’m hoping you’ll say yes.”

  Intrigued, I raise my eyebrows questioningly. “You’ve definitely got my attention.”

  Doc grins, shaking his head. “Once upon a time, I was a young buck going to vet school. I went to State, which is just south of here. Not long of a drive, even. Damn fine program; taught me a lot even if it’s not quite as famous as some of the other ones around here. Anyway, I’ve still got a few friends up there, buddies I check in with about unusual things. Hell, one of them even has me come in to give a speech every year to his newbies. I get all dandied up in my best cowboy boots and practice my grizzled accent just to put the real country-doc act on them.”

  I’m nodding along, wondering where the point is in this story as he continues, “So, I called up a buddy, told him about this exceptional intern I’ve had this summer. I told him how she can basically run the clinic, did a red-bag delivery on her own without breaking a sweat, charm any animal—beast or man. And I told him that I was gonna be real sorry to see her go back to school in the fall.”

  I blush at the praise, but inside I’m basking in it. “Doc, I just—”

  He keeps going—I think he’s worked himself up to the point the only way he’ll get this out is if it comes out in one long blurb. “So, I asked him if there was any way we could pull some strings, get you a spot in their program. And I’ll leave the long of it out . . . but anyway . . . there’s a spot at State for you if you want it. You can go to school here, work for me as much as you want, flexible schedule of course because I remember what vet school was like, probably even stay in your little house if you like it. I think there might be a cowboy that’d be happy to have you around, too, if I’m not mistaken.”

  I’m speechless, my jaw hanging wide open as my mind races. I could transfer, go to school here, and work with Doc? I could be with James! My heart jumps in joy before I remember that he’s leaving for the rodeo, and it plummets again.

  But even if he’s gone, I could go to school and work. I could see Shayanne and the Bennetts, even be closer to Jake. And when James isn’t on tour . . . well, he does call this place home. It’d be a fuller life for sure. I’ve always tried to do things on my own, not be a burden to my brother, but maybe I don’t have to stand on my own two feet in isolation just to prove that I can. I can make my way and still be surrounded by friends and family, maybe even find that work-life balance Jake is always talking about.

  “Can I really do that? Just up and change plans that way?” I muse to myself, but Doc hears me and answers.

  “It’s still vet school, just in a different place. I’d say with a better support system too. And that’s not just me being selfish.”

  I nod. Doc doesn’t include that it’s an opportunity to learn a lifetime of experience, to work side by side with Doc and maybe, in a few years . . . Trusting my gut, I know the answer.

  A grin breaks across my face, and I grab him in a wild hug. “Yes! Oh my gosh, that’s awesome! It’s . . . yes!”

  Doc laughs, trying to jump for joy a bit with me. He’s spry for his age, but jumping is a little much for him. “Oof, you’re gonna break me, woman!”

  I laugh, letting go and stepping back. “Thank you so much! And I promise I’ll bust my butt, make dean’s list every semester.”

  “Of course you will,” Doc says, slightly calmer. “And you’ll need a pay raise when you do. To top the one you’re going to be getting right off the bat, of course.”

  I grin at the irony. “Well, considering this is an unpaid internship, I think that’s completely fair. What are you thinking?”

  “I’ll double your pay.”

  “Doc, two times zero is still zero,” I reply, laughing. It doesn’t matter what he’s going to pay me per hour—getting to stay here and learn is invaluable, and getting to see James is priceless.

  Doc sees it, and smirks. “Two times zero is zero? Must be that new math to me, because from what I see, adding you to this practice is a lot more than one and one being two.”



  I promised Sophie we’d do something fun after I picked her up from work, but all I can think about is getting her up to Outlook Point. It’s kinda become “our place” and seems like the best place to talk.

  And there’s so much I want to talk to her about. I have to get her to see that we can make this work, that we can have the future I know we both want. I’ll do whatever I need to in order for that to happen. Sure, I’ve got November . . . but after that, life’s open for me. And that means after November, I’m all hers, no matter where that takes us.

  I take a big breath as I walk to the door of Doc’s office, giving myself a pep talk. “Alright, man. Time to ride. You’ve got this.”

  Doc is waiting inside as I enter, a big shit-eating grin on his face. “Well now, howdy there, James Bennett.”

  “Hello, Doc.” I don’t know what’s up with him, but I can’t hang around for too much chatter with him today. I’m the one with a plan for once, but patience isn’t exactly one of my virtues, so I’m ready to get this show on the road. Or not on the road, as the case may be.

  But that’s probably too much to even hope for, so maybe on the road is right. Straight to wherever Sophie’s school is. My mind is running away from me again, too excited to stay focused.

  Doc says something else, but I shake my head. “Sorry, Doc. Woolgathering. You know how it gets at the end of the day.”

  I tap my head, and he chuckles. “You might want to get used to it, James. Tends to happen a lot more when you get to be my age. By the way, I believe Sophie is ready. Said she was gonna change shirts real quick.”

  As he talks, I hear the side door open, and Sophie walks in. I know she’s been working all day, caring for the animals and getting dirty, but right now, you’d never know it. She looks fresh, her hair falling down in waves from the ponytail I know she’s worn all day, face bare except for that strawberry lip gloss I love to taste on her, and in tight jeans that are worn at the knees from work but painted over her hips and thighs like they were made just for her curves.

  I’ve seen women at rodeos who are wearing their finest not look this good. How could I have even considered not spending every day with this woman? She’s everything I could ever wish for, everything I could ever want, just . . . everything.

  My face breaks into a smile, and I have to take a moment to catch my breath before speaking. “Sophie, you look gorgeous.”

  She smiles back, obviously thrilled at t
he compliment but giving me shit nonetheless. “Well, I smell like perfume on a pig, but I guess it’ll have to do. If I’m too animal-y, we’ll just say it’s you because I know you’ve been on a horse all day. Deal?”

  “Wrong,” I tease. “I’ve been with the cows all day,” I say as I stride up to her. I bend down to cover her mouth in a hot kiss, wrapping my arms around her back as I tilt her slightly.

  Our lips move against each other, begging for more, and as she opens to invite me deeper, there’s a sound behind us. “Ahem . . . this ain’t Animal Planet, you two.”

  Shit . . . I forgot about Doc. Setting Sophie back down from where I’d pulled her up to her toes to reach me, I wipe at my bottom lip, grinning sheepishly. “Uh, sorry about that. Kinda forgot you were here.”

  He laughs, scratching at the back of his neck. “I figured. I was young and in love once too. I would’ve just left you two alone, but you’re standing in front of the door I need to go out.” We move to the side, and he walks out, laughing as he grabs his hat. “See you Monday, Sophie. I’ll call if anything interesting happens. You two remember . . . behave yourselves. Or at least don’t get caught misbehaving.”

  He gives Sophie a big wink as he leaves, and for a moment I wonder what that’s all about, but then my mind is back on more important matters. The woman I love, who’s standing in front of me with sparkling eyes, a beautiful smile on her lips, and a shine to her heart that shows through in every inch of her body.

  I take Sophie by the hand, leading her out the door and waiting for her to lock up before putting her in the truck beside me. Her face is glowing with excitement. “James, guess what? I have the best news ever!”

  I interrupt her with a finger to her lips, interested but needing to get this off my chest first. “Wait. I have something to say too. Can you give me a few minutes?”

  Since talking it over with Mama last night, I know this is what I have to do. And I need to do it properly, to lay the right foundation for us. Whatever she wants to say, whatever news she wants to share, probably about her fancy vet school, can wait until I say my piece.


  She nods, and it’s quiet as I drive. Even with the silence, it’s comfortable. Our hands are on each other’s thighs, like always, and she’s mindlessly drawing lines and shapes, seemingly at random but driving me wild nonetheless.

  I pull up to Outlook Point and help her into the truck bed and down onto the blanket I’ve spread out. Sophie points at the view and then to her mouth, so I nod, grinning at her goofiness. She wants to talk about the view, that’s fine. I just want to say what’s on my mind before she gives her news.

  “The view is so different during the day,” she says quietly, snuggling into my arms. “Even with the sun going down, you can see all of town and way out to the mountains on the other side. It’s gorgeous. Now I’m not sure which I like better, the daytime view or the nighttime one with all the stars that make you feel so small and like a part of something grander all at the same time.”

  I smile, stroking her hair softly. “My favorite is at night with the stars reflecting back in your eyes as I watch you come apart for me.”

  She blushes instantly, and it’s adorable. Turning to me, she chuckles, scratching at my arm sexily. “Soooo, are you going to say what you wanted to say, or was that just a ruse to get me to shut up before you seduce me?”

  There’s a worried note to her voice, and I want to put her at ease right away because I think the rest of what I say might scare the shit out of her. I smile and kiss her temple before opening my heart for the first time. “Sophie, I realized something . . . well, I mean, I already knew, but I love you.”

  She cups my face in her hand, interrupting me with a soft kiss on my cheek. “I love you, too, James. Buuuut . . . ?” I look at her in confusion, and she grins sadly. “In my personal experience, that sentence goes ‘I love you, but . . . ’”

  I shake my head as understanding dawns, and I stroke her cheek, looking her directly in the eye, my face serious. “No buts, not anymore. All day I’ve been trying to find the words for what’s been brewing in my mind. And it comes down to two simple things. I love you, and I’ve never felt like this before. You’ve changed me, made me happier than I have ever been, made me face a summer that could’ve been really shitty with Pops being gone and turned it brighter than I could’ve ever dreamed.”

  She starts to speak, but I cut her off. “Hang on, I’ve been practicing this. Trust me, the damn cows are sick of hearing me babble this over and over, trying to find just the right way to say it.”

  She nods, a beautiful smile on her face. “Okay, go on. No more interruptions until you say you’re done.”

  I nod and hug her with one arm. “So, this summer has been awesome and eye-opening for me, in more than one way. I realize that my family needs me, the ranch needs me. So, after Vegas, I’m retiring. I’m done competing.”

  Sophie gasps, her words pouring out as soon as I nod that it’s okay. “Oh my God, are you sure? That’s so huge! But you love riding, James.”

  I nod, agreeing. “I do, but that was a kid’s dream, and I’ve lived it for a lot of years. I have a man’s dream right here . . . with my family and, hopefully, with you.”

  I pause for a second, and I can see a tear in the corner of Sophie’s eye. Hoping it’s a happy tear, I plunge headfirst into the rest of what is on my heart. “So, I’m growing up and settling down, and I want to settle down . . . with you. Now, this isn’t a proposal. I’m damn crazy, but that’d be a little fast even for me. But what I’m asking is if you can see us working somehow? I know you’ll be at school, but I can move there, too, or go back and forth. Whatever it takes, whatever you need because I need you.”

  I stop, running out of words but feeling like it’s not enough to show what’s in my heart, to make her choose me like I’ve chosen her.

  Sophie grins. “My turn now?”

  I take a big breath, bracing for . . . something, but I nod.

  Sophie smiles, seeing my own nervousness, and strokes my cheek. “First off, I love you, too, James. And if you feel like you’re ready to leave behind riding bulls in favor of working with your family, I support that. I support you if you want to keep riding as well. I daresay your Pops would be damn proud of you, too, either way. I never got to meet him, but even I know that. As for moving with me for school, that’s my news. Doc seems to have taken quite a shine to me, and he worked a bit of magic, so I’m going to school at State. I’m staying here . . . for school, for Doc. And for you. Us.”

  I’m stunned into silence, mouth hanging open in shock. Sophie laughs and lifts my jaw closed. “Say something,” she teases lightly. “Just to make sure your brain hasn’t short-circuited.”

  I blink, then hug her tightly. “This is better than I could’ve dreamed. Holy shit, Soph. We’re doing this? For real doing this?”

  She nods, laughing and grinning like crazy. “Yep, Cowboy. Seems our summer fling just got a wee bit more long-term.” She holds her hands up about an inch apart before widening them as far as she can. “Well, it’s more like this big.”

  “I think you’re off on your measurements there, darlin’,” I say with a laugh. “This is forever, Soph.”

  I throw my arms wide and swing side to side, encompassing the entire panorama of the view in front of us. I hop off the tailgate, grabbing her hand and pulling her with me to spin her around and around. We laugh and spin until we’re dizzy, hanging on to each other for balance before I pick her up.

  Her legs go around my waist, and I attack her mouth, needing to taste her, sweet strawberry and, underneath, something that’s just Sophie.

  Our tongues tangle and fight for control, neither of us giving in until I catch her bottom lip in my teeth, nipping at her just enough to get her attention.

  She moans, throwing her head back a bit and grinding her pussy against me. I carry her toward the truck, my body on fire. “Fuck, woman. Get in the truck. I’m taking you home and fucking
you bowlegged.”

  She shakes her head, pushing away from the door. “No, I can’t wait. Set me down.”

  I shift her up even higher, not letting her go, growling lightly. “Nope, this is forever, Soph. I’m fucking you in a bed like a proper fucking gentleman.”

  Sophie laughs and scratches at the back of my neck. “Right now, I don’t want a proper gentleman. I want you, Cowboy, fucking me in the bed of your truck, under the sunset in our special place. Then later, in bed.”

  She winks, and while the blood rushes to my cock, she takes advantage and wiggles her way free. Prancing away, she runs around to the back of my truck, throwing off clothes as she goes. “Come on, Cowboy. Show me what you’ve got!”

  I grin for a split second before giving up and racing for the back of the truck. “Damn it, Soph. You spoil my game every time. I’m trying to be all polite and treat you right, and you go and surprise me.”

  In the split second it takes me to follow her to the truck bed, she’s naked . . . and gorgeous. Lying back on her elbows, legs scissoring in need, the golden sunlight catches little sparks in her hair, lighting her up like an angel. But the devil is in her eyes as she dares me to follow through on her plan.

  Sophie licks her lip where I bit her earlier. “How about it, Cowboy? You wanna ride?”

  I’m climbing up into the truck already, reaching for my shirt. “Fuck yes.”

  I pull my shirt over my head, ignoring the sound of a popped seam on my T-shirt in my eagerness to get to Sophie. She giggles, jerking her head to the side just in time to avoid the flying shirt before grabbing my belt. “Mine!” she says happily, tugging on my buckle. “All mine!”

  “All yours,” I repeat, leaning down to kiss her softly. “All yours.”

  Sophie melts under the slow tenderness of my kiss, wrapping her legs around me as our kiss deepens, our souls meshing while I run my hands over her curves, relishing this woman who has given herself to me.

  I kiss down her throat to her breasts, nipping and tasting the softly tanned skin until she’s moaning, wiggling underneath me in need. “James . . .”


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