One Night In Vegas

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One Night In Vegas Page 4

by Odell, Roxie

  Derrick pulled back from their kiss and touched her forehead with his. They were both overwhelmed by the unexpected combustion.

  Corrine couldn’t stop herself from touching his jaw, perfect and angular but rough, with a sexy layer of stubble. Everything about Derrick Quinn was hot, but it suddenly occurred to her that there was one more thing that would make their moment a little more romantic. Champagne. With that thought on her mind, she asked the driver to stop at the next store. Offering Derrick no explanation or excuse, she climbed out of the carriage and dashed inside, then quickly returned with a bottle of Moët & Chandon. “Will an open container be a problem?” Corrine asked the driver. “It’s small.”

  “Not in this city!” the driver replied with a smile on his face. Then he clicked his tongue to get the horse moving again.

  She smiled and excitedly put her foot on the carriage step.

  Derrick reached over and easily lifted her back to the bench seat. “What was that all about?” he asked. “Did you need the little girls’ room?”

  “No, I needed this,” she said, beaming and holding up the bubbly. She peeled the foil off the nicely chilled bottle and unscrewed the cap. She offered him the first sip.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?” he teased before he put the bottle to his lips, gazing directly into her eyes.

  Corrine watched him, absolutely hypnotized. She lost her sense of reality and could focus on nothing but him. “Oh, my goodness,” she muttered, then snatched the bottle from him and took a healthy sip of her own. The delicious Champagne hit the spot, and she insisted on kissing him again while her mouth was still wet with it, encouraging him to taste her more deeply.

  Derrick’s fingers glided down the length of her thigh and hitched her knee across his lap. His body was both hard and comfortable at the same time. The texture of his fine clothes was like luxurious bed linens. Corrine rested her head on his shoulder and soaked in his warmth. Then, feeling bold, she slipped her fingers beneath his shirt and stroked his chest. He purred like a content kitten, and his own touch crept higher to the hem of her cocktail dress, riding it up over her hip.

  The driver had a front-row seat to their mischief if he decided to look back, and Corrine suddenly felt a bit self-conscious. She set her foot down flat on the floor and nuzzled Derrick more chastely.

  Derrick caught on and toned down his advances, making them subtler. They did continue to paw at each other like horny teenagers. The rustle of their clothes and the clatter of the horse’s hooves were the only sounds they heard. Time seemed to stop as they made out, and before she knew it, the driver announced that their ride had come to an end. They were back at the Tresor.

  The two of them practically stumbled into the hotel, drunk on each other. Without a word, they hustled to the conventional elevator. Thank God for the liquor or her fear of elevators would have put a stop to convenience of riding up and not walking.

  Thankfully, they had the whole roomy car to themselves, and even the interior of the elevator was equipped with mood lighting. It washed over Derrick, making him look even more stunning and spectacular.

  He took her face in his hands as if they were long-time lovers, as if he owned her. For a second, she imagined that they were in the entryway of their apartment, a real couple.

  “Your room or mine?” he asked, lifting his head as if suddenly struck by the thought.

  “Mine,” she whispered wickedly. “Mine first anyway.”

  She snaked her arms around his neck and pressed her supple body against him. The elevator dropped them off on her floor, and she led him to her room. They made their way through the hall in a tangle of limbs, unable to keep their hands off one another.

  As soon as Corrine swiped her key card through the lock, Derrick swept her off her feet and carried her inside. To her surprise, he didn’t toss her on the bed. Instead, he set her down gently and slowed things down. His mouth never left hers, and with incredible patience, he dragged his tongue against hers in slow, lazy strokes.

  She gripped his head, and his thick hair rose between her fingers in short, silken waves. She looked deeply into his sparkling eyes as he fumbled to find the fastenings of her dress. She smiled when he grew impatient, then stepped back to do the honors herself.

  “Let me,” she said, then raised her arm and tugged the zipper down the length of her frame, allowing the slinky dress to fall away from her body. She skimmed it from her shoulders and presented herself to him, and he just stood there in awe, absolutely marveling at the sight of her.

  His fingers trembled with nervousness when it was his turn to disrobe, and Corrine found it sweet and endearing. He seemed to be stuck on one particularly stubborn button, and he laughed boyishly when she stepped forward to help him. “I guess I’m not as cool as I’ve always thought,” Derrick confessed.

  Her heart warmed as she regarded him. “On the contrary, I think you’re very cool,” she whispered in his ear. She pushed his shirt off him and closed in to nibble his ear with her teeth, capturing his earlobe between them. She worked that tender flesh back and forth a little, and he gripped her shoulder to brace himself against the mind-blowing surge of pleasure.

  No longer able to stand the temptation, he finally knocked her off her feet and onto the bed. That sent butterflies fluttering through Corrine’s stomach, as if she were experiencing a swift, steep drop on a rollercoaster. He hovered over her so dominantly that she could only lie back and spread her legs for him in open invitation. He then pressed his palms down on the mattress, caging her with his arms.

  She took hold of his forearms and stroked them. Damn, he’s so cut, so masculine. Her mind swirled with desire.

  He leaned down and craned his neck to press his lips to hers, kissing her like a man totally starved for attention. She cupped his head, stretched her legs out around his hips, and pulled him to her center. She grinded against him, moving side to side, pressing and rubbing.

  Her body pulsed with erotic electricity. She was wet and alive. Her nipples pebbled against the satin of her bra. She reached behind her and released the hooks, then skimmed the last stich of clothing from her body so she was totally naked. Corrine watched Derrick’s eyes widen with delight at the sight of her, but that pleasant expression on his face quickly morphed into a devilish, eager grin. Other than the heavy lids of her eyes, drowsy with desire, there were no barriers between them; there was only a mutually powerful boldness.

  Then it was Corrine’s turn to watch as the handsome lawyer kicked off the rest of his clothes. His body was lean and chiseled from what had to be hours in the gym. His soft hair fell forward like a plush curtain over his forehead, giving him a boyish look as he gazed down upon her. It’s like I’m climbing into bed with a nineteen-year-old, Corrine thought but dared not say, certain that he was more of a man than he looked like in that moment, and even more certain that he was about to prove that to her in wonderful ways. The thought excited her.

  Truly, the hand that knowingly glided over her hip was all man. For a pencil-pusher, Derrick had the coarse touch of a working man. His thumb, the texture of fine sandpaper, grazed the ticklish surface of her abdomen and sent a wave of heat curling into her belly. She tensed her thighs, clenching her core.

  He took her hand in his and guided her to his protruding, prominent steel rod. She tightened her grip and moved her hand up and down, gently at first. As she repeated the motion, her command of his erection grew firmer and firmer. His moan was guttural, as if he were simultaneously assaulted by agony and pleasure.

  Corrine ran the tip of her tongue around his lips, encouraging them to part for her. That action mimicked the action of her hand a few feet below, stroking and pausing and stroking again, the ultimate tease. She finally drew away from his mouth and bent her head to his lap, then extended that warm, moist tongue to the tip of his shaft. She swirled around his soft skin for a moment before drawing the length of him into her mouth. She worked up a bath of moisture to create sweet, sm
ooth friction for his ultimate pleasure.

  Derrick tangled his fingers in her hair, holding on for dear life, and within a few seconds, he was tapped out and could bear it no more. He pushed Corrine gently, urging her to lie back on the broad, generous mattress. The cool bedding was luxurious against her naked back as he gazed hypnotically into her eyes. She was hooked at the sight of him, if not entirely intoxicated.

  He propped up on one arm, flexing his well-defined muscles as he explored her body with his free hand. His fingertips skated across her sensitive skin, releasing thrilling wires that electrified her. He dipped his head to capture her nipple, the peak tight with arousal. Corrine shivered under his touch. Her eyes rolled upward, and her breath became ragged, so much so that she feared she would faint.

  Derrick couldn’t help but smile at the effect he was obviously having on her. His fingers trailed to the round, firm curve of her buttocks, and he drew her knee up and around his hip. He felt her wetness and levered himself to enter her body. Corrine spasmed with anticipation and cried out as he penetrated her.

  Hers were the cries of a woman maddened at new heights of rapture, a place she’d never been before. No one had affected her so, certainly not so quickly. She thought her ill-fated relationship before was a heated one, but it took so much work. With Derrick, everything seemed so dangerously easy.

  They stilled, each of them absorbing the wonder of their connection. His eyes were closed, his features curled with pleasure, and his head cocked dreamily upward. In that moment, Derrick looked exactly like she felt.

  Corrine reached up and let her fingers play on the smoothness of his chest, still in awe of how masculine he was. Their eyes connected, creating an invisible but undeniable force-field. Looking in his eyes was as erotic for her as his touch was. In an instant, she was overtaken with a new surge of seduction. She teased him with a look as she extended her legs, one at a time, up and over his shoulders, a position that allowed him to impale her more deeply. His eyes, blue and pale, twinkled with delight.

  Posing like this, I might as well be in handcuffs and chains, she thought, smirking. Nevertheless, she still managed to move against him, pumping toward him in little bucks that pleasured them both. Derrick gritted his teeth as he struggled to withstand the intensity.

  Her hand wandered, reaching between her legs to heighten the sweetness. Her index finger found him as he entered her body and stroked him firmly. Raspy, wispy sounds had escaped his lips before, but now, her touch made him cry out in a clear, loud bellow, so loud that anyone in nearby rooms definitely heard him. Corrine snickered softly at the sound of his outburst. She then focused her touch on herself, pressing her fingers against her own center as he skillfully, wantonly pumped in and out of her like a man gone mad.

  Derrick stole glances as she fingered herself. “Damn, you feel so good,” he muttered, picking up the pace.

  Those words sent warmth to her core. She was already on the sure path to ultimate pleasure, but his gruff voice, practically a growl, hastened her journey. Corrine involuntarily tightened, gripping his length as he pounded into her.

  The tension within her collapsed into little sugared ripples that came from deep within, growing quickly into hammering spasms. She convulsed helplessly as Derrick mercilessly pistoned in and out, chasing his own ecstasy.

  The room spun as if she were drunk, but the sensation was euphoric. Corrine was in a state of total bliss as her orgasm continued to wash through her entire body, a rapture she experienced fully from head to toe. It was like an electric wave that lit her up from the inside out.

  Derrick’s body tensed as well, and his movements became more rigid and less fluid. He mumbled incoherently as he tumbled into his own climax. Corrine’s faculties recuperated enough so she could move against him, to tease his pleasure further as he came. She wagged her hips, swirling around him.

  “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” he repeated over and over before a chorus of cries escaped his trembling lips.

  He collapsed in a sweat-glistened mass beside her, nestled in a cloud of bed linens. They both lay there like that, still and paralyzed in the afterglow of the most amazing sex Corrine had ever had.

  Finally, at the same time, they each stole a peek at the other and broke into laughter as if enjoying some unspoken joke.

  “Holy shit,” Derrick finally said, giving the side of her thigh a playful slap. “That was just… wow.”

  Corrine smiled. He had taken the words right out of her mouth. Aftershocks of pleasure rippled through her, and she basked in her womanhood, feeling sexier and more confident than ever before. Despite her quirks and irrational phobias, because of Derrick, she felt empowered, like someone could actually love her.

  Derrick propped himself up on an elbow and soaked in the sight of her. They had only just met really, and there was an undeniable sexual heat between them, but Corrine could have sworn the look on his face was one of love

  “I wish we had more of that Champagne,” he said, swirling his fingertip around her belly button. “I’d like to drink some from here.”

  Her body clenched with ticklishness. She was still hypersensitive from her powerful climax. “I’m not going anywhere,” she said decadently. “And it isn’t like there’s a shortage in the bubbly market.”

  He reached for the telephone and dialed room service to place an order for fresh fruit and Champagne.

  They lingered in bed, touching lightly, until they heard the wheels of the room service cart.

  Derrick scrounged for his clothes as Corrine scrambled to hide her naked form under the covers.

  “There’s a robe if you need it,” she suggested with a giggle.

  He snapped his fingers. “Good idea,” he said. “One moment!” he called to the delivery person on the other side of the door.

  He opened the closet, grabbed the thick terrycloth robe, and slid his muscled arms into it before tying it around his chiseled waist. Somehow, it made him look regal. Even through the thick fabric, his Greek-god-like physique was evident. Corrine could make out the powerful ridges of his barrel chest and the swell of his biceps.

  She drew the covers up over her head as the waiter rolled the cart into the room. From that hiding place, she listened as Derrick tipped the man and the door closed. When they were alone again, she sat up, smoothing the bed clothes under her arms like an evening gown.

  Derrick filled the glasses with Champagne, handed one to her, and then set his own on the nightstand. He walked back over to the cart, lifted the big bowl of fresh fruit, and carried it back to the bed.

  “This is the life,” she remarked, popping a juicy grape in her mouth.

  “Yeah, talk about getting lucky in Vegas,” he said. “This is my biggest win I’ve ever had.”

  “I guess I can take that as a compliment,” she said with a grin.

  “Totally,” he said, nodding and picking up a strawberry to feed to her. “You are such an unexpected pleasure.”

  “Amazing,” she agreed, then bit into the perfectly ripe strawberry he placed near her mouth. Its flesh was soft, wet, and tart against her taste buds. After she swallowed that sweet bite, she washed it down with Champagne, so crisp on her tongue. It was such a simple yet decadent combination. She practically purred in satisfaction.

  He leaned forward and kissed her, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth. As he did, he seemed to touch all of her at once, tasting and possessing her in a way that left her breathless and weak in the knees. She loved the feel of him and eagerly entwined her tongue with his.

  Though they had barely just met, Corrine couldn’t shake the feeling that they were right for each other. The sudden, intense intimacy played tricks on her mind. Their passion was such a lovely experience that it was hard to remember it for what it was: a torrid hookup.

  He settled in next to her and offered her one more sip of Champagne before taking her flute and setting it on the table. “Enough of that for now,” he whispered. “And more of this.”

  His body was
warm, and as the weight of it grazed the flat plane of her belly, waves of arousal pushed through her again. Her nipples hardened in an instant, and she felt the familiar Derrick-spawned ache at her core. It was so incredible to know she’d just had the best sex of her life but was already hungrily craving it again. What was even more amazing was that he seemed to want a second helping just as badly.

  Corrine’s body was liquid with desire, and she gave over control, going on autopilot, all hands and legs writhing against and around his body. He whimpered at her touch, for he, too, was possessed with an urgent need. His hardness poked the softness of her inner thigh before finding her center.

  That time, though, he showed incredible restraint for one so instantly aroused. He laid her flat on the bed, reached for the Champagne, and, as promised earlier, splashed a bit into her navel. Corrine shivered as he bent down and licked it off her. The contrast between the chilled liquid and the heat of his tongue was unforgettably sensual, and she was sure she would come right then and there. He set the bottle down and rose above her.

  Corrine captured him between her knees and pushed her hips upward toward him. Without any hesitation, he entered her fully as deep as he could. Her breath rushed through her nose as she reveled in the feel of him. He very wickedly, very slyly maneuvered her over onto her side. Derrick then glided slowly in and out of her, bracing the muscles of her buttocks as he did.

  With her knee drawn back toward her chest, her rump was especially taut. He found the erogenous sensitive spot where her curves and the tops of her thigh met. It was delicate and ticklish, almost like the under-curve of her breasts. When he traced his fingers over that skin, she drew up tightly around him.


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