One Night In Vegas

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One Night In Vegas Page 6

by Odell, Roxie

  Derrick, she thought as she glanced around, taking inventory of the opulent, luxurious suite. He had to be behind this.

  When the tub was only half-full, she could practically swim in it, and the experience brought back a flood of memories of the activities she’d enjoyed in the hotel pool in the early morning hours. It was dark then, with the pool only dimly lit, yet Corrine remembered it vividly. A powerful, sweet feeling surged through her as she recalled those moments with Derrick, some of the most cherished in her lifetime.

  She bathed herself and slathered her body with the high-end hotel toiletries. She lathered up her hair with expensive shampoo to remove the pool chemicals. Her mane was a bit crunchy and messy, as she was so tired when Derrick tucked her in that she simply went to bed as is. She rinsed her hair under one of the fountains still spilling into the tub, while playing with another spray with her big toe. Upon examination, she decided she definitely needed a pedicure.

  The hotel phone rang again. She dried her hand off and reached over to answer the phone in the bathroom, another amenity of being in the penthouse. “This is Corrine,” she said.

  “And this is Derrick,” came the reply.

  “Say,” she said in a sexy tone, “do you happen to know anything about me being relocated to a room fit for a queen… and king? I’m in a really fabulous room!”

  “A fabulous room?” he teased.

  “Excuse me,” she said. “Of course, they’re all fabulous, but I’m referring to the most fabulous room in the hotel.”

  “Well, I may know a little something about that,” he said.

  “Are you sure you won’t get busted for this?” she asked. “I mean, I appreciate it, but—”

  “I wouldn’t have done it if it was against the rules. Gil is not only my boss. He’s also a buddy of mine. I assure you, it’s totally cool.”

  “Hold on,” she said. She set the phone down and turned off the water. Then she ran her hand through the bath, forming a ripple. She dried her hand off again and picked the phone back up. “Okay, I’m back.”

  “Was that water I heard?” he asked wickedly. “Are you in the tub?”

  “I am,” she purred. “Hold on again.” She stepped out of the tub very carefully and walked into the bedroom to fetch her cell phone. Then she climbed back into the water and struck a pose. “There’s your proof,” she said and sent the selfie over to him.

  “Proof?” he asked.

  “Yep. Just sent it.”

  “Sent it where?” he asked, his voice a little cautious.

  “To your phone, silly,” she said with a laugh.

  There was a heavy silence, and he offered no response at all.

  “Derrick?” she asked. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s okay,” he said. “It’s just, uh, that number I gave you is a company number. I’m thinking you just sent Exhibit A to a bigger jury than you expected.”

  Corrine coughed and thought she was going to choke to death right there in the humongous tub. “What?!”

  “Give me a minute,” he said. “I’ll do some damage control.”

  Any ideas Corrine had about taking a restful nap after her bath were out the window. She was wide awake and horrified, having accidentally just sexted the entire Tresor staff.

  Trembling and worried, she quickly drained the tub and got out. She wrapped herself in the curtain-sized towel and tried to calm herself down. It’s not the worst thing in the world, right? At least I look damn good in the picture. Besides, if I have to hole up till the controversy dies down, this suite has everything I need. If I can never show my face in public again, I can just live here.

  She climbed into her Daisy Dukes and tank-top again. Then she wound a towel around her hair and dabbed a little makeup on her face, using the Hollywood-style vanity mirror. Her hand shook as she applied the eyeliner, giving her a bit of a raccoon eye, but she knew the anxiety attack would pass.

  “Everything’s gonna be okay,” she spoke aloud to herself. “Derrick will fix this.” She wasn’t quite ready to believe it, though. She was so unnerved and embarrassed that she jumped when the phone rang again.

  “Hi there,” Derrick said with a smile in his voice. “I’ve got some good news and some not-so-good news. Which do you want first?”

  “Gimme the bad,” she said flatly.

  “Well, I managed to beat most of the recipients to the punch by personally deleting that amazing spectacle from their phones.”

  “That’s the bad news? Then what’s the good?”

  “You absolutely made our sous chef’s day,” he said. “That sinful selfie had him singing to his risotto.”

  “Oh no,” she said, plopping her head down in the stack of feather pillows on the bed.

  “It’s okay, Corrine,” he assured her.

  “Not it’s not!” she whined. “I’m such an idiot! I don’t know what made me do that.”


  “Stupidity!” She groaned. “I was gonna go to the salon for a pedicure. I can’t do that now. How can I possibly face anyone? I don’t want anybody seeing me.”

  “Honey, a few already have,” he jested, though he dared not laugh too boisterously at her misery.

  “Derrick!” she said.

  “I have a solution,” he said. “You wait right there. Give me a half-hour. I won’t disappoint.”

  “Thirty minutes,” she said and hung up the phone.

  Before that half hour was up, though, Corrine decided she had explored the interior of the penthouse enough, and she was still desperate to step outside and feel the warmth of the Nevada sun. The balcony boasted deck chairs and a television set, so she thought it would be a safe place to relax while she waited.

  The sun and breeze helped soothe her frayed nerves a bit. Up there above everything, she could almost forget that anyone else existed. Or that they’d seen her daring picture.

  After a while, she heard a noise behind her.

  “Room service!” Derrick said crisply.

  Corrine smiled at the notion that he’d just let himself in without even knocking. She found it comforting, knowing that he was that casual with her already. She was not so comfortable, though, when she turned and saw that he’d brought a small entourage with him, including a cart-pushing hotel employee, toting a folding table and some cases, and a woman.

  “Uh… hi there,” she said nervously, certain she was about to embark on yet another impromptu adventure. “And what do we have here?”

  “Well, since you don’t feel comfortable going to the spa, I brought the spa to you,” he said.

  Her face lit up with surprise. “My goodness,” she remarked.

  “This is Leah,” he said. “She’s great, and she’ll do your nails and give you the most amazing massage. Where would you like her to set up?” He spoke in a sultry tone. Corrine had no idea why his voice sounded so suggestive, but it was kind of exciting that he didn’t bother to hide it in front of the others.

  “A massage outside might be nice,” said Leah, “but it’s best in the shade.”

  “You’re the expert,” Corrine said with a grateful smile.

  Leah nodded, and she and the staff person quickly set the massage table up under a tent. “Is it okay to do the massage first, so you’ll be more relaxed during your pedicure?”

  “That sounds amazing,” Corrine said with a nod.

  Meanwhile, Derrick took a front-row seat to Corrine’s pampering session. He drew an overstuffed chair to the sliding-glass door that opened to the terrace.

  “Go ahead and put this on,” Leah said, handing Corrine a soft gown.

  Corrine’s stomach was full of butterflies as she looked over at Derrick. She suspected there was more to his plans than a simple massage and painted toenails. There was nothing solid to indicate that, but she had a distinct feeling he was up to something naughty.

  Which was just fine with her.

  She obediently and bravely stepped into the bathroom to don the backless gown, quite like
the ones they issued at hospitals. She returned to Derrick and the others cautiously, only to discover that Derrick and Leah were alone on the terrace, since the delivery man had taken his leave.

  Leah patted the table, urging Corrine to climb on.

  She laid flat, belly down, as Leah peeled the flimsy gown back and folded it down to her hips, leaving her virtually nude on the penthouse terrace. When she felt a spill of warm, scented oil on her skin, Corrine flinched at the pleasant sensation.

  Leah’s touch was soothing, and Corrine’s eventful time at the Tresor had left her sleepy enough that she soon dozed off. It was a quick, intense nap, and when she came to, Leah was still working her muscles.

  Derrick filled crystal goblets with ice water, a simple but decadent gesture. He pulled a deck chair to the head of the massage table and fed grapes to Corrine while Leah expertly worked her calves. When the massage was over, he helped her to a lounge chair and sat patiently as Leah gave her a pedicure.

  Corrine spied on him through lowered lids as he studied her. Her feet were very erogenous, and her reactions to Leah’s touch gave it away.

  “Feet, huh?” he whispered in her ear. “Interesting.”

  She smiled lazily. “I think a real nap is in order after this.”

  “Indeed,” he said. “I was thinking we might spend the rest of the day by the pool.”

  Corrine sputtered at the mention of their prior sexing ground, and she knew he’d said it on purpose, trying to bait her and get a rise out of her over their dirty little secret. It worked because her body was instantly alert.

  “We can take the stairs if you aren’t comfortable with the elevator,” he said, undoing even more of Leah’s calming work with his innuendo and reminders.

  “Great idea,” she said, glaring at him with a knowing smile on her face.

  He grinned back at her, obviously very pleased and feeling victorious that he’d gotten to her so easily. “Good,” he said.

  When Leah was finished, Corrine sat in the penthouse in nothing but the gown, waiting for the polish on her toes to dry. The hotel employee returned to help the massage therapist carry her things, and Derrick tipped them both well.

  “You can just leave the gown outside the door,” Leah said. “The laundry staff will pick it up.”

  Corrine detected a strange energy shift in the room as Leah packed up and left Derrick behind. She even noted almost-admonishing looks between the two of them, but she could only speculate it was because he’d felt awkward watching the massage.

  A short while later, after she rinsed off the massage oil in the shower, they found themselves lazing around by the pool until night fell, napping occasionally to catch up on their missed sleep from the busy night before. She seemed to forget all about her sexy selfie troubles because she was too wrapped up in her sexy attorney to think about anything negative.

  Chapter 6

  The rest of the weekend consisted of more of the same. A lot of steamy foreplay, followed by lots of sex. At times, their passion overwhelmed them, and they fucked like the world was ending. Sometimes, they went slowly, exploring ever inch of each other’s bodies and milking every ounce of pleasure from each other that they could.

  Toward the end, Corrine and Derrick did more sleeping than anything. But no matter what they did, they did it together.

  On Sunday morning, she awoke feeling utterly relaxed, without the least bit of tension about anything she had to do that day. The penthouse bed was the most comfortable she had ever slept in, and the company made it extra special. Her body was totally at ease, and she credited that to a weekend of wonderful, endless climaxes. The memories of their time together made her giggle to herself, like she was still drunk on pleasure.

  To energize herself for all those trysts, she enjoyed richer food and far more drinks than she was used to, and that undoubtedly contributed to her need to take another day off when she got home. She needed a vacation from her vacation. Despite all that, though, she felt more inner peace than she had in a long, long time.

  The penthouse curtains were drawn, so it was tough to tell what time it was. Vegas made a purposeful effort to eliminate all clocks and other indicators of time, and her room was no exception. It felt like morning, since she’d just woken up, but she really had no idea. For all she knew, she could have slept the whole day away. She seemed to spend time with Derrick around the clock, and just thinking about that brought a smile to her face.

  She looked around at the large suite. The master bedroom sprawled out to a sitting and dining area, but a smaller bedroom appended the main room. She saw no sign of Derrick anywhere, and she was a bit miffed that he left without saying goodbye. She didn’t fret over it for long, though, considering that he always seemed to come back in due time. He’s a busy guy after all, keeping all the legal t’s crossed and the i’s dotted for this place.

  She threw back the covers, ready to climb out of bed, but she paused when she heard a familiar voice coming from the bathroom. Derrick’s normally booming tone was hushed and faint, as if he was some sort of ghost of his usual self. She found that odd.

  Corrine tried not to listen in, but the quieter he was and the tougher he was to understand, the more she wanted to hear what he was saying. She knew it wasn’t right to eavesdrop, but she lacked the willpower to stop. Corrine was falling for this man she barely even knew, and she was curious about him.

  “I’m doing the best I can,” he muttered.

  Corrine stifled a gasp. Those telling words made it clear that he was talking to another woman. Men didn’t speak that way to their guy friends, and she was sure Derrick wasn’t talking to his so-called buddy, Gil Frosh, or some staff member of the hotel.

  She stiffened at the thought. He seemed so available to her that the notion of another woman hadn’t even crossed her mind.

  The more she listened, though, the more certain she was that he was arguing with a woman. Betrayal ached in her chest, but she forced herself to stop. What did I expect? she scolded herself. We both have lives outside this place.

  Neither one of them had discussed their romantic lives. They seemed to have an unspoken understanding that they were just having fun together. Still, the magic of the weekend faded as she listened to him whisper in the bathroom. Her perfect fantasy was being forced to confront bitter reality, and she didn’t like it.

  She’d had the time of her life with a guy who came on to her like a silken freight train, so unbelievably charming that he literally knocked her off her feet. The attraction wasn’t all one sided, either. She wanted to be with him as much as he seemed to want her, and they’d had an amazing time together. Even though he might have a girlfriend, she had no desire to go back in time and change a thing.

  She wrapped her body in a bed sheet, a move that assaulted her with more bittersweet memories. She wiped her eyes of any makeup and fluffed her hair. She could feel the tension of Derrick’s conversation, even through the walls.

  Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and he strode to the end of the bed. The usual light in his eyes was gone, as if the phone conversation had snuffed it out.

  Even after all they’d shared, Corrine thought it would be inappropriate to ask who he had been talking to. She had to play it cool, even if it was the phoniest thing she’d done that weekend.

  “How’s it going?” she asked as casually as she could.

  He paused and said nothing.

  “Derrick, are you okay?” she pushed, feeling heartbroken for him because he looked so utterly destroyed.

  “I have to go,” he said flatly.

  That time, Corrine couldn’t pretend that he would come back. This is the end. She felt a sudden desire for her own space, for some privacy. As grand as the penthouse was, something about the room now felt stale. “Okay,” she said softly.

  “I had a wonderful time. It was amazing to, uh, to meet you,” he said, clearly conflicted.

  “Same here,” she replied.

  As angry as she wanted to be, she was al
so worried for him. He looked so defeated, so lost. She had never seen him that way before. A part of her wanted to pull him into her arms and make the pain go away, but she couldn’t. She didn’t have the right, and it would just make his leaving more complicated.

  He walked through the room, picking up all his belongings, but he didn’t even bother to put his shoes and socks on.

  “You’re not going to get dressed all the way?” she asked. “You’ll look a bit haggard wandering the halls barefoot.”

  He grinned and shook his head. “Yeah, I suppose I might seem a bit out of place, huh?”

  “Well, it isn’t like they’ll think you’re a thief or a squatter or anything,” she said. “You’re the general counsel here, right?”

  “Right,” he said, laughing softly.

  She smiled back at him, glad that his tension seemed to crack a bit.

  “I’ll call you,” he said before giving her a peck on the cheek. “I have this urgent meeting, and then I’m off to work.”

  With that, he stole into the elevator that opened into the penthouse suite, his arms loaded with socks and shoes.

  The giant bathtub had lost its appeal, so Corrine simply showered and washed her hair, which she didn’t bother to dry. She had plenty of natural curl, so it always looked styled anyway.

  She still wasn’t sure what time it was, but her ravenous stomach let her know it was time to eat. Having completely forgotten her smartphone mishap with the sous chef, she couldn’t get to the dining room fast enough. As she was leaving her room, the phone rang again. “Hello?” she said tentatively.

  “Miss Smith, this is the front desk. Can you please stop by? We have vouchers for you to pick up.”

  “Perfect,” she said, eager to grab her meal ticket. “I’ll be right down.”

  Thankfully, the glass elevator didn’t come up to the penthouse, so Corrine was able to play it safe by taking the normal one. She exited and proceeded through the lobby to the front desk, where she ran into her old Blackjack buddy, Bill.


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