One Night In Vegas

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One Night In Vegas Page 24

by Odell, Roxie

  “Drive fast,” she commanded devilishly.

  Derrick accelerated and shifted, and in seconds, the car was hauling them down the street with all its power. The purr of the engine and the exhilaration of the speed was arousing, and the sensation gathered at her core.

  “You like that?” he asked, another rhetorical question as he already knew she did.

  “Love it,” she answered anyway, beaming.

  Immediately, in a move that caused them both to jerk against their seatbelts, he took his foot off the gas and decreased the speed.

  “What the heck?” she asked.

  “Do you think you deserve a fun ride after the way you acted today, young lady?” he asked calmly.

  “Is this the conversation you warned me about, that, uh, comeuppance?” She smiled.

  “It is,” he said. “At least the start of it.”

  “Derrick,” she said impulsively.

  “What?” he answered mockingly.

  She smiled. “Put the top down.”

  He veered quickly, and the move registered in her belly like a drop in a rollercoaster. The wheels of the Porsche grinded into the gravel on the side of the road, and he stopped the car to fulfill her request.

  As he flipped the buckles, she reached up to help. He grazed the most sensitive spots on her arms as she did, and she tensed as if she’d been hit by a sudden electric shock, a heavenly zap. He jumped out of the car and ran around the back and to her door.

  Wordlessly, Corrine caught his drift and complied, raising her arms so he could take hold of her. Together, they lifted her out of the car without even opening her door. They were entwined at once, making out as they pressed against the comfortablly warm metal.

  Corrine lifted her foot off the ground and hiked her knee up and around his hip. She felt his erection press into her center, and she writhed and rubbed against it while cars blasted past them at top speed. The sensory moment embedded in her mind. “Is that a door handle, or are you just happy to see me?” she teased.

  “Oh, I’m very happy to see you,” he answered with a grunt.

  An especially bright light suddenly illuminated them, followed by a single blare of a siren. When the police cruiser pulled up alongside the Porsche, Derrick had just enough time to pull away from Corrine so she could draw her dress down properly.

  “Everything okay?” asked the cop with a touch of sarcasm.

  “Yes, Officer,” replied Derrick.

  “Just checking. Miss?” He looked at Corrine suspiciously.

  “Fine,” she answered. “We’re just, um, putting the top down.”

  “Looks like you’ve accomplished that,” remarked the officer.

  “Yes, sir,” said Derrick again.

  “All right, folks. It’s best not to park roadside, so I’d suggest you get a move-on to wherever you’re heading.” The officer got back into his car and left.

  “Shazam!” declared Corrine.

  “Damn. Between getting in a physical altercation with a guest and nearly getting caught in the act on the side of the road, I must not wanna be a lawyer for very long.” He paused to grin at her, leveling his eyebrows as if he didn’t really care. “That was fun.”

  “Bucket list?” she asked hopefully. “Street sex?”

  “Definitely,” he said.

  Corrine smiled back at him. He’s so damn good-looking, she thought, admiring his classic handsomeness in his crisp white work shirt, unbuttoned at the throat, the starched collar practically sparkling against his tan skin. The wind shook the strands of his hair loose from the modest amount of gel he used, and that, coupled with his stubble, gave him a rugged look that made her want to eat him up right then and there. His hair was tan, and his long lashes were a mix of tawny and mahogany brown, the perfect complements for his vivid blue eyes. Corrine’s insides gently spasmed as she gawked at him. He was just gorgeous, and he was hers.

  Corrine was no slouch herself, though. She was brilliant and made a good living, and any man would have said she was a nice-looking woman. She was tall, so she appreciated that Derrick was a man of even greater height. She never felt awkward wearing her heels around him. Still, as attractive as she found him, she would never have pegged him for the sexual hellion he turned out to be. He was so much fun, in bed and otherwise, and she often let him know it.

  “You’re so dominant, so alpha. I like it.”

  “Yeah? Well, today, I found my old lady in the clutches of another guy. He was bent over her, in fact, like he was trying to take her from behind.”

  Corrine gasped. “You know that wasn’t gonna happen,” she retorted. “You do know that, right?”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said, eyeballing her.

  “Yet it still bothered you?” she asked.

  “I can’t say it didn’t,” he replied.

  She touched his arm. “Are you serious? How can you even think I’d ever think of another guy?”

  “You, my dear, are a playful, spirited person, and very… spontaneous,” he replied.

  “In real life,” she protested, “do you think I’d just fuck some guy on impulse?”

  He eyeballed her again, and something in his gaze reminded her just how fast they had moved in the beginning when they first met, even if he didn’t say so.

  “Humph,” she grunted, then folded her arms in front of herself, pretending to be hurt.

  He nipped her with his fingertips, trying to tickle her, but she deftly dodged him.

  “Keep your hands to yourself and your eyes on the road, mister,” she scolded.

  Derrick gripped the steering wheel with one hand, his glance cutting toward her. He had the look of a hunter sizing up his prey, and the heat of it gathered in the pit of her stomach. He was so sure of himself, and that cockiness made Corrine want to offer herself up to him. A current traveled between them. That, coupled with the thrill of the cop catching them in the act, really put her body on edge, and the stimulation was delicious.

  His fingers splayed on the bare skin of her thighs, which she parted wider for him on reflex. Derrick knew her body so well that he could find her sweetest spots, even while looking forward at the road before them. His touch was never lost as it mapped its way across her body.

  Corrine arched against the plush leather upholstery of the sports car, and it was like pushing against a lush bed. There was nothing like sinking into total comfort while her body was saturated in ultimate exhilaration. She felt his touch all the way to her center, deep within her as his firm fingers penetrated her slightly. She was wet for him already, and as his coarse thumb grazed her sex, she flowed. She regarded him through lowered lids, and she gasped as his expression changed only slightly from predator to pleased, as if he knew he owned her.

  The shine of the headlights reflected off the lines of the highway as they passed, almost a hypnotic strobe. Corrine was startled once again when she thought another police car was after them, flashing his brights at them, but she relaxed when she realized it was only coming from the Porsche itself. Her eyes filled with the wonder of the desert sky, clear and brilliant. The roads seemed deserted, as if there was no one else in the world other than the two of them.

  Corrine touched herself, helping Derrick’s efforts along. She was aching, driven by need, and no one excited her like he did. Certainly not those fools by the pool. Speedos should be illegal. She shuddered, and a twinge of guilt briefly brought her down. She looked away from Derrick and out at the desert that was flying by them.

  A wave of pleasure washed through her, escalating her a little toward the ultimate pleasure. He knew her so well that he would have had no trouble sending her over the edge right there in the seat of his car, but instead, he immediately withdrew his hand and placed both on the wheel. “Enough for now,” he said in a very commanding voice.

  Corrine shook her head, tumbling back into reality. “What?” she asked.

  “That’s enough. Knock that off.” He put the brakes on their foreplay for the moment.

; Corrine was thoroughly confused. In just a few more strokes, she would have come undone at ninety miles an hour. “Why?”

  “Because I said so,” he said firmly but with a sparkle in his eye, playing with her. “I want you to wait.”

  Corrine sat up straight, recognizing his game for what it was. It was a good one, but she knew she’d like it much better in retrospect. At the moment, it left her suffering. Her head and body screamed for an orgasm. He had her so sexually riled that she was beside herself.

  It was always a dilemma for them, whether to savor the sense of pleasure they aroused in each other, or to rush to the finish and revel in the utter bliss of their oft-shared orgasms. Now, she could only draw deep breaths, filling her chest with sweet desert air, and try to find a way to handle the situation he’d caused. She thought of reaching over to his lap and making him pay for his sweet torture, knowing that unless he stopped the car, he would have no choice but to endure. What a lovely notion, she surmised, pulling over and consuming this erotic storm he stirred in me under the vast sky.

  “Hold that thought,” he said as if reading her mind. “Until we get to your place.”

  She was so pent-up that when she laughed, she cackled. “I won’t forget this at Christmastime, buddy,” she threatened playfully.

  “Let’s hope,” he said.

  The moment couldn’t have been more romantic. Slicing through the Nevada desert in a car worth almost as much as her house with the top down and the wind whipping over them was like the pivotal scene in a glorious, epic love story. The cosmos above them was painted with pinks, purples, and oranges as the day came to an end.

  Out of the blue, Corrine’s stomach gurgled. She had eaten shrimp earlier, but she was ready to eat again. She suffered from an endless appetite that she attributed to the curse of being so tall. As she recalled her earlier meal, she was reminded of being stood up. We’ve been doing a lot of talking about my mischievous behavior, but what about his?

  Truthfully, as enamored as she was with him, she was still bothered by the fact that he had blown her off to play cards. That had never happened before, and while it was probably high time they backed off some from their hot and heaviness, it was also worrisome to her that he’d dismissed her so easily just for the sake of blackjack.

  “Let’s get back to you and that card game,” she said.

  He grinned and flashed his white teeth, and his boyish features gathered up, making him all the more irresistible. “What?” he asked, feigning innocence.

  She knew he was deflecting, but she couldn’t decide whether to drop the subject or not. They were having such a fabulous time, and she didn’t want to ruin it, but she wasn’t ready to completely let him off the hook for it, either. “Who me?” she mocked him in the same tone. “Yes, Derrick, you.”

  “Couldn’t be,” he replied.

  “I see,” she answered skeptically. “You’re not gonna talk about it, huh?”

  “What’s there to talk about? I live above a casino, and I just felt like blowing off some steam. It’s not a crime, Corrine.” He reached for her thigh, a good move on his part. Their physical chemistry was so addictive it put any fight to sleep. That was the biggest reason they argued so seldomly and why they felt such a great need to spend as much time together as they could.

  “No, it’s not a crime, but really, Derrick. Where did this sudden itch to play cards come from?” She kept her tone light, but she really wanted an answer.

  “Uh-oh,” he said. “My girlfriend is starting to sound like a girlfriend.”

  Corrine recoiled because those words stung. He had named her fear. She didn’t want to be that kind of a girlfriend. The reason she had resisted becoming his girlfriend in the first place was because all she wanted to be was his hot woman, not some sort of nagging bitch who stuck her nose in his business too much.

  Derrick and she collided in a fireball of passion the very first moment they met. All along, they told themselves it was just an affair, and Corrine worked very hard to deny all feelings that went beyond carnal lust. She did not want to fall in love with a guy she met in an elevator, even if that same elevator became the perfect venue for unforgettable sex.

  Just before she met him, she’d been the victim of a going-nowhere relationship with a guy who mercilessly trampled all over her feelings, and she would be damned if she’d let that happen again. Derrick knocked down her defenses, though, because what they had was special. Their spark was unreal, and their passion was once in a lifetime. This has to be the stuff of love, she thought.

  So they finally came clean with each other and admitted that theirs was the real thing, what they both wanted. Since their decision to become an official couple, several little changes had occurred, and they weren’t lost on Corrine. The gambling was just one of those small red flags, and they were beginning to pile up. She didn’t need him to tell her he loved her five thousand times a day. She didn’t even need him to check in. This time, though, without a word, he’d left her hanging, even after he gave her the impression that they were going to meet and talk.

  “Ouch, I guess,” she said, more hurt than she acted. “Absolutely right.”

  He gave her thigh another squeeze. “Just teasing,” he said weakly.

  Laughing, then sort of pouting, she said, “It’s a good thing you’re good looking, Quinn.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked. “Why?”

  “Because my boyfriend is starting to sound like a boyfriend,” she said, then made a mic-drop gesture.

  Suddenly, the air on her was a nuisance. It threw her hair in her eyes constantly. The breeze cooled the light perspiration on her body from the desert heat, and she felt chilled and sticky, as well as a little trapped and vulnerable. Maybe I’m being too sensitive. Maybe he did mean it as a joke, but it just didn’t come out that way.

  The Porsche sailed into Paradise and cut through the suburban streets to get to her place. It was a relatively long distance from Vegas to her home, but like the day itself, the travel was so eventful that it seemed to go by more quickly than usual.

  Derrick pulled smoothly onto her cement driveway, never taking his hand off her. As soon as he parked and engaged the emergency brake, he drew her to him for a deep, sensual kiss, the perfect ending or beginning to a date.

  Maybe he realizes he bruised my feelings. The embrace sure felt like an apology. For all their physical fireworks, they also had incredible intuition when it came to one another. That was precisely why his words hurt so much. He should have known better.

  As they walked from the car to the front door, he crowded behind, making her giggle as she tried to put one foot in front of the other. He had total control over her, making her laugh uncontrollably, and to her, that was a good thing that took the edge off the difficult feelings that had assaulted her in the car in the wake of his hurtful remark.

  In keeping with his gallant, macho act, Derrick swept Corrine off her feet without warning, carried her over her threshold, kicked the door closed with his other foot, and tossed her onto her sofa. As soon as he released her, he locked the door.

  She started to undress, but he very swiftly brushed her hands away from her dress and took charge of doing that for her. Once she was naked, they paused briefly to gaze into one another’s eyes.

  “Goodness,” she remarked, dopey with arousal.

  “Goodness has nothing to do with it,” he replied darkly, then leaned down to devour her with a kiss.

  Heat washed through her, and the sexual tension gave way to the warming calm that flooded her, as if she was being wrapped in a cozy, comfortable quilt. She craved more. His tongue was so sweet as it mated with hers, but he soon broke the kiss, pulled back, sat on his haunches for a moment, and stripped out of his clothing, letting it puddle on the floor beside hers.

  Corrine had no problem boldly watching his striptease. He had been working very hard on his physique lately, and his efforts were paying off. There was a point in their very playful relationship when the partying le
ft them both doughy and out of shape, but he’d clearly remedied that with plenty of hours in the gym at the Tresor. As he took off his shirt, Derrick revealed a ripped torso. He slowly began to unbuckle his belt, but he was so unbelievably fine that Corrine was compelled to reach over to help him, stomping her feet with anticipation.

  “Shh,” he said. “There, there.”

  He rolled her over onto her belly, then reached over her for sofa pillows. He positioned her knees on the floor and moved his body behind her. Corrine’s torso very comfortably relaxed on the couch as he fit his manly physique against her, parting her knees and drawing her hips back till her firm buttocks were flexed and upward. He let his fingers play lightly as he explored, and the feather-light touch was powerfully erotic. Her senses were flowing, her heart racing, her breath rising from the slightest contact. First, his touch glided over her smooth curves before delving between her legs.

  He leaned over her and whispered in her ear, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Once again, Corrine wanted to share all of herself with him. She had many times before, but somehow, it was always special and new between them. Derrick always praised her, but every compliment seemed to take it to the next level. His words told her that he felt exactly the same about her as she felt about him, so much so that she almost came undone when he spoke those words, and heat spilled through her as she was aroused by every breathy syllable.

  His fingers glided in and out of her, stoking her desire for him. Her body remembered the arousal of the car ride, making her all the more sensitive and responsive. Wetness flowed from her, and she ached for him once again, but again, he continued to delay and prolong the sweetness.

  He took her hand and guided her back to her bedroom, making it clear that they were not going to consummate their passion in the living room after all. They toppled onto her bed, the sheets cold beneath their naked, hot bodies.

  “Damn,” he said, breaking their passion momentarily. “What do you have the AC cranked to?”

  She started to get up to adjust the temperature, but he stopped her.


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