Evolution's Essence

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Evolution's Essence Page 17

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “Very well, Ma. Just as long as any destruction of property will be compensated should Daddy do too much.” Vikki stepped back.

  Netul stepped forward and said “I’ve just been informed the Archivers will grant a total of five hundred and a half million Motherships along with a billion lesser and more maneuverable craft upon completion of the obelisk gathering, before activation of the rift systems, but asks you open in deep space between galaxies. Should disaster occur, we will be allowed to safely unleash our full might without need of authorization and should that fail we will see to it the space cleansed by a weapon we believe can eliminate the enemy. It was developed fifteen thousand years after your people vanished, but it is our last resort. It will destroy all matter within a spherical influence nine percent larger than this very galaxy. That means, if we fail and so does our final weapon, we will die regardless in glory.”

  “Quite a hefty allowance from your people.” Emperor Markeese Coleson said, looking up into Netul’s eyes. “But my old man used to say an old Earth adage, ‘Better safe than sorry.’ Fine, we won’t be left out either. When I go back to Earth I’ll pull every spare warship we got.”

  “I’ll make a shitload more flying toys! Bigger cannons, bigger…” Angie voiced and sobered some when Renee glared, reminding silently she was still in trouble.

  “Then while you all devise a strategy,” Vikki said loud enough to cut the chatter. “I’ll go to Verard and petition an evacuation order for the nearby area. Izzy, can I ask you to help Ma cleanse the tower?”

  “Goes without saying.” Isabella at last smirked, still holding her Match’s hand. “My people have been wanting a serious challenge and I need to get the new recruits seasoned. Most still find raw meat and brain squeamish.” This had all Isabella’s sisters laugh. Not a single one didn’t hesitate to rip into fresh meat still dripping blood. Solarians were predators. Not omnivores. “We’ll just need a clean-up crew because we won’t stop till the tower is quiet.”

  Angie, Queen of water had eyes that expressed blue mist. “I and my people can turn the kills into pellets, Sister. Don’t horde all the fun though. Save a few kills for the rest of us.”

  “Not a chance, Sis. When I start hunting I don’t stop till it’s all over.” Isabella winked.

  “Girls,” Renee leapt gracefully from the throne. The three former Hunters following as always. Visor flew in slow circles high overhead. “get it done. This means a lot to your father and me. At least pretend to work together. I do not need any bullshit while we’ve finally got the key to the biggest secret we have ever faced. Do not tempt my patience. This is too important to fuck up. One foot out of line that jeopardizes your father’s hard work and you’ll beg to go for retraining. Understood.”

  “Yes.” “Yes, Ma.” And other acknowledgements were voiced by all daughters. She nodded and nearly a quarter of the room disappeared because all the girls and grandchildren had a Valek. They transported themselves to a teleportation sector and vanished to go do what was needed. Their mates and Prides also gone.

  “I sure hope they don’t start fighting again.” She mumbled as enormous arms wrapped around her chest from behind. “Relax, they know how important this is to everyone. Besides, we raised them well and they know better. They can’t help bickering. Sibling rivalry is normal, even for our children.”

  “Well I’m glad I’m not dropping another egg for a good long while. We’ve got more than enough to deal with ruling a kingdom. Oh, earlier Laxus told me he sent someone away. She was trying to scan one of your cutters.”

  “Wow, what’s it been? Two years since anyone tried breaking the ban?” Steven asked with his trademark grin. “Last time you beat them so bloody even Oliver flinched.”

  “Two years, three months, five days and nine hours to be clear.” Oliver calculated. “Any history, Red?”

  “Not from the report. Just a kid wanting to see inside the thingy that you made that allows for living metal to do anything you tell it.” She still wasn’t good at technical jargon unless it was in the field of medicine.

  “Oh, you mean the magneoetic conversion repair and reformatting fixers?”

  “Yeah, that thingy. I didn’t press charges, but she’s been assigned to the city cleaning detail for nine months for the ban breach. Ignorant or not, she’ll be sure to tell others that Laxus is everywhere and makes sure the rules aren’t broken.”

  “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Before Vikki issues the evacuation order, how about you and I go to Verard for the evening?” He offered. “You can deal with the girls’ behavior later.”

  “As long as we go to The Pits for a couple fights I’m game. I want to see someone get their ass kicked.”

  “Grandma, can I come too? I want to enter the tournament.” Said one of the oldest granddaughters.

  “Why not, Natalie. I think Marcus would faint if another of my grandkids came in to fight for him. Last time was too funny and it’s been a few years since I’ve gone. My work is never finished. Seeing a few bloodied fighters will be just what I needed.”

  “Thanks, Grandma!” Natalie hugged her before running off to go get ready.

  The two grandparents had a little laugh before Renee went over to hug her father, brother and stepmother. It had been awhile since she got to spend time with family.

  They chatted for awhile while preparations were made for the enormous endeavor to uncover the past. It was no simple ordeal, but it would have taken decades more to even a century or two to construct obelisks needed from scratch. The designs had to be perfect otherwise. Best to use what is already available.

  Roughly a half day later a small group eventually gathered before traveling instantaneously to the great city Verard. Second most advanced by human hands.

  Nothing came close to the City of Fire.

  Immediately the lower gravity needed to be adjusted to till Oliver initiated a program for himself and those with a Valek at ten gees. Manipulating gravitational fields was a simple matter. An invisible field certainly helped make the new gravity more comfortable. Ten times Earth Standard was comfortable to them and rather than hop around like fleas, they strolled the lit up streets completely alive day and night. Never resting. Their arrival to Verard drew whispers and gawking crowds, but they didn’t dare get close. Lessons were learned and no one wanted to run headlong into a visible barrier. The activity of Verard was always noisy compared to the peacefully quiet city of Fire. On the other hand Verard was now classified as Water allied and everywhere there was blue of some kind in the gemstone city. Some people in a hurry flew under their own power, but most decided to enjoy a stroll through the streets without a single vehicle. Walking was pleasant as ever.

  Great towers and skyscrapers were grown from gemstone technology, but paled in comparison to the dark monolith of King’s Tusk Tower. Though it looked like a pristine ivory tusk from an elephant. It was constructed of seamless pale ceramic and was truly a massive freestanding structure. Twelve thousand one hundred and thirteen meters from the ground up and had a base of twenty two hundred and nine, curving more towards the tip. Still, from ground level it was a monster’s shadow in the dark. If not for the city lights it would be ominous. A portent of doom to the superstitious.

  The group was led by Steven and they didn’t pause to answer any questions in the crowd. For a brief moment Oliver remembered once trying to go invisible in the city, but immediately after the few in the crowd who got the gene therapy and had heightened powers could see the net of energy that bends light came running for a moment to speak. They told others and were still followed. The Phantom program made sure everyone with heightened powers knew how to use them.

  Losing the crowd was impossible without force, but that was misuse and therefore illegal. So they walked straight to the still non-descriptive and clean alleyway between two gemstone businesses. Renee in her lovely white dress and Oliver in Fire’s leather jacket and pants that looked like cracked volcano. Steven knocked on the door and a slide opened enough f
or a person’s eye’s to be seen. “Hey there. Recognize these folks.” The woman gasped as a chuckling Steven moved aside and the door opened widely.

  “Welcome to The Pits, Your Highnesses. Come right on in.”

  Renee grinned, loving to unsettle people. “Can you please call Marcus and inform him we’ve arrived. Tell him I’ve got excellent information he can be sure to salivate over.”

  “Right away, Ma’am.” She touched her ear and called the owner of the club as the group came in. Nineteen Ligers, two being of Oliver’s Pride, stood outside to keep the crowd away. The rest came right in, Rose and Sparky filing last. Their young looked after by Captain Dorgen.

  Marcus opened the guarded inner doors before the group finished the angled descent down a long tunnel. “It has been too long since you lo have came to visit. I was worried you forgot all about me.” He said falsely. His genuine smile defeated the insincere pout.

  “When I want to see a good fight I know just where to come for blood and fun… when I’m not dealing with family.” Renee hugged the laughing man and Oliver shook his hands. Marcus, like everyone in the Empire knew all too well about their family drama.

  “So what is this I hear about information? Do you have the inside track I might miss with tonight’s fighters?” He was eager as ever.

  “Mmmaaayyybbbeee.” She drew out for a little suspense.

  “Please tell me I can announce another Liger fight! The profits were staggering and spectacular to behold.”

  “Sorry, but you’ll just have to do with having my granddaughters Natalie and Merril join the battle tournament. I hope we made it in time. It’s still early right?”

  “For your kids? Like you need to ask. Besides, the show has yet to begin. The tournament of challengers will be held in a half hour so yeah, you made it just under the wire. They’ll bring more bets than the Ligers ever will. Come on you two. I’ll show you where your mothers and aunts used to fight… Er… Oliver, you are going to put up a barrier if these two get out of hand right?”

  “Naturally. I won’t let them hurt anyone if they face off.” He said calmly. “Is our private box still available?”

  “No, but since you all have been gone for more than a year, I’ve expanded and built a royal suite since Queen Isabella often comes every few weeks to enjoy the pugilistic arts. Is she coming by any chance?”

  “Nope. I gave her an errand and she’s readying it.” Renee looked at her young granddaughters to remind “You two know the rules of this fine establishment. Keep the fights fair. If you two make into the final bout you can go all out. If your opponent isn’t your cousin, use of full power will make me angry.”

  “We’ll make you proud, Grandma. So relax.” Natalie promised and both she and Merril followed Marcus who told one of the guards at the door “Escort my guests to the royal suite. I’ll take the girls below to get them ready for their debut.”

  “Right, Boss. This way, Folks!” the man waved and they entered.

  The Pits looked near exactly the same, only four times as large. The individual audience seats were made a bowl-like slope down so everyone had a clear view of the contestants. A clear, reinforced wall physically was a barrier and when the heavy hitters came on the grounds it projected a Psionic barrier to keep the patrons safe. Now that over half the population received the free gene therapy, it was a necessity now that everyone now carrying it could become class twelve users and up. With the therapy the classes increased to fifteen.

  Every individual wanted more power and a stronger immune system. With the increase of power so too did the need for security. Stationed strategically around behind the walls were no less than ten bouncer employees to keep the peace and ensure patron safety. Beyond the protective translucent membrane the wall dropped five meters into a large circular ring. A pit which was the establishment’s namesake. Tons of loose sand was colored reddish from blood and had bits of hair and teeth soaked into it from all the fights that take place almost nightly.

  The private, ground floor booths were still disguised as one-way screens so as to not distract the combatants. Inside the ring they’d only see wooden planks. Inside the booths the wall could be seen past. Judging by the edges there were an additional twenty booths for the larger ring. But they had by far the best view. Many of which were already taken in readying for the night’s festivities to begin.

  Marcus personally escorted the armed girls down an employee’s only door while everyone else made way to the reserved building that was much quieter. Attention couldn’t help being drawn, but they all settled in and ordered food fit for each palate. Due to the increased need and demand for Beast meat, it was on the menu. Renee used her own credits to pay for everyone as her treat. Once the funds were in it wasn’t long before food and fine wine was delivered mere minutes before the announcer entered the ring to call for the night’s first contestants.

  Renee, when she wasn’t on her feet cheering with Sparky, Steven, Visor and Breena, she sat between Oliver’s legs. Between matches they’d sit and go over the fights, but Oliver had long since stopped advising. After merely five seconds he always could see how the match would end. He wasn’t a cheater so even when asked, he’d not tell anyone should they place a bet. It wasn’t fair because he was near always right. Since he no longer dedicated himself to figuring out the puzzle, it left room plenty to relax and see more than ever. Fights no longer excited him. But never could he not enjoy the joy of his women when she was happy and that was his sole reason for getting out of bed. The power of his mind made little much of a surprise anymore. Now that all his children were grown, his normal personality was no longer influenced by heightened aggression. He no longer felt much anger or much else for that matter. If not for Renee being his guiding light, he had nothing to strive for. Everything was within his grasp and easy to get. Especially now that he was months from understanding the only thing that eluded him. The only thing.

  When it was all over he didn’t know what would make him strive.

  “Up next we have a special addition to tonight’s festivities.” Marcus himself stepped into the ring rather than the regular buxom announcer. “First we have Victoria Weinberg who comes all the way from Mars, Earth’s next door neighbor. She’s ninety two years old and is a scrappy little class thirteen who was a captain before Marines dissolved into the Terra kingdom. Give her a welcoming cheer!!!” The crowd of two thousand raised their voices as a petite, but muscular woman as pale as a ghost, had platinum blonde hair and frosty blue eyes came walking out wearing only a sports bra and short shorts. She waved and the crowd got louder.

  In The Pits, fights were barehanded and no shoes. Fighters used natural talents.

  Then the door on the other side opened. “And her surprise guest opponent to tonight’s tournament is a granddaughter of the greatest powerhouse couple in our known universe. She’s only eleven, but looks around sixteen. Daughter of Marie Void of Wind, give it up for Merril VOID!!!”

  Auburn hair was tied back in a ponytail and her eyes misted a slight lavender. Like her opponent she wore only a sports bra and short shorts, but was near twice her opponent’s height and weight. On her left wrist was the feminine Valek and she was in the final stages of the Medic program.

  The shocked crowd took only a moment to realize a show was going to happen before deafening the arena. Wagers were imputed into the arms of the seats, leaning heavily on Merril.

  Renee was up against the wall the instant Marcus left the pit. Oliver, as promised encircled the arena with his far greater power in event Merril went overboard. Judging by the bubble around Renee, she was an instant from entering the arena and make sure the rules were abided by.

  Victoria clearly never backed down against anyone as her pale hair shot up and her whole eyes turned silver, gathering her maximum. Merril sensed the quantity as she raised her white knuckles in a fist and drew a near equal quantity, but even that much didn’t make her eyes glow.

  The bell rang and in an instant Victoria dodged
back, evading Merril’s lightning fast uppercut. Victoria wasn’t as fast, but as announced, was a scrapper. She used the pit’s own wall to jump in and land a solid right straight to Merril’s nose, breaking it instantly and knocking her down.

  Merril had been trained though by her family and had natural talents in barehanded brawling. A broken nose was hardly the worst thing she had endured and was back on her feet, much to Victoria’s surprise. Excelling in Telekinesis, Merril landed a long distance blow to the woman’s jaw while sprinting. Dirt flew in the opposite direction. Merril was also a gymnast, being trained by Andrea for over two years. She flipped around and before Veronica could unleash a kinetic blast Merril’s foot connected with the side of the woman’s head and she was out cold before the sugary san cushioned the fall.

  “Winner! Meril Void!” Merril held up a fist of victory while rubbing her bleeding nose as two Medics on call came in. One checked and found Victoria in no danger while the other broke Merril’s nose back to being straight.

  “Good girl. Did you see that kick!” Renee was so proud. “Awesome.”

  “It was exceptional. The poor woman stood no chance, but looking at the roster, if Natalie doesn’t cheat, she’ll lose. Her first opponent is Whip. As in the former Elder Whip.” Sparky said while carefully using his claws to move the display screen around.

  “Whoa, Elder Whip is entered?” Steven looked and sure enough was the name. “Poor Natalie won’t stand a chance. Right, Brother?”

  “You seriously expect me to answer?” Oliver chuckled a few times. “You know I won’t tell you so you gain an unfair advantage. Even Renee knows I won’t share my foresight probabilities with her when she makes a bet.”


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