Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3) Page 11

by Sharon Cummin

  Julie walked over the refrigerator and opened the door. It was stocked full of food. She turned to see him standing with his mouth open as he watched her.

  “Don't burn my bacon,” she said with a smile, as she pointed to the stove.

  He shook his head and went back to what he was doing.

  “Look at this food. Were you planning a party? Who stocked your fridge? Did you pay someone to shop for you?” she questioned with a laugh.

  “One more word out of you, and I'm spanking that ass twice as hard as I did last night. Do you hear me?” he asked. “I went shopping myself. I thought about what you said that day. I have been eating more at home. I wasn't planning a party. I can't help it if you can't resist being in my bed.”

  “Don't even go there. You were the one who conned me into coming over. I'll tell your brother on you. Do you remember that threat?” she asked.

  “Don't sass me woman. You need to put some clothes on if you want to me to be able to talk to you. All I see, is how damn good you look in my shirt. All I can think about, is how I know you aren't wearing anything under it and how hungry I am.”

  Julie felt her cheeks turn pink. She hoped he didn't notice what he did to her with only his words. He was so hot. She could already feel how wet she was just from those few words.

  “I can leave if it's bothering you,” she snapped, trying to get her head together.

  “Oh yeah, go ahead,” he said with his cocky grin she knew so well.

  She walked over to his front door and opened it, as she waited for him to stop her. Julie looked out into the driveway, turned around, closed the door, and stomped into the kitchen to find Ethan laughing hysterically.

  “You are such an ass. I don't know how anyone can stand being around you, without wanting to rip your head off of your shoulders,” she snapped. “You think this is funny?”

  “I sure do,” he said between laughs. “We never had that conversation about your phone call last night. You kept taking advantage of me, and we never got around to it. There was no way you were going to slip out of here in the middle of the night. I learned that lesson last time.”

  “You went outside to block my car in last night?” she asked.

  “Sure did,” he said. “You're standing here now aren't you. Mission accomplished. Sit down and eat this food I worked so hard to make.”

  Julie threw her body into a chair at the table. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

  “Are you getting ready for battle? Is that what that is all about over there?” he snickered.

  He put a plate of food and cup of coffee down in front of her and went back to get his. When he sat back down, she could not stop looking at his day old stubble and sexy hair. Knock it off, she thought to herself.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” he said.

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “You know damn well you're giving me that fuck me now look. We have things to talk about.”

  She looked down at her food and began to push it around her plate with her fork. Why did he have to be so confident and cocky? Julie wasn't sure if she wanted to smack him or kiss him. He was so aggravating.

  “Did you really call off work?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said. “That's not what we need to discuss. That phone call yesterday at the shower, who was it?”

  “That's none of your business,” she said. “It was nothing.”

  “Oh really,” he said, as he inhaled a huge breath. “I heard what you said and saw the major change in your attitude. When you answered that call, you were in a good mood. By the time you hung up, you were shaking and scared. Don't give me that crap. I mean it. Tell me right now who it was.”

  Julie put her fork down on the plate and pulled her legs up on the chair with her knees under her chin. She wrapped her arms around her legs and looked down.

  “It was nothing. I need you to drop this. I didn't know the number. When I heard their voice, I was shocked. It was not anyone I expected to call. It just took me by surprise. That's all it was. It's nothing to waste your time thinking about. What are you doing today?” she asked.


  Ethan slammed his fist on the table, lifted her chin, and looked her in the eyes.

  “We can do whatever you want today. As for that phone call, I don't buy it. I know better. I saw your reaction. Do you think I have gotten where I am without paying close attention to people and their reactions? I know what I saw yesterday. I know that whoever that was scared the shit out of you. We can do this one of two ways. You can either be honest with me about it, or I can take the time to figure it out for myself. I have no problem either way. It's your decision.”

  He got up from the table, picked up his plate and cup, dropped them in the sink, and walked out of the room. She heard his feet hit each step on the way up and then heard the slam of a door. How the heck could he figure it out on his own, she thought? There is no way he would ever be able to do it. She shook her head and finished eating. When she was done, she washed the dishes and walked up the stairs. His office door was shut. She could hear him talking on the phone.

  “I just decided to take the day off. I've been gone so much lately, and I have a few errands I need to run.”

  She couldn't hear the other person and wondered who it was.

  “I'm fine, Gavin. I know it's hard to believe, but I want a day to myself. I have some very important things to take care of, and I just found out it's going to be busier than I thought. I'll be at work tomorrow. Leave me alone for the rest of today.”

  What did he mean be busier than he thought? Was he really going to try to figure out who called her? Good luck with that. Julie hurried to his bedroom and grabbed her phone. She blocked the number and deleted it from her call log. How was she going to get him to drop the subject?

  Julie walked back to his office and knocked on the door. She could still hear him on the phone, so she turned the handle and walked in. The look on his face told her that he was still upset. She walked over to him and turned his chair to the side. He kept his phone conversation going smoothly. She could see from the angle of his phone that he was still talking to her brother. Julie brought one leg up onto his chair and then slid her other leg on. She was straddling him in nothing but his t-shirt. He glared at her without breaking his sentence into the phone. She leaned in and licked up his neck, as she grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. He growled as he grabbed her ass hard with his hand. She pulled back, smiled at him, and held his shoulders as she ground hard against his cock through his shorts. Ethan shook his head at her. She grabbed the hem of the shirt she was wearing and pulled it up and over her head. Julie got up on her knees and rubbed her naked breasts against his face. Ethan pulled his hand back and smacked her ass hard. She cried out and then hurried to cover her mouth.

  “Oh, that was a chick I have over. I think you might know her,” he said, as he stared into Julie's eyes. “Her name is.”

  Before he could finish, Julie jumped off of his lap and shook her head no. She put her hands together like she was begging him. There was no way she was waiting to hear what he said. She turned around, stormed out of the room and down the hall, and started pulling her clothes on.

  “Fucker had to rip my panties,” she snapped, as she pulled her pants on with nothing underneath them.

  She ran down the stairs and shoved her shoes on. He was right behind her when she opened the front door with her keys and purse in her hand.

  “Crap,” she yelled. “Move your car.”

  “Come back inside,” he said calmly.

  “I will hit that damn car. I don't care how much it cost. My car's not worth that much. It'll be worth the look on your face when I do it.

  Ethan reached out and grabbed her by the waist, as he pulled her close to him.

  “Please, come back inside. Spend the day with me. We can do whatever you want. I just want to spend the day together.”

  “Don't you have something
to do, like dig into my business?” she asked. “It was an ex. That was all. I really need you to just leave it alone. He lives far away. Actually, I thought someone told me he was in jail. It's really no big deal. I'm not a kid. I don't need my big brother or his friends saving the day. I'll spend the day with you, but only if you drop this crap. It's not something I want to deal with. Do you hear me?”

  “I hear you. You aren't going to tell me. I get it. I already figured that out. Come on, what do you want to do today?”

  I thought about the day. What did I want to do? I wasn't sure. It had been a long time since I had been out with a guy like that. What was it? Were we going out as friends? I wasn't sure what he thought.

  “Can we just stay here for the day, or we could go to my house?” she asked.

  “Why don't you want to go out? Are you afraid to be seen with me?”

  “I'm not afraid to be seen with you. I just wanted to talk and watch movies. We can go out if you want.”

  “Why don't we take your car home? You can get your bathing suit. We can pick up food on the way back. Movies, swimming, and talking can fill the rest of our day. You can change into clean clothes and put on some panties. You might want to bring an extra pair,” he said.

  “I'm not coming back here without my car. There is no way,” she said, as she shook her head.

  “I'll let you drive my car. I don't want you driving by yourself tonight. I'll drop you off at home tomorrow morning. If you want to go home before that, I'll take you home. I won't force you to stay here. I just don't want you driving by yourself at night.”

  “If you promise to let me drive your car and to take me home when I ask, then I'll do it.”

  “I promise. I would never make you be here if you didn't want to be,” he said.

  They both got dressed and got into their cars. He told her to go first and he would follow her.

  On the way home, she couldn't stop thinking about him. She thought he was incredibly sexy. Being with him sexually was amazing. When she was with him, she felt comfortable and safe. Julie knew that Ethan wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. Being in his arms felt so right. She had gotten the best sleep that night. Better than she had in years. How could he be so wrong for her but so right at the same time? He was so worried about what had happened and who had scared her. She couldn't believe he was that concerned about it. The fact that he donated all of that money to charity with John was amazing. He was rough and demanding at times but sweet as well. She could not help but be turned on when they were in the same room. Being with him felt so good.

  Julie pulled into her driveway and parked her car. She must have lost him at one of the lights. When she walked onto her porch, she froze.

  Chapter 18

  Ethan pulled his phone out of his pocket and text his brother the phone number he had gotten from Julie's phone. If she wasn't going to talk to him, then he was going to figure it out himself. There was no way that call meant nothing to her. He had spent too much time around her to believe what she was telling him. He pulled out onto the road and dialed John's number.

  “I need some help, John,” Ethan said when John answered.

  “Anything man. What's going on?” John asked.

  Ethan told John everything about him and Julie. He made John promise to keep everything they were discussing from Gavin. He talked about the fact that they were hooking up and that he had told Julie everything about his parents and the money. John could not believe he had told her. Ethan told him about the phone call she had taken at the shower and how she had reacted. He also mentioned that she talked about not trusting men and learning her lesson. Ethan thought back to how she acted when he mentioned cuffing her. She was afraid. He snapped out of it and continued talking to John. Ethan asked him to find out whose number he text him and everything about the guy. She said the person who called her was an ex.

  Ethan pulled into her driveway, parked behind her car, and hung up his phone. He watched as she stood on her porch, looking down at a vase of flowers. Slowly, he walked up behind her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I'm fine,” she said. “Why?”

  “Where did those come from?” he asked pointing to the flowers.

  “I have no idea. There's no card with them. Maybe they left them at the wrong house.”

  Ethan felt jealous for a moment, until he thought about the fact that she looked worried and not happy. Who were they from, he wondered?

  “I guess I 'm not the only one who has sent your flowers lately,” he said.

  He didn't want her to know he was still trying to figure out what was going on, so he decided to play the jealous card.

  “Very funny,” she said, as she opened the front door.

  She walked into her house and held the door for him.

  “Aren't you going to bring the flowers in?”

  “No,” she answered. “I'm going to go change and grab by bathing suit. I'll be back in a few minutes.”

  She walked out of the room and he walked back onto the porch. There was a sticker on the bottom of the vase with the name of the shop the flowers came from. He hurried to text himself the name. She was back outside in less than five minutes with a bag.

  “Give me the car keys. You promised I could drive,” she said with a smile.

  He had never let anyone drive his favorite car before, but it made him feel good to see her so happy about it. It was too bad that he could tell her smile was forced. What was she so afraid of? Ethan held the keys out but didn't let go when she grabbed them.

  “Come on tough guy, give me the keys. I won't hurt your precious baby,” she said, as she leaned in to kiss his cheek and snatch the keys from his hand.

  Julie pulled away and quickly got into the car. Ethan let out a sigh as he got in. She giggled as she hurried out of the driveway.

  “Are you enjoying this?” he asked.

  “You have no idea. This car is so awesome. I've wanted to get my hands on it since the first time I saw it.”

  “Have you wanted to get your hands on me for that long too?” he asked.

  Ethan reached over and put his hand on her knee.

  “Don't distract me while I drive. You aren't going to blame me for hurting your car. Keep your hands on your own side mister,” she said sarcastically.

  Julie pulled into a restaurant so they could pick up food for later. Ethan got out of the car and looked over at her.

  “Aren't you coming in to see what you want to order?” he asked.

  She shook her head and laughed.

  “I'll eat whatever you get,” she said. “There is no way I am getting out of this seat. You'll take the keys and won't give them back.”

  Ethan burst out laughing.

  “What if I get something gross or slimy?”

  “I'll eat it anyway. I'm not getting out of this car.”

  “I'm glad to hear you're willing to stick those kinds of things in your mouth,” he said, as he winked and walked away.

  Ethan grabbed a menu and ordered several different meals. He sat down to wait, when his phone rang. He was eager to find out what John had found on that phone number.

  “Hey man,” Ethan said.

  “You're not going to like this. I found the guy who belongs to the phone number. It belongs to a guy named Jason. He's around the same age as Julie. Has she said anything about him?” John asked.

  “No. She won't tell me anything. Julie doesn't know I have the number. You can't say anything to anyone about it. Does he have a record or anything?” Ethan asked.

  “Why are you so worried about this? Do you think digging into her personal life is the right thing to do? She's Gavin's sister. He will be pissed if he finds out you fucked her. You need to think about this. He does so much business with your company. If you two stop being friends over his sister, it's going to hurt your business. I think you really need to think this through before you get any deeper into this stuff about Julie. This could impact your entire life and e
verything you work hard for every single day.”

  “What did you find out? Tell me now,” Ethan snapped.

  “Gavin is going to beat the shit out of you when he figures out you screwed with his sister. If you dig any deeper into this phone number, you could make things even worse for her. I have a feeling Gavin is going to come unglued if this stuff gets back to him.”

  “Tell me right now,” Ethan snapped again.

  “Do you care about her?” John asked. “You told her things about your past that nobody but me knows. You had sex with her, more than once. You're trying to figure out who she's talking to. What's up here? I still can't believe you took a day off work to be with her. Gavin hasn't come by to check on you and make sure you're alive? Are you in love with her?”

  “What! No, I'm not in love with her. I would do anything to help anyone in our group of friends. They are my family. You know that. I like hanging out with her. If feels good that someone knows those things. I don't have to hide who I am around her. I've told her things you don't even know. It's not going to hurt my business with Gavin. Even if he hates me, he'll still do business with me. It's all about the money. It's not personal. He's not going to find out. Now tell me what you found out.”

  “The guy who's calling her just got out of jail. He's not from around here. When he went to jail the first time, he was twenty-two.”

  “You mean he's been in jail more than once?” Ethan asked.

  “Yes, but something is not right about this. He was in college the first time. The same college as Julie. He was in jail for domestic violence and attempted rape. I don't have enough details. Do you think this could have anything to do with her or a friend of hers?” John asked.

  “There's no way. Gavin would have known. Those two are closer than any siblings I know. He would have heard about it. She would have had to go to court. Her family would have known. What was he in jail for recently?” Ethan asked.


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