Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists Page 1

by Timothy Beckley

  GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS Curse of the Men in Black Return of the UFO Terrorists

  by Timothy Green Beckley


  Nick Redfern, John Stuart, Sean Casteel, Andrew Lunn, ATarrC

  Copyright © 2010 – Global Communications, All Rights Reserved

  ISBN-10: 1-60611-08 ISBN-13: 978-1-60611-08 Nonfiction

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  Timothy Green Beckley: Editorial Director Carol Rodriguez: Publishers Assistant Tim Swartz: Associate Editor Sean Casteel: Editorial Assistant Cover Art: Tim R. Swartz

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  UFO Silencers: They Have Not Gone Away! by Timothy Green Beckley ...............- 7

  UFO Warning by John Stuart................................................................................. - 11 Return Of The Men In Black by Timothy Green Beckley.....................................- 87 Timothy Beckley Goes On The Trail Of The Dreaded Men-In-Black With The UFO Hunters by Sean Casteel............................................................- 87 Another Strange Case Collected by Robert Goreman.......................................- 96 Men in Black... Real Life Cookie Monsters! by ATarrC ......................................- 97 Men In Black Terrorize Witnesses In Calama................................................- 98 Mothmen and Men in Black.................................................................................- 99 They've Come To Take You Away...................................................................... - 105 Men In Black In Phoenix............................................................................... - 106 MIB and A Black Helicopter .......................................................................... - 108

  MIBs, UFOs, and the Carlos Allende Letters.......................................................- 111 Horrific Unseen Forces ...................................................................................... - 123 Exploring The MIB Flap In UK by Andrew Lunn............................................... - 135 Part 1: The Making of the Myth...................................................................... - 135 Part 2: Common Characteristics of the Modern Day MIB ............................. - 136 Part 3: MIB & Black Helicopters.................................................................... - 138

  The Mib and the World of Anne Henson by Nick Redfern .................................. - 141 Are The Mib Killing Our Ufo Researchers? by Prof. G. Cope Schellhorn.......... - 145 Phil Schneider ................................................................................................ - 145 Ron Rummel....................................................................................................- 147 Ron Johnson....................................................................................................- 147 Ann Livingston................................................................................................ - 148 Karla Turner................................................................................................... - 149 Danny Casolaro .............................................................................................. - 149 Mae Bussell.................................................................................................... - 150 Deck Slayton................................................................................................... - 150 Brian Lynch .................................................................................................... - 150 Capt. Don Elkin ............................................................................................... - 150 Bizarre Death of Scientists............................................................................. - 150 Jessup and McDonald .................................................................................... - 152 Dorothy Kilgallen............................................................................................ - 152 Dr. James McDonald ...................................................................................... - 153 Astronomer M.K Jessup................................................................................. - 153 Frank Edwards ............................................................................................... - 154 Ivan T. Sanderson.......................................................................................... - 155

  The Mysterious Life and Death of Philip Schneider By Tim Swartz With assistance from Cynthia Drayer................................................................... - 157 Railroad Cars ................................................................................................. - 158 "Star Wars" And The Alien Threat".................................................................. - 159 Black Helicopters............................................................................................ - 159 Terrorist Bombings ........................................................................................ - 159 Something Looks Strange My Friend Compiled By Robert Goreman............. - 164

  Abduction Researcher Karla Turner The Men In Khaki by Greg Bishop......... - 165 The Guardian Men In Black, An Investigation Subject Bob Oechsler............... - 167 Biographical Information Sheet - Bob Oechsler............................................. - 172 Guardian Investigation – The UFO Video Case .............................................. - 173 The Insiders Report By Bob Oechsler............................................................ - 175 Preliminary Conclusions ................................................................................ - 180 The Field Investigation....................................................................................- 181 Some Final Conclusions.................................................................................. - 185 The Aftermath................................................................................................. - 186

  Vanishing MIB – Ghosts Or Teleportation? By Tim Swartz ............................... - 189 Smile MIB – Your On "Candid Camera".............................................................. - 197

  UFO Silencers: They Have Not Gone Away! by Timothy Green Beckley

  An Update On The Notorious Men In Black Millions watched the episode of the UFO Hunters titled The Silencers in which I detailed my own encounter with a real man in black. Shown to an national audience for the first time, was a photograph I took back in the 1960s of a strangely dressed individual who was standing in the doorway of a research associate of mine. Along with Jim Moseley, a long time UFOlogist who was than publishing a magazine Saucer News, I had driven from Manhattan to Jersey City to the apartment building where Jack and Mary Robinson said they were being stalked by a typical MIB who was watching their in home office and listening in on their phone conversations. Some of their files were even reported missing. Jim and I wanted to see for ourselves if such a sinister individual was actually lurking in the neighborhood. The entire story is told in my previous book UFO Silencers: The Mysterious Men In Black. The volume is available on or through the bookstore of our own web site.
And while I had more or less pushed thoughts of the MIB out of my mind, satisfied to spend my research time on other projects, my appearance on the History Channel opened up a whole new can of worms, when I began to receive both new and older reports which had never been disseminated to those investigators who take such accounts seriously. This book is an effort to put together a great deal of the material I have gathered since my early book on the MIB. One of the most chilling encounters that reached my attention came via an e mail only a few months ago. We reprint it word for word

  * * * * * Beckley, sometime ago I purchased your book on the Men in Black. I've always been hugely interested in the MIB and it always made my skin crawl to think these things are out there.

  About six months ago my friend Linda visited Albany Rural Cemetery in Menands, NY, supposedly haunted. She drove her car up a hill, the cemetery is a massive city of the dead, with many twisting and turning roads, large mausoleums and shadowy areas, very scarey!

  Anyway, she went over there to go on a historical tour. It contains the bodies of Pres. Chester Arthur, illustrious Albany, NY historical figures like mayors and governors and Charles Fort! I need not explain to you who that was.

  Up the hill she went and around a curve. She stopped. The day was a very nice one sunny and warm but those little milk weeds were blowing in the air and her car was covered with them from the field next to the grave yard. She had the windows down and if anyone was approaching she would have heard. The roads are gravel and the sound of tires coming up the hill would have been heard.

  As she pulled over to stop, she was astounded by a MASSIVE black SUV, almost looked military like, so close behind her it could have parked in her rear seat! NO milk weed was on the car, but it was shiny and new looking, like they had just pulled out of the showroom. She didn't hear a thing, it made no sound at all.

  Linda, who is a fan of the unknown, like me very slowly put the car in forward and crept forward, waiting to see if the SUV would follow. The windows were completely black and she had a very strange feeling from the thing. It didn't go after her, but backed up and Linda watched it go down one of the side roads that would take you back to the main entrance on Broadway.

  She followed it! ONLY THERE WAS NO ROAD WHERE THE SUV DISAPPEARED INTO, only a chain link fence!!! She went back down the hill the way she came in and the thing was parked next to the office in the middle of the road, "like they were waiting for me". She slowly pulled up next to it and saw a man all in black, strange looking, standing next to the drivers' window like he was talking. Only the window was up. Linda gunned the car, watching all the time in the rear mirror and the man disappeared! Just blinked out. GONE.

  This really got me going, so I went online to see what it said about the cemetery, and lo and behold the cemetery is haunted by vanishing black vehicles, mysterious men in black, a big black dog and a couple who fly over the headstones at dusk in their pajamas!

  Two weeks later, still thinking about this and quite excited by it, I went to the Delmar Plaza with my mother to a dollar store. As I got back in the car we noticed a really big black SUV next to us. I joked that it must be the vehicle Linda saw, only the windows were down and it looked pretty normal inside. BUT around from the back came this creepy little man ALL IN BLACK.

  He looked like that picture you have in your book only he had a black leather cap on, short sleeved black shirt that looked brand new, black pants, black shoes and black sox and black glasses. As I watched him he walked in front of our car and very deliberately turned slowly and looked at me with a smile that was a kind of knowing smile like, "Yes, here I am". I really believe it was an MIB. I should have followed him or waited to see where he went but we left.

  My neice lives in an apt. building with one of the caretakers at the cemetery and he confirmed that he's heard all the stories, but has never actually seen anything himself.

  Anyway, that's my story, and it's all true, Mr. Beckley. Just wanted to let you know the MIB are still active in the Albany, New York area. Claudia Cunningham, Glenmont, NY

  * * * * *

  Of course there are many, many stories to relate as told by seemingly reliable witnesses and researchers from the four corners of the globe. In fact, one of our ultimate realizations early on in our investigation of UFOs and those who try to keep unfathomable, dark secrets about the phenomenon, is that we must think of this mystery as truly global in nature and not just confined to America and its complacent allies such as Canada and Great Britain. In fact, if anything, these just mentioned nations seem to huddle together in their agreement to keep this all under military and economic raps for the benefit of big business and the armed forces. Some feel the MIB might well be working for the economic industrial complex or at least are in agreement to squelch any evidence that would bring great advancement to our planet. It could well be that the MIBs are cronies of the darkest elements of our society who would like to keep enlightenment away from earth's general populace.

  To begin our trip we must enter our time machine (you mean you don't have one?) and go back a few decades almost to the very beginning of organized UFO research and the silencing of one of the key investigators of the that period. John Stuart was in the early 1950s a "top dog" in UFOlogy in the land down under. He was interviewing witnesses and filing reports and had started a branch of Albert K Bender's International Flying Saucer Bureau. Both men got into "trouble" at about the same time as the Men In Black came from their invisible perch to issue their threats to stop all investigation of the flying saucers and the discussion of where they might originate from and how they are propelled. The warnings were serious issue – the threats certainly so deadly – that both men despite their status among their peers closed down their groups immediately.

  Jim Moseley editor of Saucer Smear has said, "In its own unique way, John Stuart's UFO Warning is arguably the best flying saucer book ever written..." It has been out of print for years, but in our attempt to provide today's researchers with valuable collectibles from the past, we have decided to include the entire text of this manuscript originally issued by our friend Gray Barker's Saucerian Press. Despite its "sensitive" nature we have not done any editing, and have decided to leave in even the most terrifying report of a mortifying rape at the hands of diabolical creatures. Let this be a warning of what could happen to you!

  UFO Warning by John Stuart Return Of The Men In Black by Timothy Green Beckley

  You might think that true stories of the Men In Black are "old hat" (black ones at least I would hope!). That outside of an appearance on the silver screen at your local cinema, they have come and gone like will of the wisps, a part of UFO history that almost seems like it never happened at all.

  BUT IT DID! AND THE FREIGHTENING ENCOUNTERS CONTINUE! I should know as I have written more about the subject than anyone else that I know of. My book THE UFO SILENCERS has gone into numerous editions and I have been quizzed on radio and television continuously because I have been credited with taking the only authentic photo of one of these menacing UFOlogical phantoms.

  My most recent public proclamation about the MIB was made on the cable show UFO HUNTERS on the History Channel. I received quite a few e mails after my appearance (the show is still being aired worldwide) from individuals who finally had verification of their own encounters with these not so friendly entities from only the Lord knows where.

  The following is an article that ran on over 40 blogs. Written by Sean Casteel it was originally posted on and spread like internet wildfire. as if it were sweeps week.

  Timothy Beckley Goes On The Trail Of The Dreaded Men-In-Black With The UFO Hunters by Sean Casteel

  An Exclusive Interview With "Mr. UFO" As He Hits The Dusty Road In Search Of MIBs "UFO Hunters," The Silencers Episode, Air Date: October 29, 2009 On the History Channel

  What do we really know about the fabled and mysterious Men-In-Black? Perhaps the best person to ask is longtime veteran of the UFO wars Timothy Green Beckley, whose book on the s
ubject is nowadays considered the definitive work on the bizarre "heavies" of Ufology. And who should ask Beckley for his informed take on the subject but Bill Birnes and the team behind the popular History Channel program UFO Hunters.

  In a recent interview conducted for this site, Beckley filled in some of the background on his upcoming appearance. "Several months ago," he said, "I was contacted by the History Channel, the producers of the UFO Hunters show. They were interested in doing an episode on the Men-In-Black. Now it turns out that the episode is titled "The Silencers," and of course the name of the book I wrote on the MIBs is titled The UFO Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black. So that's a good thing for both them and me. It's sort of a built-in tag line to promote the book I did, which has become a classic in Ufology being that it is the only legitimate overview of the subject of these dark-suited individuals who have threatened eyewitnesses, contactees and abductees."

  Along with contributing his own expertise, as well as what he says is the only authentic photograph of a real Man-In-Black (about which more later), Beckley also helped the show line up some additional guests.

  "I suggested they reach out," Beckley said, "to several other people who had been harassed by these cloak-and-dagger-like individuals and strongly recommended they get in touch with a gentleman by the name of Johnny Sands, if it was humanly possible to locate him after all these years. The truth is, I hadn't heard from Johnny since his original experience took place toward the latter part of December, 1975. Johnny Sands has been for many years a country and western singer and a stuntman and an illusionist and magician who had a very interesting experience while driving towards Las Vegas.

  "He was within view of the city lights," Beckley continued, "so he couldn't have been that far out of town, although the lights up and down the Vegas strip certainly do illuminate for many, many miles into the surrounding desert. Johnny says he was driving towards the city to see one of the agents who books acts for the lounge at this particular casino. Johnny had just come out with a new record and wanted to get a gig doing a live concert at this particular venue. He was anxious to get into town before it got too late and was disturbed by the fact that his engine seemed to be sputtering."


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