Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists Page 3

by Timothy Beckley

  The event was reported to the police, who refused to investigate and turned the story over to the media. Not seeking publicity, Shirley refused to cooperate with the local press and turned down a lucrative offer for a filmed television interview. Her health had deteriorated and she took to her bed for several days with muscle aches and nausea and vomiting. Her eyes hurt and watered and were quite red. She had unexplained burn marks on her arm and side, as well as a strange purple rash on her neck and shoulders. In her mouth, top dental fillings crumbled into powder and fell out, while some bottom fillings became embedded into the gums.

  On Monday, February 2nd, Shirley's mother intercepted a telephone call from a man who would only identify himself as "someone who investigates these things" that asked about her daughter's health and whether any marks had been left on the girl's body as a result of her ordeal. The mother put the caller off.

  At 7:00 PM on the following evening, two men arrived at the Greenfield home and demanded "to interrogate" the girl. Both men appeared about 40 and wore crisp black suits and denied being either UFOlogists or journalists. The father initially refused to let them in. One man, tall and fair, almost blond, did all the talking and sternly responded with, "If you do not let us in now, we will come back later and make Shirley speak to us."

  Neither man used names. Both had an air of authority and conducted themselves as if they had every right to do and say whatever they chose. The silent partner sat on a chair and held a square black box with no visible moving parts. It was said to be a high-tech recording device. Although this intense grilling session lasted three hours, at no time was any recording tape changed.

  The tall one was rude to the point of aggression.

  This visit ended with a threat to be silent.

  "You must not talk about this matter. It is in your interests not to do so. Nobody will believe you, in

  any case. In particular, you must not talk to UFO investigators. "

  The pair left in a large black car.

  Mr. Greenfield still wonders, "You know, I have never been able to understand why I did not throw

  them out. Why I let them hound Shirley for hour after hour. I would normally not tolerate something like this. Why did I let them do this thing?" The mother was creeped out by the man who had not spoken all night. He continually stared intently at her daughter the entire evening.

  These mystery men telephoned the very next day and again a week later. They were still concerned about whether or not the girl had any unusual marks on her body following her ordeal. Shirley finally admitted that, yes, there were marks, but they were gone now. This seemed to satisfy the visitors. They did not contact the family again.

  Under the auspices of Dr. Albert Kellar in Manchester, Shirley was hypnotized and asked to relive both the UFO sighting and the visit by the two Men in Black. She reacted in absolute terror to the visit by the MIB and the doctor was forced to abandon the experiment because her vital signs rose to dangerous levels. Even so, Shirley offered a possible clue:

  "I don't understand.. . He's talking to me twice."

  This MIB had supposedly interrogated her on two different levels. During the visit, messages had acted upon her subconscious mind in a form of subliminal communication. This advances notions of mental hypnotic suggestion and those Experiments in Distant Influence documented by Dr. Leonid L. Vasiliev.

  Men in Black... Real Life Cookie Monsters! by ATarrC

  First Appeared In Your True Tales

  September 2003 This true story happened in the summer of 1999. Three friends and I were in an apartment complex made for married couples with children while they attended the University of Northern Iowa. One of my friend's mom was an employee at the school, so she and her sons stayed in the complex with her. Anyway, one July night at midnight we started walking through the complex to the sidewalks that connected with the campus. One of us stopped and pointed to the edge of the sidewalk, which was about 50 feet away. There was this gray-haired man wearing a black silk shirt tucked into khakis pants. He was holding two plastic sacks. Behind him were two men in black cloaks walking in stride together with their hands crossed. My friends and I hustled back over to the corner of last building in the complex where we continued to watch in astonishment as the gray-haired man swung the bags into the woods along the sidewalk. As he turned around, a couple of my friends popped out from the corner. He made eye contact with them, then returned to the woods and grabbed one of the plastic sacks he threw in. He and the two "reapers" walked off toward the front of the complex.

  After they walked past, we went to the spot with the sack. My friend Nick, went in to retrieve it. We all huddled around as he pulled out what looked like steering wheel-sized sugar cookies. What the hell?

  There are just a lot of unanswered questions, like: What was in the other bag? Why were they throwing sugar cookies in the bushes? What were guys like this doing in a married student housing complex? Why the hell were they dressed in black cloaks... in the middle of July?

  Men In Black Terrorize Witnesses In Calama The ongoing Chupacabra drama in Calama, a city in northern Chile, took an ominous new twist last week with an appearance by the Men In Black (MIB). "A resident who saw the alleged Chupacabra was visited and intimidated by oddlooking characters not once but twice, according to Centro UFO de Calama researcher Jaime Ferrer, who conducted field researches of the phenomenon from" March 25 through March 28, 2001.

  "The witness and his wife were warned not to speak to Ferrer, whose footsteps are being closely followed by these enigmatic individuals." "The threatened residents are friends of a third witness to the continuing manifestations and who served as an important source of information.'" to Ferrer.

  "Ferrer himself had the following to say: 'On Wednesday night (March 28, 2001) I returned to continue my interview, but my witness behaved oddly and steadfastly refused to talk to me. I didn't know what was going on. I managed to convince him after awhile, and he explained the reason for his attitude."

  "The resident, a humble farmer, told him that at 8 o'clock that morning, 'his friend turned up in a truck along with his wife, children, worldly possessions, and the following story.'"

  "'Listen, compradito, (Spanish for little friend--J.T.) last night (Tuesday, March 27, 2001) at 11:30 p.m., the three men from the last time turned up at my house . They told us a bunch of stuff. My wife heard it all, and we are in a heap of trouble. Something very bad is going on, and we have to be careful. They mentioned the name of one Jaime Ferrer, the guy who researches and makes plaster casts of things and they said it (Jaime's investigation--J.T.) will lead nowhere. They said you are giving him information about them. I don't know what's going on here, but I'm leaving and I can't stay any longer.'"

  "Ferrer said that he had 'in fact discovered and copied several (Chupacabra) prints the previous day.'" "That evening, myself and others who were with me clearly heard the long, braying sound of the Chupacabra--no other animal can contain such a sound for over 40 seconds."

  "Far from being intimidated by the MIBs, Ferrer said he will continue to pursue his research." (See the Chilean newspaper La Estrella del Loa for April 26, 2001, "Chupacabra researcher in the crosshairs of the Men In Black." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Jaime Ferrer para eso articulo de diario.)

  Credit - UFO Round Up

  Mothmen and Men in Black

  original source unknown : fair use notice What may well have been the most notorious of all "scares" involving reptilian beings, involved a combined "invasion" of pterodactylin-hominoid "Mothmen" and "Men In Black". These creatures have been referred to as Mothmen, Winged Dracos, and Winged Serpents, depending on the source involved. They reportedly terrorized a particular area in West Virginia, according to John A. Keel, in the mid1960's. Keel is convinced that these malevolent entities were involved in the tragic "silver bridge" disaster in which several UFO witnesses perished, based on certain strange circumstances surrounding the event. In his own unique journalistic style Keel reveals the follo

  "The moment I met Mary. Hyre's niece Connie Carpenter in 1966, I knew she was telling the truth because her eyes were reddened, watery, and almost swollen shut. I had seen these symptoms many times in my treks around the country investigating UFO reports. Witnesses who were unlucky enough to have a close encounter with an unidentified flying object, usually a dazzlingly brilliant aerial light, are exposed to actinic rays...ultraviolet rays...which can cause 'eye burn,' medically known as KLIEG CONJUNCTIVITIS. These are the same kind of rays that tan your hide at the beach. If you lie in the bright sun without protecting your eyes you can get conjunctivitis. Whatever they are, UFOs radiate intense actinic rays. There are now thousands of cases in which witnesses suffered eye-burns and temporary eye damage...even temporary blindness...after viewing a strange flying light in the night sky.

  "...What puzzled me about Connie's case, however, was that she had not seen a splendid luminous flying saucer. She had seen a giant 'winged man' in broad daylight.

  "According to her story, Connie, a shy, sensitive eighteen- year-old, was driving home from church at 10:30 A.M. on Sunday, November 27, 1966, when, as she passed the deserted greens of Mason County Golf Course outside New Haven, West Virginia, she suddenly saw a huge gray figure. It was shaped like a man, she said, but much larger. It was at least SEVEN FEET TALL and very broad. The thing that attracted her attention was not its size but its eyes. IT HAD, SHE SAID, LARGE, ROUND, FIERCELY GLOWING RED EYES THAT FOCUSED ON HER WITH HYPNOTIC EFFECT.

  "'It's a wonder I didn't run off the road and have a wreck,' she commented later. "As she slowed, her eyes fixed on the apparition, a pair of wings unfolded from its back. They seemed to have a span of about ten feet. It was definitely not an ordinary bird but a MAN-SHAPED THING which rose slowly off the ground, straight up like a helicopter, silently. Its wings did not flap in flight. It headed straight toward Connie's car, its horrible eyes fixed to her face, then it swooped low over her head as she shoved the accelerator to the floor-boards in utter hysteria.

  "OVER ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE WOULD SEE THIS BIZARRE CREATURE THAT WINTER. "Connie's conjunctivitis lasted over two weeks, apparently caused by those glowing red eyes. At the time of my first visit to Point Pleasant in 1966 I did not relate the winged weirdo to flying saucers. Later events not only proved that a relationship existed, but that relationship also is a vital clue to the whole mystery.

  "Max's Kansas City is a famous watering hole for New York's hip crowd. In the summer of 1967 an oddball character wandered into that restaurant noted for its oddball clientele. He was tall and awkward, dressed in an ill-fitting black suit that seemed out of style. His chin came to a sharp point and his eyes bulged slightly like 'thyroid eyes.' He sat down in a booth and gestured to the waitress with his long, tapering fingers.

  "'Something to eat,' he mumbled. The waitress handed him a menu. He stared at it uncomprehendingly, apparently unable to read. 'Food,' he said almost pleadingly. "'How about a steak?' she offered.


  "She brought him a steak with all the trimmings. He stared at it for a long moment and then picked up his knife and fork, glancing around at the other diners. It was obvious he did not know how to handle the implements! The waitress watched him as he fumbled helplessly. Finally she showed him how to cut the steak and spear it with the fork. He sawed away at the meat. Clearly he really was hungry.

  "'Where are you from?' she asked gently.

  "'Not from here.'


  "'Another world.'

  "Boy, another put-on artist, she thought to herself. The other waitresses gathered in a corner and watched him as he fumbled with his food, a stranger in a strange land.

  "A large white car with a faulty muffler wheezed and rattled up the back street in New Haven, West Virginia, where Connie Carpenter lived, and Jack Brown knocked at her door.

  "'I'm a--a friend of Mary Hyre's.' "His strange demeanor and disjointed questions distressed her and disturbed her husband, Keith, and her brother Larry. It quickly became obvious that he was not particularly interested in Connie's sighting of the man-bird the year before. He seemed more concerned with Mrs. Hyre and my own relationship with her (we were professional friends, nothing more).

  "'What do you think--if--what would Mary Hyre do--if someone told her to stop writing about UFOs?' he asked. "'She'd probably tell them to drop dead.' Connie replied.

  "Most of the questions were stupid, even unintelligible.

  After a rambling conversation he drove off into the night in his noisy car. Connie called her aunt immediately, puzzled and upset by the visit. He was such a very odd man, she noted, and he wouldn't speak at all if you weren't looking directly into his dark, hypnotic eyes. Connie, Keith and Larry not only noticed his long-fingered hands, but there was also something very peculiar about his ears. They couldn't say exactly what. But there was something...

  "Another kind of Man in Black haunted Brooklyn, New York, in 1877-80. He had wings and performed aerial acrobatics over the heads of the crowds of sunbathers at Coney Island. A Mr. W. H. Smith first reported these strange flights in a letter to the NEW YORK SUN, September 18, 1877. The creature was not a bird, but a 'winged human(oid) form.'

  "This flying 'man' became a local sensation and, according to the NEW YORK TIMES, September 12, 1880, 'many reputable persons' saw him as he was 'engaged in flying toward New Jersey.' He maneuvered at an altitude of about one thousand feet, sporting 'BATS WINGS' and making swimming like movements. Witnesses claimed to have seen his face clearly. He 'WORE A CRUEL AND DETERMINED EXPRESSION.' The entire figure was black, standing out sharply against the clear blue sky...

  "North American Indians have extensive legends about the Thunderbird, a huge bird said to carry off children and old people. It was accompanied by loud noises, hums, buzzes and, apparently rumbles from the infrasonic and ultrasonic levels. Known as PIASA to the Indians of the Dakotas, it was supposed to have terrifying red eyes and a long tail... a monstrous demon with... bat's wings, and a body closely in human form.

  "...In May 1961, a New York pilot was buzzed by a 'damned big bird, bigger than an eagle. For a moment I doubted my sanity because it looked more like a pterodactyl out of the prehistoric past.' The thing had swooped at his plane as he cruised up the Hudson River valley.

  "Far away, in the Ohio River valley, another startled pair had an even more breathtaking experience. A woman prominent in civic affairs in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, was driving on Route 2 along the Ohio River with her elderly father. As they passed through a sector on the edge of the park known as the Chief Cornstalk Hunting Grounds, a tall manlike figure suddenly appeared on the road in front of them.

  "'I slowed down,' she told me years later, 'and as we got closer we could see that it was much larger than a man. A big gray figure. It stood in the middle of the road. Then a pair of wings unfolded from its back and they practically filled the whole road. It almost looked like a small airplane. Then it took off straight up...disappeared out of sight in seconds. We were both terrified. I stepped on the gas and raced out of there.

  "...A businessman in Arlington, Virginia, wrote to me recently, describing an experience he and three friends had in the winter of 1969-69. They were at a farm near Haymarket when they heard a strange rushing sound near a small lake. Intrigued, they set out with flashlights and a couple of dogs to investigate. Suddenly the dogs howled, turned tail, and ran.

  There, standing by a tree was a huge dark shadow between eight and twelve feet tall. The quartet scurried back to their car, turned on their lights, and swung toward the shadow. 'All we saw,' he reported, 'was this huge thing with large redorange eyeballs and winglike arms. We couldn't get out of there fast enough.'"

  Keel goes on to relate the experience of Woodrow Derenberger, who experienced a weird encounter on November 4th (1966?) while driving on Route 7 outside of Parkersburg "when he suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his forehead." Then thoughts from a being that identified itself as Indrid Cold from t
he planet 'Lanulos' "began to spring full-blown in his mind." According to Keel:

  "Two weeks later, though Woody wasn't aware of it at the time, two salesmen visited Mineral Wells and went from house to house with their wares. They weren't very interested in making sales. At one house they offered bibles. At another, hardware. At a third they were 'Mormon missionaries from Salem, Oregon' (a UFO wave was taking place in Salem at that time). One man was tall, blond, and looked like a Scandinavian. His partner was short and slight, with pointed features and a dark olive complexion. They asked questions about Woody and were particularly interested in opinions on the validity of his alleged contact..."

  were sold to the Trojan-U.S. Powder Co. and the LFC Chemical Co. Some were leased to American Cyanamid.

  * * * * * John Keel personally investigated the TNT area and claimed that in one area an irrational "fear" gripped him. He would step out of the large circle and the sensation would cease. He again entered it and soon the induced atmosphere of fear and terror would almost overcome him until he was forced to leave it. Could this have been the site of an underground lair? Remember, the entire area is honeycombed with tunnels which have for years been sealed off to the public. Keel related other accounts of encounters where witnesses saw these pterodactylin 'mothmen', one of which entered one of the old buildings that led to the tunnels. Investigators followed the creature into the dome but the winged reptile seemed to have vanished. Keel related other incident involving the

  dreaded MIB. Referring to the investigations of a fellow researcher by the name of Dan Drisin, he reveals:

  "...During his second visit to Point Pleasant Dan uncovered some Mothmen witnesses I had missed. And he also came across some more baffling Men-In-Blacktype reports. People up in the back hills has been seeing mysterious unmarked panel trucks which sometimes parked for hours in remote spots. There seemed to be several of these trucks in the area and the rumor was that they belonged to the air force. Men in neat coveralls were seen monkeying with telephone and power lines but no one questioned them.


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