Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists Page 7

by Timothy Beckley

  Here are reports of MIBs, MIB like individuals and others that seem intent on retriving artifact(s), photo(s), in intimidating or silencing the witness(s) in some way. Some seem only to be watchers...

  I encourage others to look for earlier reports and post them if you can... Los Angeles California

  Date: February 1953

  Time: afternoon

  A pair of strange looking men, described as over 6' 2" tall, visited a local attorney's office. Wearing old tattered clothing, with bluish-green skin tone and peculiar looking pointy ears. Both men claimed they were experts at locating "missing persons." At one point one of the men made a deep wedge with his bare hands into the top of a metallic cabinet of at least half an inch in depth. Unnerved by their strange behavior employees called the local FBI office, but upon the arrival of the agents, the two enigmatic strangers had totally vanished.

  Kentucky, exact location not given

  Date: Summer 1954

  Time: afternoon

  A couple eating supper at a local restaurant saw a strange "man" or entity sitting in the back of the restaurant. The man was sitting still with his hands on his knees, he was very tall, & his head and shoulders were higher than any other person there. He was silent & sat still staring at everyone. He wore a dark brown suit; he apparently noticed the witnesses looking at him, gout up and walked out. He wore very peculiar five toed dark brown shoes and had a very narrow heel.

  Quarouble France

  Date: September 10 1954

  Time: 2230

  Hearing his dogs barking, Marius Dewilde went out and saw a dark mass on the railroad track, less than 6 yards away. On hearing footsteps, he turned his flashlight on the path, where he saw 2 very short beings (less than 3.5 ft) wearing "diver's suits." No arms could be seen. He approached within 6 ft, when he was blinded and paralyzed by a brilliant light emanating from the mass of the tracks. The two creatures went toward the object. When the beam of paralyzing light went out, he ran towards the track, but the object was now rising, emitting a "thick dark steam" and a low whistling sound. It became red luminous and flew away. On the railroad ties where found 5 imprints; it was calculated that a 30-ton weight would have been necessary to produce them. Recent information uncovered about the case indicates that Dewilde found after the craft took off a mysterious metallic black box. He took the box home and attempted to open it, without telling local police about it. After several failed attempts he finally gave up and hid the black box inside a carton. According to Dewilde shortly after this several French Air Force officers who somehow knew about the existence of the black box and took possession of it visited him. (I doubt they were who they said they were)

  Raon-l 'Etape, Vosges France

  Date: October 20 1954

  Time: 0230A

  Lazlo Ujvari, going to work late at night, encountered a heavy set man of medium height wearing a gray jacket with insignias on the shoulders, and a motorcycle helmet, which threatened him with a revolver and spoke words he did not understand. Ujvari spoke Russian to him and got a reply in that language. The unknown man then asked whether he was in Spain or Italy; then, what time it was. '0230", said Ujvari. "You lie," replied the man, taking out his own watch and announcing "Four o'clock!" He then escorted Ujvari past an inverted dish shaped, lightless saucer bearing a 2-foot antenna, which took up almost the whole width of the road. After 30 yards, he said, he said 'Adieu!" After a few paces, Ujvari looked back; with a whine like an electric motor, the saucer rose vertically.

  Hamilton New Zealand

  Date: December 1954

  Time: 0130A

  Doreen Wilkinson reported that three invisible entities attacked and violated her in her home. Around the same time John Stuart was sitting at his desk when a bizarre entity appeared before him. The humanoid was about four or five ft from him and was facing him. Its body resembled, vaguely that of a human. From the waist up it was a man and from the waist down that of a woman. Its flesh stinking putrid, seemed to hang in folds. It was grayish color. The slack mouth was dribbling, its lips moved but there was no sound. Stuart heard a telepathic message, "Your friend knew too much and had to be silenced." Soon the creature seemed to waver and grow less distinct; then materialized again into solidity. Stuart almost collapsed in horror as he realized that the male & female areas of its body had changed places. He received one more warning before the creature dissolved and disappeared. Stuart soon abandoned Ufology.

  Wildwood New Jersey

  Date: January 9 1967

  Time: 1730

  At 1730 there was a knock at the Edward Christiansen residence (involved in a previous UFO encounter), 17-year old Connie Christiansen when to the door, stunned she reported back, "It's the strangest looking man I've ever seen." Mrs Christiansen went to the door, unbolted, and unlatched it. It was growing dark and was bitter cold outside. There was no car in view and this seemed peculiar because the Christiansen home was removed from other houses in a rather isolated spot. A tall man stood at the door, he asked if Edward Christiansen lived there. And then said he was from "the Missing Heirs Bureau" and asked to be led in. The stranger was then invited him.

  The visitor must have been at least 6'6" tall, enormously broad. He wore a Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a very long black coat that seemed to be made out of thin material, too thin for the cold weather. He told the family "this will only take forty minutes." As he removed his hat he revealed an unusual head, large and round while his face seemed angular, pointed. He had black hair, which was closely cropped, to his head. There was a perfectly round spot on the back of his head as if that area had recently been shaved. His nose and mouth seemed relatively normal, but his eyes were large, protruding, like "thyroid eyes," and set wide apart. One eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass eye, and did not move in unison with is companion.

  During the course of the conversation Mr. Christiansen noticed a badge on the stranger's shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with his hand and removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resembled a gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big K on it with a small x alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, according to Connie Christiansen. Underneath his thin outer coat he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt made of a Dacron like material. His trousers were of a dark material gray or black, and were a little too short. He wore dark shoes with unusually thick rubber soles.

  A strange feature on his leg fascinated Mrs Christiansen & Connie. When he sat down they could see a long thick green wire attached to the inside of his leg. It came up out or his socks and disappeared under his trousers. At one point it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered with a large brown spot. The Christiansen's noted that the visitor had an unnatural pallor. His speech was also strange, with a high "tinny" voice that seemed especially peculiar coming from such a large man. He also spoke in a strange, hard to understand, singsong like manner. At one point as his face gradually grew redder he asked for a glass of water and swallowed a large yellow capsule which he gulped down. He then returned to normal.

  After about 40 minutes he donned his hat and coat and told Mr. Christiansen that he would be in touch. When he reached the road, he made a gesture and a black 1963 Cadillac drove through the trees and pulled up. He climbed into the car and it drove away with its headlights off.

  Pittsfield, Pennsylvania

  Date: January 25 1967

  Time: around 1800

  On January 20 at 2330 Mrs. Walter J Kushner and her two daughters, Susan (17) and Tanya (14) and a close friend of the girls, Marianne Williamson (16), witnessed a brilliant aero form with a distinct disk shape drop below the cloud cover and execute a sharp turn before cruising parallel to a mountain ridge while the group was returning to their residence.

  All members of the party were awed by the lack of the sound and high speed of the object. On January 21 1967 @ 0200A, Susan, Tanya and Marianne were enjoying a typical teenage pajama party and were doing anything but sleeping when all three girls simulta
neously spotted a peculiar light shimmering through the closed curtains of Susan's bedroom. Without warning the drapes parted of their own volition and a midget triangular object hovering a few feet from the house began beaming pinkish light of a painfully brilliant intensity into the bedroom. When the triangle moved to the second window, the curtains repeated their opening act and the intensity of light emanating from the object increased several fold. At this point the girls became quite frightened and decided to get the hell out of there.

  Suddenly, all three girls became paralyzed and weak, unable to cry out or do more than whimper helplessly. Not able to move, their terror at this point became so strong that prayer became a viable option. After a few more torturous moments that seemed like an eternity, the light effect dissipated and their freedom of movement was restored, although a weird dizzy sensation continued to haunt the girls for the better part of an hour.

  On the 28th things were back to normal when shortly after the dinner hour, two men arrived at the Kushner household. They identified themselves as military investigators and flashed what appeared to be USAF identification. Mrs. Kushner described the ID card as having black printing on a durable white stock. Both men wore tan trench coats, which they kept buttoned from knee to collar. The taller of the two, who, according to the family's testimony, did all the talking, was described, as having blond hair, green eyes, was thin and deeply tanned. The other gentleman was heavyset with dark hair, piercing blue eyes and was also deeply tanned.

  The men were very polite but very insistent about one thing: they wanted every shred of information about the girl's experience. Neither parent could explain why they allowed their children to be so intensely grilled by these "government agents." The men moved about the house with apparently total knowledge of the whereabouts of rooms, furniture, objects, etc. Their clothing looked as if it had been purchased 10 minutes before and the bottom of their shoes seemed un-walked on. When the mystery men left, they backed their vehicle out onto the roadway turned off their headlights and powered away down the road. At one point one of the men was seen writing strange symbols in vertical columns, starting from the left, going down one column, up the next, down the third. This on a small booklet. (Typical MIB report of the period).

  Owatonna, Minnesota

  Date: May 1967

  Time: evening

  One man, five-foot-nine inches tall, with olive complexion and pointed face and long dark hair (too long for Air Force regulations or so the Butlers felt) arrived at the Butler household and identified himself as Air Force Major Richard French. Speaking perfect English and plainly well educated, he claimed that he was interested in CB (citizen's band) radio and UFOs.

  He was dressed in a neat gray suit, white shirt and black tie and everything he owned appeared to be brand new. Even the soles of his shoes were un-scuffed and un-walked on. He drove a white Ford Mustang. "He said his stomach was bothering him," said Mrs. Butler, who then told the air force officer that what he needed was some Jell-o. He said if it kept bothering him, he would come back for some. Major French returned to the Butler residence the next morning. His stomach was still bothering him, so Mrs. Butler slid a big bowl of Jell-o in front of him. Incredibly, according to Mrs. Butler, Major French picked up the bowl and attempted to drink it. She had to show him how to eat it with a spoon.

  Mount Misery Long Island New York

  Date: May 18 1967

  Time: 1030A

  The day after being instructed by a metallic sounding voice in her phone to go to the small local public library, Jane Paro did as was instructed. The library was deserted except for the librarian, who stuck Jane as being unusual. The woman was "dressed in an old fashioned suit like something out of the 1940's with a long skirt, broad shoulders, and flat old looking shoes." She had a dark complexion, with a fine bone structure, and very black eyes and hair. When Jane entered, the woman seemed to be expecting her and produced a book instantly form under the desk. Jane sat down at a table and began to riffle through the book, pausing on page 42.

  The metallic voice had told her to read that page. Suddenly the print became smaller and smaller, then larger and larger. It changed into a message about contact with earthlings. The print became very small again, and then the normal text reappeared. As soon as Jane left the library she became quite ill. In early June she began to see the "librarian" wherever she went. Unable to sleep one night, Jane gout up at the crack of dawn the following morning and went for a walk on an impulse. The dark skinned woman stepped out of an alley and approached her shyly. "Peter is coming," she announced. Jane asked her a question and she repeated, "Peter is coming very soon." Next a large black Cadillac came down the street and stopped next to them. It was brand new, very shiny, and polished. The driver was an olive skinned man wearing wraparound sunglasses and dressed in a neat gray suit, apparently of the same material as the woman's clothes. The rear door opened and a man climbed out with a big grin on his face. He was about five-feet 8 inches tall, with dark skin and Oriental eyes. He had an air of someone very important and was dressed in a well-cut, expensive looking suit of the same gray material that was shiny like silk but was not silk. The stranger said his name was "Apol."

  Chimney Rock Colorado

  Date: mid June 1967

  Time: afternoon

  A month after seeing a strange crescent shaped light over the Great Sand Dunes National Monument and painting a picture of the light, the witness; Mrs Blundell was visited by a strange character at the Pine Cove Inn. The man was deathly pale, had very dark hair, and wore a dark suit. He told Mrs Blundell that he was not from our universe and could not read but could name the contents of any book in any library. He expressed interest in obtaining the picture of the light, but said he had no money and would return on a later date. The strange visitor then departed in a vehicle with Arizona license plates. He was not seen again.

  Cordoba Argentina

  Date: June 21 1967

  Time: daytime?

  Four days prior of a massive wave of UFO sightings in the region a man dressed in black showed up at the newsroom of Cordoba's, "Los Principios" daily, where he dropped off a letter addressed to the editor stating that before the week was out the Southern Cone would experience a massive fly over involving hundreds of extraterrestrial craft. The day before the sighting began, the newspaper received a phone call stating, "Attention, it will begin at any moment..."

  Greenland, Long Island, New York

  Date: October 1967

  Time: early morning

  Awakened by the sounds of his dogs barking Joseph Henslik looked outside and was surprised to see a strange circular object circling over the post office building near his house. Reacting quickly he grabbed his camera and ran to the patio. He took several photos of the luminous disc-shaped object that appeared to have a turret on top on which he could see several lighted windows. Two days after once he had obtained the negatives two strange men visited Henslik at his home. After returning home at about 0300A that morning he noticed that two men were waiting for him. He described them as being of medium height, black hair and very tanned skin. Both wore very tight-fitting black slacks; black turtle necked sweaters and what appeared to be a black "smoking" jacket. One of the men approached Henslik and in a strange Scandinavian sounding accent he told him that they were representatives of the government and that they needed to speak to him

  They refused to show him any credentials since they claimed to belong to a "top secret government agency". The stranger told him, "We know that you took some photographs that can be considered authentic and in the name of your family, the government and the world (!) We request you give those to us". Henslik told them that he did not have the photos yet, the men then left promising to return the next day. Precisely at the same time the next day Henslik received another visit, this time from three similarly dressed strangers, totally dressed in black. Afraid Henslik gave them the negatives, which they examined closely with a flashlight, then, warned him not to tell anyon
e about the photos and walked away into the darkness. Henslik was surprised since he did not see a vehicle or any other mode of transportation in the area.

  Exploring The MIB Flap In UK by Andrew Lunn

  British UFO Research Assoc. and ISUR

  This section explores the myth of the MIB (Men In Black). It is mainly based on my MIB research regarding incidents after 1976 in England.

  Part 1:

  The Making of the Myth Many seem to feel it was divisions of the USAF that created the MIB myth, but this could not be further from the truth. There is strong evidence to suggest that MIB have been co-existing with us, since we care to remember and this leads one to ask why there was ever such a need. The actual basis of their origin lies deep within the recesses of the UFO witness, as research suggests that MIB normally make an appearance after somebody has witnessed a UFO. This has often led me to believe whether the ability to see a UFO, brings out the MIB from their hiding, forced to contemplate the inevitable that their hidden origin will be revealed one day. However this is even harder to believe when faced with the MIB themselves; a shocking confrontation whereby the witness is unsure of how to act, due to the weirdness being exhibited by the strange guests. The actual name Men in black is misleading, as there have been sightings reported to me of Females in black; this may lead one to think that maybe they do possess some Alien origin, capable of taking on any form they like.


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