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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

Page 14

by Timothy Beckley

  The Field Investigation Satisfied that the video segments of an active landed disc were potentially authentic, the next step was to attempt to locate the exact site where the event occurred. The map that Guardian supplied did not identify the specific site where the disc landed, but did narrow the scope to an area of approximately four square miles. On May 9, 1992 I arranged to meet several field investigators from the Toronto based Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN) at a prearranged location in Carleton Place not far from the area outlined on Guardian's map. Graham Lightfoot, who had conducted one of the investigations at the area based on Guardian's 1989 report, agreed to be our local guide.

  That first day was spent mostly trying to get a feel for the area and unsuccessfully attempting to locate a radar site depicted on Guardian's map. Using various magnetic compass devices we attempted to locate magnetic Matrix lines drawn on Guardian's map. Most of the area that we searched was heavily wooded bush country much of which was under a foot or less of water, typical Canadian swamp land. The team had split up into three groups by day's end and eventually regrouped at a restaurant in Carp some fifteen miles away from the search area. My son and I had decided to venture deep into the forest swamp attempting to locate evidence of the 1989 landing event previously reported by Guardian and hoping to find a clearing in the woods large enough to accommodate the video tape landing of 1991. We were fortunate enough to find our way out of the swamp about an hour before dark. The other teams had left notes on the windshield of my truck with directions to the restaurant. Although we were unable to find any evidence of the events reported in 1989, we did locate an area whose topography appeared capable of containing the sequence of events depicted in the 1991 landing video tape.

  Following dinner discussions, the rather large contingent from Toronto had to make the return trip back home that night and were unable to pursue further involvement in the field investigation. Having narrowed the search to the clearing we discovered that evening, Graham Lightfoot returned the next morning to join us in visiting the property owners to ask for permission to inspect the lower field. The clearing area I had seen the day before from an opening in the swamp area was surrounded by tree lines on three sides and invisible from nearby roadways as the property sloped up to a higher elevation. The residence overlooking the lower fields was situated at the crest of a rolling hillside which sloped steeply back down to the main roadway. We called on the owners at mid-morning that Sunday and met Mrs. Labenek and her three children. Dr. Labenek was toiling away on the riding mower cutting the vast expanse of grass on the front hillside and was unaware of our arrival at the time.

  Graham Lightfoot reintroduced himself to Mrs. Labenek whom he'd met more than a year earlier during his investigation of the 1989 Guardian report. Mrs. Labenek had been one of the three witnesses along that sparsely populated stretch of roadway who confirmed the sighting of an unusual bright light hovering over the swamp area in 1989. We asked Mrs. Labenek if she'd seen anything unusual down in the field the previous summer. Her uneasiness with the question was quite evident as she reluctantly suggested that there was a bright light over the field, but hesitated a t giving any further details recounting the subtle ridicule, she received from giving testimony on the subject she observed over the swamp in 1989. Not wanting to press the issue at that time, we requested permission to inspect the lower field which was granted without hesitation.

  It was apparent that at one time the property was broken up into three separate fields with the remnants of stone pilings for fence posts leaving mute testimony. The fields extend 2,000 feet from the crest of the hill where the residence stands to the tree line which is fenced off from the back edge of the property. The lower field is a valley which in May was quite soft with about three inches of water covering approximately thirty percent of the surface area. Much of the field was covered in dense two feet high bush grasses and generously populated with hardy juniper bushes and a few small saplings. Spring growth was just coming up all over the area. Looking for evidence of the flares activity, my thoughts were that if this was the site, there should be some remnants of the slag from the red pyrotechnics unless flare pots were used. It figured that if we could find even microscopic evidence of the pyrotechnics activity, then it should be easy through laboratory analysis to determine if the event could possibly have been a secret military operation.

  Much to my surprise it was unbelievably hot under the May sunshine in Canada that day as we hauled the video camera case and other photographic equipment and sample retrieval supplies down into the field. We were immediately drawn to an area in the middle of the lower field that seemed to be devoid of the dense growth pattern common to the rest of the field. As we scouted this area it was immediately apparent that something very unusual had occurred there affecting a roughly circular pattern approximately fifty feet in diameter.

  All of the plant life in this one local area appeared to have been subjected to some level of microwave frequency exposure. The grass plants had all of the pigment bleached out and were completely dehydrated but not scorched. Outside that area the same species had turned brown through natural perennial cycles. Some of these bleached white colored grass plants had strange black sooty deposits on the surface which we collected along with unaffected control samples. Subsequent laboratory analysis proved the deposits to be of Titanium residue which was not indigenous to the site and not of any known pyrotechnics mix.

  More than a dozen juniper bushes were found inside the circumference of the affected area. All had evidence of gross wilting, total loss of foliage and total dehydration. It appeared as though the cellulose had been softened allowing gravity to force the plants to lie flat on the ground, apparently at which time they became quickly dehydrated and brittle. Just outside the affected area were numerous healthy juniper shrubs that stood in stark contrast to the barren waste only several feet away.

  Although all of the plant life within the circle had perished due to some form of exposure, the effects were apparently not permanently toxic to the soil. Spring growth of various forms was already beginning to sprout in the affected area. No evidence of the flare activity was ever found at the site in any of the several dozen samples taken from the entire field on two expeditions for that explicit purpose.

  Developing lines of sight from the affected circle area, it became evident that while the event was clearly in plain view of the Labenek residence, the neighboring properties had an obstructed view of the area due to the specific topography and surrounding tree line. Since the Guardian video showed specific changes in elevation on approach to the event, we were able to limit the angles of view and camera orientation of objects visible in the video. Locating the direction from which the camera video taped the event would prove useful in comparing subsequent eyewitness testimony.

  Discovering the actual landing site would not in itself Prove that the video tape depicted an authentic alien landing operation, but decreased the possibility of a simple staged event. The extraordinary gross physical effects suggested that a significant event had occurred involving a vehicle of high technology. If the event was the result of some top secret military aircraft, there existed no evidence whatsoever to support even an attempt to clean it up. There were no vehicle tracks in the area, no latent footprints in the soggy ground and no evidence of military pyrotechnics all of which should have been easily detectable. Clearly the site had not been touched in the nine months since the event occurred.

  After our preliminary field investigation we stopped back at the house up on the hill to call on Mrs. Labenek once again before leaving the area with our equipment and samples for analysis. Convinced that an actual event had occurred on the Labenek property, we informed Mrs. Labenek that a video tape of the event had been taken. We asked if she had ever heard of the name Guardian to which she genuinely seemed uninformed. The fact that a video tape of the event existed appeared to set her more at ease and she began to open up to us about what she had seen that night in August of 199

  She was just putting her three young children to bed and had walked into her upstairs bedroom where the windows provide a panoramic view of the lower field. There was no need for privacy shades which would only spoil the rustic view. As Mrs. Labenek crossed the room, she couldn't help but see the bright flicker of red fires deep in the field below. She went to the window and threw up the sash for a closer look. She said there was a lot of smoke and a lot of light from the cherry red fires but they didn't seem to be catching the brush or moving toward the forest swamp area and so she hesitated about calling the fire department so late on a Sunday night. There was a substantial fine for calling in false alarms and she sensed that they might burn themselves out before the fire trucks could arrive so she stayed at the open window to keep a close watch.

  The Labenek boys were watching from their bedroom on the opposite end of the house while Dr. Quarrington, living in the house next door, was sitting in his den watching television when he saw what appeared to be red lightning over the Labenek field next door. He got up to go to the window to investigate but could only see the flickering glow of red light over the horizon from his vantage point. As he stepped outside to investigate further, he saw a tremendously bright elliptical white light with a golden aura descending over the trees out of his view into the Labenek field.

  Mrs. Labenek and her two boys were independently watching from the upstairs windows as the disc shaped object moved over top of the red fires and settled to about ten feet above the ground in front of and to the right of the red flare like fires. There was no sound except for the barking of a dog(s) and none of these witnesses could see any movement of people in the field. There was so much light coming from the craft that it was easy to define it's structural shape which was highlighted by a bright flashing blue light on top which luminated a cone shaped central hump on the disc shaped object. After several minutes the object began to rise and then disappeared as if someone had turned off a light switch.

  Meanwhile on an opposing side of the field through a short stand of trees, Sarah Janille's (pseudonym) dog began excitedly pacing back and forth from an open living room window to the den where she was watching television. When the dog began barking at the front window, Sarah got up to go check on the disturbance. As she peered through the open window, she noticed a peculiar array of red lights glowing through the trees across the street which she assumed were fireworks in the Labenek field. As she continued to watch, she saw a set of colored lights rise up over As she peered through the open window, she noticed a peculiar array of red lights glowing through the trees across the street which she assumed were fireworks in the Labenek field. As she continued to watch, she saw a set of colored lights rise up over the treetops and angle off at about forty five degrees before instantly vanishing. After waiting a while to see if there would be more, she returned to the den to ponder the event. She thought it was strange that the fireworks didn't make any sound and didn't explode into an umbrella of light like normal fire- works displays.

  Out of curiosity she decided to venture outside onto her driveway to catch a closer look. Suddenly just above the trees in front of her was a most awesome sight of swirling colored lights which defined a strange looking object like nothing she'd ever seen before. As the object descended in front of her, she almost collapsed in panic attempting to retreat closer to the house. The Labenek dogs could be heard barking up a storm in the distance.

  While the cylindrical object hovered, two occupants whose skin glowed a yellowish white came out of the vehicle and opened a panel on the side exposing a tremendous amount of white light. As the one "pig nosed" entity worked at the open panel, the other motioned sort of a hurry up signal as he pointed over the roof of Sarah's house. She recalled feeling quite concerned as the creature struggled to close the panel on the side of the craft and seemed to be moving as though in water or molasses in trying to reboard. The next thing she remembered was being back on the couch startled at the roaring sound of a helicopter bearing down low over the roof of her house. In a somewhat groggy state she ran back to the window, but could only hear the helicopter hovering and flying around the Labenek field. She was relieved that it didn't crash into the trees across the street.. Weeks later she recalled in explicit detail being on board the craft he called a car with it's headlights turned off racing by in front of her house just after the helicopter flew over the trees descending into the Labenek field. Perhaps it was Guardian fleeing the area and trying not to be detected.

  Following a well documented pattern of helicopter harassment activity of the witnesses at the site, an investigation of the origin of the helicopters was launched with the cooperation of the Canadian Department of National Defence. The publicly stated conclusion by DND was that the helicopters did not originate from Canada. That conclusion has been debated by other Canadian Agencies whose investigations suggested that DND was more aware of the situation than what was publicly acknowledged.

  Some Final Conclusions What actually happened in the fields of West Carleton? Was it an elaborately staged hoax? Was it some kind of Top Secret military vehicle landing on private property? Or was it powerful evidence of visitation by beings of non-human origin? Since witnesses have agreed to take polygraph exams, we can probably eliminate them from complicity in any Production Company invested recreate the events depicted in the Guardian video yet were unable to meet the criteria. Even NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory optical film analyst Dr. Robert Nathan was unable to find any evidence of a hoax related to the video. Therefore we hoax hypothesis. NBC's "Unsolved Mysteries"

  between $115,000 and $250,000 attempting to can comfortably set aside even an elaborate hoax hypothesis as an answer for these events.

  The lack of any physical evidence at the site of the flare or pyrotechnics activity became the single biggest mystery in the case investigation. Video analysis eliminated the possibility of misinterpretation of camouflaged electrical lighting with companion According to top experts in pyrotechnics chemistry, there would be no way to hide or extract the long term residual effects of the primary pyrotechnic residue ingredients pouring over the field in the form of smoke from the red flare activity. There- fore we can conclude that whatever form of pyrotechnics used during the event, they do not conform to known military or any human known compounds that academicians say would be required for red colored flare type pyrotechnics. Added to the gross physical evidence of Titanium residue from the craft, the apparent microwave exposure of the plants, the helicopter response and eyewitness verification confirming the exact location of the site, this pyrotechnics mystery would appear to be the smoking gun UFO researchers have been in search of for decades.

  Few conclusions can be drawn about the enigmatic anonymity known publicly as Guardian. Did he too befall the same fate as Sarah when the blue beam from the craft was pointed at the camera? Our investigation has located a strong suspect as to Guardian's identity. There appears to be absolutely no evidence to suggest that Guardian has distorted the facts in any way. His choice to remain anonymous has gratefully forced us to focus on the evidence presented instead of challenging his credibility. It seems most UFO investigations tend to focus so much attention on the level of veracity and motives of the messenger that we often misplace our objective priorities. In this case the scientific analyses have proven to be the real tools of investigation. Nonetheless, our thirst for answers to the Guardian mystery will remain unquenched until he at least anonymously can fulfill the myriad of inquiries about his knowledge of the event and the entities he apparently encountered.

  The Aftermath As I prepare to return to West Carleton Township for the seventh time in this expanding investigation, more evidence has surfaced with regard to the apparent alien presence there. On February l0th following the local broadcast of "Unsolved Mysteries", another sighting was reported on the same property. The event apparently completely overwhelmed an elderly lady who had not witnessed any of the previous events. And again on may the 12th of this year at 8:30 PM
just before dark, another report came in. This time a red-orange disc hovering directly over the previous landing spot lifted off slowly and instantly vanished upon clearing the treetops in the field below. There has been talk of an alien camp nearby and helicopters that descend into the forest where no roads have been found to access. Further still there are claims of strange looking footprints along the banks of a nearby stream. And so the investigation will continue...

  the pyrotechnics activity as

  cosmetic smoke canisters.

  Weird diagrams and papers were also included in the mail that Oechsler received from an individual calling himself The Guardian.

  Vanishing MIB –Ghosts Or Teleportation? By Tim Swartz

  The author is one of the top investigators of the paranormal today. He has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM as well as numerous other programs. In addition to his work in the UFO and metaphysical fields he has also operated as a TV and movie producer. He is editor of the weekly on line version of

  At the time of the incidents in 1980, Maria Korn was a 14-year-old boarder at the Convent of Jesus and Mary in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, Great Britain. As reported by researcher Robert Bull, Maria was receiving psychological counseling from a Dr Black for acute anorexia and sleeping difficulties.


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