January (Calendar Girl Book 1)

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January (Calendar Girl Book 1) Page 7

by Audrey Carlan

  “Sorry Mia. My deepest apologies, but I wanted to make sure the suit would fit.” He handed me a black wetsuit.

  After repeated attempts at getting myself into the impossibly tight wetsuit, which I dubbed my Cat Woman suit, we finally got the sucker on and in place. My boobs were smashed against my chest and the neoprene fabric. I wanted nothing more than to unzip the top and let those babies loose! Looking down at myself, I couldn’t help but snicker. The suit reminded me of catwoman from Batman Returns. I felt ridiculous even though Wes’s heated gaze told me I did not ‘in fact’ look ridiculous. More like he was ready to rip the sucker right off me. Amil however didn’t appreciate the lack of attention we were giving to his surf instruction. I just wanted to get out there and try this damn thing already!

  Finally Amil was done with his “art of surfing” instruction and Wes led me down the beach. He held his surfboard and mine as we trudged through the sand. “I can carry my own board, you know?”

  His eyes twinkled as the sun caught them. “I’m certain there’s a lot of things you can do, sweetheart. But, I wouldn’t feel like a man if I didn’t help my girl. Besides, you’re being a really good sport.”

  His girl?

  Did he just say that?

  “My girl?” I asked before the thought could turn into something wickedly emotional.

  He grinned. “Yeah, you know what I mean.” He shrugged.

  Um, no, I fucking didn’t know what he meant. Just as I was about to dig further into this landmine, Amil interrupted us.

  “Okay, we’re going to do some paddling and practical lessons out there on the calmer section of water.”

  “Come on, don’t be a scairdy cat,” he said, adding a mutilated meow sound for effect. Men just can’t make kitty noises. They end up sounding more like an animal dying than a cute little furball.

  As I was about to protest, Wes smacked my ass hard and pushed me forward towards the ocean. He was a perfect gentleman in the ocean, though. He helped lead me to the appropriate area in the water as well as worked with me on the positions, poses, and the balancing I was attempting. We decided I should attempt to get up on my knees first and get the hang of it before attempting to stand.

  Once the newness and nerves wore off, I found I could actually ride small waves when on my belly. It took over an hour to get up on my knees, but I couldn’t have been more proud of myself. As I was on my knees riding a wave, I could hear Wes hooting and hollering. I’d never felt more pride in myself than in that moment. Usually, I was cheering on my sister, Maddy, or my best friend, Ginelle, and her dancing. Even when I was in contemporary dance and had kickass performances I still didn’t feel this sense of accomplishment. Maybe now it was because of the tall six-foot plus hunk waiting on the shore as I paddled in. His surfboard was sticking straight out of the ground. I shuffled towards him, dropping my board on the sand as I ran further up the shore.

  “Did you see it?” I screamed with glee as I ran toward him.

  “Of course I did! It was awesome! You’re a natural, sweetheart,” he said with open arms. I barreled into his chest knocking us both to the ground. Instantly, his lips were on mine, his hands in my wet hair holding me to him. He tasted of salt and the sea. Magical. We continued making out for a few minutes before we were interrupted by a deep, throat-clearing cough. Wes’s hands had moved from my head and were firmly gripping my ass, his erection pressing right where I wanted it most. We pulled apart slowly, both of us panting and smiling like loons to see the laughing face of Amil.

  Wes helped me up and pulled me close, our wetsuits mashed together. “You were great,” he said with pride, sliding a thumb along my check before giving me a soft peck on the lips.

  “Thank you for teaching me. Can we come back?” I asked, excited at the prospect of battling the waves again.

  “For you, anything. My sweet Mia.”


  Week three of my stay was filled with more boring business dinners and another swanky event. I didn’t mind the events so much. It was nice moseying around, eating delectable treats and drinking expensive champagne and wine, but it wasn’t exactly fun. Wes spent those evenings deep in conversation, working the room like the businessman he was.

  He wasn’t kidding when he said he didn’t have time for a real relationship. The woman who commits to him is going to spend a lot of time alone. He’ll need a woman who has a full life and career and is also happy to be his midnight girl—mostly available when he gets home, for a late night fuck and cuddle before falling into dreamland to then start all over again in the morning. A swift pang pierced my gut at the thought of Wes with another woman. Falling in love, getting married, having children, living happily ever after while I continued doing what? Being an escort?

  I set down the puff pastry I picked up, and instead, chugged the entire rest of my glass of champagne.

  “Wow, easy there, speed racer,” Wes said as he hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. “You trying to get drunk?” His eyes narrowed but the hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth confirmed the playful intent.

  “Why? You gonna take advantage of me if I am?” I asked with a saucy lilt and firm press of my tits into his chest.

  He sucked in a breath, clasped me fully to his chest, then looked down. “Abso-fucking-lutely,” he said with no humor whatsoever. Just the insinuation of him taking me dampened my panties.

  “Don’t turn me on. It’s not fair when you have business to attend to.” I pouted and kissed the side of his neck making sure to drag my lips along the column.

  He groaned low in his throat and pressed his hips against me so that I could feel the heat and strength of his desire. “How the hell am I going to let you go in eight short days?” His eyes and the firm set of his jaw emphasized the serious nature of his statement.

  I sucked in a sharp breath and looked intently into his eyes. The ones I had come to adore beyond all others. “It is what it is. What it has to be,” I reminded him.

  He leaned forward and touched our foreheads together. “But what if I don’t want it to be?” He said the one thing that both of us agreed should remain unspoken. The thought, the mere suggesting of more, went against everything we’d negotiated when I signed the contract. It also had the potential for breaking the rules he’d set up that very first time we slept together over two weeks ago.

  “Don’t,” I whispered, and he took in a slow breath then let it out. I could feel the moist warmth against the wetness of my lips.

  “Okay, I won’t,” he said with a finality that spoke of his renewed commitment to keep this as it was meant to be. As it had to be.

  There was no other option for me. Even if I wanted more, which I couldn’t wrap my head around right now, it wasn’t possible. I still needed a million dollars, and my dad still needed saving. There wasn’t anyone else but me to make that happen. I wouldn’t risk his life for the whisper of a chance at happiness. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I chose my own happiness over the life of my father. Regardless of the fact that he’s a drunk, that he spent too much of his time gambling and drinking away our financial stability, he was still one of the only people who truly loved me. And I’d never forsake it. Not even for Wes, as much as the thought filled my mind, heart, and soul with hope, it was not meant to be. I had a job to do, and I’d do it, or die trying.

  “Come on, let’s dance,” Wes offered, letting the heavy moment slowly dissipate as he led me to the open floor. The event this evening was an introduction party for the future staff, crew, investors, and actors confirmed for the new movie Wes had been working his ass off on, Honor Code. This was the first night he could celebrate that achievement, and I was determined to make sure he did.

  As he held me close, I thought about our time together. The last two plus weeks had been truly a dream come true. When my Aunt Millie offered me the job, I honestly believed I was selling a bit of my soul. Now that I’d had over two weeks to get used to the idea, and how I wanted things to
go with future clients, I thought I’d be able to breeze through the next year. Possibly even make some contacts in the industry that I’d planned to break into once my year of servitude was up. Unless I loved it, then I’d just keep working, making the big bucks. Not that I’d see any of those dollars this year. I’d only kept a little to send off to Maddy for school necessities and enough in my bank account to keep my rent paid on my tiny apartment.

  I figured if I got paid a hundred thousand over the next twelve months I would be ahead of the million dollar debt by two hundred thousand dollars. That meant I could pay Maddy’s school tuition of a hundred thousand completely and have another hundred thousand to work with. That would give me enough to send my sister three thousand a month for living expenses for her and dad, pay my thousand dollar rent, and still have a few thousand in the bank each month to sit on.

  Of course, my time would not be my own, which would eventually grate along every nerve I have, but I hoped the rest of my clients would be like Wes. Work a lot, need me very little. Then I could spend my time chilling in their swank homes.

  Leaving Wes was going to be difficult though. I wondered if it would be that way with all my clients. I’d come to appreciate the time Wes and I had together, and the sex, which was off the charts hot. The thought of what he’d done to me just this morning made my cheeks heat. The way he took me up against the tiled wall of the shower…Jesus, that man could fuck.

  “Hey, you look flushed; you feeling okay?” He stopped dancing, and I pulled away from his intense gaze before leaning my head on his chest. His heartbeat lulled me back into a contemplative state. I shimmied my hips telling him I wasn’t done with our dance. I wanted to feel his arms around me. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the entire world who could hold his attention.

  “I’m fine. It’s warm. You make me warmer.” I leaned my chin on his breastbone and looked up just as he looked down.

  Wes’s gaze locked on my face, his eyes taking in the features of my face. “You know, you’re probably the most precious woman I’ve ever known besides my mom and sister?”

  “Precious?” I giggled.

  “Yeah. In other words...” He leaned down and slid his cheek alongside mine until his lips settled against my ear, “...you matter to me.”

  I hugged him tight, so tight. I wanted him to know just how much he mattered to me too, but, I couldn’t find the words. They were clogged in my throat as I clung to his back, nails digging in through his suit jacket. He pulled back dislodging my extreme hold.

  “Hey, hey. We don’t have to go there, but Mia, you have to know.” I shook my head not wanting to hear him profess any feelings that I couldn’t reciprocate. Wes cupped both of my cheeks in his warm hands. “Mia, listen to me...” I sucked in a breath and waited for him to say what he needed to say. “Just because we won’t be together as a couple when you leave here, doesn’t mean we can’t stay in touch. Continue to be friends.” I could tell by the tone in his voice that he meant every word.

  A sense of relief swirled in the air around me forcing a huge smile to spread across my face. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Yes, really, sweetheart,” he promised. “Now, let’s get a drink and enjoy the rest of the evening. They’re going to announce the cast assignments for Honor Code even though most of us already know. It’s part of the fun,” he winked, and I nodded.

  Once we reached the bar, I ran smack dab into Jennifer Underwood. “Mia, oh my God, I’ve been looking all over for you,” she said hurriedly then pulled me over to the side. Wes’s eyes met mine, concern evident in his narrowed gaze. I shook my head with a ‘don’t worry’ gesture.

  “What’s going on, Jen?”

  Jennifer leaned forward conspiratorially then looked around to make sure no one heard what she was about to tell me. “I’m late,” she said then bit her lip.

  “I’m sorry?” I offered not knowing what she was talking about.

  She sucked in a resigned sigh, then leaned forward again to whisper. “No, I’m late late. As in my cycle,” she finished.

  Then it clicked. Oh shit! She’s late! When we met for lunch a week after the dinner we’d had where we first met, she thanked me profusely for changing her life. Apparently, when she went home and told her husband, Jay, that she wanted to try for a baby, he was beyond thrilled. She said he’d wanted to start trying on their wedding night, but since they’d gotten married so quickly, he figured she wanted to wait. Now as far as I knew, they were going at it like bunny rabbits trying to make a baby.

  I gripped Jen’s hands tight and brought her close. “How many days? You just started trying.”

  “I know!” her voice rose over the sound of other conversations, and a few men in suits looked our way. I dragged her further over into a corner. “I’m five days late now, and I’ve never been even one day late before!”

  “Holy shit!” I let out.

  “I know!”

  “Oh, my God!”

  “I know!” she squealed and we both started jumping up and down like small children, our heels clacking against the tile floor. I hugged her close. I’d never really been affectionate with many women, just Ginelle and Maddy for the most part, but I felt a connection to Jennifer. She was good people, and I considered her very much a friend.

  “You’re going to have to keep me updated when I leave.” She nodded. That was one of the things I kept from Wes. I didn’t tell him I’d told Jennifer what I was to him, but I swore her to secrecy; so far, she’d been trustworthy. “This is awesome. What did Jay say?”

  “He wants to tell everyone I’m already pregnant, even though we don’t know for sure.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “Men are stupid,” I offered and she agreed. “So if you got prego right away, my guess is you’re only two weeks, so a home test might not give accurate results for another couple weeks. Your best bet if you’re dying to know is get bloodwork done and see the doctor. I’d imagine that’s the most conclusive test.”

  “That’s what I figured. I made an appointment for next Friday. Then I’ll know a few days after that for sure. Unless, of course, my period comes.” Her face fell into a frown.

  I hugged her close and then started walking back over to the guys. “Well, let’s just be positive and hope for the best, okay?” She nodded, instantly happy again.

  We made it back to the men just as a horde of people were gathering around the small stage set up in the giant ballroom. The quartet stopped playing. Wes grabbed my bicep and handed me another glass of champagne. “Everything okay?”

  “More than okay.”

  “Anything I should know about?” An eyebrow rose into his hairline.

  I shook my head. “Nope. Stay tuned.”

  He chuckled then led me over to the stage as the emcee started announcing roles in Wes’s movie. “Are you excited?” I asked.

  “I already know who’s been cast,” he grinned.

  “So what? Now everyone else will know, and everyone will talk about it for months! I’m excited, and I only know the premise of the story.”

  Wes’s hand slid to my shoulder where he cupped it, easing me into his side as we watched people head up to the stage. Each took a bow when their name and assigned character were announced.

  “I can’t wait to find out who’s going to be the soldier, Will, the one who sends his true love, Alison, the letters. Oh, who’s going to play Allison?” I turned to look up as he looked down.

  “No one’s going to play Allison,” he responded.

  “Huh? But I thought that was the love of his life?” I’m certain my expression was confused as my eyes narrowed in on Wes’s handsome face. He grinned and gestured to the stage.

  “Watch.” He lifted his chin just as a beautiful raven-haired vixen approached the stage. I knew that actress! Gina DeLuca. She was tall and thin yet still had some curves that wouldn’t quit. Every man loved her, and every woman wanted to be her. What made her even better was that she had a heart of gold and re
presented herself to young women in a positive light.

  Then I was shocked from my hardcore clapping when the emcee introduced the actress. “Gina DeLuca to play the female lead, Mia Culvers!”

  My mouth dropped open. “No way!” I turned to Wes.

  “Surprise!” His corresponding smile was absolutely stunning. Something I’d never forget, ever.

  “You changed the main character’s name to Mia?”

  “I did,” he said not adding anything else to make me understand why.

  I blinked a few times, moisture filling my eyes as I looked at Wes. “Why?”

  “Because you matter.”

  Chapter 7

  Holy fucking shit. I mattered. My heart filled with happiness as I thought back to a few nights ago when Wes admitted that he named the main character of his movie after me. He even changed what she looked like. She was supposed to be a slight pixie of a woman named Allison, who was blonde and blue-eyed. Most certainly not a busty, raven-haired Rubinesque beauty, like Gina DeLuca…or me.

  I wasn’t sure what to think or how to take that information. We agreed to not getting attached. Although if I was honest, I couldn’t say I wasn’t attached to Wes. I definitely was. Did I love him? I didn’t think so. This whole time I’d been so focused on not falling in love that the option of opening my heart to him never presented itself.

  The buzz of my phone broke me out of the constant loop of “what ifs” I’d been contemplating about Wes and me becoming a real couple. When it came right down to it that was not an option. He knew it, and so did I. That needed to be enough.

  “Hello,” I answered noting my Aunt Millie’s name on the screen.

  “Hi doll-face. How’s life dipped in gold treating you?” My Aunt Millie’s voice was filled with humor but only reminded me of my true station in life. I had been hired to do a job. That job bought me a life of luxury…for a one-month stay. It was not my own, nor would it ever be. I sighed loudly into the phone. “That good, huh?”


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