First Class Voyage (First Class Novels – A Contemporary Romance Series)

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First Class Voyage (First Class Novels – A Contemporary Romance Series) Page 5

by Harmon, AJ

  Matt threw back the sheet and sat back on his knees.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he worshipped his gloriously naked wife.

  Janie immediately covered her stomach with her hands and dropped her eyelids.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Matt scolded. “You ARE beautiful. There is nobody else I would rather think about, or look at, or kiss,” he said as he bent and kissed her lips lovingly. “You are it, my sweet Janie. The one and only and I love your stomach.”

  Matt lifted each of her hands and bent and kissed her belly button. Then he traced a faint stretch mark with his tongue and kissed her skin again.

  “These tell me how much you love me,” he whispered. “How much you love Adam and Tyler and Ella and Christopher. These say you are a woman…my woman.” He kissed her belly again.

  Janie managed a weak smile as she ran her fingers through his thick dark hair lying on her tummy.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  Matt kissed his way back up her body, taking a moment to worship her breasts with his lips. As he kissed her neck, he murmured how much he loved her, how much he depended on her and how much he worshipped her.

  “I love you with my heart, my mind, my body and my soul,” he whispered.

  He entered her slowly, Janie’s body accepting him willingly. Their bodies melded perfectly into one, their hearts joined. He moved in and out leisurely at first, then building as their bodies yearned for more. Matt knew what would take his wife to climax and he moved with intent as he watched her eyes close and her orgasm take over. He held still, pushing into her as he felt her muscles contract around him and it sent him into bliss right along with her. He kissed her as their bodies celebrated their union in unison and then collapsed on her as she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

  “Magnificent, as usual,” she panted.

  “Only the best for my girl,” he grinned and rolled onto the bed.

  They laid there for a few seconds, breathless and satiated, until a faint noise caught their attention. And then came a knock.


  Another knock.

  “Let L’Ella in…pease?”

  Matt jumped from the bed after one more kiss and grabbed his pajama bottoms. He threw Janie her robe and slipped his pants on and walked to the door. L’Ella was waiting to say good morning.


  The family was headed in all different directions for their day in Cozumel. Mark and Matt were taking their three boys, Adam, Tyler and Derek, scuba diving. The boys had gone to ‘scuba school’ just so they could go with their step-fathers. Janie and Katy were spending the day on the beach and doing some shopping.

  The ladies left their men on the pier with their boat and guides and they headed off to the white sand and crystal blue water. Towels in hand, they selected their chaises and spread out for the morning of relaxing. A waiter immediately took their drink orders and Katy stripped down to her red bikini. Janie watched with a twinge of envy.

  “You make me look like a beached whale,” she muttered as Katy began applying some suntan lotion on her legs.

  “Nonsense!” Katy replied. “You just had a baby, for heaven’s sake!”

  “Eight weeks ago, and I haven’t lost any of the fifteen pounds that didn’t come off when Christopher was born.”

  Katy patted Janie’s hand and tilted her head, smiling at her lifelong friend.

  “Janie, give it time. You’ll lose it. But while you’re thinking about those extra fifteen pounds, just remember your boobs. They are fantastic right now!” she laughed.

  “True,” Janie chuckled. “They’ve never looked better. And Matt certainly enjoys them!”

  The women laughed as the waiter brought their colorful drinks with little umbrellas poking from the top.


  The unmarried brothers, Paul, David, Tim and Ben, were spending the day together exploring the island on an ATV excursion with twelve others from the ship. Paul was looking forward to spending time with his brothers. It had been so long since they had just hung out for the day. During his time off over the past ten years, he had spent the majority of it with his parents because if he died on a mission he wanted them to know that they had been the most important people in his life and that he loved them. Not that he had excluded his brothers. Not at all. But a day like today was a welcome change and he was very much looking forward to it.

  They rode through the jungle, up hills and over sand dunes. They played on the beach and went snorkeling in the clear warm water. They had lunch and told jokes. He had missed his brothers, his friends. He didn’t want to miss them anymore.


  Peter took Andrew and Rory golfing at the Cozumel Country Club. It wasn’t a world-class course but it was good. Peter had brought his clubs with him to golf at every chance he had. Andrew had been with his dad many, many times over the years but this was Rory’s first time. He was an attorney that had spent the last several years building his practice with his partner, a good friend he had met in law school back in Washington. Now they had several associates working for them and Rory felt that he could finally scale back his work hours to take a vacation every now and then, and of course, start their family.

  “I think every child should have a mother,” Peter had said. “But when you think about what some children are subjected to, two fathers can’t be all bad.”

  Andrew had said that was his dad’s way of giving his approval of them adopting a baby. Rory needed that approval, as his own parents had all but disowned him when he ‘came out’ after high school. He came from a religious family that preached tolerance but didn’t actually practice it. So when the Lathem’s had welcomed him to their family with open arms fourteen years ago, their acceptance and approval became very important to him. He had told Andrew how very lucky he was to have a family like that. Not every gay man was that fortunate.

  So golf with Peter was a highlight for Rory, even though he wasn’t very good. A day with his husband and father-in-law golfing was going to be a great day.


  Maureen and Patty walked down the pier to the port each pushing a stroller. When Maureen had overheard Janie’s plans to leave the children with their grandmother for the day, Maureen had immediately offered to help. Patty graciously accepted and the two women decided just to stroll around the port for a little while, stocking up on souvenirs and having lunch.

  “This will be a nice way to spend a couple of hours,” Maureen chatted as they headed down the massive concrete pier towards the myriad of shops and restaurants.

  “I thought the children, well, Ella, would like to go for a ride,” smiled Patty.

  Ella was indeed having a great time sitting in the stroller, hat and sunglasses on, sitting up straight watching the multitudes of people all around them and the waves rolling onto the beach. Christopher was sound asleep, just having been fed, in an infant drunken state.

  The two grandmothers strolled through the shops, purchasing magnets and postcards. Patty bought t-shirts for her other grandchildren, her daughter Elizabeth’s children, who lived in Atlanta.

  “You’re very lucky,” Maureen smiled as Patty took her bag of purchases and they left the small store.

  “Why is that?”

  “You are a grandmother with lots of grandchildren.”

  “Eight,” Patty smiled. “Well, actually nine if you count Derek. And four each for Janie and Elizabeth. Lilly isn’t married yet and I am not sure she ever will be. She is married to her job and career.”

  Maureen snorted. “I understand that. I didn’t think Matt would ever settle down. But then Janie arrived and…well, we are just thrilled.”

  Patty was glad that the Lathem’s had been so welcoming to her daughter.

  “And Mark has Katy too,” Patty added.

  “Oh yes. But…”

  Patty raised her eyebrows and looked at Maureen. “But?”

  “Well,” began Maureen, “It would just
be so nice if they would just get married! I have tried giving hints, some not so subtle. But according to Mark, Katy just won’t budge.”

  “Katy is a head-strong girl and she has been through an awful lot.”

  “I know,” Maureen sighed. “I love her dearly. I just want them to make it official.”

  “In their time,” Patty smiled. “In their own time.”


  The plan was they would all meet up for dinner to share the highlights of their day. So, once again, they all arrived at the dining room and announced they needed a table for seventeen. Matt held the booster seat for Ella and Christopher was asleep in his stroller. The staff ran around for several minutes making accommodations for the group and they were seated at the back of the restaurant, watching the sun set out of the windows.

  Peter ordered the wine bottles and the food starting arriving and the conversation was lively. The three younger men had lots to share about their first scuba diving trip and Matt and Mark sat back looking like the proud fathers that they were.

  Rory was thrilled to announce that Peter had only trounced him in their round of golf by thirty-seven points. The whole family laughed and cheered, both for the winner and the loser.

  The four brothers had an excellent day zipping around the island on the ATV’s and Tim even had gotten a date out of it for later that evening.

  The two matriarchs sat back and watched their families with such pride and love. How could they be any more blessed?



  Dolphins and turtles were the theme of the day. Matt and Janie were taking Ella to play with the dolphins and swim with the turtles. After all, if you’re going to the Cayman Islands you have to swim with the dolphins, right? And because it was a tight-knit family, the rest of them were coming along too. Well, at least for the morning.

  All aboard the tour bus, they headed off for Ella’s adventure. She loved dolphins and water. Bath-time was her favorite part of the day and The Little Mermaid her favorite movie. Matt had bought her a large stuffed dolphin several weeks before the cruise and told her she could play with a real one. Janie didn’t think she understood but Matt told her stories at bedtime about playing in the water with the lovable creatures. And today she would finally get to do it. She sat with Paul on the bus playing peek-a-boo and singing ‘Incy-Wincy Spider’.

  When they arrived at the aquatic center, Janie headed in to feed the baby with Patty alongside her and the rest of the Lathem’s went to the locker area to free themselves of their extra clothes and belongings before entering the water.

  “I think Matt is more excited than Ella,” Patty laughed.

  “Ella has no idea what’s going on,” Janie grinned. “But yes, I think you’re right.”

  There were trainers with the dolphins and they all had to sit through a short instructional session before being allowed into the water. The dolphins were released into the huge pool and began playing.

  All the men slipped into the pool after donning a life vest and Ella went in with Matt. Peter stood next to him, wanting to share the experience with his granddaughter. Janie and Patty returned with a sleeping baby and sat by Maureen and Katy and they all watched as Ella’s sweet little face lit up as a dolphin came close to say hello.

  The morning was magical and Katy had captured it all on camera so Ella could relive her swimming adventure back home.


  Paul was quiet on the bus back to the pier. Memories of the day were being catalogued into his mind to bring him joy in the future, in case he found himself back in a position where he needed to retrieve a memory to keep him alive. Over the years, he had used this trick to keep the fear away; to keep his body moving toward safety, rather than giving up in defeat. It had served him well on many a mission.

  He smiled to himself as he recalled the few hours in the water with his niece, the sound of her laughing as she was pulled through the water by a dolphin; the sound of her gasps as a turtle swam underneath her and tickled her feet. That sweet little face as he uncovered his face and yelled ‘boo’.

  Yes, this would serve him well, if he needed it again.


  Peter and a couple of his sons headed back to the ship. The rest of the men and Katy headed off to parasail after lunch. Janie was horrified at the idea so she, Patty and Maureen wandered around the slew of little shops hawking their wares. Each of the grandmothers pushed a stroller so Janie was able to peruse the myriad of souvenirs.

  As she was selecting a couple of little t-shirts from the piles on the table, she overheard them talking. She stopped and listened.

  “Well she told me many years ago that she would never get married again, so the fact that they are engaged is a huge step for her.”

  “But they’re living in sin!” Maureen wailed. “I know everyone tells me I’m old-fashioned, but my beliefs are my own and they cannot be changed! My parents would have been horrified if I had just shacked up with Peter for years on end. God wants them married and so do I!”

  Janie chewed on the inside of her cheek as the conversation went on. Her mother was right. It was a huge step for Katy to be engaged and Janie was sure she would marry Mark eventually. The two of them were completely committed to each other for better or for worse and nothing could change that. But Katy was stubborn and did things on her terms, in her own time. On this she would not be budged. And Janie knew that any coercion or encouragement from Maureen would only make Katy more adamant about not getting married. Mark was a saint to be so patient. Matt had told her that Mark desperately wanted to get married and that the only thing stopping them was Katy’s reluctance.

  “I love her dearly,” Maureen went on. “I think of her as a daughter, just as I do Janie.”

  Janie smiled.

  “But,” continued Maureen, “Katy needs to marry my son, and the sooner the better!”

  Janie paid for her t-shirts and walked back to the strollers. Ella was zonked out. The morning’s excitement had finally wound down enough that she stopped fighting her eyelids and let them close. Christopher was waking up.

  “He’s going to want to eat,” said Janie. “I will take him and we’ll head back to the ship.”

  “Do you mind if we keep Ella with us?” Maureen asked. “I would like to shop a little more,” she smiled.

  “Of course not,” replied Janie. “I’ll see you later.”


  Mark and Katy sailed high above the water, gliding along in the breeze. It was magnificent. It was Katy’s first time parasailing. Of course Mark had been many times before.

  Katy laughed and threw her head back, thoroughly enjoying the experience.

  “We should have gotten married up here,” grinned Mark.

  Katy’s head whipped to face her fiancé to see if he was being serious.

  “Well this is the only place we are truly alone,” he laughed.

  Katy relaxed, realizing he was just joking.

  “I did bring the marriage license with me though,” he said.

  Katy’s eyes got wide and her mouth opened as if to say something.

  “What?” grinned Mark. “I was a boy scout. I am always prepared.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Well, not about getting married up here,” he chuckled. “But about wanting to marry you? Absolutely serious.”

  Mark kissed her hand that he held in his and they finished their adventure without another word.


  The group of parasailers met up with Maureen and Patty as they all were walking back to the dock to the tender boats that would take them back to the ship. Mark kept their attention the whole boat ride back to the ship with his comparisons of this parasailing adventure compared with some of the others he had been on.

  As they docked next to the ship, everyone boarded the cruise ship and waited in the line to go through security. The officer greeted each of them as they passed him.

  “Welcome aboa
rd, Mrs. Lathem,” he said as he smiled brightly.

  “Thank you,” replied Maureen.

  “Hello Mrs. Graves.”

  “Hello,” smiled Patty. “Thank you,” she said as the young security officer handed her back her I.D. card.

  “Mrs. Lathem,” he smiled. “Welcome aboard.”

  “Oh no!” Maureen turned back to the officer speaking to Katy. “She is not a Lathem…yet.”

  Katy gritted her teeth and attempted a smile at the young man handing her back her card.

  “It’s Miles,” she said. “Katy Miles.”

  “Well, welcome aboard Ms. Miles.” He looked very uncomfortable.

  Mark placed his hand in the small of Katy’s back and guided her through the security checkpoint. Her anger was palpable and Mark wanted to avoid a confrontation, at least in front of the other guests. Fortunately, his mother and Patty had just stepped into an elevator and were on their way up to their rooms.

  “Is it that big of a deal that she would embarrass him?” Katy spat.

  “You know mom,” he sighed. “All about correctness.”

  “Are you siding with her?”

  “Of course not. I don’t think it’s a big deal. And I know,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender as Katy began speaking, “that it is to you because you don’t think she considers you one of the family but I’m telling you for the millionth time that she does. She has said so many, many times that she thinks of you as a daughter.”

  “Well she would never have said that about Janie!” Katy folded her arms and slumped her shoulders.

  “Of course she wouldn’t!” Mark exclaimed. “They got married in like ten minutes,” he chuckled. “There wasn’t even time to get used to the idea they were engaged before they got married!”

  Katy had to agree with that. Mark was right. But she was still irritated.



  The Lathem family broke into small groups and headed off in every direction on the beautiful island of Jamaica. For most, it was their first experience on the tropical paradise, so sight-seeing tours were the most popular trips. There were also jeep safaris, snorkeling, the famous bobsled adventure, and of course, golfing. Everyone left the ship ready for an amazing day with the plan to meet up for dinner back in the dining room at seven that evening.


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