Santa's Secret's: The Story That Can; Never Be Read

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Santa's Secret's: The Story That Can; Never Be Read Page 4

by Wm. G. Thilgen Jr. (Billl)

going to be an extra hard night to work on account of the storm.

  Rudolph tried to sleep, but he just couldn’t. He sat up all that night and the next day thinking about it. He couldn’t help thinking of all the honor and the glory that he was about to get. He was hoping to get a lot of recognition by the bigger reindeer, because maybe then they’d let him play in more of the games they played.

  Christmas Eve came and everything went pretty smooth, you know. We didn’t miss anybody’s house. With Rudolph ‘way out in front, boy, his nose did glow. It was really kind of easy, flying in that snow. When we got done and had put everything away, we were all pretty tired, so it was time to go to bed. After all, it’s not easy staying up all night.

  I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I guess the rest of the world did. No one thought I would make it that Christmas. Were they surprised to look up from their windows and see me in the skies! Everyone wanted to know just how I did it.

  Reporters came from all around to write articles for their papers. They wanted to know just how I pulled off that little caper. As I sat and told them, they would all follow along. I was even visited by a man who put the words in song.

  A few days following the New Year, I was walking around the complex and thanking everyone for a job well done. As I approached Rudolph’s and Randolph’s rooms, I happened to overhear them talking about Christmas Eve night.

  Now please forgive me, Bobby. I know it’s not polite to listen in on others’ conversations. But I was bit curious when I heard Rudolph apologizing to Randolph for something. The boys always got along; they never had a fight. I couldn’t believe what I heard, and I wanted to get it right.

  Randolph was telling Rudolph that it was going to be okay; it was just their little secret and that’s the way that it should stay. He was also telling Rudolph that no one else had to know that it was he and not Rudolph that night, in the blinding fog and all that snow. He told his brother that, next time, he should really take a nap, ‘cause being tired can get in the way if you’re going to help again next year, to pull Santa’s big sleigh.

  I knocked on the door and was invited in. Randolph was with Rudolph, and it looked like he was consoling him. As I looked upon them both, I thought how nice it would be if I had a brother, but there’s no one else, just me. I thanked them both for helping; it was hard work in all that snow. I’m not sure how they managed it, and I don’t really care to know.

  “But now “said Santa, “it’s getting late. It’s well past eight and tomorrow you’ll be on your way. Besides, I have to get up real early and do some fixing on my sleigh.”

  The next day everyone said goodbye, and as Bobby climbed up in Uncle Bill’s truck, he thought to himself, of all the kids in the world, I have had the luck. He stopped to look at Santa and hear what he had to say.

  “I know you will never forget this day.” Santa said to Bobby. “I would like to give you something, to remind you of your stay. Please take this book, you’ll find it’s all done in red. It’s The Story That Can; Never Be Read.”

  Bobby never forgot Santa’s words even when the trip was over. And every summer, when he played outside, he would look for four-leaf clovers.

  Grandpa's Secret

  Grandfather closed the book and put it on Nathan’s bed. Then he got up and stretched and patted his grandson on the head. Bending down and whispering, this is what he said: “It’s getting pretty late now, and I better be off to bed. I hope you have enjoyed this story that has never ever been read.”

  As Grandpa left Nathan’s room, he closed the creaking door. It was then that Nathan rolled over in bed, and the book fell on the floor. The sound startled him into looking down on the rug beside his bed, and there he saw the book his grandfather had left, the one all done in red.

  As Nathan looked down at that book, lying there beside his bed, he saw that it had remained open and this is what he read: Nothing! There weren’t any words on the pages at all. The whole book was blank!

  Nathan couldn’t help wondering, as he lay back down in bed, of the story (or the book) that his grandfather had just read. Was his grandfather reading it? Or was it from his memory instead? As he lay there wondering about his grandfather’s treat, Nathan closed his eyes at last and finally fell asleep.


  The Original Joke

  From the imagination of

  Wm. G. Thilgen Jr.(Billl)

  Do you know how many reindeer there are?

  (Yes; there are eight!)

  Can you name them?

  (There’s Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen, right?)

  Well, pretty close, but you forgot Rudolph, didn’t you?

  (I did, didn’t I? If one includes Rudolph; there would be nine!)

  Actually, there are ten reindeer altogether. Everyone knows the first nine.

  But the tenth one, until recently, was never heard of.

  You see; Rudolph has an identical twin brother and his name is Randolph -- Randolph, the brown-nosed reindeer.

  (What do you mean, “Brown-nosed” reindeer?)

  Well; Randolph was exactly like Rudolph in every way but one.

  Although Randolph could always run just as fast, he could never stop as quick.

  Subsequently he kept running into the back of Rudolph --



  (Penny Books)

  There was an era (before the electronic age) when people would sit and read. You could buy a book for as little as one cent, that's only 1/100th of a dollar. They were know as “Penny Books”. Well that era is come and gone and inflation is here to stay. It is ironic, but the price of this book is still only one cent except it's on the other side of the dollar; It's one cent less.

  If for what ever reason(s) you can not afford the .99 cents feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will personally send you a copy of the title or titles you request for free (almost). I only asked that after you read them that you return to the website and please leave a comment be it positive or negative. And then pass the book on to someone else. I will send them in the pdf format which works on 99 percent of pc's and smartphones.

  Myne Titles

  You Can't Hurt Me Anymore

  Fourteen years of perplexity and uncertainty of what to do results in a difficult situation and set of circumstances in which a young man sets himself free.

  My High School Reunion

  After high school most students grow up and put the experience behind them. This is a story of a couple of individuals that did not.

  The Sand Man

  According to tradition, the “Sandman” is a character in many children(s) bedtime stories. He is said to sprinkle sand or dust on or into the eyes of the child at night to bring on dreams and sleep. The grit or "sleep" in one's eyes upon waking is supposed to be the result of the Sandman's work the previous evening. That said; In the interest of national security, all governments would have you believe it's only a childhood myth.

  Santa's Secret's:

  The Story That Can;

  Never Be Read

  I don't mean in any way to debunk or defame the story of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. But just for a moment, imagine the possibility, that maybe it was a little different than we've been told. In this story you will find magic, truths, brotherly love, and the answer to the question that children of all ages have asked since the myth began. How do, reindeer fly?


  Blast From The Past;

  Volume: #1

  First 25 of 50 previous all time favorites songs lyrics of the 20 century.


  Blast From The Past;

  Volume: #2

  Second 25 of 50 previous all time favorites songs lyrics of the 20 century.

  How To Please A Man!

  The subject of how to please a man or how to please men in general is an Issue, Question, Predicament, Quagmire, Crux, Dilemma, Quandary, Conundrum, Enigmas Mystery, Puzzle, or
Riddle; just to name a few. That women (mostly) have been pondering since the beginning of time.

  How To Please A Woman!

  The subject of how to please a woman or how to please women in general is an Issue, Question, Predicament, Quagmire, Crux, Dilemma, Quandary, Conundrum, Enigmas Mystery, Puzzle, or Riddle; just to name a few. That men (mostly) have been pondering since the beginning of time.

  Works In Progress

  Rose's for Rosa's

  A true life story of a Mexican women who wants for a better place for her children to grow up in and the trials and tribulations she had to endure at the hands of an abusive husband because of illegal immigration rules and regulations and the constant threat of deportation.


  Everyone knows how to share; it is a process you learn as a child. Have something, divide it into multiple parts, keep one, give the rest to others. It is a process adults generally do not think about. But what if the process had to be shared with ones self. This is a story of two individual men who share one body.

  Direct Questions To

  Wm. G. Thilgen Jr. (Billl)

  Calle Tolomeo 3108

  Villa Galaxia, 82150

  Mazatlan, Sinaloa, MX

  email: [email protected]

  I can also be reached between

  the hours of 0800 and 2100 hours.

  seven days a week (Retired) at

  Phone: 1-702-479-0823

  Wm. G. Thilgen Jr. (Billl)


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