Survival Island: Last Man Standing

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Survival Island: Last Man Standing Page 15

by Anya Merchant

  “It’s not about just buying stuff,” he said. “It’s like what Kyoko was talking about. Just the idea that I have all of these options, this vast array of stuff to choose from. Like, it would have been handy to have a sharp knife on hand tonight, or a machete for cutting through the jungle. If I was still back home, I could just go to the mall and get whatever I needed.”

  “But you wouldn’t need that stuff if you were back home,” said Maggie.

  Cyrus shrugged.

  “Catch 22,” he said. “What about you? What do you miss most, Maggie?”

  Maggie looked thoughtful for a moment, and then blinked several times.

  “My bed,” she said, quietly. “…Our bed. When we’d put clean sheets on it, and both climb into it together. Keep each other warm.”

  Cyrus couldn’t meet her gaze after hearing that. His own heartache over Darius’s death flared, and the fact that he would never see his brother again was suddenly dwarfed by the aura of pain he felt around Maggie.

  “Amy, what about you?” Kyoko sensed the hurt the question had brought out in Cyrus and Maggie and hurried to move the discussion onto a new person. “What’s the one thing that you would want back from back home?”

  Amy shook her head.

  “Nothing,” she said.

  Several silent seconds passed by, as if the rest of the group was having trouble digesting her answer.

  “Nothing?” asked Kyoko. “Like, nothing in particular, or-”

  “I don’t miss any of it,” said Amy. “I really don’t. I’m glad that I’m here. I can’t remember ever having been this happy, this carefree.”

  She reached her hand over and placed it on top of Cyrus’s, giving it a gentle squeeze and smiling at him. Cyrus was too stunned by the definitiveness of her voice to smile back.

  The conversation shifted away from the topic, the four of them talking instead about the beach, surfing, and the weather. The food was delicious, and Cyrus marveled at how good plain fish with no seasonings or relevant side dishes could taste.

  Their stomachs were full when the fire began to die down, and instead of wasting more firewood on keeping it going, the four of them opted to turn in early for the night. Kyoko grinned as the rest of them took closer notice of the mini shelters she’d made for each of them.

  “That’s the one upside to there just being four of us,” she said. “We won’t have to double up.”

  It was a cloudy night, and with only the dim light of the fire’s coals left for illumination, the little corner shelters were each obscured in shadows. Cyrus collapsed down on the leaf carpet within and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around himself and for once, feeling a bit too cold.

  He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he heard the approach of footsteps on the sand. Cyrus blinked open his eyes and looked up to see a silhouette slipping toward his tiny shelter in the darkness, the fire now having completely gone out.

  “Are you awake?” whispered Amy. “I can’t sleep…”

  Cyrus let out a small yawn and rolled over, finding that he must have been asleep, and must have been dreaming about something quite nice, from the state of his lower half.

  “I’m awake,” he whispered. “Come on in.”

  The roof of the tiny shelter was only a couple of feet off the ground, and the walls were wide enough to put him and Amy in almost direct contact with each other. She laid down on the leaf mat next to him, reaching out an arm to rub his shoulder.

  “It’s kind of cold out tonight,” she said.

  Cyrus nodded, and then, realizing that she probably couldn’t see the gesture in the dark, slid a little bit closer.

  “Yeah,” he said. “It is.”

  He ran a hand along Amy’s side. She was wearing her t-shirt and jean shorts, all of the clothing she had, but even together with her bikini, they didn’t cover much.

  “I meant what I said, you know.” Amy’s voice was just a whisper, but Cyrus could still make out the emotion in it.


  “Before, about not missing anything back home.” She let her hand touch his cheek. “This island gave me a second chance. And you, too.”


  “We’re here now,” she said. “And I don’t care if everyone else wants to go home. This is exactly where I want to be.”

  Cyrus wanted to say more, to try to convince her otherwise, but her lips were against his before he got the chance. She kissed him deeply, deeper than she ever had before, pressing her tongue into his mouth and grinding herself into him.

  Her hand slid down his chest and stomach, pausing before starting to undo the button and zipper of his shorts. Cyrus kissed her neck, letting his passion take over as he pulled her t-shirt up and over her head.

  His hands immediately darted to her breasts, while hers toyed with his erection through his boxers. Cyrus could have done just that for hours, him feeling her breasts, her gently investigating his erection. He could have, but he wanted even more.

  He kissed Amy and untied her bikini from the back, letting it fall down in between them. He’d seen her breasts before, during her shows at the strip club, but unlike her horny, lecherous patrons, he’d never gotten the chance to actually touch and hold them, until now.

  Cyrus took hold of one in each hand and softly kissed the skin of Amy’s neck and upper chest. He groped at her breasts with unrestrained horniness, thrilled by the fulfillment of what had been a secret desire of his for years now. Amy went still, as though she wanted him to be able to keep his full attention on her body, on her.

  Cyrus slipped out of his own t-shirt. Amy’s hands returned to his cock, slowly working it out through the elastic waistband of his boxers and into the open. Cyrus reached for her jean shorts only to find that she’d already slipped out of them, along with her bikini bottom. She was completely naked, and lying next to him, in his shelter.

  For some reason, he thought of Amy’s older sister, Lana. The two of them were only six years apart in age, but couldn’t have been more different when it came to appearance. Lana’s body was like a template, while Amy’s had all of the wonderful deluxe features, the big, beautiful breasts, the curvaceous and proportional butt.

  Thinking about women like they’re cars, he thought. Maybe I am one of those lecherous men, after all.

  The thought only lingered for a second before Cyrus was pulled away from it by Amy’s lips, slowly kissing their way down his neck, chest, and then stomach. His breathing was already quick and labored before her mouth had reached its destination, and when he felt the glorious, wet touch of her soft, hot tongue, Cyrus couldn’t stifle a low moan born of pure pleasure.

  “Oh…” he groaned. “Amy…”

  She gave the tip of his erection a soft kiss. For a moment, Cyrus thought she was going to go slow, maybe tease and torture him as punishment for the surprise splashing he’d given her earlier. But Amy began sucking with deliberate, determined speed, running her tongue and lips along his shaft as though she was trying to get to the center of a candy pop in record time.

  Cyrus could only moan and lean his head back against the mat as she began sucking, her mouth creating a perfect seal, tongue and cheeks caressing inward as she bobbed her head up and down. It was fantastic, better than anything had a right to be. It was enough for Cyrus to want to admit the truth of what she’d said, of how much better things really were on the island.

  It came to an end far too quickly, with Amy pulling back and replacing her mouth with her hand after only a few seconds. Cyrus almost said something, but before he could, Amy was shifting down to the leaf mat, lying there comfortably on her back, waiting for him.

  Cyrus moved, feeling a primal aggressiveness take hold of him. He slid her so that she was centered underneath him and pried her legs open. Amy tried to keep them closed, but the giggle she let out as she did let him know that it was just more teasing on her part.

  He pushed forward, the head of his hard cock lingering at the edge of Amy’s tight cunt.
She put her arms around his neck, and even though the darkness shrouding them was nearly complete, Cyrus could sense the passion in her expression.

  I could almost believe it was her first time, he thought. If not for what I’ve seen at that club, and how the men there treated her. Like she was a cheap whore with a nice body.

  He pushed forward, letting his cock slide deep into her on the first thrust. Amy gasped and writhed underneath him. Cyrus groped her breasts, letting himself enjoy the sensation of merely being inside of her without moving for a long moment. She was still pretty tight, and her body was hot enough to banish any remaining vestiges of the night’s cold.

  Amy’s breathing was soft and quick. He pulled back slightly, and then pushed forward, feeling the gasp she let out against his neck and in her body. Cyrus pressed himself down against her, and began to thrust.

  It was hard for him to go slow, the heat and wetness of her cunt threatening to suck him into a whirlwind of passionate, unrestrained fucking. Cyrus forced himself to remember Kyoko and Maggie, both of them sleeping within twenty feet of where he was. He needed to remain in control.

  Amy was clearly attempting to do the same, stifling cute, tiny noises as Cyrus pushed forward and pulled back. Cyrus cupped her breasts as he sheathed himself in her, almost unable to believe that they were his to hold.

  He pumped into her a little faster, and then a little faster still, the pleasure urging him on. Amy’s legs wrapped around him, anchoring him to her and making it clear that she had no intention of letting go until at least one of them was finished.

  I can’t cum inside her. There’s no birth control, no condoms on the island, and certainly no resources to handle an unwanted pregnancy.

  The thought only made him want to blow his load inside of Amy even more, taking root in the way that wicked, intrusive thoughts always do. He was already thrusting his cock into her, slapping his body against hers each time he pushed forward. It was only logical that he should get to fill her up.

  It was as though being on the island, living so closely intertwined with nature and the elements, made him want to do what came naturally even more. He took Amy by the waist, pulling her body up to meet his as he pushed down and felt each burst of pleasure. She was moaning louder now, too loud for them to stay quiet with only the waves in the background as ambient noise.

  “Cyrus,” whispered Amy. “You… have to pull out.”

  She was right, but some part of him still protested, as though he needed to unload inside of her to mark her as his. It was a stupid line of reasoning, born from evolved masculine instincts, rather than logic. He would pull out, he decided. He would make himself pull out.

  Cyrus was thrusting faster and faster, feeling his pleasure building into a beautiful crescendo. Amy writhed underneath him, her silhouetted breasts bouncing in the dark. She ran her hands over his chest, feeling his healed up scratches and pectoral muscles, coated in a thin layer of sweat.

  Cyrus buried his face in the nape of her neck and groped at her breasts, fucking her so hard now that there was no possible way for Maggie or Kyoko to ignore what was going on, if either was awake. His cock was like a piston, pushing into Amy’s cunt again and again, savoring the beautiful sensation of her tight, young, teenage pussy.

  “Cyrus!” Amy’s cry was nearly a shout. Her entire body tensed up in pleasure, and Cyrus was right there, with her. She shifted at the last second, pulling back, leaving Cyrus’s cock in the cold just as he began to blow and ruining his orgasm with a dose of cruel reality.

  His cum splashed out onto her stomach and breasts. Cyrus held himself up with an arm on either side of her, panting in the dark. He could hear noise coming from one of the other shelters, confirming his fear that either Maggie or Kyoko had been awake and listening in.

  “You idiot,” whispered Amy. “You have to be ready to pull out, next time.”

  Cyrus nodded slowly and kissed her forehead.

  “I will,” he said. “Sorry. I just… got caught up.”

  Amy let out a pleased chuckle.

  “Is that how it is?” she whispered. “Do I turn you on that much?”

  Her voice took on a seductive tone that Cyrus would have found utterly intoxicating, if not for his refractory period and the sinking suspicion that she’d used it on other men before, probably strip club patrons, at that.

  “You should head back to your shelter,” he whispered. “It will be weird for the others if we wake up in bed together.”

  Amy hesitated for a moment.

  “…You’re right,” she whispered. “Good night, Cyrus.”

  She waited for another moment, as though expecting something. Cyrus leaned forward and gave her a quick, soft kiss on the lips.

  “Good night,” he said.

  Amy pulled her clothes back on and returned to her sleeping spot. Cyrus collapsed onto the leaf mat and closed his eyes.


  The next couple of days passed by in much the same pattern. Cyrus fell into a comfortable routine, helping out each of the women periodically throughout the day as the four of them grew closer as a group.

  His relationship with Amy became a known factor between all of them. Maggie was understanding, and even encouraged the two of them to spend time together on their own, though Cyrus could sense a bit of conflict in her over it.

  Kyoko, on the other hand, seemed to delight in walking the line. She still held her knowledge of Cyrus’s affair with Lana over his head, slowly becoming more obvious and brazen with the comments she’d make about his old homeroom teacher when the group settled down around the fire each night.

  Cyrus continued helping her out with her work, extending the fence and the shelters in the morning each day. Kyoko would make a point to see how far she could tease him, finding any excuse she could to use sexually suggestive phrasing, or brush up against him each time she passed by.

  She never let her teasing push too far into physical territory, and Cyrus began to suspect that Maggie might have spoken to her about her behavior, assuming that it was just normal flirting. In truth, Cyrus often found himself wishing that she would let him do more, if only to release some of the sexual tension between them before it reached a boiling point and exploded in both of their faces.

  The nature of the situation started affecting him, changing the way Cyrus viewed himself. Amy, Maggie, and Kyoko were all attractive women, each embodying their own unique qualities of beauty, and Cyrus, whether he liked it or not, whether he’d chosen it for himself or not, was at the center of it.

  Even small requests from Maggie or Kyoko were often viewed through a possessive lens on the part of Amy. If Maggie asked him to give him some extra help around her farm for an afternoon, Amy would give him the inquisition the first chance the two had to be alone together. The same applied to Kyoko and the work he did with her around their camp, except both Maggie and Amy would run through the same questions about what he was doing, and why it took so long.

  Each night, Amy would sneak into Cyrus’s shelter in the corner of the camp, the two of them unable to resist doing what teenagers do. Each night, Cyrus grew more and more certain that neither of the other two women were sleeping through the nosy sexual encounters happening mere feet away from them.

  He was horny all the time. It just became a part of his life. Paradoxically, the more sex he began to have with Amy, the more Kyoko and Maggie drew his attention, and the more he noticed them noticing him. Life on the island was calm and stable compared to how it had been after they’d first arrived, but emotions and unrealized lust brewed underneath the seemingly innocent surface.

  It had been five days since Peter had left on the raft, and Cyrus was finishing up his last patrol around the island for the evening. He’d taken to spending an hour or so each day training with his club and exercising, though there didn’t seem to be as much use for the weapon anymore.

  He still saw the two fully grown panthers here and there, but they didn’t seem interested in attacking anyo
ne since the day that Shadow had intervened on his behalf. Cyrus was anything but confident that the equilibrium would hold, however, and so he stayed vigilant in making sure that he had his torch club close by at all times, and knew how to use it if he needed to.

  The sun was setting as he walked along the beach, and its rays shone at just the right angle into his eyes to keep him from seeing the sky clearly, at first. Cyrus heard a sound that reminded him of when he’d been a kid, and would clip a playing card to the forks of his bike in order to make it imitate the sound of an engine when in motion.

  That’s not an imitation of an engine, he realized. That’s a fucking plane!

  Cyrus tried to break into a sprint, but the uncooperative sand shifted under his feet, tripping him in his haste. He pulled himself back up and took off as fast as he could manage without falling, headed in the direction of the camp.

  “Plane!” he shouted. “There’s a plane!”

  Maggie, Amy, and Kyoko had all returned to the camp for the night. All three of them looked at him, comprehension only slowly dawning across their faces. Cyrus jabbed a finger into the air. The plane was far off in the distance, almost cutting across the edge of the horizon on a tangent.

  “Oh… my god….” Maggie’s jaw dropped open. She’d been tending to the fire, and a fish that Amy had caught that afternoon, but it was totally forgotten as she looked at what could be salvation amidst the clouds.

  “Help!” Kyoko ran down the beach after it, waving her hands wildly. “We’re here! We’re alive!”

  The plane, if it saw them, offered no sign of it. Cyrus hesitated instead of joining Kyoko in waving, his eyes darting to the fire, and then to the pile of wood next to it. He picked up the largest branch he could see and dipped it into the flames, creating a fat torch that was too heavy to be practical under normal circumstances.

  Steadying it against his shoulder to keep the tip aloft, he charged down the beach in the direction the plane was passing over. It was already too late. He’d only made it a hundred feet or so by the time it disappeared past another cloud, and the sound of it moving through the sky faded.


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