The Elf and the Tentacles

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The Elf and the Tentacles Page 1

by M. R. Greer

  The Elf and the Tentacles

  by M. R. Greer

  © 2013 M. R. Greer

  Published by Sudozine Media


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  All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Distribution of the book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law.

  This book is a work of fiction

  Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book contains erotic situations and graphic descriptions of sex, and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters in this book are over the age of 18.

  Original Cover Design: © 2013 Sudozine Media

  Stock Photography: © | iofoto

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  The Elf and the Tentacles


  The Elf & the Tentacles

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  The elf Larinna is at the mercy of a group of lusty goblins. Pinned and stripped, she's sure that they plan to have their filthy way with her.

  They have a little fun with the elvish maiden, then march her off to the swamps where she's told that she awaits her date with The Keeper.

  Little does she know that the Keeper's many tentacles will keep her busy indeed!

  This book was originally published under the pen name Reilly Bane.

  The Elf & the Tentacles

  Larinna slipped and shimmied down the wooded slope, haste speeding her descent. Her breath burned in her nostrils after the long chase but her weary legs got no respite. She was weak and shaky with exertion. When she reached the bottom of the slope, she pushed herself forward again, despite the complaints of her aching muscles. The shouts and whoops of the goblins behind her urged her on.

  The elf knew that she would have to turn and make a stand before long; that she simply couldn’t keep pushing forward with lungs burning. Her sword slapped uncomfortably against her back, but its familiar weight gave her comfort. Soon she would stop and fight them, and at least she would die with a sword in her hand.

  Larinna stumbled on through the woods, battering a path through the undergrowth. Leaves and sticks slapped her face. Hidden roots and hollows twisted her weakening ankles. She panted, sweat dripping from her forehead, her lungs heaving like bellows.

  Howls and shrieks chased her. Larinna dared not look back, knowing from the sound of them that they were closing on her. A root caught her toe and with a gasp she collapsed into the musty leaves of the forest floor. She pushed herself up, her arms quivering, and glanced hastily behind her. Shadows closed in. She stood up and brushed the dirt from her leather tunic.

  It was time to face them.

  She squared her shoulders and mustered her best fighting posture, waiting for her foes to catch up. She tossed her shimmering blond hair over her shoulder. Her heart pounded relentlessly in her chest. Larinna drew her narrow blade and admired the sheen of the polished short sword. It had slain its share of goblins, she thought, and today it would slay a few more before she died.

  The woods were doused in eerie shadows and smelled of earthy mildew. Larinna knew that she hadn't found an ideal spot to mount her defense, but she couldn't run any further. Shadows flitted between the trees as the goblins gathered to attack.

  The first of the ugly creatures sprinted from the shadows like a pocket of blackness. It charged, swinging its vicious scimitar wildly. Larinna stood her ground, winded but determined, sword poised for action.

  She caught a glimpse of the goblin’s wide eyes and hideous, yellowed grin as it swung its scimitar for her face. In a smooth motion, she rolled her body under the attack and laid the goblin’s chest open with her blade. It fell twisted to the ground.

  Too easy, she thought.

  But the rest of the creatures were now charging, hollering and braying as they surged through the woods. There were dozens of them dashing like black apes over the terrain. Two of the frontrunners converged on her at once, and her blade flashed, ending them. More dashed out, then more. She slashed and whirled until her sword was black with goblin blood and the slain creatures piled up at her feet, but still they kept coming.

  Larinna backed away until she was pinned against a giant tree. The goblins surrounded her, gnashing their teeth and hollering insults. She swiped and struck, but they'd learned to keep just beyond the lash of her blade.

  Then, as if on some silent cue, they converged on her. She struck down one of the beasts, cleaving its skull, but the rest pinned her and wrestled the sword from her fingers. She screamed as they pulled her to the ground, sitting on her arms to keep her still. She kicked wildly, sending a few of the goblins scattering, but in moments they had her pinned to the forest floor. She could smell the scent of loamy dirt in her nostrils.

  One of the creatures straddled her stomach, grinning at her lecherously. It drew a long, black knife and held it under her chin.

  “A pretty little elf maid,” it growled at her. “Gave us quite a fight.”

  She struggled against the harsh hands that held her. “Give me my sword and I'll show you a fight,” she spat.

  “Oh, I don't think so,” it hissed. “I don't think so, my dear. We've got something else planned for you.”

  The other goblins cackled as if it were some kind of great joke.

  “Let's see what treasures you've got under that tunic,” it said.

  Larinna fought, trying to throw off the goblins that pinned her but it was useless. The creatures unsheathed their knives and swarmed her. Goblins weren’t known for their skill, but when they set about something as a pack they could make fast work of it. She struggled and wriggled but in mere moments they had sliced off her clothing, leaving her naked and pinned on the forest floor.

  “Ah,” the lead goblin said, eying her lustfully. “Ahhh, very nice.”

  It knelt between her legs, and the goblins dutifully parted them. She flushed, horrified that her tender pussy was revealed to these creatures.

  “Gods,” she swore under her breath.

  “Ah, very good,” the goblin said.

  It slid its thumb up and down her pink folds and she shivered. It parted her folds with its dark little fingers, its eyes flashing lustfully at her snatch.

  “Mmm,” it growled. “Looks good enough to eat, eh boys?”

  The goblins cackled and Larinna squirmed, trying to close her legs. She flushed with embarrassment.

  “Damp,” the lead goblin said, sticking its nasty finger in its mouth. It bared its yellow teeth. “I can tell you’ve been sweating, elfie, but you’re cunt’s still dry.”

  “You don’t get to talk to me like that,” Larinna spat at him, her eyes flashing.

  The goblin sneered. “I think I do, little miss.”

  It used its thumb to stroke her nubbin, grinning at her. She felt herself start to tingle, and the heat throbbed between her legs.

  “Mmm,” the goblin said. “I can see you like it.”

  She shook her head, but took a deep breath. She couldn’t let them see her get pleasure from the dirty thumb of a goblin.

  The creature turned to one of the leering henchmen and gestured with its free hand.

  “Get the ointment,” it hissed.

  In a moment the goblin had a tiny vial in its hand. It rubbed som
e of the shiny fluid onto its palm. Larinna strained her neck to see what it was doing.

  “This will warm you up,” the goblin said.

  It started to rub the ointment over her labia. It burned on contact, and Larinna cried out and squirmed, but the pain almost immediately dulled to a powerful heat. Her pussy throbbed to the beat of her pulse as arousal surged through her. Her little pink vagina got suddenly soaking wet, and hot as hell.

  The goblin saved her clit for last, and she arched her back as he applied the burning fluid. Then she lay gasping for a long time as the potion worked on her tingling, aching bud. Her clitoris felt almost painfully needful, and she bit her lip not to moan as the goblin stroked her button lazily with its thumb.

  It looked at her wickedly and stopped touching her. “I told you that you’d like it,” it leered.

  She tried not to wiggle her hips. Her chest was tight with desire. All she wanted was to let out a moan. Larinna was horrified at what the ointment had done to her. She wanted that goblin, even as it disgusted her.

  It slipped a finger inside of her. Larinna closed her eyes and tried not to think of that nasty finger inside of her pussy, but it felt really good. The goblin slid its finger in and out a few times. Her sensitive elf-ears could hear every squelch and smack of her soaking pussy as it fingered her.

  “So good and slimy,” it hissed at her. “Your little elvish cunt.”

  The goblin leered horribly at her, baring its yellowed fangs as it slowly and deliberately fingered her. It seemed to enjoy that she squirmed in disgust – or desire? It petted the fine, blond curls between her legs.

  “What a nice little bush you have, elfie,” it said.

  “Keep your claws off of me,” she spat back, weakly. Then she moaned, despite herself. The goblin stroked her clit and she felt the electric thrum run through her body. It was too much for her to deny.

  “Oh, it won't be claws for you to worry about,” it told her. It lowered itself between her legs and took a deep whiff of her scent. It licked her juicy furrow with its long, rough tongue, then smacked its lips. “No, not claws.”

  “What are you going to do with me?” Larinna asked quietly. Her heart pounded with fear of what was to come, but she also felt a horrible, clinging desire. She wanted that thing to keep stroking her – the grossness of it was its very attraction. It was against nature for an elf and a goblin to mate, but… she fought down the very impulse. It must be the ointment, she thought, that was causing her to have such impulses.

  The goblin played with her nipples, dabbing some of the ointment on them so that they burned and tingled as well. Her nipples got hard like gems and more sensitive to the touch than she’d ever known. She gasped and gazed at the ugly creature. Her heart pounded.

  She wanted to ask it – to ask him– to rub her clit again, but her throat closed around the words. It was unnatural.

  Larinna was horrified by her own thoughts.

  The goblin stood up. “Tie her,” it commanded.

  She felt the terrible pressure of unrelieved desire like a knot in her abdomen. She wanted to cry. Larinna wanted to release that heat that surged through her body. She needed to feel a thick cock squeezing into her tunnel. Worse yet, the goblin knew what he was doing to her and he was deliberately leaving her to burn in her lust.

  Once again she thought to ask him to touch her, to let her finish, but the words choked in her throat.

  “You’re not for my pleasure,” the lead goblin announced to her, winking.

  She gazed at him for a long moment, a mix of anger, lust and disbelief roiling in her breast.

  “What do you mean?” she asked quietly.

  The goblin smiled.

  “As much as I’d like to fuck your brains out, little elf, I’m afraid your pretty pussy belongs to another now.”

  Her heart pounded and fear surged through her.

  “It belongs to me,” she said, but her voice trembled.

  “No, it belongs to the Keeper,” the goblin said. Despite her protests, he would say no more.

  Larinna struggled as they rolled her over and bound her arms behind her back. She got a taste of the mouldering leaves in her mouth as they tied her up. They hauled her to her feet; they cackled at her, mocked her nakedness, and groped her relentlessly. The goblins slapped her ass for sport, making her whirl around in circles until they gave up their sport with her.

  The evil troupe started to jog into the forest with the bound and naked elf in tow. She kept up easily, but every now and then the goblin who held the rope yanked it, sending her off balance. The rest of the creatures laughed.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked, hardly wanting to know.

  “Shut up,” a red-eyed goblin growled at her. “You’ll see.”

  They jogged most of the day. It was a humiliating journey for Larinna. When they stopped for a break, the goblins poked and prodded her, pinching her nipples and slapping her ass. They laughed and mocked. She was sure that at any time they would swarm her and force her to pleasure them, but there seemed to be an unspoken understanding between them that she was off limits. It was strangely unsettling to her – as if they were saving her for something special.

  The Keeper, she thought – whatever that was.

  As night began to fall, the ground grew spongey. Moss hung from the trees in this part of the forest. Marshes appeared and a mist snaked along the ground. Larinna’s legs ached, but still the goblins jogged on. The moon rose pale and cast long shadows as they wound their way into the swamp. At last they stopped.

  Mossy pillars rose from the bogs like crumbling fingers. The goblins had led her into the heart of a dead city, now mouldering in ruins. The swamp had gradually overtaken the stone architecture and the buildings were now just cracked heaps of stone overgrown by vines and pools of stagnant water.

  The goblins seemed agitated and nervous. They briefly grunted at each other in their native language, but Larinna couldn’t understand them. One of the ugly creatures stumbled forward, apparently chosen. He grabbed the rope that bound her and led her along a cracked stone pathway and up a set of steps to an ancient platform. The goblin glanced to and fro, as if on the lookout for something.

  It dragged her to a pillar and hastily pulled the rope through an iron ring set into the stone. It tied the end securely to another ring on a pillar nearby. Larinna’s muscles were weak from running all day. She had just enough slack to sit down on the mossy stone. She wished that she wasn’t totally naked in this strange place.

  Once she was tied to the pillar, the goblin proceeded to rub more of the burning ointment between her legs. It was in a hurry and used a lot of the stuff. She yelled as the fluid trickled over her asshole, stinging like hell. The goblin palmed her pussy, massaging the oil into her tender flesh and working it inside with two dirty fingers. She sucked in her breath. It was a lot worse than last time. The tingling was almost unbearable. It filled her core with fire and made her legs tremble until she was forced to her knees.

  She knelt in front of the pillar, arms tied together and thighs trembling as she was overtaken by the sensations. She moaned soulfully.

  The goblin hurried away, but Larinna called out to it.

  “Water?” she asked faintly, trembling with desire.

  It turned and looked at her. It was deathly afraid of something. It backed away slowly, shaking its head.

  “Water?” she begged again. “Please.”

  The goblin hurried over to her and pulled the stopper on its waterskin, pouring the warm liquid into her open mouth and all over her face. She spluttered, but drank as deeply as she could. The water was warm and tasted terrible, but it quenched her thirst.

  The goblin looked around with wild eyes, and skittered away. She heard its flat feet pattering off over the stone causeway, then the sounds of the night encroached. Crickets and cicadas chorused together. Larinna felt utterly alone and vulnerable. The goblin had been terrified of something, and it made her shudder. She couldn’t help but feel
that she had been left here as a sacrifice to… something.

  Larinna had never felt a desire to fuck so powerfully in her life. The ointment at first burned, then tingled incredibly, then settled into a hot lust that she couldn’t resist. Her clitoris thrummed with need, and she ached to touch it – but couldn’t. She tried to put her hands between her legs; she twisted and turned; she sat down on the ground. Finally she succumbed to putting the rope between her legs and rubbing herself on that.

  It did no good, and the rope was rough – not what she needed.

  Gods, what she wouldn’t give to feel the soft thickness of a man’s cockhead against her clit right now!

  She sat uncomfortably, trying to ignore her throbbing pussy. Unbidden, visions of the men she’d fucked rose to her mind. But it was not an elf, or even a human man that she wanted now. Her chest felt tight with shame as she considered it: she lusted now for that hideous goblin.

  She tried to wriggle free of the rope that bound her wrists, but it was no use. Her limbs felt like they were made of lead. She collapsed after a while, and huddled against the pillar. Her body blazed with heat. The flesh between her thighs was soaking wet and throbbed relentlessly.

  The night was warm and her skin was covered in beads of sweat. She pricked her ears, trying to hear the sounds of the night above the crickets. She thought she heard splashing in the distance – or perhaps it was her imagination.

  Eventually, she fell asleep and had troubled dreams about the goblin. In her dreams, she watched him unfasten his breaches and unleash an unbelievably thick cock. The dream consisted of nothing but that image repeated over an over again: herself naked and pinned and spread, and him pulling out his monstrous snake. She squirmed uncomfortably on the mossy stone as she slept, her body writhing with unquenched desire.

  * * *

  Larinna woke with a start. She sat bolt upright, her heart pounding. It was still pitch dark, but she’d heard something that jarred her from sleep. She was sure there had been a loud splash somewhere nearby.

  Or was it part of her dream? She shook her head. It was impossible for her to tell.


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