Racing to Love - Brody's Love

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Racing to Love - Brody's Love Page 4

by Amy Gregory

  “So how do you get up one day and say, I want to do this trick or that trick?” Jesse looked between the siblings for an answer.

  “By getting up and wanting to be better than you were the day before.”

  “Ah, a philosopher, huh?” Jesse grinned at Molly’s comeback that she had laced with just a hint of sarcasm.

  “Nope, a realist. Gotta make a living somehow.”

  Jesse raised his beer. “I’ll drink to that.”

  “Me too, bro,” someone else said, but she didn’t notice who because Carter was still rubbing her arm. To top it off, he’d crossed his leg so that his knee was touching her thigh as well. Every time he moved, he touched her.

  Each time her stomach would drop and do flip-flops and her heart would begin to race. She was also pretty sure he had to have scooted his chair closer to hers when she wasn’t looking.

  This was all so foreign to her.

  She had always been around guys. It was her career and it was male driven. She’d learned to tolerate being around men.

  But never had she felt like she had electricity running through her from head to toe when a guy brushed by or even just gave her a simple smile.

  God…that damned smile of his and those eyes.

  Molly tried biting her lip to keep her reaction to herself, but she could feel her cheeks warming up.

  “Don’t let her fool you,” Erin teased, “she likes the adrenaline rush just as much as the rest of you.”

  Molly just shrugged off the remark. But as she glanced in Brody’s direction, she knew he understood. They had always been able to read each other perfectly.

  George stood and stretched. “Well, I better get back and check the track and make sure things are moving along. You boys better play nice, she could out ride any of you.”

  Molly stood to hug George. “It’s so good to see you again. And you better tell Eileen hi and give her my love.”

  “Well, tell her yourself, she’s coming in Saturday to see you.”

  “She is?”

  “Are you kidding? Sweetheart, she wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

  Brody grinned. “Told you I had a surprise for you if you were a good girl.”

  “Bite me!”

  “Brody.” George shook his head at Brody while Molly was still tucked under his arm. “She may be a good foot shorter than you and probably doesn’t weigh a hundred pounds soaking wet, but son, if you remember right, I’ve seen you two go toe-to-toe before on more than one occasion, and well, it’s a pretty even match. You two couldn’t act more like brother and sister if you were actually blood related.”

  “Are you kidding?” Brody laughed and stood to shake George’s hand. “She’s the most stubborn, bull-headed brat around.”

  “Me? Seriously?” She gave him an eye roll. “Well you are an over-protective control freak just…like…James.” Molly unleashed a big, satisfied smile, quite proud of her retort. She kept that one in her back pocket for when he deserved it most. She knew how much he hated it when she compared him to his father.

  “Brody,” George attempted his warning again, “I’m leaving and I think you’re gonna get your ass kicked.”

  “Na, I wouldn’t want to embarrass him in front of all these guys.” Molly laughed, then laughed even harder at Brody’s exaggerated sigh of disbelief.

  “All right then, if it’s safe, I’m walking away.” George looked around at the men watching her, “I mean it boys. Be good. I’ve seen you all ride, and I’ve seen her. I’d hate to have to put you in your place by making her race against you. She’d whip every one of your asses.” George hugged Molly one last time and patted her cheek. “Oh…it’s so good to see you sweetheart.”

  “You too, George.” Molly sat back down, only to realize that Carter had moved his arm to the back of her chair. The breath she sucked in was automatic. She snuck a look his direction to see if he heard it, praying he hadn’t.

  “So, you’re a bad-ass, Molly.” Eli put his arm out. “Will you marry me?”

  Molly’s head dropped. “I’m not a bad-ass, James had his reasons.”

  “Besides, Eli—” Jesse nudged him. “—I think you’re a little late.” Jesse cleared his throat and nodded toward Carter and Molly. Everyone looked their direction. Carter’s knee was still touching her thigh, but the hand that was on the back of her chair was now playing in her hair. Molly blushed as she continued to look down, avoiding their questioning eyes.

  She was so out of her element.

  She bit her lip as she gazed up at Carter. He squeezed the back of her neck lightly and left his hand tucked in under her hair. She snuck another look up at him, and for a second time he caught her, making her blush all over again.

  “Damn it, Sterling.” Eli smacked him as he got up to get another beer. “I find the girl of my dreams and you swoop in.”

  “Just grab me a beer, Hunter. You want one?” Carter asked her.

  “Na. Thanks, though. I’ve still got to run.”

  “Besides, she can’t handle her liquor. Can you, sis?”

  If at all possible, Molly’s cheeks reddened even more. She bit her cheek to keep herself from embarrassing herself further with a nasty retort, and from laughing. Instead she leveled him with her laser pointed glare. Unfortunately, he just cackled more.


  Read more from the Racing to Love Series

  Racing to Love ~ Carter’s Treasure

  Book One in the Racing to Love Series

  Look for Book Two of the Racing to Love Series, Jesse’s Soul, coming from

  Sapphire Star Publishing on January 3, 2013

  Connect with the Author

  Amy Gregory




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