My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception

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My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception Page 10

by Will Brown

  Way too calm for human safety, she called Desiree to tell her what was happening and could barely get her words out of her mouth.

  "Desiree! I need you down here now! I’m at Darnell’s place and just found this motherfucker prancing around in his robe with Lamar! I can’t believe this shit!!! This gay ass nigga was trying to play a bitch like better hurry up before I put both these sissy muthafuckas down for life!!!"

  Desiree knew her well enough to know she meant every word and was scared as hell.

  “Calm down cuz. I’m only a minute away. Please hold on and don’t do anything you will regret later. Remember, you’re here to do a concert and can’t afford to be in the news over something like this..,” Desiree continued. "..Where are you exactly? Is the investigator still there?”

  “Hell yeah and how the fuck do you know him? He’s keeping them from leaving. I’m about to lose it. I’m about go to jail over this bitch ass nigga I thought was a real man...these bitches got me fucked up!"

  Desiree, Andre and Melvin, the band leader, pulled up; Gary arrived at the same time.

  Getting out of their cars, they could hear T-Bird screaming at the top of her lungs, calling Darnell all kinds of names because he'd tried to play her like a fool. Andre tried escorting her downstairs, but she was having none of that. She had a score to settle and settle it she would. Andre wasn't having any of that as he practically dragged a hysterical T-Bird towards the first landing. Before they reached the first platform, she broke into tears, falling into his arms. Looking at her expression and the shock on her cousin's face, Gary just put his arms around Desiree.

  “Remember before we started this, I asked if you were ready to handle something of this magnitude? My job is not an easy one. I see this all the time. This guy is a piece of trash just like the others I’ve encountered. How could your cousin get hooked up with the likes of him?”

  Desiree couldn’t say a word and had to be the strong in order to help T-Bird get through the whole ordeal and concentrate on the show she had to perform the next night. Andre assisted T-Bird into the car and asked Melvin to stay with her while he went back upstairs.

  By the time he approached the doorway, Darnell’s friend was acting like he was the one who'd been violated. He smirked at Andre while walking away switching, with his wrist twisting in the air, looking for some clothes to put on his nasty ass. Andre was so mad, he kicked him right in the ass...Lamar hit the floor for the second time. He then ran to Darnell and began choking him until he couldn’t breathe.

  As Darnell gasped for air, Andre looked him straight in the eye. “How does it feel? Just take it. You’ll be better off not fighting because both of you are going to die in here today! Go on and try to breathe while you look me in the face. I want you to die slowly so you can remember what you just did to hurt my little sister. This is family right here my man and you just fucked up!”

  Darnell attempted to grab Andres’ hands from around his neck but couldn’t break free while struggling to breath. Andre then began body punching him in the ribs; he wanted to hurt him the way he'd hurt T-Bird, as his knees buckled and he joined his lover on the floor. Gary and his partner had to pull him off Darnell before he killed him. He already had a broken nose and several broken ribs. He rendered Lamar unconscious with one punch when he tried to come to his lover's defense. He looked at Darnell while he was still lying on the floor.

  “You’ve got 5 muthafucking minutes to leave town before I beat you to death you fucking bitch.”

  After taking one last look at Andre, he attempted to crawl to the door, too weak to get up. With his shirt and shoes in his hand, he collapsed at the bottom of the stairs. Andre then picked Lamar up off the floor and slung him out the apartment completely naked.

  T-Bird was emotionally crushed and still crying as she laid across the back seat of the car. It was supposed to be a time of celebration, being in the south on tour and finally being able to see her cuz and her boo. Even if he was seeing another woman that would have been more acceptable than experiencing the devastation of knowing he was having an affair with damn man.

  Finally, everyone was able to return to Desiree’s house to absorb the reality of the situation. All Desiree could do was apologize to T-Bird for what had happened, crying with her as they pulled into her driveway. Allowing her time to regain some of her composure as they settled in the kitchen, Desiree pour her a drink.

  “T, look I need to tell this. A few of the girls at the office shared with me that they'd seen Darnell going into a gay bar. I couldn’t tell you cause a distraction while you were on tour...” Desiree hesitated for a few moments before continuing; she wasn't sure how much more her cousin could handle.

  “...I wanted to find out for myself if it were true so I hired an investigator, a friend, to check things out. I talked to Darnell for quite a long time and he assured me there were no worries. I will admit, I wasn’t concerned with Lamar because I knew he was gay. However, I had no idea the two of them were involved. I’m so sorry. I was only trying to protect you.”

  T-Bird attempted to wipe the tears as they ran down her face. “It’s not your fault. I can’t believe he betrayed all of us like this and now I’ve got to go get tested. This is too unreal. Suppose he has HIV or some shit like that...I would never be able to forgive myself if I contracted it,” she said as she collapsed on the sofa and began crying again.

  The radio stations continued to play her hit single, still promoting the show for the next night. Andre wanted to talk to her to find out what she wanted him to do but Desiree recommended he just give her some space to gather her emotions. In the interim, her friend Gary walked up to her.

  “Well Desiree, where do we go from here? Should I try and wrapped this case up? I can always have one of my guys go back to the apartment to see if Darnell came back for his belongings. I told you this would be a difficult thing to handle. So whatever you would like me to do is fine with me. I’m going to go talk to my guy for a few minutes. Just let me know what you want me to do.”

  “Yes, I would appreciate if you could have someone go back and see if he attempted to get whatever belongings he has before I call my cousins in New Orleans. Before I do anything, I need to take a minute to take care my cuz, then I’ll figure out how to deal with Mr. Darnell. I know one thing, his career at the magazine is over. He will never get another job from anyone in the industry. He’s finished!” Desiree's rage was a palpable force in the room, yet she knew she had to control it in order to clean up the mess she'd actually started.

  “Now I have to smooth this whole thing out without making it too obvious because I’m sure my staff members are going to wonder.”

  The biggest concern was anyone asking about Lamar as well. It was all just too big a pill to swallow. Desiree left T-Bird with Andre and Melvin for almost two hours to get a hold on her feelings. She just fell to her knees, praying to God for the strength to continue her show.

  “Lord, we all make mistakes and JJ tried to tell me but I wouldn’t listen. He knew and saw something in Darnell that I couldn’t see. Now I have to face the reality and ask you to strengthen me to do what I have to do, especially telling the guys. This couldn’t have happened at a worse time for me... what am I going to do to now? Everyone is going say I told you so. I see now I should have asked you for your guidance at the beginning and I wouldn't have to be coming to you with this ending. Nevertheless, I thank you for allowing me to find out now and your grace is still sufficient. You have still blessed me beyond my own comprehension.”


  Desiree decided to go back to her office just to clear her head and escape all the drama, where she received a blow of her own. Michelle rushed in and took a seat.

  “Dee, we need to! I just heard Vita telling the girls she was with Q. Do you know what else she said? That trick fucked your man after being in NY. I can’t believe her. Do you remember when we were all at the hotel after your cousin’s album release party and
you made the statement that Q was yours? She was defiant, determined to go out of her way to find out how true that was. She slept with your man! What are you going to do?” Michelle asked. "You truly need to beat her ass for that.”

  Nothing could have prepared her for this kind of news. She was so angry, she went straight to where all the other girls worked and walked right over to Vita, looking her in the eyes with her fist balled. After the fiasco with Darnell, she was done with treachery and ready to whoop some ass!

  “So Vita, tell me about your spare time in NY. I hear you’ve been really bragging about the fact you were with Q. Is that true?”

  Vita eyes grew wide and her mouth flew open. At that very moment, Desiree hit her so hard, she landed on the other side of the desk she'd been gripping.

  “Get up bitch! I gave you a job trying to look out for you and you’re running your mouth about fucking my man?! You will never work in this city again. I’ve already got Darnell and Lamar on the list and now you too bitch. Get the hell outta of here and don’t touch anything on the way out!”

  She then punched Vita again followed by a slap that left her red as a rubbed beet. All the other girls just stood watching without saying a word. Vita simply had it coming for running her big mouth and trying to obtain bragging rights.

  As Vita stumbled from the office, the girls put their arms around Desiree to calm her down.

  “Come on Dee, you’re going to be alright. She got what she deserved. How could she do such a thing? You beat that ass real good!”

  Now Desiree had her own cross to bare. She'd known Q was capable of not keeping his word to commit but to sleep with Vita, of all people? Thinking of it made her even more upset. She was going to make him pay one way or another.

  Her first instinct was to send her cousin Chancy to see Q and deal with him. Sitting at her desk, she struggled over the idea. She loved Q. She now considered all the conversations she'd had with T-Bird regarding him not being good for her. Just like T-Bird, she'd refused to listen and now faced the consequences of her own decision. A light bulb went on in her head. She remembered sharing with her cuz that a man will be a man after discussing her concerns about Darnell. She decided to go back home and check on T-Bird. There would be no calling Chancy today.

  When she arrived, she sat down next to her, giving her a big hug.

  “Are you okay cuz?” T-Bird just shook her head yes. Desiree looked at her and said..

  “Well I’m not.” She shared the news of Vita and Q. Now they both were dealing with the pain of broken trust, disappointment and deceit.

  “We’ll get through this,” T-Bird said. “Furthermore, I’m not going to let this ruin my show tomorrow. This is exactly what was supposed to happen. I’m just going to have to find the strength to move on. Right now everyone is depending on me to write their paychecks... So... I can’t mess with their livelihoods over this. I know JJ is going to freak out when he finds out.”

  “Girl, we both have our backs against the wall right now. I swear I want to call Chancy!” Desiree said

  “No! Don’t do that. We don’t need him going back to jail over Darnell or Q. They will get what they deserve. I can’t believe Q would allow Vita to do this...Dee, for now we have to leave this in God’s hands. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’m broken but we will be okay. In all honesty, we brought some of this on ourselves for not listening..”

  With her hands covering her face, she wiped away a tear.

  “Babe, you’re better than me. But if you say don’t call then I won’t. So what do you want me to tell Andre and Melvin?”

  “Tell them to go back to the hotel and not mention anything to anyone and I’ll talk with them later. I’d rather keep everyone out of my personal affairs. I’ll take care of my own mess and not make it worse and more humiliating. And, don’t forget to tell them to make as many appearances at the clubs as possible since the radio is blowing up the show. I don’t think it would be fair for us not to show up”

  “Alright, whatever you want bebe. Should I call the fellas?”

  “No, let me be the one to do that after I get myself together. All hell would really break loose if they see me like this...”

  “Alright, let me go talk with Andre and Melvin. I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” Desiree continued.

  T-bird just laid on the bed, trying to gather her thoughts on how to make the best of a bad situation. Desiree talked with Andre and Melvin, advising them to go back to the hotel and follow her wishes until she called. Not to mention, she had emotions of her own she needed to release concerning Q's betrayal.

  When T-Bird finally came out the room, she asked Desiree to sit with her on the rear deck to get some fresh air. With a good bottle of wine, it was time to talk. Sitting down, she opened it, filling a glass for them both and savoring the aroma before taking a sip.

  “Now listen to me cuz, I’m not going to blame you for anything that happened. I know you were only trying to look out for me the best way you could by introducing me to Darnell. This is my problem so you don’t have to feel guilty about anything.” Desiree gripped her glass before answering her.

  “Babe, it’s like we’re looking at each other’s ghost, although there is a significant difference. I have to face what I knew about Q giving him my heart and now I’m in love with him.”

  T-Bird just slammed her glass on the table. “You see cuz, this is what I was afraid of. Q is not going to change. What are you going to do now Ms. Grown Ass Woman?”

  Desiree just crossed her legs, still mad as ever. “I don’t know. For now I’m going to accept what happened... I’ve made a fool myself. But don’t worry, this is not over.”

  T-Bird then interrupted. “Well, almost everyone is going to feel like a fool with the exception of JJ.” They both began to drink from their glass, each dealing with her own level of despair.

  “You know what? The best thing for me to do now is to put all of my emotions into the show because right now that’s all I have.”

  “Cuz I’m right here with you and I’ve got your back. I’m wounded too. Nevertheless, whatever you need just ask,” Desiree continued.

  “Damn! This is really putting a damper on all my plans but you know what? We need to go out tonight and live like there’s no tomorrow.” Afterwards she got on the phone and called Andre at the hotel.

  “Hello Andre it’s Dee.

  “Hey baby girl you alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m just looking out for cuz. Thank you for being there for her. You are truly a friend and I don’t know how to thank enough. Is everything else okay?”

  “You cool. Don’t worry about it. You know everybody would have expected me to be there for you T, so it’s all good. And by the way, the groups know nothing. Just me and Melvin.”

  She then took a deep sigh before continuing. “This is what she would like you to do. Get the limos and the guys together. Cuz is willing to meet and hit the clubs. I refuse to let anything stop this show from being a success. No way. She’ll have to deal with this later. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to cry. This is devastating...”

  “Look you know you and T are my homies and that motherfucker is lucky I didn’t kill his ass. But as long as T can hold it together, I’ll take care of the groups. And if that fuckin homo even calls to try to convince you to allow him to see her, to give any explanation, let me know and I’ll have him taken out. We ain’t playing no more games. Not now, not ever!”

  “I know, I know. I just feel like I woke up in the middle of a bad dream. I’ll call you shortly.”

  When she ended the call, she sat back in her chair. T-Bird then gathered her strength to conference call Trey, Q and JJ. She took a deep breath to prepare herself for the conversation. They were excited to hear her voice thinking she was calling about current events in Atlanta but that was not quite what she called to tell them.

  “So what’s going on down there in ATL?” Trey asked.

  The moment he asked T-Bird couldn’t hold bac
k her emotions any longer as she began to cry.

  “Hey! What’s going on? JJ asked.

  “Would you please talk to us and where’s Andre?” Trey asked.

  Still sniffling she answered.

  “He’s with the groups. I’m so embarrassed and hurt right now. I went to Darnell’s apartment, thinking I was going to surprise him after arriving in Atlanta. When I arrived, I rang his bell then knocked on his door. I mean damn yawl... I ...I um...found him with another man.”

  “Another man? What are you trying to say?” JJ asked. “Do you mean to tell us that Darnell is gay?” JJ's heart skipped a couple of beats. So that's what I sensed about that muthafucka...

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. When I rang his doorbell again, Lamar answered the door with a robe on and it appeared he'd just gotten out the shower. I knew without a doubt that Lamar was gay, but I never imagined the two of them having an affair.”

  “I knew it! I was afraid this would happen,” JJ said.

  “Okay, just calm down,” Q said. “Look T-Bird, where is Desiree?”

  “She’s right here...But I don’t think you want to talk to her right now. You’ve got some explaining to do yourself. Don t you think? She does not want to speak to you and I can’t blame her...”

  JJ then interrupted. “Wait a minute.. what the hell is going on?”

  “Okay. Everyone calm down. She’s right. I do have some explaining to do. One of Desiree’s staff members came to the hanger to pay me a visit after completing her interview in the city just before the dinner party the other night. When I arrived from Phoenix, both Vita and Octavia were there waiting. Octavia was looking for you Trey, since you had security on alert to not allow her access to your building and Vita was visiting, since she was done with her interview in NY..." Q took a breath and plunged forward. If he stopped now, he might no be this confession out.


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