Down on Daffodil Lane

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Down on Daffodil Lane Page 15

by Rebecca Pugh

  ‘I noticed it, you know.’ Brad moved his chair closer to hers. His hand was resting on her thigh now, his thumb moving in slow, seductive circles. She was highly aware of how little material sat between his thumb and her skin. She could have stopped it right there but she didn’t. She couldn’t. She felt wanted and desirable, and it was a feeling she definitely could have got used to. The kitchen faded into the background and Brad’s face was all she could see. The connection between them was stronger, more palpable, than ever. Her breathing had altered. Switching from calm, even breaths to fast and short. She had no control over how her body was choosing to react to him.

  ‘Noticed what?’ she murmured, hardly recognising her own voice as it slipped out between her wine-slick lips. She was floating on a cloud of desire, mingling with hesitation, it was heady and addictive and like nothing she’d ever felt before.

  ‘That you were like me,’ Brad said simply. ‘That you’d been hurt. You seem different now, though, from when you first arrived. It sounds ridiculous but… I felt like we connected somehow. I know you felt it too. I remember, the first time I noticed it was when you came to the farm with Millie and Harriet that Sunday. I’ve never felt that way with anyone before, not even Sophie.’

  Maria laughed uneasily, knowing that Brad was right. Two people who had been hurt in love probably had a lot in common she realised now. They’d experienced the same emotions at some point throughout their separate betrayals. She remembered that first look they’d shared when she’d visited Meadow Farm with Millie and Harriet, how much it had affected her without her even realising. Was that the moment he’d seen it? Was that the moment he was referring to? If so, he was right, as always. She’d felt it like a zap to her heart.

  ‘I can’t believe he hurt you.’ Brad inched even closer. ‘If you were mine,’ he whispered, ‘I wouldn’t even dream of it.’

  Her breathing had become erratic. The way he said those words made her spine tingle. She wanted to turn to her glass of wine to give her hands something to do but it was empty. She had no choice but to face him. His hand moved further up her thigh, sending flashes of molten desire straight to her groin that were impossible to ignore. Oh, what was he doing to her? She closed her eyes momentarily, relishing the feel of it. She hadn’t been touched in this way for so long. Was it bad that she was enjoying it? She deserved to be admired and touched, didn’t she?

  ‘Tell me to stop if you want me to.’ Brad was leaning in, trailing his lips across hers. ‘I don’t want to push you into anything but, I feel like I have no choice but to kiss you.’ The words sent whispers of breath across her face as she closed her eyes and sat back against the chair.

  The feel of his lips on hers was enough to drive her wild and she didn’t try to push the urge to reciprocate away. She began, oh-so slowly, to return the nips and bites he was delivering. Brad saw it as Maria giving him the go-ahead so he continued, only more fervently now, as if the barrier between them had finally come down. Both hands were on her thighs, slithering beneath her dress as the kissing grew more chaotic.

  Brad stopped abruptly, leaving Maria momentarily confused. ‘Stand up a sec?’

  Maria did so, almost tumbling straight back down, feeling as if her legs were too weak to support her. Before she had chance to ask what he was doing, Brad scooped her up into his arms as if she were as light as feather and was striding down the hall, up the stairs and into what she assumed was his bedroom. Dark oak stood against cream walls. Chest of drawers. Wardrobe. Bed frame. She was placed with care onto the navy-blue duvet and Brad began to strip off before her, treating her to show. He pulled his shirt up and over his head, revealing to her a physique that Maria hadn’t anticipated. Toned and muscular, he looked nervous as he gazed down at her from above. He teasingly undid the belt of his trousers and dropped them to the ground. Realising she was behind in the undressing, Maria removed her dress and dropped it so that it pooled onto the carpet. Brad was crawling up the bed towards her now, and once he was above, he began to kiss her, long and lingering deep kisses that drew gasps from her mouth. It was dark in the bedroom but they navigated each other’s bodies as if they were familiar. Maria allowed Brad to make her feel like a woman again, and he did more than once.

  As they made love, he told her she was beautiful and sexy again and again, and that she turned him on endlessly. It was divine and sensual, and when they fell apart, exhausted and sweating, she had no desire whatsoever to dress and leave. The thought didn’t even cross her mind. Instead, she curled into Brad’s side and quickly fell to sleep, feeling safe and protected as night turned to dawn outside.

  Chapter Twelve

  The morning after, Brad served her breakfast in bed. He had the tray set up and sang her name to wake her as he trod softly across the carpet towards the bed where she was snoozing. She was awake, but she hadn’t yet opened her eyes. She was enjoying merely lying there in Brad’s bed without needing to move or speak. It was deliciously comfy and, even with her eyes closed, she was aware of the bright sun shining in through the window.

  ‘Maria,’ Brad sang softly, giving her a little nudge once he was at her side. The smell of the food wafted towards her, stirring her hunger.

  Slowly, her eyes flickered open and she decided that seeing his face first thing in the morning wasn’t a bad sight at all. He was topless with just a pair of striped pyjama bottoms covering his lower half. If possible, he looked even more yummy like this, with his dark hair messy and sticking up at odd angles. With a lazy smile, she studied him for a moment longer, enjoying the view.

  ‘I made you some breakfast,’ he said with a smile. Brad nodded towards the fully-loaded tray he had placed down on the bedside table. ‘Hope you’re hungry. I went a bit overboard. Sorry.’

  ‘Wow,’ she said, impressed. She pushed herself up and glanced at the mountain of food. ‘No need to apologise. I can’t remember the last time I was treated to breakfast in bed. This is perfect. Thank you.’

  ‘And coffee,’ he added quickly. ‘Just in case.’

  ‘You didn’t need to do this.’ Maria reached for the cup of coffee first. She inhaled before taking a tentative sip. It was rich and sweet and just how she liked it.

  ‘Course I did. I figured you needed to get your energy back up after… Well, after last night.’ Brad licked his lips as he watched her pick up the tray and place it on her lap, still sat in the bed.

  ‘Well, I hope you’ve made yourself something too, because I’m certain you used up quite a lot of energy also.’ She smiled naughtily as images from the night before returned, and hid it behind the coffee cup as she took another sip. He’d been attentive, that much was true.

  A short while later, after using Brad’s en-suite shower to refresh herself, Maria was finally dressed, albeit in the clothes she’d worn the day before, and thought that perhaps she should leave, seeing as it was almost afternoon. She didn’t want to outstay her welcome, although she didn’t think Brad would mind if she did. She was aware that he had to take care of other things and didn’t want to take up too much of his time.

  ‘You don’t mind, do you? If I head off?’ she asked Brad, who’d shared the shower with her. He looked delicious with water dripping from his hair and a towel wrapped about his damp waist tightly.

  ‘Of course not. I know you’ve probably got things to do so I suppose I can let you go, although I don’t particularly want to.’ He moved towards her, leaning in for another kiss. She obliged and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  She smiled up at him. ‘Thank you so much for understanding.’

  ‘Maria?’ Brad said, just as she was about to step through the front door. She’d waited for Brad to get dressed and then they’d headed downstairs.

  ‘Yes?’ she asked, nervous about what he was about to say.

  ‘This wasn’t just a… Well, it wasn’t just a one-off, was it?’

  She looked at him, suddenly unsure of her answer. ‘No, I don’t think so, but…’ Or had that been exactly what she
’d thought of it as in her mind? She’d never been that type of woman, but the night before hadn’t exactly been planned. She didn’t want it to change anything between them. Their friendship had formed first, and she’d hate for that to be shattered because they’d spent the night together.

  ‘But?’ he said, nodding for her to continue.

  ‘Well, I’m not sure I can do anything serious right now. I mean, I like you, Brad. Of course I do. A lot. A hell of a lot actually, but I’m not ready for a full-on relationship.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ nodded Brad. ‘I understand.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She wanted to say something else, to perhaps make him feel better, but wasn’t sure what. ‘I better get going. Last night was perfect, Brad. I mean that. And thanks for breakfast too. It was delicious.’

  ‘My pleasure,’ he smiled, although it looked a little forced. He remained at the door, watching her leave.

  Maria left Meadow Farm and began the walk back towards Daffodil Lane. She felt light and happy, and surprised that she didn’t feel any guilt whatsoever about the night before. Why should she? Being with Brad had been… incredible. He’d touched her in ways that had made her body sing, with so much care and respect too.

  She tried not to compare but, as it was, she knew that sex with Mike had not felt like that once. It was perfunctory, and once they’d completed the act, he would wash, get back into bed and then sleep. There’d never been the gentle caressing and whispering she’d experienced with Brad, and it shocked her to think that this was what it took for her to realise how out of sync she and Mike had become before the affair had come to light. She should have spotted it there and then, in hindsight. She hadn’t felt loved, or wanted, or desired in the way Brad had made her feel. It had been beautiful and left her breathless, passion and desire rolled together in bed sheets.

  She realised that she was wearing the goofiest smile and tried to shake it free from her face. What was the man doing to her? Did he have any idea what he’d opened up to her last night? Sex was suddenly… exciting again, and desirable, and she had a feeling that she’d want more of it.


  With her thirty-third birthday approaching, back in the sun-filled conservatory in the cottage, Maria wondered how she’d celebrate. Often, she hadn’t made much of a fuss about her birthdays, but this year, she felt that she had much more to celebrate than usual. She had her new friends to invite too, and that made her incredibly happy. Millie had said earlier in the week that they should have a party in The Rose and Horn. She could invite her family and the friends she’d made during her time in Daffodil Lane, and the idea didn’t seem too bad at all. In fact, it seemed like the perfect venue, what with the beautiful lake nearby. She knew immediately that she wanted to invite Brad, and Harriet.

  Even just the thought of Brad being there sent tingles of pleasure up and down her spine. She decided to pop in after her shift in the café that afternoon and ask about prices. Millie was at work in the salon and Harriet was waiting for her when she arrived.

  ‘Brad’s been here, asking for you,’ Harriet said as soon as Maria stepped inside. There was a twinkle of something in her eyes as she spoke, but Maria chose to ignore it. She hadn’t told Millie nor Harriet about the relationship that was blossoming between her and Brad. She wasn’t sure why she was holding back. She supposed after what Millie had said the first time they’d seen Brad, she suspected Millie wouldn’t be too happy about it. Plus, if she was going to be honest, Maria didn’t think it would last. Brad had proved to be a great friend, and they certainly had chemistry between them, but once summer was over, she’d go back to her life and Brad would remain in Loland Green.

  Instead of worrying about the moment when they’d say goodbye, she slipped her apron on, bundled her hair up into a high ponytail and smiled politely.

  ‘Oh? That’s odd. Hopefully he’ll pop back later. I wonder if it was anything important.’ She said it breezily – as if she wasn’t affected by his presence in the slightest – when inside, her heart skipped happily at the mention of him. ‘Anyway, my birthday’s coming up soon, and I wondered if you’d come along to the party? I’m thinking of having it in The Rose and Horn. What do you reckon?’

  ‘I’d be delighted to come,’ grinned Harriet. ‘Oh! I know. I can make your birthday cake!’ She clapped her hands together with glee and wriggled her shoulders up and down excitedly.

  ‘Oh, would you?’ Maria asked. ‘That would be wonderful. Only if you have the time of course.’

  ‘Of course I have the time. I love nothing more than making a cake, and for your birthday? Well, even if I didn’t have the time, I’d make time. It’s a special occasion, is it not?’

  ‘I suppose it is, yes. I’m going to pop down there later this afternoon to see about prices. Hopefully it’s not too expensive. I’ll invite the family too, which will be lovely. To have you all mingling together in the same room. ‘

  ‘And when is your birthday?’

  ‘Thirtieth of August, which is a Thursday this year. It’ll be a nice way to polish off the summer before I leave too.’

  ‘Of course. Twenty-two, is it?’ Harriet asked with a wink.

  ‘I bloody wish,’ Maria said wistfully. ‘Good old thirty-three. It’s not so bad really.’

  ‘Not bad at all,’ Harriet agreed. ‘You’re still a spring chicken, really.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she laughed. ‘I don’t feel like it, but hey-ho. Anyway, best get serving these customers. They won’t wait forever, will they?’

  ‘Certainly not.’

  After her shift had finished, Maria ventured down to the pub and did as she’d planned. After chatting to the pub owners, it turned out it wasn’t too pricey for the Saturday evening to be booked for her birthday, and for a set price, the owners would throw in a DJ and buffet too. She snapped up the offer and thanked them profusely. She stopped by the salon on her way back to the cottage and let Millie in on the details. If there was anyone who would share in her excitement, then it would be Millie.

  ‘How exciting!’ she declared, once Maria had shared the news. ‘Can I be in charge of decorations? We need balloons and birthday banners. Oh! And a cake.’

  ‘Harriet’s taking care of that,’ Maria said.

  ‘Is she? That’s fantastic. Harriet’s cakes are absolutely beautiful. How about party poppers? And banners! We cannot forget the banners.’

  ‘Whatever you like,’ she told Millie with a smile. ‘Just don’t go too overboard, will you?’ Millie would have a field day if Maria let her go too wild.

  ‘I’ll try not to,’ she called, slipping back into the salon with a cheeky wink.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The days leading up to the party slipped by in a sunshine-filled, Brad-filled haze. Maria spent more time by his side, and in his bed, than she’d planned to, and quickly began to grow fond of his company. They kissed and embraced and galloped out across the field on Shephard more than a couple of times, although by now, she felt like something of a professional. No, that was too far, but at least a little more experienced than she had the first time. She felt like a teenager again, full of lust for the man who seemed to understand her in a way no one else could, and their connection only continued to strengthen.

  He was, of course, invited to her birthday party, but she wasn’t sure of whether she’d be introducing him to everyone as her lover or a friend. She also wasn’t sure of what explanation she’d give Millie and Harriet as to his presence, seeing as neither of them had a clue that anything was going on. Or, if they did, then they hadn’t mentioned it to her. They spent many evenings together sat on the bench overlooking the lake, talking about their childhoods, and hopes and dreams for the future. Brad wanted children at some point he’d said, which filled Maria with a little bubble of hope. She tried not to pay too much attention to it, but couldn’t help herself from getting carried away. She told Brad that she wanted children too, then they’d fallen into contemplative silence as they both daydreamed about that day
, when they’d become a mother and father.

  The shifts at the café only seemed to increase in busyness, as the street outside filled with visitors passing through or staying for the weekend. The heat had become almost unbearable and apparently, according to Harriet, it was one of the hottest summers they’d had in years. Maria was even offered a few extra shifts here and there by Harriet, who said she couldn’t believe how packed the place had become and quite clearly needed the extra help. Maria didn’t mind. She loved it there, and the busier shifts flashed by in no time at all, she felt. The green beside the lake was always heaving with families enjoying picnics and a game of ball or two, and there always seemed to be chatter filling the summer air whenever Maria went by. It was glorious and she knew without a doubt that she’d always remember the summer she’d spent here in Loland Green, and in the cottage on Daffodil Lane, which was pretty much complete. She’d finished off the lounge just a few days before and was incredibly happy with its brand-new look. She had some serious thanks to give to Geraldine when she returned home, which she tried not to think about too much as it made her sad. She missed this place already and she hadn’t even left yet. Her mind rushed forward to when she’d be back at home, and it didn’t sit easy in her gut. It made Maria feel that as soon as she returned, she’d go back to the person she’d been previously. Sad and glum and constantly down about herself.

  She’d grown so comfortable here, with her new friends and Brad. She felt like she belonged and could have happily spent the rest of her life working shifts at the café and sharing secret kisses with her new lover. She still hadn’t told Millie or Harriet about her and Brad’s strange new relationship. She wasn’t sure why. She felt that maybe they’d think it was too soon after the divorce and that she was some sort of man-eater, which was ridiculously really. They were her friends and she knew that they wouldn’t judge her but the thought still lingered in her mind whether she accepted it or not. And would they be right in thinking that? She needed to stop getting carried away with such thoughts. None of them were true. And anyway, it was up to Maria what she did and who she spent her time with, and if that person happened to be Brad then so be it.


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