Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set Page 46

by Martha Sweeney

“Thanks,” I sarcastically reply.

  “What?! It’s not like she doesn’t know when it is,” he shrugs.

  Maggie and Jared let me be for the next few minutes as I continue texting with Amy and Kim. Joe texts again for the third time today, asking the same question he’s been asking every day since our heated interaction where we almost got caught by Maggie. He keeps sending, When can I see you?. I’ve been purposefully ignoring him.

  “We need to finish planning the bachelor-bachelorette party,” he writes.

  Wow! It took him four days to send a different message.

  “And, we need to go over the paperwork I have for Raven Media,” he includes.

  My conversation with Amy and Kim just wrapped up, so texting Joe a response won’t be noticed by my two friends sharing the couch with me. I guess ignoring him for four days is enough time.

  “I know,” I write back.

  “Are you avoiding me?” he inquires.

  “No. Why would I do that?” I text.

  “You’ve ignored my texts and calls the past few days,” he states.

  “Maggie and Jared have been here. I’ve been busy taking care of business and wedding stuff,” I reply.

  “What we need to take care of falls under the same categories,” he writes.

  “Yes,” I agree. “But, not me needing to respond to you asking when you’ll see me again.”

  “Those two things were implied in the question,” he texts.

  “Didn’t hear it implied,” I write.

  I hope he catches my sarcasm.

  “What did you hear?” he searches.

  I send back a winking emoticon.

  “I’m not sure what you are implying,” he texts back.

  “You know what I mean,” I stipulate.

  “If we were talking in person, I would know,” he writes.

  “Knowing you, we wouldn’t be talking,” I comment back.

  Joe sends back a winking, kissing face emoticon.

  I can’t help but smile.

  “That’s not a bad thing, is it?” he checks to validate my statement about us not talking if we were together.

  “Maybe,” I reply.

  “Are they staying the night again?”


  “Can you sneak out?”

  “And, go where? Your family is at your place,” I answer.

  “Wherever you want,” he writes. “I just need to see you.”

  “Why?” I press back.

  Let’s see what he’ll admit.

  “I miss the taste of your lips on mine,” Joe texts.

  My heart skips a beat and I’m unable to respond.

  “Please,” he begs.

  I don’t write anything because I’m not quite sure what to say. This is torture for me too. I should have slept with him sooner, like I do with other men — but, Joe isn’t like other men.

  By the end of the week, Joe schedules another meeting between his parents, himself and me. The preliminary paperwork that he had done for the first round of negotiations went faster than I had expected. Joe said that he’s trying to help facilitate a number of key pieces prior to the wedding so that way, once the wedding is over, we’ll have more time to take action for purchasing and refurbishing a property, loading in and setting up hardware and the necessary staff.

  I have to say, I am very impressed with the amount of detail and thoroughness Joe put into the contract. There are only a few minor tweaks we all agree upon during the meeting which, once corrected, I’ll review with my lawyer before we have another official meeting to sign the documents.

  With fifteen clients paying for social media management, and most of them paying for premium services, Raven Media is grossing just shy of two point eight million dollars a year. What we make for media management does not including the additional services we supply, which gives us a grand total of four point seven million dollars, which is approximately half a million more than last year. After salaries and expenses are paid, Raven Media nets two point six million; I pay my staff very well. After taxes, the company only has to pay federal taxes because of where it’s incorporated, and with the previous years’ earnings, Raven Media officially has eight point seven million in liquid cash. The cost for the servers and staff for the first year shouldn’t drain all of the capital.

  Because I’ve already established a high value for the company from its inception, the Covelli family is offering a very interesting deal that I can not resist, which is one of the tweaks we agree to make during the meeting. The Covellis are taking a smaller percentage of ownership of Raven. Instead, they are purchasing the property that will house the physical location of the servers and will be charging Raven Media a monthly lease to rent most of the building. They’ve got their eye on several properties that can allow for other businesses to rent space as well, which expands their profit potential with refurbishing it as a green building. The Covellis are using their purchase of the property as the test pilot for greening any existing properties they own. If all goes well, this property will be the litmus test for redefining corporate and hospitality facilities and industries.

  After the meeting, which took place at his penthouse, Joe takes me home. Suddenly, Joe hits the stop button on the elevator before pinning me to the side wall. Expecting a heated embrace, I’m surprised when Joe takes his time, trailing his fingers down my cheek, over my neck and back up as he delivers a sensually slow kiss. As I slide my hands up his chest, Joe creeps his tongue into my waiting, open mouth. It’s like he’s purposefully controlling himself as he relishes in every single sensation. My mouth seeks more when he pulls away just far enough out of reach.

  “So, you’ve talked to Maggie about me?” he inquires.

  “What are you talking about?” I check.

  “The other day, when she came over and you hid me in the closet. You said I’m not talking about this with you again, meaning me,” he reminds.

  “Did I?”

  “You did,” he affirms. “How often do you talk about me?”

  “I don’t,” I argue.

  “Sounds like you do,” he challenges with a wicked grin.

  “No,” I purposefully disagree.

  “Hmmmm,” his throat groans.

  Joe’s lips move in, seeking more of mine. There’s more force and desire behind each kiss.

  “I want you,” he says in his low, sexy voice.

  All I can do is nod my understanding. He’s completely seduced me with his mouth.

  Anticipating another kiss, I’m sourly disappointed when Joe turns his head and seconds later the elevator resumes its ascent. He stays pressed against me, staring into my eyes, but doesn’t kiss me. I lean to capture a kiss, but he wickedly denies me of the pleasure. A devilish smirk emerges in the corner of his mouth when I moan my dissatisfaction. It’s like he’s taunting me, wanting me to tell him that I want him too and that I won’t get to taste his lips until I do. I try again, but he pulls away just as our lips are about to connect. I groan louder which gets a chuckle out of him. Reaching my hands up, I clasp the back of his neck and pull him towards me. Just as our lips brush, Joe suddenly has my wrists pressed against the wall and our lips are now inches apart. I whine my protest when he hits to button to make the elevator move again.

  The door dings, and just before it opens, Joe shifts away from me, facing the entrance. He seems as cool as a cucumber; like nothing has happened and he’s completely unaffected by it. I know he is, though. I felt his erection pressing against me. I can see it bulging slightly through his dress pants when my eyes drift down to double check.

  As the door opens, Joe takes my hand and leads us out of the box. My body jerks to the left as I had already started to go right to the main hallway. Seconds later, Joe has managed to direct us both beyond the stairway door and has me with my back to the cool concrete wall. He presses himself against me, and the rigidness of his penis is there from before. Cupping my face in his hands, Joe proceeds to tease and torture me with his mouth
, barely making contact the first few times.

  “Please,” I beg, unable to wait any longer. My hands grip his forearms out of desperation as I press my ass against the wall to help me reach is lips. I feel his erection stiffen.

  I’ve never begged for a man to kiss me — but, I like begging him for some reason.

  “Say it again . . .” he whispers.

  “Please,” I force before he’s done directing me. “Please.” My chest heaves from the pent-up need and desire.

  Our mouths converge as we both moan with satisfaction. We stay glued to each other for several minutes until we hear the ricochet of another door opening in the stairway below. We don’t move as we listen and watch each other’s eyes.

  “My Dad, Mom and I have to head back to New York for some business.”


  “Tonight,” he says with frustration in his voice.

  “Okay,” I barely mutter.

  I wasn’t expecting news like this.

  “I don’t know when I’ll be back,” he informs me with pain in his face. “At least a week . . . until just after Father’s Day weekend, but maybe longer.”

  “Ohhh.” My stomach drops.

  “Do you think . . .” he starts, but stops himself.

  “What?” I search.

  “Nothing,” he contends.

  “What?” I press.

  He doesn’t say another word. Joe wraps his arms around me, hugging me, holding me — like he doesn’t want to let go. I consciously take in the feel and scent of him.

  “Promise me you won’t not talk to me,” he pleas after several lengthy kisses.

  “Sure,” I reply.

  “Promise?” he checks.

  “Yes,” I confirm to assure him, sealing the agreement with a kiss.

  A weak smile dances briefly across his face. “Good.” He takes another long look at me before saying, “See you soon, beautiful.”

  “See you soon, Joe.”

  I watching him swiftly pull away and head down the stairs. As he rounds the next flight, our eyes meet and Joe takes a deep breath in before continuing down. My eyes follow him, trying to catch a glimpse, even when he’s officially out of sight.


  As the second week of June begins, I’m home alone with Sadie as Maggie heads back to Henry. Maggie and I had sex a few times after our cycles stopped, but it was never enough for me. I’ve never had that challenge before with her. If anyone can help with the itch, Maggie can, especially after a few intense sessions. Masturbation is not helping either; it only makes me hornier. I need to fuck a man — not just any man. I need to fuck Joe Covelli.

  By the end of the week, I’ve been able to get a lot done with work and the wedding for Maggie, despite the distraction of my itch. I’ve had to masturbate at least two times a day, every day, especially after talking to Joe at night. We talk and text every day since he left, but it’s not enough. Joe’s still in New York and has been bouncing around the country for a few meetings. He tries to coax me into joining him on one of his trips, but I can’t take the risk. The risk of my friends knowing, let alone the risk of being completely and utterly pleasantly distracted by him and his body, not to mention all of the time and attention I have to give to the businesses and the wedding. Having sex with Joe is definitely going to happen. It’s just a matter of when our schedules line up and when we will not be interrupted. Strike another rule off the list.

  It’s now halfway through the third week in June and I’m going crazy. This weekend is Maggie’s bridal shower and Joe has yet to come back. One would think that we’ve already had sex with the way my body is reacting to him not being around. Why didn’t I sleep with him already? I would be on to the next toy by now.

  Jared’s been doing a great job taking over a lot more responsibilities for Naturally Me and he’s hired Pop-Pop as his assistant, teaching him the ropes. They were over yesterday to squeeze in some additional filming so Pop-Pop can see how the show runs and operates. We’ve already had a steady increase in numbers in gross income from the initial launch of the pet division with Sadie. All of the preliminary social media advertising completely paid off. The first month when the soft launch for the pet division occurred back in May boosted our monthly profits by ten percent and they are now up almost fifteen percent for June.

  Maggie’s being doing an awesome job juggling things between Raven Media and her wedding. I keep her up to date on what Brandon, Hannah and I have been doing with the software and what the next steps are once I meet up with the Covellis to sign the paperwork. Maggie has reported that many of the independent contractors were excited to hear the changes that will be made, especially since they will not be losing their jobs. They all will be shifted around to assimilate to new positions that Maggie’s already been training them on as well as being informed that they have an increase in pay coming once the switch occurs. Until the paperwork is officially signed, and the wedding is over, the Covellis and I can’t move forward with moving into a property, however, the Covellis have already begun negotiations with one particular property.

  Nathan has been feverishly working on Chris’, Jimmy’s and Allen’s suits and my dress for the premier. Once Chris heads back to Nathaniel’s for the first official fitting, the Raven Media team assigned to Nathaniel’s can start promoting in advance that Chris will be wearing a custom piece designed by Nathan. Most movie stars don’t advertise in advance who they might be wearing, so I’m a little concerned that Nathan may have promised something to Chris on my behalf. When I ask Nathan about when he needs me for my first fitting he just tells me not yet. I’m not sure what to make of his response, but I’m glad that he isn’t needing me to be there with him right now. I don’t want to run into Chris. The less, I see Chris the better.

  Saturday early morning, Sadie and I are already in San Marino at Kim’s house making sure things are ready for the bridal shower. Henry gladly keeps Maggie occupied since he’s still making up time from not seeing her much even with him being back. Jared and Nathan are already on their way. The caterers are scheduled to arrive within the next thirty minutes to start prepping in the kitchen. Amelia joins us and is a great asset to the team, making sure everything is taken care of and ready.

  Kim has a beautiful home, a house I wouldn’t mind living in. Being a successful naturopath married to a just as successful Chinese medical doctor, with a joint practice, Kim and the Chang family is in want for nothing. There are five bedrooms, four full baths, and two half baths laid out in a spacious rancher style home. Since the weather isn’t supposed to be too hot today, we’re able to have the tables set up on her back patio to entertain and host the bridal shower. With the slightly higher ceiling, adorned with several ceiling fans, she’s able to accommodate the seventy-five guests who are schedule to attend which includes us, Maggie’s family and many of Henry’s family who have stayed since the engagement party or who have recently arrived.

  As the party begins at eleven and doesn’t conclude until almost five, I’m finally able to relax, knocking another maid of honor task off the list. Jared and Nathan help me pack Henry’s car when he arrives to pick up Maggie. Once the caterers are gone and Kim’s maids are halfway done with clean-up, Jared, Nathan, Henry, Maggie and I drop Sadie home and then head out to meet up with Pop-Pop at Katana’s on Sunset for some sushi and sashimi.

  Just as we are seated, my attention is pulled away from Maggie telling me something when Jared shouts out to someone. “Hey man! Welcome back.”

  I do my best to focus on Maggie, but she turns with a perky smile to greet the person who I only see in my peripheral vision. Without needing all the details, I know exactly who it is when my body shivers.

  “We’ve been wondering if we’d lost you to the East Coast,” Jared teases.

  “No, at all,” Joe’s voice announces with a husky tone. “Happy to be back.”

  I rise slowly to greet Joe last out of everyone. “Hey,” I offer casually.

  I’m miffed tha
t Joe’s back, well, just by his impeccable timing. It’s that time of the month — again.

  “Hey yourself,” he returns.

  I can see the restraint in his eyes. It’s taking a lot of willpower for him not to kiss me right now.

  Once everyone settles into their seats, Henry and Joe allow the rest of us to order a spread for everyone to share while we wait for Pop-Pop. Small talk erupts quickly as if no one has been gone.

  “Pop-Pop,” Nathan yells.

  Everyone greets Pop-Pop, and after several hours of dining and conversations, Nathan decides to be funny. “Why don’t we hit up Ayana’s for the night? Huh?”

  “Not funny, Nathan,” I retort.

  “Come on . . .” he presses back.

  “Babe, leave her alone,” Jared jumps to my defense.

  “What’s Ayana’s?” Pop-Pop inquires.

  “A nightclub,” Maggie informs.

  “Ohhh, I’m too old for a night club,” Pop-Pop replies with a chuckle. “But, thanks for asking.”

  “You keep that up and you’ll have to find Chris another date,” I announce sternly.

  “Okay, okay,” Nathan concedes. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’ll have to do better than that,” Jared instructs.

  “I love you, Kitten,” Nathan presents, batting his eyes.

  “That’s nice,” I return coldly.

  “Ouch! I feel the ice all the way over here,” Nathan dramatically declares.

  “Serves you right,” Maggie digs.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, why do you call Emma, Kitten?” Pop-Pop investigates.

  “Because she looked like a cute, little, lost kitten when we first met,” Jared half lies.

  I watch Maggie and Nathan snicker a little.

  “That’s sweet," Pop-Pop replies.

  The other half of the truth of why Jared calls me Kitten is because I’m like a cat when it comes to men. I only want to be touched when I want to be touched. I like affection, but only from certain people. I’m picky, like a cat, in the sense of who I’m willing to talk to and sleep with. I get the itch to be touched and when I’ve had enough, I just walk away without a care in the world.


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