Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set Page 61

by Martha Sweeney

  Before Joe removes is fingers from my body, I lap up his cum. Joe sucks my juice from his fingers as my hand searches for the remainder of his liquid that dripped onto my belly. Our mouths converge our sweet and salty flavors into one glorious feast.

  I reach to get his pants, desperate to have his cock inside me again. My mouth tears the next wrapper and before I get a chance, Joe has the condom halfway down his penis — I grunt my disapproval. Joe quickly makes up for my disappointment when his mouth begins to explore my sex. He swirls his tongue on and around my clitoris, but doesn’t grant me the pleasure of orgasm. Instead, Joe climbs over me and gracefully slides himself in.

  With slow, rhythmic strokes, Joe takes his time. As eager for an orgasm as I am, my body revels in the slow, tantalizing rocking. Each mound inside me is so sensitive that I am thoroughly enjoying the constant stimulation without the immediate release.

  “Mmmmm . . .” he moans after break our lips apart from a kiss. “God . . . You feel so good.”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” I concur.

  I wrap my legs over and around his as he takes hold of the nape of my neck. Joe keeps his eyes on me and they never seem to waiver when mine roll into the back of my head several times. Instinctually, my hips shift, my back arches and my hands grip his biceps as I feel the euphoria building inside.

  Suddenly, the orgasm takes over my body, catapulting me into a dazzling sensation that I have only felt two other times during sex — administered by Joe, of course. My lungs memorably burn just like they did last time as oxygen is temporarily restricted. As I breathe in a fresh batch of air, another orgasm rips through with ease. When my own gasping from pleasure subsides, I hear the remnants of Joe’s release in my ear.

  We lay still — basking in the glow of pure fulfillment and contentedness. Our mouths sweetly dance on and around each other’s, wanting the moment to last for as long as it can.

  At some point, Joe slips out of me and rolls to the side. He sweeps my leg up and over his hip, resting it there before he gently places his hand upon my cheek.

  “God, your beautiful,” he says with an admiring tone.

  I desperately fight the urge, but cannot hide my grin and the reddening that is blossoming on my face.

  “You are,” he warmly confirms. “All of you.” He softly takes my mouth with his.

  “Thanks,” I mutter, keeping my lips to his.

  We lay naked, with our bodies wrapped around each other for a long time. Sadie joins us on the bed at some point, but she gives us space by taking the opposite corner of Joe’s king-sized mattress.

  “Will you stay tonight?” Joe pleas.

  “No,” I object.

  He doesn’t ask again, but the disappoint is noticeable on his face.

  “I’ll stay for a little while,” I confess.

  A small smile bursts onto Joe’s face. He quickly gets up and heads to his closet. Joe returns with something in his hand and tosses one of the articles of clothing in my direction. “Here,” he says.

  I catch the garment and watch him. Joe shrugs his boxer briefs back on and then puts on the shirt he got for himself from the closet. I follow suit, getting my lace underwear out of his pants pocket and toss on the tee shirt he offered.

  “Want some dessert?” Joe asks.

  “I thought we just had some,” I tease.

  “We can have more later, if . . . .”

  “If what?” I search.

  Joe pulls me into him. “If you stay,” he announces.

  “I’m not staying,” I rebut. “But, we could still have more.”

  “Perhaps . . . if you’re good,” he muses.

  “I’m always good,” I quip.

  Joe seizes my mouth with his. “Sometimes.”

  “Always,” I argue. “You’re the one who doesn’t behave.”

  Joe shakes his head in protest, locking his mouth to mine again.

  I accept his concession, even though it really isn’t one.

  Joe and I make our way down the hall and into the kitchen with Sadie on our heels. While Joe spoons out some ice cream, I take a nervous detour into his living room, still not used to hanging out with a guy after sex. How can it be relaxed and awkward at the same time?

  “Ready?” Joe asks, sliding his body behind me.

  “For what?” I play.

  Joe’s free hand slips over my hips and across my belly and a guttural chuckle escapes his throat and into my ear.

  “What’s that?” I question, pointing at something near the piano.

  “What?” Joe responds, not wanting to look with his lips stuck to my neck.

  “That,” I inform.

  Laughing, Joe comments, “A guitar.”

  “I know it’s a guitar,” I reply.

  “Then, why did you ask?”

  “Is it yours?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “You didn’t tell me you play the guitar too,” I accuse.

  “You never asked,” Joe returns, squeezing me tighter around the waist.

  “Huh,” I breathe out.

  “What?” he checks.

  “Nothing.” I turn and give him a wicked smile.


  “Nothing . . .” I remark, seizing his lips. “It just explains your finger dexterity.”

  Keeping his mouth locked to mine, Joe chuckles at my statement. “Really?”

  “Yes,” I seductively answer. “How often do you practice?” I slide out from his grip and move toward the couch.

  “I would hope you would know the answer to that,” Joe says in the sexy voice, following me.

  “No complaints,” I offer with a smile.

  “Good to know,” he replies, gliding his fingers over my sex.

  Fluid drips from my mounds, ready and eager for more of him. “Looks like you made your mind up about having more later,” I lightly pant.

  “Maybe,” he teases, pulling his fingers away and taking the first bite of ice cream.

  My eyes narrow at the removal of his hand from my sex and his attention turning to the ice cream instead. Joe tries to stifle a laugh at my response. He takes another mouthful of ice cream and I lean my head toward him, opening my mouth, hoping he will offer the spoon. He reaches forward with a large scoop, but playfully snatches it away just as the tip of my tongue touches the bottom of the utensil. By Joe’s third attempt to tease me, I get a hold of the spoon with my mouth and keep my jaw clenched around it. Snatching the bowl from him, I run around the couch and into the hall. My bare feet slap against the solid, marble floor as I scurry down the hallway to his bedroom with Sadie close behind. When Joe rounds the corner, I see a devious grin on his face as he nonchalantly walks toward me. I’m able to get two large mouthfuls of the dessert before Joe gets close enough, trapping me between him and the wall.

  “You’re hogging the ice cream,” Joe announces playfully.

  “Serves you right,” I contend.

  Joe presses his body more into mine, blocking me from being able to get more ice cream. Our eyes stay locked as we have a battle of wits. Joe cups my face and lowers his lips to mine, and before I know it, he’s gotten a hold of the spoon. He sticks the spoon in his mouth while trying to get a hold of the bowl. My hands shift it back and forth behind his back, toying with him until he captures both of my forearms. I relinquish the bowl, not wanting to drop it.

  To my surprise, Joe takes a scoop of the chocolatey confection and offers me some. I hesitantly bob my head forward, not sure if he’ll tease me again. Joe gently presses the spoon into my mouth as I reach out a third time, releasing a satisfied moan in my throat. While my mouth manipulates the cold item, Joe takes a bite for himself. It doesn’t take long for the two of us to finish our dessert, obviously both eager for a second helping of each other.

  “Time for my favorite dessert,” Joe announces, taking my hand and pulling me into his bedroom. He places the empty bowl and spoon on his dresser. As if we’re dancing, Joe spins me, cradling my body into his. His mouth finds my ne
ck, his left hand slides up my shirt, cupping my breast and his right hand rubs over my underwear, exciting my clitoris. My body immediately falls under his spell, eager to please and be pleased.

  “Should I make you wait?” he playfully asks, removing his hand from my sex.

  “No,” I object, desperate for his touch. I instinctually move to face him, but he blocks me from turning.

  “Hmmmmm,” he hums into my ear. “Maybe, I should tie you up.”

  “No,” I mildly protest.

  The idea of being tied down excites and frightens me at the same time. He willingly let me tie him up — should I do the same for him?

  “Would you like me to tie you up?” he sinfully inquires. Joe’s hand slides back down between my thighs.

  “I . . . don’t know,” I honestly admit, panting from his seduction.

  Joe spins me to face him and laughs when I grunt my disapproval of his fingers no longer manipulating my body. He studies my face to better understand my reaction and I can feel the heat building in my cheeks.

  The idea of being tied up scares me, mainly for the fact that I wouldn’t have control. I need control — but, the second time when we had sex, he entrapped my arms and I didn’t seem to mind. Do I want it? Can I handle it?

  Joe guides me backward to the bed, stopping just at the edge. He sweetly kisses me with his hands cupping my face again. My hands lift, finding his hips and pulling him closer. Joe briefly peels his lips away and I nervously observe as he removes his shirt. Watching my eyes, Joe’s fingers dance across my skin as he lifts the edge of my shirt and removes it. My hands curl into Joe’s hair as he kisses my skin from my collar bone all the way down to the edges of my panties. With precision, Joe guides my underwear down as his mouth caresses my navel. When he stands back up, I notice that he’s completely naked too.

  Softly placing his right hand on my waist, Joe leans to the left, reaching for another condom from the nightstand drawer. Without speaking, Joe directs me to wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up, delivering me to the bed on my back. I curiously watch him, trying to understand his intent.

  With the condom on, Joe’s body hovers over mine. My legs graze his, desperate for as much contact as I can get. Joe bends down, offering his lips to mine, but prevents his chest and groin from touching me. As my hands cup his face and curl into his hair, Joe allows me to touch him for only a brief moment. He gently takes hold of my wrists, pinning them against the bed above my head with his right hand.

  Instinctually, I tug, wanting to know the limits he’s giving me. Mixed emotions bubble inside, aware that my hands won’t budge.

  Joe shifts his weight, lowering himself closer. With the softest, sincere expression, he delivers his mouth to mine, letting them stay connected for a long while. A gasp escapes my throat when I feel him breech my rim, pushing just the tip of his head in. Once all the way in, Joe’s thrusts are slow, long and deep.

  Suddenly, he removes himself from my cave and an uncontrollable grunt of disapproval emanates from me. Before I get the chance to complain, I feel Joe’s left hand circling my nub.

  “No,” I whine.

  He slips several fingers in and my body shivers from the penetration. Back and forth his appendages manipulate my sex, heightening my arousal despite the fact that I yearn for his cock. He slips in at least another finger, giving a fuller sensation. My hips dance as he continues his pursuit.

  I whimper frustration when Joe removes his hand from my sex — relief is so close upon me. When he offers his wet fingers to my mouth, I greedily take them, pressing me teeth into his skin firmly enough to make my frustrations known. Laughing, Joe adds his tongue next to my mouth and I immediately grant him access. His hand cups my face as he passionately kisses me. My mouth breaks free only for a second when he inserts himself back in, resuming the lackadaisical pulsing as if purposefully torturing me and denying complete satisfaction.

  My arms tug repeatedly to be free, only because the torture of not being able to touch him drives me crazy. Momentum begins to build inside me, and as if able to read my thoughts, Joe pushes deeper, harder without pulling out as far. In no time, the orgasm springs to life inside me, drenching his cock.

  Without breaking his stride, Joe’s thrusts continue, pressing more firmly into me. My hands grip the blankets above my head as my only attempt to steady myself for the ride. My hips rise slightly for a different angle, allowing my legs to support me better. Sensitive from all of the stimulation, my body explodes with another orgasm, causing my lungs to heave and burn.

  Joe’s rhythmic pulses don’t falter when his left hand rests on my waist. As he pushes inside of me, he pulls down on my hip, ensuring maximum penetration. Within seconds, another release erupts inside of me, stinging my chest when I breathe in for air. The pleasure continues to rile through me when I feel Joe’s organ stiffen. My body convulses and moans as I gulp for an even flow of oxygen while Joe sighs his release into my neck. Our eyes sparkle with a little moisture as we stare at each other. We lay still, for how long I’m not sure, until I suddenly realize that I have use of my arms again.

  “That was . . . .”

  “Intense?” I speculate.

  “Yes, but I was going to say, amazing,” Joe finishes.

  “That too,” I confirm.

  “It didn’t bother you?”

  “What?” I check.

  Joe bites his lip and gives me a look before taking my hand and lifting it to his mouth.

  “No,” I offer.

  Surprisingly, I didn’t bother me in the way I expected it to. In fact, it honestly turned me on.

  With a pleased smile, Joe comments, “Figured I owed you a little . . . since you tied me up.”

  “Really?” I bait.

  “Good to know you enjoyed it,” he confidently states.

  My eyes lower and heat rushes to my face.

  “What else do you like?” he searches with tenderness in his voice.

  My gaze darts to him, not expecting the question, and then quickly moves away. “I think that’s it for tonight,” I deflect, rolling to a seated position.

  “I’m sorry,” Joe sweetly offers.

  “It’s okay,” I remark quickly. “I should get going. It’s late and . . . .” I shift to stand up, but Joe curls his arms around my waist. I let him keep a hold of me for a few seconds, reassuring him that we’re good.

  We don’t say anything as we get dressed. It isn’t awkward, but it isn’t comfortable either for both of us — I can tell by the express on his face. When we get to his front door, I can see the desire written on his face. Joe wants to ask me to stay, but he already knows my answer.

  “I’m glad you came over,” he nervously announces, blocking me temporarily from the exit.

  With the softest expression I can conjure, I say, “Me too.” I step into his body, place my hand on his cheek and kiss him.

  Joe’s hands are quick to take my waist, securing a prolonged embrace. “I’ll keep practicing,” he comments.

  “Don’t think you need it,” I devilishly admit.

  Joe chuckles and lifts a brow. “Can I walk you ladies home?”

  I mull over the idea for a second and agree to his request.

  Fifty Seven

  By Friday afternoon, Maggie and Henry are back and they have invited everyone over for lunch tomorrow at the new house. Excited to see her, I quickly reply and make arrangements with Joe for a ride. I wonder if Maggie’s going to confirm and announce the pregnancy — she must be if she’s having everyone over.

  Early Saturday morning, Joe and I arrive at Maggie’s and Henry’s new home in San Marino. The place is exquisite and practically the same size as Mr. and Mrs. Wú’s house — I mean Henry’s parents’ house. Henry and Maggie are the new Mr. and Mrs. Wú.

  Maggie gives me a private tour of the house while we wait for a few more people to arrive. The house was a gift from Henry’s parents. Maggie and Henry didn’t find out about it until the night of their rehearsal din

  “It’s official,” Maggie beams, closing the door to her two-story walk-in closet just after we enter.

  “What is?”

  “Kim confirmed it yesterday. I am definitely pregnant,” she clues me in.

  “Congratulations,” I say, smiling from ear to ear and hugging her.

  “Are you telling everyone today?”

  “No, not until I’m three months,” she explains.

  “Why are you going to wait?” I say shocked.

  Maggie is not one to keep a secret, even her own.

  “To make sure . . .” her voice trails.

  “Make sure what?” I question, not understanding.

  I don’t have a clue when it comes to this topic. My brain fogged over when Amy and Kim were pregnant.

  “That everything will be good with the baby. There are risks, you know . . .” she says with a hint of worry in her voice.

  “Is everything okay?” I check.

  “Oh, yes. Everything is fine. I just really want to make sure before we tell the rest of the family,” she explains with more energy.

  “Okay,” I agree.

  I think she may be a little concerned about what the family may think if she announces she’s pregnant already.

  “How did Henry react?” I search, wanting to keep her positive.

  “He was . . . beyond happy!” she jubilantly shares with tears forming in her eyes.

  “You okay, Mags?”

  “Yeah . . .” she sniffs. “Hormones, you know.”

  I nod as we embrace.

  Maggie and I end up standing closer to each other and holding hands as she shows me the rest of the house — we can’t seem to stop smiling over the excitement and happiness swirling around us.

  When we head back to our friends and family, Maggie and I find that everyone has finally arrived. Now, it’s just a matter of lunch being ready for our extremely large family; Jared, Nathan, Pop-Pop, Maggie’s family, Mr. and Mrs. Wú, a few of the Wús who have yet to go back to China, Joe and me.


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