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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 103

by Martha Sweeney

  “True,” Jimmy comments.

  “Not when it’s your best friend’s girlfriend and he was downstairs waiting for you to have dinner,” Henry blurts a little heatedly.

  Silence falls upon the group for several long seconds.

  “I knew Joe was a kinky motherfucker after the other night,” Jared bellows. “But, Henry? Holy shit!”

  “Please,” I beg. “No more.”

  The eight of us look around at each other, not sure where to continue from there at the moment.

  “So, Emma . . . are you coming back to our place, or is Joe going to your hotel room?” Jimmy searches with a smirk.

  “Hotel room,” Joe answers. With a grin, he looks at Jared, revealing his intent. “Alone.”

  One Hundred Eleven

  I wake to Joe’s naked body encasing mine and Sadie on my legs. It’s still odd to me that I sleep more when Joe is present. Joe’s grip tightens around me as I shift to allow my arm a better angle so it doesn’t fall asleep. Sadie realizes that I’m awake and nuzzles her way up to my chin.

  “What time is it?” Joe inquires, kissing the back of my head.

  “Just after six,” I inform.

  “Plenty of time before we see my parents,” he says, rolling us so he’s on top of me.

  “Do we really need to see them?” I ask, evading his lips.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Joe questions with a little concern. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No,” I huff. “It’s just . . . .”

  “What, beautiful?”

  “I don’t know,” I answer, shrugging my shoulders. “It’s just weird.”

  “What is?”

  “Having brunch with them just to tell them about . . . us,” I confess.

  Joe runs his fingers along the side of my face. “Do you think they won’t be happy for us?”

  “No,” I breathe out.

  “Then, what?”

  “This . . . this whole thing is weird, you know? I’ve never done this before and . . .” my voice fades.

  With a sweet chuckle, Joe questions, “And, you don’t think how it came out yesterday wasn’t weird?”

  “No,” I confirm. “It was definitely weird. How do they not know already? I would have guessed Jimmy would have said something.”

  “I told Jimmy not to say anything and that we planned on telling them ourselves,” Joe comments.

  “Oh,” I sigh.

  Joe lowers his lips to mine. “It’s okay, beautiful. I know this is new for you, but remember . . . I’ll be there with you the whole time.”

  The left corner of my mouth tucks up in an attempt of a smile.

  “This is new for me too,” Joe admits.

  My brows furrow.

  “Remember,” Joe laughs. “I haven’t really ever had a girlfriend . . . especially one who really knows my parents let alone gets introduced to them in that way.” Joe’s mouth touches my neck. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I’ve got a great way to calm your nerves.”

  I try to protest, but Joe is very persuasive with his mouth — especially when he heads between my thighs.

  My attention is brought back to reality when I hear Sadie yawn. “Shit!” I yell.

  “What?” Joe asks.

  “I’ve got to feed Sadie and take her out,” I say, trying to get out of bed.

  Joe’s hands hold my hips to keep me in place. “No need,” he replies, returning his tongue to my clit.

  “What?” I moan.

  “I gave Anna a key to the room. She came in about a half hour ago,” Joe reveals.

  “What?” I gasp. The use of his mouth is slightly distracting. “You mean, she came in here while we were naked?”

  “You were covered. We both were covered,” Joe mentions nonchalantly.

  “What?” my voice shrieks.

  “Why is this such a surprise to you, Emma?” Joe says laughing.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” I return.

  “No,” Joe answers calmly. “Anna’s done it every time you've been to my place.”

  The truth of the situation hits me. How could I not have realized it? I’m comfortable in my own skin, but the idea of Anna having to see me naked is a little unnerving. As private as I claim to be, I guess my life isn’t that private with Anna and the bodyguards.

  “Hey,” Joe calls, pulling me from my thoughts. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I confirm. “I just never really thought of it, I guess. I feel bad.”

  “Bad about what?”

  “Anna possibly seeing me naked each time and all,” I mention.

  “It’s inevitable when you have people working for you in your own home,” Joe comments. “That’s why we’re very particular about who we hire as well as the need for the NDAs. If it makes you that uncomfortable, we can speak to her if you’d like.”

  “No,” I object. “It’s okay.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah,” I affirm. “But . . . a little distraction wouldn’t hurt.”

  Joe grins as he heads back down to his previous task.

  He gives me two orgasms to his one in the bed and then we continue our sex-capade in the shower. We get dressed and make our way out to our bodyguards who are waiting for us in the valet area. They help with my bags as Joe, Sadie and I climb in — I’ll be staying with Joe for my last two nights in New York.

  “Emma, darling,” Mrs. Covelli greets with open arms, kissing me on the cheek. “It’s so nice of you to join us this morning. I wasn’t sure we’d get to see you before you leave. I thought you’d be resting after all of the excitement from yesterday.”

  “Of course I’d say my farewell,” I share. “Besides, I’m not leaving for two days.”

  “Wonderful,” Mr. Covelli states, leaning in to greet me. “We’re happy to have you.”

  The four of us get settled in the Covelli sitting room around a small, round table. Sadie perches herself underneath it between Joe and me. One of the maids begins pouring beverages as our conversation continues.

  “That was a fabulous show yesterday, Emma,” Mrs. Covelli praises. “Nathan and those designs have been all over the news, and Melanie and Giorgio have been speaking to their friends in the industry ever since the show ended. I heard from Giorgio himself that he was very impressed. If I’m not mistaken, they’ll be flying to California within the week, having several of their friends who couldn’t make it to the show to see the line in person at Nathaniel’s.”

  “That’s correct,” I affirm. “Nathan texted this morning.”

  “Aside from the success of the show, I don’t doubt he’s even more excited for the engagement,” Mrs. Covelli continues. “Have they decided if it’ll be sooner or later?”

  “No,” I giggle. “I don't think they’ve had a moment to really discuss it much. I’m sure we’ll hear something soon. I’ll make sure you’re one of the first to know.”

  “Thank you,” Mrs. Covelli comments. “Pop-Pop looked dashing yesterday as did Ms. Sadie.” Elaine looks under the table to see Sadie who happily accepts the affection she’s offering. Five seconds later, Mrs. Covelli’s head suddenly jerks up.

  I can tell by the expression on Mrs. Covelli’s face that she saw something under the table that pleased her a great deal.

  “What’s got you smiling like that, my love?” Mr. Covelli asks, interested in his wife’s heightened mood.

  “Nothing, dear,” Mrs. Covelli replies, winking at Joe and me.

  “Now I know you’re fibbing,” Mr. Covelli chuckles. “Out with it, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t,” she replies. “It’s not my news to tell.” She takes a bite from the fruit bowl in front of her.

  Mr. Covelli looks back and forth between her, Joe and me, clearly trying to discover what’s happening. “Well, someone tell me,” he commands.

  Without saying a word, Joe lifts our joined hands from under the table, turning it so he can kiss the back of mine.

  Mr. Covelli stares at us in shock for a second as
a joyous expression emerges on his face. Mrs. Covelli sits quietly, watching and waiting to see what will happen next.

  “Did you know about this?” Mr. Covelli questions Mrs. Covelli as he stands.

  “I just noticed it now, dear,” Mrs. Covelli confirms.

  Mr. Covelli walks around the table and hugs Joe when he stands. “I’m so happy for you, son.” A single tear rolls down his cheek.

  “Thanks, dad,” Joe says with his voice getting a little choked up.

  That’s the first time I’ve ever heard Joe call his father dad.

  Before I’m completely standing, Mr. Covelli has his arms wrapped around me while Mrs. Covelli bounces around the table to join us.

  “Mary,” Mrs. Covelli calls.

  Mary, one of the maids, is quick to enter the room. “Yes, Mrs. Covelli?”

  “We need a bottle of champagne,” Mrs. Covelli directs.

  “Yes, Mrs. Covelli,” Mary quickly replies before hurrying off.

  “This is fantastic,” Mrs. Covelli sings. “How long have you two been dating? I can’t believe you haven’t told us, Joseph.”

  “Just recently, mom,” Joe admits.

  “How recently?” Mrs. Covelli begins. “Wait. Don’t answer that. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you two are finally an item.”

  “I’m sorry?” I ask, catching her choice of words.

  “Oh, Emma,” she hums. “Do you honestly think that we didn’t see the flirting between you two, let alone suspect something?”

  My mouth opens, but fails to utter a word.

  Joe pulls me close, kissing my temple.

  “When your mother mentioned the possibility to me, Joseph, I honestly didn’t see it at first,” Mr. Covelli states. “It didn’t take long after she pointed out a few things.”

  “Women can see things before men,” Mrs. Covelli teases, returning to her seat.

  Right after we’re all seated, Mary pours the champagne.

  Mr. Covelli holds up his glass first and the three of us are quick to follow. “Welcome to the family, Emma. We’re happy to have you.”

  The three of them take a sip while I watch them.

  “You okay, beautiful?” Joe asks softly in my ear.

  “Mmm hmm,” I answer, sipping my glass until it’s practically empty.

  “Thanks, dad,” Joe heckles.

  “What?” Mr. Covelli inquires.

  “You’re going to scare her away, John,” Mrs. Covelli scolds.

  “How?” Mr. Covelli asks, clearly not understanding my reaction.

  “It’s okay,” I soothe, coughing from the tingling in the back of my throat from the champagne. “Really.”

  Joe’s hand squeezes mine lightly and I return the gesture while looking at him.

  The rest of our meal has nothing but smiles from Joe’s parents and thankfully they don’t pry for too many more details about our relationship and how it came about. Mr. Covelli did mention a few times, as discretely as he could, about the excitement of an engagement between Joe and myself. Each time he brought it up, it was while I was taking a bite of food or a drink, causing me to almost choke.

  One Hundred Twelve

  Back in California, everyone’s attention is pulled to work while Henry and Joe get ready to begin their final semester of their MBA classes. Maggie and the team have everything under control with Raven Media, giving me more free time — too much free time. Nathan and Jared are extremely busy between Nathaniel’s and Naturally Me. The buzz around their engagement at the show just adds more attention to the businesses which is exciting and exhausting at the same time.

  When we’re at Nathaniel’s discussing business with a celebrity client, the media continues to speculate on whether or not Joe and I are dating from footage at the show in New York. Later that night, a photo of Joe and me at Nathaniel’s is the hot topic for the press on television and online. Their assumptions about our relationship are confirmed with a variety of photos of Joe and me embracing each other, holding hands and then kissing when we’re in public or through the windows at Nathaniel’s.

  With February almost here, the Californian winter is almost done, teasing us with warm, sixty to seventy degree days and cool nights. I’m grateful to be back home, not missing the East Coast and its chilly weather.

  Since I’ve had more free time from business with shifting half of the ownership and the majority of the daily operational control to Jared with Naturally Me, and the way Maggie and the team are handling all things Raven Media, I’ve started to consider what my next venture will be. I’m not sure what industry I’m interested in, but I’m reviewing choices for the next business or investment to be technology based since there’s low overhead.

  Today, I’m going over to Joe’s to discuss my future business options — I don’t doubt he’ll want to do another joint venture since the arrangements and profits for Raven Media have been steadily climbing since the release of the new and improved Raven Media. All of the advertising and marketing has paid off, especially because both Nathaniel’s and all of the Covelli’s businesses are allowing Raven Media to openly state that they are clients. It doesn’t hurt that Raven Media was a proud sponsor of Nathan’s runway show either.

  When Anna answers the door, I quickly raise my finger to my mouth to signal her not to verbally greet me.

  Anna smiles and nods, squatting to give Sadie some affection. “He’s in the office on a business call, Ms. Emma,” she replies, keeping her voice low.

  “Do you have any errands to make?” I ask.

  There’s hesitancy in her face as she studies me for a moment. “Is everything okay, Ms. Emma?”

  “Yes,” I confirm with a smile.

  With a grin, Anna states, “Just text me when it’s safe to come back.”

  “Sure,” I agree.

  “I just need to grab my purse and then I’ll be on my way,” Anna informs.

  I lock the front door right behind Anna a minute later. Taking a deep breath, I spin on my toes and proceed to stride down the marble hallway with defined, confident steps. There’s no backing out of this now. Rounding the corner to the second hallway where Joe’s office is, I can hear his voice increasing in volume. Heat on my neck sends shivers down my spine just as I approach the open door. Before I even come to a complete pause at the doorway, I watch Joe’s expression change from his typical, serious and deep-in-thought business expression to elation at the sight of me.

  He starts to round his desk, clearly wanting to greet me as he indicates he’ll only be about five more minutes. I hold up my hand and shake my head to get him to stop. Joe’s expression changes to confusion when I gesture for him to sit down. I point to his chair again and mouth sit to press my instructions. Though he’s still unsure of what is going on, Joe complies while greeting Sadie who has rushed to him. I reach for the door and close it behind me, locking it — just in case.

  Joe watches me like a hawk as I take a few steps toward his desk and gently place my purse on one of the chairs across from him. I drag the fingers of my left hand across the top of the sleek, dark mahogany wood as I round the right corner, gracefully stepping towards him. One of Joe’s eyebrows lifts when I stop at the far edge closest to him. He reaches his right hand towards me, but I non-verbally refuse. I see the worry in his eyes, so I give him a reassuring smile as I indicate with my hand for him not to hang up the phone. Joe cocks his head slightly, not that he didn’t understand my instructions, but because he’s still puzzled by my actions. We usually exchange a kiss or two even if one of us is on the phone.

  Once he sits, I take in a deep breath before resuming my plan of attack. I deliberately, and very slowly, slide my hands up my thighs, pulling my dress up to where the edge stops just above my mid-thigh. Joe’s head bends a little further as if he’s trying to get a better view while his eyes dart back and forth between my hands and my face. Controlling myself to the best of my ability, I take a small step to the right and reach under my dress, tugging at my thong ever so gently.
As my hands lower, I bend at the waist, tipping my upper body toward him, revealing more of my cleavage. The hem of my dress trace the steps of my hands, so Joe doesn’t realize what I’m doing until my panties suddenly gather at my ankles.

  I purposefully don’t move for a second or two as I watch him squirm in his seat. Joe’s body moves like he’s about to stand up, but I gesture again, more insistently this time that he stays seated. I question his understanding with a look and Joe nods in agreement. After waiting for a second or two, I carefully lift each foot, releasing them from the hold of my underwear. Bending at the waist again, I gradually pick up my thong with the index and thumb of my left hand and methodically slide my arm over his desk. With a faint swoosh, my panties fall and land on a pad of paper that is just outside of Joe’s reach. Joe releases a low groan when they land.

  We exchange glances for a moment and I nonchalantly shrug my shoulders before taking a step toward him. On my second step, Joe reaches for me, but I pull back preventing his touch.

  “Yes,” Joe answers in a gruff tone.

  I wag my finger at his attempt.

  “Yes,” Joe repeats, clearing his throat.

  It takes me a second to realize that he’s answering the person on the other end of the phone. I’ve ignored his conversation this entire time, almost forgetting that he was on a business call.

  Joe shifts in his seat, resting further back into his chair, like he’s submitting to my command. I take another two steps toward him until I’m standing with my ass rubbing up against the desk. Joe shifts again and I’m able to see his bulging erection. Pleased with the response I’m getting from him, I lean forward slightly as I shimmy my rear on top of the edge of the desk. Joe lifts an eyebrow when I place my feet on both ends of the armrests of his chair, causing my dress to slide up my thighs, but not enough to reveal my naked sex. Teasing, I open and close my legs several times, eventually leaving them wide open.

  “Yes . . .” Joe coughs out. “I agree that it could be a considerably beneficial new angle for the company.” His head tilts as if that’s going to help him see up my dress better.


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