Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

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Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set Page 107

by Martha Sweeney

  “Joe,” I answer.

  “Oh,” Jade replies.

  All the ladies, except for Jade and me giggle.

  “Told you, Nǎinai is never wrong,” Amy teases, waiving her finger at me.

  Nǎinai smacks my shoulder when I roll my eyes in response.

  “If this is pick on Emma day,” I announce. “I’m leaving.”

  “I’m never wrong,” Nǎinai states soundly.

  “Technically, you are,” I challenge. “I don’t have a husband and I don’t have a child.”

  “I didn’t say they would all happen within the year,” Nǎinai counters in Mandarin. “You are on the right path for them to happen.” She smiles confidently.

  “We’re only dating,” I remind them.

  “Awww,” Maggie sighs.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You said dating as if it’s nothing,” she comments.

  “So, when did you two start shacking up?” Nǎinai blurts in English.

  “Mama,” Mŭqīn scolds. “Language.”

  “Please,” Nǎinai replies. “We both know these girls haven't been virg. . . . .”

  “Nǎinai,” Maggie calls sternly, patting her belly. Her eyes dart to Jade. “Young ears.”

  “What does shacking up mean?” Jade checks.

  “Dating,” Kim returns quickly. “It means dating. Right, Nǎinai?”

  “Right,” Nǎinai confirms with a wink.

  “Since my wedding,” Maggie announces.

  “Maggie,” I call.

  “What?” she remarks. “They know already.”

  “Then, why . . . ?” I start.

  “We want to hear it directly from you,” Kim confirms.

  “We’re happy for you, Emma,” Nǎinai consoles in Mandarin.

  “Honestly. You’re officially one of us now,” Amy announces.

  I stare at them wide-eyed, not sure what to say.

  “Does dating mean you guys kiss like mommy and daddy?” Jade poses.

  I take a deep breath in.

  “Yes,” Maggie answers.

  Jade giggles, prompting the rest of us to join her.

  The room goes silent until we get all of the dishes, utensils, pots, pans and food out to start making the meals for both the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s meals. Jade starts talking excitedly about what’s been happening with her new friends in school. Conversations fade in and out throughout the day as we shift around the kitchen making each item that will be served just with our large family which takes us late into the evening. At different points in the day, the women ask me about things regarding my relationship with Joe. I know this is what they usually do amongst themselves, but it’s still very foreign when it comes to me. I think they’re enjoying making me uncomfortable, but I know it’s surrounded by love, which makes it a little easier to digest.

  I text Joe when I’m on my way back to Pasadena. He’s at my place waiting just outside my door when I arrive.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he greets, pulling me into him.

  “Hey,” I reply when our lips part slightly.

  “Long day?” he checks.

  “You wouldn’t believe,” I state.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “Just tired from the day . . . lots of questions and comments.”

  “About what?” he inspects.

  I glare at him with the are you kidding me look.

  “Us?” he asks innocently.

  “Yep,” I affirm.


  “Really,” I repeat. “Nǎinai even had the balls to ask me when we first started shacking up.”

  A laugh roars from Joe’s belly.

  “It’s not funny,” I say. “Stop laughing.”

  “I’m sorry, beautiful,” he replies. “What else did they ask or say?”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know,” I return. “And, they were keeping it pretty clean with Jade there. It was horrible. Let’s just hope that they don’t do it again tomorrow.”


  “Yeah,” I confirm. “At New Year’s Eve dinner, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember,” he says, kissing my temple. “Do you really think they’ll ask or say more?”

  “You never know with them,” I reply with a serious tone.

  Joe laughs, opening the door.

  Once we’re inside and in the bathroom getting ready for the night, Joe makes a comment. “You know you’ve got food in your hair?” He reaches behind my left ear and tries to get it out.

  “I’m not surprised,” I reply, taking off my shirt. “I usually end up with something in it or on me.”

  “Are you rinsing off?”

  “Yeah,” I answer. “Why?”

  “I’ll join you,” he returns with a smile, taking off his pants.

  “I don’t know if I have the energy,” I mention.

  “Shh,” he hushes me sweetly.

  The next day, the family acts pretty normal when we’re all together for New Year’s Eve. A few side comments here and there about Joe and me are shared, but nothing major, which I greatly appreciate. At some point in the evening, I excuse myself to use the bathroom. When I get back, I watch my family from the crook of the doorway. My eyes bounce from person to person as they interact and I can’t help but smile at all of them. Jared and Nathan seem even more happy now that they are getting married and the entire family is excited and happy for them — Nǎinai made a point to remind us all that she predicted it last year. When my gaze falls upon Maggie, I notice how she’s glowing; radiating with love. She’s constantly touching her belly in one form or another as if she’s checking to make sure the baby is still there. The children are playing on the floor with Sadie and I notice myself getting a little sentimental — wishing that I was with Brittany, Leslie, Celia, Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson right now — and my parents. Before I dare to move from my perched bliss, my attention finds Joe staring back at me. Is he watching me watch them?

  Too embarrassed that I got caught eves-dropping in a way, I head back over to my seat next to Joe. He takes my hand, guiding me to sit on his lap. A wave of nervousness floods my stomach, suddenly acutely aware of our affection with everyone around us and feeling like they’re now watching me. I fight through my hesitation and lower myself on him, much like Maggie is perched on Henry’s lap.

  For New Year’s day, Joe and I meet up with everyone back at Mŭqīn’s and Fŭqīn’s for lunch before we make our way to the parade. This year, the sun is out and it’s much warmer, allowing us to not have to wear jackets.

  “Happy anniversary,” Joe whispers into my ear as he stands behind me with his hands on my hips.

  “What?” I question nervously.

  “A year ago, technically it was . . . nine days ago, but I didn’t want to freak you out,” Joe explains. “So, I figured I’d be safe saying something today since the anniversary can fall on the holiday like it did.”

  “It’s not an anniversary,” I say timidly.

  “It is for me,” he confirms. “It’s the day you stole my heart when you walked up to the library. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. I still can’t, beautiful.”

  I nudge him with my hip, unsure of how to respond.

  “I remember how beautiful you looked,” Joe continues. “And, how nervous I was.”

  “You? Nervous?” I check.

  “Yes,” he chuckles, kissing me. “I was mesmerized by you, especially when I saw you smile . . . I couldn’t breathe. I was barely able to speak because you distracted me so much.”

  I turn my head to look at him better. “You sounded fine.”

  “You were the first woman to make me not sure of what to say,” he adds. “Which terrified me and exhilarated me at the same time.”

  “Is that why you were so quiet?” I tease.

  With a grin, he says, “A little.” He lowers is lips to mine. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” I ask.

  “For everything,” he answers. “For being
you and for being with me.”

  I smile, kissing him because I’m not sure what to say.

  One Hundred Fifteen

  A few days after the holiday, as I’m lounging in Joe’s bed, he calls to me with the sexy voice, “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey, yourself,” I tease. “What do you want?”

  “I just wanted to make sure that you keep next Thursday open. Jared and Maggie confirmed there’s nothing listed for either Naturally Me or Raven Media,” he presents.

  “Why?” I inquire, studying him.

  “Because,” he returns, kissing my nose. “I haven’t officially taken you on a date since we’ve announced our relationship to our friends and family, and . . . .”

  “And?” I ask, nervous by the smirk on his face.

  “And, it’s Valentine’s Day,” he mentions.

  “I don’t do holidays. You know that,” I challenge, getting up and heading to the bathroom.

  “You do for the Chinese New Year and a few others, even if it’s low key,” he presents.

  “Not holidays like the one you just mentioned,” I challenge.

  “Well, you do now,” Joe comments, following me.


  “Really,” he confirms.

  “How so?”

  “It’s a day for lo . . . .”

  “A day for what?” I ask, pushing to see what he was going to say.

  “It’s a day for people who are in relationships,” he recovers. “And, I want to officially take you out on a date.”

  “No,” I reply.

  “Why not?”

  “We’ve already had a date,” I remind.

  “A date you denied was even a date,” Joe reminds. “Besides, we weren’t technically dating then and we are now.”

  “So,” I counter.

  “So,” Joe continues. “I want to take the woman I’m with out for the night and it just so happens to be on a holiday.”

  “You can go,” I tease. “But, I won’t be there.”

  “Yes, you will,” Joe declares, pinning me against the wall.

  “What are you going to do?” I charge. “Tie me up until Thursday?”

  “If I have to, yes,” Joe verifies.

  “Yeah,” I giggle. “I’d like to see you try.”

  Two seconds later, Joe has my hands secure above my head and is using his body to hold me against the wall. He dives his tongue into my mouth several times before it works its magic on my neck. “I’ll refuse to let you cum,” he announces, grazing my sex with his fingers.

  “I . . . can,” I gulp, “. . . please myself.”

  “Not if I have B.O.B. and his friends hostage,” he chuckles. Joe spins me around to face the wall.

  My arousal fully returns even though we just finished having sex twenty minutes ago.

  He positions my arms behind my back, holding them by the wrists. A sting on my left butt cheek catches me off guard, forcing me to suck in some air. Another blow is administered to my right, hardening my nipples. His fingers brush against my burning skin, soothing it pleasantly before a third smack is provided. Joe kneels behind me, using his tongue to tantalize my sex, bringing me close to orgasm with each strike to my rear. Right as I’m about to orgasm, Joe stops.

  “Fuuuuuuuck,” I whimper as my legs shake.

  Joe announces his enjoyment with a wicked laugh. “Do you want to cum, beautiful?”

  “Yes,” I moan.

  Joe swirls his tongue in the right location, causing my release to rise, but never letting it surface.

  “Fuuuuuuuuuck,” I groan.

  He stands up, placing his lips against my ear. A finger or two slips into my wetness. “Do you want a taste?”

  “Yes,” I breathe out, opening my mouth.

  Joe’s sticks his fingers close to my lips but pulls away just as I’m about to get a lick.

  “Please,” I whine.

  “No,” he comments, sucking his fingers.

  “Please,” I beg.

  “If you’re going to cum,” he states, taunting me. “You need to agree to Thursday.”

  “No,” I protest, not wanting to surrender so easily.

  God, I love his sex games and banter.

  Joe slips his fingers back inside and my eyes flutter. I growl my disapproval when he removes his hand after several strokes.

  “Yes,” Joe repeats.

  “No,” I weakly mutter.

  “Yes,” he hums, penetrating me again. “Say it with me.”

  “No,” I challenge.

  “Yes,” he coaxes, flicking his fingers.

  “Nooooo,” I whimper.

  “Yes,” he replies with the authoritative voice.

  My head shakes as I swallow hard.

  “Yes,” he repeats.

  “Okay,” I whimper.

  “What?” he searches with a chuckle.

  “Okay . . . yes,” I confirm.

  Suddenly, Joe’s cock is deep inside me, thrusting only about ten times before my climax hits me like a tidal wave. My arms pull to be free, but Joe continues to confine them while pumping.

  “Say it again,” he says, asking more than demanding.

  “Yes,” I gulp. “Yes.”

  He releases my hands and holds my hips as he presses more firmly into me.

  “Fuck, Joooooe,” I moan as I orgasm again.

  About twenty seconds later, Joe groans his release.

  It takes us a minute or two to collect ourselves.

  “You can’t use sex to get me to agree with you,” I state.

  “Yes, I can,” Joe answers with a smile and kiss.

  “No, you can’t,” I argue.

  “If you can, so can I,” Joe challenges.

  “No,” I counter before his lips take mine.

  “Mm hm,” Joe hums into my mouth.

  My head shakes in opposition.

  “It’s a date,” Joe announces, pecking me on the lips.

  “Fine,” I whine. “But, no more using sex.”

  “Okay,” Joe agrees quickly. “As long as you agree.”

  I growl my disapproval. “It’s not fair. You don’t play fair,” I charge.

  “You’ve used sex to get what you want from me,” he returns.

  “Only to get sex . . . not deliberately to have you agree with me or do something I wanted you to do,” I share.

  Joe studies me for a moment like he’s considering my argument. “I’m sorry,” he says sweetly. “We don’t have to go out.”

  “No,” I bark.

  Joe looks at me funny.

  “I agreed and that’s fine, but . . .” I loose my train of thought when I see a pained expression on his face.

  “I’m sorry, beautiful,” he repeats.

  “I know,” I soothe, kissing his palm.

  “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t really want to . . . I just . . . .”

  “I know,” I reply, cutting him off. “I . . . just ask me. It might take me some time, but you know I’ll come around when you present your reasons,” I say, stopping as I try to find the right words to explain more.

  “You’re right,” he states. “Will you join me for a date on Thursday? Regardless of what day it is?”

  I smile sweetly, wanting him to know we’re good. “Yes.”

  “You sure?” he checks.

  “If a woman says yes, Joe, she means it,” I share.

  “Thank you,” he says, beaming with excitement.

  “Just . . .” I start, waiting for his attention.

  “Just what?”

  “Just, nothing too crazy, okay?” I ask. “I want to enjoy it . . . enjoy you. Just don’t go crazy where you know I’ll panic, okay?”

  “Okay, beautiful,” he confirms. “Thank you.” He kisses me repeatedly.

  One Hundred Sixteen

  The next couple of days after agreeing to a date with Joe for Valentine’s Day find me anxious. Holidays with Maggie, Jared and Nathan are easy. We keep things simple, even with Maggie’s family, whe
re our attention is focused more on spending time with each other rather than the full need to buy gifts just because, not because of guilt, need or obligation. If someone gives something, it’s small and from the heart. With Joe, I have the distinct notion that it may not be the same even though I’ve asked him to keep it low key.

  Today, Maggie and I are hanging out at her house while Joe and Henry attend their MBA class. We’ve scheduled a little mini spa day together, having the massage therapists come to us along with a facial, manicure and pedicure. I was waxed this morning, so I can relax and really enjoy my pampering.

  “Hey, Mags,” I call while we have our pedicures, which are our last treatment.

  “Yeah, Em?” she returns.

  “Can I ask you something?” I say apprehensively.

  “Of course. What is it?” she returns.

  “Promise you won’t laugh,” I preempt.

  “Why would I laugh?” she asks confused by my statement.

  “I don’t know,” I sigh. “It’s . . . this question I have is something new and foreign to me . . . and . . . .”

  “Emma,” she says sweetly, cutting me off. “It’s me you’re talking to.”

  I take a large breath in. “What do you get a man as a gift?”

  With a grin, Maggie asks, “What do you mean?”

  “You know,” I say. “For . . . for Valentine’s Day?”

  “This is so much fun,” she remarks with a scary sparkle in her eye.

  “Forget that I asked,” I instruct.

  “What? Why?”

  “You’re enjoying this too much,” I present.

  “No,” she returns. “I’m excited because I get to finally help you with a guy thing rather than you help me. I’m happy to help. Please, let me.”

  My lips press into a timid smile. “What do they like to get? Do they just want things like hot lingerie on you and then sex . . . or, do they want it kicked up a bit where it’s a little kinkier?”

  Maggie giggles.

  “You said you wouldn’t laugh,” I remind. “That’s it, don’t answer. I’m done.”

  “No. No, Emma,” she soothes. “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I promise. I’m just laughing because I’m excited. Honestly.”

  “If this conversation gets out to anyone, and I mean anyone, you’re dead,” I disclose.

  “Okay,” she replies confidently. She thinks for a second. “Men are simple. Sex can work, but on many occasions, sex is more of an added benefit to the gift.”


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