Netherworld II: Blood Potion No. 9

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Netherworld II: Blood Potion No. 9 Page 7

by Tracy St. John

  Well, that’s what you get for whining and getting others in trouble. Though she couldn’t hear the words, I thought she might pick up my mood.

  Bane was shrugging. “She’s okay. A little lacking upstairs.”

  C.K. snorted. “Yeah, in both boobs and brains. That ain’t her fault, and pussy is pussy, Bane.”

  “I’ve been busy. You know I’m happy getting stuff done for the Beasts.” The agent sounded respectful without being a whining butt kisser. I was impressed.

  C.K. shook his head. “You’ve been an ace enforcer, man. But we don’t tolerate queers.”

  Bane affected righteous indignation, letting a little anger peek through. “I ain’t queer. I fucked my first pussy at the age of ten and been fucking it ever since.”

  Ew. This conversation got more disgusting by the second.

  C.K. grinned. Or maybe it was a snarl. With that face, it was hard to tell. “Well, show us, big man. Plow some pussy right now.” He gestured at me.

  Bane turned to grab my arm. “You’re the boss. Let’s go, Fizz.”

  C.K.’s grin/snarl grew. “No, brother. Lay the bitch right here.” He slapped the table in front of him with enough force that it sounded like a shotgun blast. I jumped.

  Bane’s cool façade slipped for an instant. “In front of everyone?”

  The Beasts’ leader’s voice was as cold as chipped ice. “Fuck her, Bane. I want to know if you’re a man or not.”

  Bane’s eyes met mine. In them, I read panic. Oh man, this guy’s morals were getting him in deeper and deeper trouble and taking me with him.

  I had a very bad feeling about what this bunch of homophobic creeps might do to Bane if he didn’t perform the deed. I could come up with only one solution. Well, it wasn’t my body, and I found the werewolf attractive. What was the harm?

  Decision made, I moved close to Bane. “Come on, big man. Show me what you got.” I gave him a steady look to let him know it was okay. “I can take it.”

  Thank goodness Fizz had been wearing stilettos, because she was short and Bane was tall. I was able to press lips with him.

  His mouth was tentative on mine, obviously still very unsure about what was going to happen. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hauled him as close as we could get. My tongue pushed between his lips to run across those sharp wolf’s teeth. Hmm. Half-man, half-beast. This was actually kind of hot. I’ve always enjoyed taboo pleasures best. And hey, if Fizz didn’t mind the threat of picking up Zoo Flu, then why not go for it?

  Even better, he started kissing me back. I realized in a hurry that his tongue was longer than the usual, probably because he was part wolf. Well. That gave me even more ideas. I was suddenly very, very interested in this big, bad wolf. My nipples went hard, and my pussy went wet.

  When the kiss broke, he kept his lips brushing mine so he could whisper out of everyone else’s hearing, “Get out of there. She wants me. You don’t.”

  That might be, but I was afraid of what Fizz would tell everyone once she had her body back. I whispered back, “Shut up and trust me. This isn’t my first rodeo, sexually speaking.”

  When Bane continued to hesitate, I went down on my knees before him, using his muscled body to help me move slowly down. His eyes were wide as I used teeth to unbutton then unzip his pants. I realized Fizz was paying close attention to what I did, as if gathering pointers. I have a lot of knowledge when it comes to sex.

  Fizz wasn’t the only one getting an eyeful as I tugged the front of Bane’s jeans and underwear down. By the way, some guys do tightie whities quite well. Bane’s seemed to glow against his tanned and slightly furred skin. I was very aware of everyone in the room watching me, which only got me hotter. Under the right circumstances, I love to be watched having sex.

  Bane did not share my kink. As I exposed him, it was apparent he had plenty to be proud of, but he was soft. This was so not going to get him off the hook with C.K., so I got right to work.

  I sucked him into my mouth, enjoying the velvet smoothness of his skin against my tongue. One nice thing about getting hold of a guy before he gets hard is being able to take all of him in and making him grow until you can’t anymore. As a ghost, I don’t have to breathe, so deepthroating is not a big deal these days. But I was in Fizz’s body now, and even in his disinterested state Bane was big enough to tempt the gag reflex.

  I rolled my eyes back to look up at the shifter submissively. His eyes had shaded more yellow gold than brown gold, and I could tell I was bringing his animal to the fore. I mouthed him expertly, rubbing my tongue over that throbbing vein on the underside, bobbing my head back and forth and sucking the head of his cock hard on the backswing. One of my palms cupped his balls through his clothing, rubbing gently.

  And thank goodness, Bane began to rise to the occasion. He grew fast, and I was having to concentrate to keep my throat relaxed enough to take the added length. Bane was long and he was thick. It took all the skills I’d developed as a high-priced escort who offered extra benefits to handle him.

  I heard one masculine voice speak with respect. “Damn, look at her take all that. If he doesn’t want her after this, give her to me, C.K.”

  Excitement zinged through my body. I kept my eyes on Bane, as if he and I were the only people in the room, but being watched servicing him had my girl parts in an uproar. To be so naughty was adding to my thrill, and my werewolf was obviously starting to enjoy himself too. His hands circled my head, and his hips began to match my rhythm. I caught a salty bit of flavor as he worked my mouth, and I moaned with delight as I swallowed the tasty morsel of pre-ejaculate.

  Bane groan-growled softly and pulled his cock free of me. “Clothes off and on the table, Fizz. Hurry.”

  I stood and wished my clothes away. Of course it didn’t work, because they were Fizz’s clothes on Fizz’s body. Sheesh, I wasn’t used to being corporeal anymore. I covered the momentary pause by hurriedly stripping the tight jeans and low-cut blouse off. Matching gold bra and panties went next, and I was naked in front of the Beasts and Bane.

  I realized more people had come into the club since I’d last come up for air, and we had quite a crowd around us now. With my head giddy from anticipation, I sat on the table and laid back.

  And looked into C.K.’s nasty pig face over me. He was panting between those yellowed boar teeth. Gross.

  I quickly brought my attention back to Bane. He looked at me with all the heat a woman can ask from a man. I spread my legs in invitation, wanting to feel that very large, very thick cock inside. He growled to see me so exposed, and the light dusting of black and gray fur on the skin his leather vest exposed was suddenly longer and coarser. Oh my.

  He put two fingers inside me and drew them out slowly. He held them up in the air to show everyone the wetness. Growls and grunts greeted the sight. Then he looked at me with those golden animal eyes, and I squirmed with need.

  “Please,” I whimpered.

  To my relieved delight, Bane grabbed hold of my thighs, lifting me into position. He slid in nice and smooth, though that width was a little more than Fizz was used to handling, given how it ached to take him in. Maybe she wouldn’t have liked it, but it’s the kind of uncomfortable fullness I enjoy.

  Oh, did I ever enjoy it.

  He sheathed himself in our shared body, bumping hard against the cervix. Cascades of brilliant, sparkly sensation washed over me, making me groan throatily with pleasure. I grabbed the sides of the table and hung on as Bane drove against me with a steady rhythm.

  I don’t know what was more exciting; being taken by a muscled beast-man who was packing a lot more than a pea-shooter, or having all those people watch his flesh work in and out of mine. The combined thrills took me on an express ride right up to the edge of climax, though. In no time I was crying out, my knuckles white as I held on for dear life.

  Bane was getting furrier by the second, and his muzzle was extending, becoming more wolf-like as he rode me. Bestiality has never been on my radar as sexually enti
cing, and I began to pray he’d hit climax before doggy-style became more than a position.

  And he was getting close, to judge by the quickening pace of his hips pounding against mine. I closed my eyes to shut out all but the sensation of his flesh thudding into me, stroking with luscious pressure against the ever-eager cluster of nerves inside my sheath. The tireless friction was lighting an inferno, and I was closing in on complete conflagration. A pre-climax convulsion tightened everything below my waist. I wailed.

  The wail became a shriek as the real thing hit, pulverizing me from the inside. The spasm that seized me bowed my back so that only my buttocks and head touched the table. It held me in its jaws like a dog with a rag doll, and I was helpless in its ruthless grip.

  Then the wonderfully brutal pressure eased to be replaced by dozens of smaller paroxysms that had me tossing my head from side to side in agonized delight. It was the kind of orgasm you wish would never end. I could have rode that thing for eternity.

  When it did end, Bane was moving very slowly, his growls continuous. The rest of the room was deadly silent with an appreciative hush. I had the sudden insight that the Beasts, interested only in their own pleasures and caring little for that of their ‘property’, may have never seen a woman climax outside of porn movies.

  Well, boys. Now you know.

  As I went quiet, C.K.’s voice broke into the silence. “Pull out so we can see you get off. I want to know for sure.”

  Bane’s face, more wolf than man now, wrinkled into a snarl, though he didn’t dare look at C.K. He pulled out of my still trembling pussy.

  “Back on your knees, Fizz,” he ordered. I somehow understood him though his voice had degenerated into a barking growl.

  I slid to the floor, my legs rubbery. I was happy to see Bane remained all man in one aspect. I slid my tongue all over the head of his cock, tasting my own sea-saltiness there.

  That’s all it took. With a roar, hot seed spurted from him, setting off raucous cheers from our audience. I caught every sweet drop in my mouth.

  C.K.’s hateful voice ruined a wonderful moment. “Swallow it, girl. It’s your honor to get what we give you.”

  I obeyed, staring up at Bane’s strangely handsome if feral face to keep from glaring my dislike at C.K. What an a-hole.

  Bane’s features began reverting back to human, or as human as he could get. I can’t explain how he shifted. It’s like with every blink of my eyes, he was a little less wolfy, but I could never see the actual change. I’ve seen shifters turn all at once, and that’s pretty amazing. This was just disconcerting.

  Bane helped me to my feet, simultaneously tucking himself back into his pants. “I guess I’ll keep her, C.K.”

  That earned a few noises of disappointment from the other Beasts. Bane gave me a sly wink that no one else caught. I had to restrain a grin as I picked up Fizz’s discarded clothes and got dressed.

  As everyone drifted off and I finished dressing, it suddenly occurred to me that what I’d done with Bane might be construed as cheating on Tristan and Dan.

  Oh crap.

  This isn’t my body. Therefore, it can’t be cheating.

  Hey, Tristan has sex with his blood donors every night. Vampires can’t take live blood without screwing the victim. So even if I did cheat, he can’t say anything about it.

  Dan knows my issues with monogamy. He allows me to sleep with Tristan, and we’ve never said I couldn’t have sex with other men. Have we? So this shouldn’t be a big deal.

  Bane might have been killed if I hadn’t helped him. Surely no one would expect me to stand by and let a cop get murdered.

  All my arguments weren’t swaying the sick feeling that I’d done something really wrong. The certainty that what I’d done with Bane would not sit well with Dan, and the suspicion Tristan might also be displeased nagged at me.

  Boy, I hoped saving Bane’s butt hadn’t effed up everything else.

  I adjusted Fizz’s clothing, wishing I could take the stripper shopping for something nicer than polyester and denim from Wally World. Maybe if she dressed better, she’d think more highly of herself. I wanted to shake the girl, get her out of the mindset that she was a possession.

  As I dealt with the churning guilt of screwing Bane and wanting to give Fizz a good dose of self-esteem, a whip-thin, pale human male walked into the club like he owned it. His eyes lit on me in an instant, and he snorted as I made one last adjustment to the ridiculous bit of rayon pretending to be clothing.

  “Stripping off the clock, Fizz?” he asked.

  C.K. answered for me. “You missed a good show, Hazel.”

  So this was the Beasts’ witch. No way I was leaving Fizz’s body right now, not when he’d see me. I gave Bane a meaningful look and slowly moved away from C.K.’s table, trying to fade into the background.

  Fortunately, C.K. had the witch’s undivided attention now. “Let’s you and I talk, Hazel.”

  The werehog stood and led the other man towards the back of the club. Hazel wasn’t much to look at, I thought, watching them go. Greasy dishwater blond hair fell over his forehead in haphazard clumps, occasionally hiding one brown and one blue eye. He had gorgeous long lashes that were his sallow face’s only saving grace. Thin lips pulled back over crooked teeth. He wasn’t too interested in fashion, either. A tee-shirt that looked like he’d worn it a few times since his last trip to the laundromat (ditto for the jeans) and untied dirty sneakers weren’t going to get him on the cover of GQ any time soon. As he wandered past me, not giving me/Fizz a second look, a sour scent wafted off him. I wondered when he’d last bothered to shower.

  As I watched the two strange companions go into C.K.’s office and shut the door behind them, Bane grabbed my shoulder. “Let’s go outside for a smoke,” he said loudly.

  Without waiting for my answer, he turned and headed for the front door. I almost scowled then realized Fizz would probably trip happily after him rather than want to take up his lack of manners. Man, this undercover agent stuff took concentration. I wondered how many times I’d screwed up already.

  Finally getting Fizz’s clothes adjusted to my satisfaction, I followed Bane out.

  Shivering in the cool air, I joined him by his bike. He held a lit cigarette, but like the night before, he didn’t smoke it. Nice to know he wasn’t addicted to that terrible habit.

  No sooner had I reached his side when he grabbed the body I inhabited and trapped me between his body and the motorcycle. Without so much as a how-do-you-do, he said, “All right, who are you and what do you know?”

  The heady combination of gasoline exhaust and Bane’s masculine scent overwhelmed the rotten-egg stench of the nearby pulp mill. I looked up into that handsome face, trying not to enjoy how his body felt against me. My guilty conscience, yammering on how I’d cuckolded Dan and Tristan, helped tremendously in that fight. It wasn’t just Bane’s lack of manners that made me snap, “You’re welcome.”


  I poked him in his very wide, very bare, very muscular chest. “I saved your furry butt in there, Wolf Boy. I pretty much cheated on my sweetheart to do it, too. A little gratitude is in order.”

  He stared at me for a moment. In a disbelieving voice he finally muttered, “Thank you.”

  I smiled like a teacher approving a backwards student finally grasping a lesson. “See? Good manners don’t cost you nothing and earn goodwill. Try it more often.”

  Bane relaxed enough to chuckle. He backed off a little. “Good manners don’t go far here, darlin’. Who are you and where is Fizz?”

  “She’s still in here, sticking her head in the sand like an ostrich. My name is Brandilynn.”

  He shook my outstretched hand. “Are you a ghost or demon?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Duh. When do demons help law enforcement?”

  “Fair enough. What’s your deal, Brandilynn?”

  “Tristan Keith sent me.”

  Bane cocked an eyebrow. “The vampire county commissioner? C.K.’s not too
fond of him.”

  “Well, Tristan did promise to shut the Beasts down. I’m here to see what illegal stuff the varmints are up to.”

  Bane kept his voice light, but there was a little coldness to it. “Now who’s being bad mannered?”

  I thought about what I’d said. Oops. A racial slur had gotten past me. I felt my face go hot with embarrassment. “Oh. You’re right. I’m very sorry.”

  He studied me. “You’ve walked into something bigger than protection money and prostitution rings, Miss Brandilynn.”


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