Violet Aches for Blake (Encounter Bay)

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Violet Aches for Blake (Encounter Bay) Page 18

by Emily Bruce

  “Well there you have it, Blake Wilson is retiring from acting and the woman in the photos is not deranged local Violet Stone. Blake has come out and taken a swing at the media. WriteMe and tell me what you think. I’m Mary V for EntertainMe TV.”

  Violet stared at the TV in shock.

  Holy shitballs!

  Blake Wilson was retiring from acting! How had Sophie not told her this?!!

  No more movies.


  She has ruined his career!!

  Sophie shut the TV off again and Violet looked over at her best friend. “He’s retiring from acting? I thought he was just back here for a break, that he was buying a holiday place!”

  Sophie blinked rapidly. “That’s what you get out of all that? You’re upset that he’s retiring.”

  Violet leaned back in the sofa.

  “Well, it’s a shock.”

  Sophie smirked at her.

  “Let’s hope the media leave you alone. Now let's get back to our game, number 36.”

  Chapter 28


  Career crusher!! She was a career crusher!

  On Wednesday, she was able to go back home. As she walked in the door, the familiar smell and surroundings made her teary. She had missed her little home. Sure, it had only been two days, but the last two days had been so stressful. The media were gone. Most had left. Apparently some starlet had just been rushed to hospital with a drug overdose, so Blake had been replaced as the top story. The paparazzi and news crew who stayed were all out at the Wilson house, waiting patiently at the massive iron gate for any sign of movement. Violet was free to go back to her life. Her 20 seconds in the spotlight was over. She honestly had no idea how Blake put up with it all the time.


  By now Violet had expected a call… She knew what he had said in his press conference was to direct the heat away from her, but his silence had her thinking that maybe he did feel like that. Perhaps it was his way of telling her he wasn’t interested in her anymore. He had to be so mad about his career, which she had effectively ruined! She sighed, slumped onto her sofa, and got her phone out. For the past two days, she hadn’t even looked at it. She found her charger and waited for it to power up. There were a ton of messages from people, asking if it was her in the pictures and had she finally slept with Blake? There were a couple of calls from her mother, so the news must have reached her in Arizona. Batty Betty had called her 79 times, she smiled at that. She had also missed 35 calls from a private number. It was probably reporters. According to Sophie, they have an uncanny way of getting hold of your number. Violet stared at her phone, no calls from Blake. A tear fell involuntarily from her eye. Oh Jesus, now she was going to cry over him.



  Violet was sitting in a luxurious recliner chair in the lounge of William P Hobby Airport in Houston, a glass of super expensive champagne in one hand and her phone in the other. She looked around at the group of chattering girls, all too excited to pay any attention to her. Violet let out a sigh and dashed away a rouged tear as she opened her phone and checked it for the 1000th time today. Still no call from Blake

  “Violet, are you coming?” Sophie’s voice made Violet jump and spill her champagne all down the front of her top. She jumped up from the seat and started wiping at the stain.

  Lucky she was wearing a black t-shirt!

  “Oh Vi, are you okay?” Sophie asked as she grabbed some napkins and helped Violet dab at her top.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, I promise,” Violet whispered. Her emotions were getting the better of her, no word from Blake meant that it was all over, he didn’t want her anymore, and she had ruined his career. She took a deep breath, she had to suck it up. She was here to have a great time and enjoy Sophie’s bachelorette party in Vegas, not cry over Blake ass-hat Wilson.

  Sophie linked her arm with Violet’s and marched her towards the rest of their group. “Are you bitches ready to have some fun?” Sophie yelled, and the group of ten girls all whooped and chattered excitedly. Violet couldn’t help but smile, she was determined to leave her broken heart in Texas. “This is already the best weekend ever!” Samantha, Violet and Sophie’s childhood friend, slurred. “No fucking kids!” she added, which made the rest of the group laugh. Samantha was mom to five and married to her high school sweetheart.

  Sophie huddled Violet closer to her and whispered, “Forget about Blake, let’s go have a good time.” Violet nodded, yes, she was going to enjoy herself! They made their way towards the Wilson’s jet waiting for them on the tarmac. Violet had never been on this latest purchase of Mr Wilson’s. According to Sophie, he wanted a private jet so he could play more golf with Mrs Wilson. Violet looked up at the jet-black fuselage with Wilson lettered in gold. She climbed the red-carpeted stairs and let out a gasp when she walked onto the plane. “Sophie! Holy Shit!” Violet gasped, making everyone laugh. The plane had about twelve ivory leather seats, black carpet, black walls and roof, and mood lighting in pink and purple. “Your dad bought this? It’s like a party plane! Reminds me of the inside of a party limo,” Violet said. Sophie laughed as she took a seat. “I went plane shopping with him and talked him into this one, the one he wanted was boring,” Sophie said as she buckled her belt. Violet laughed as she sat next to Sophie. The flight attendant went about handing out drinks. “Once we’re in the air, I’ll show you what this bad boy can do,” Sophie said with a giggle, taking a big sip of the cocktail she had just been handed.

  The flight to Las Vegas was fun. The girls kept her entertained and it was great to catch up with old friends. Violet downed a few drinks and found that the more she drank, the less she seemed to care about the whole Blake situation. So, she had gotten her heart ripped out again, was it her or was it weird that Eden Greene was still involved in her disasters? Violet shook her head. No, she was going to have a great time with her friends and forget about Blake Wilson for a while!


  Violet giggled as she sipped her margarita.

  She was drunk.

  Okay, she was wasted!

  She was currently huddled between two of the girls as they hollered at Sophie getting a triple lap-dance from three scantily clad muscle men in tiny g-strings to the tune of Hot Stuff.

  They were at the Bad Boy Bachelor show in Las Vegas, their first destination after the plane touched down at McCarran Airport. The hot muscly waxed and oiled guys in tiny g-strings had sent Violet into a fit of giggles the moment they had stepped onto the stage an hour beforehand, and she hadn’t been able to stop giggling since. They were all surprisingly great dancers, but were now wrapping up for the evening.

  Sophie looked mildly horrified, as well as turned on. The three hunks of beef ground their bulging crotches towards Sophie’s face while she sat on a chair in the center of the stage. A whole roomful of women, and some men too, cheered over the loud thumping music.

  “This is so much fun!” Samantha slurred into Violet's ear, yelling over the music. “I’m not going to lie to you Violet, my panties are wet and I’m a little turned on, ah fuck it, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? They’re fucking soaked.” Violet snorted into her drink and it came out her nose. Samantha and Violet both giggled as Violet tried to grab some napkins and wipe the mess off her blouse. “Ouch Sam, don’t say shit like that while I’m having a drink,” Violet laughed. “Sorry. Not Sorry,” Sam laughed.

  “Best night ever!” Violet slurred back, gripping Samantha’s arm as they giggled together.

  Violet’s gaze flicked to the stage as the crowd’s hollering grew louder. There was Sophie with a weird smile on her face as one of the strippers was doing a handstand and thrusting his crotch in her face. Violet stumbled to her feet and stood on the booth seat. She cupped her hands over her mouth and screamed, “You go, Sophe!!” Samantha pulled Violet back onto the bench and Violet crashed into her as she landed. The room was starting to spin. Violet leant her head back and closed her eyes. She couldn’t rem
ember any time when she was this drunk. Being drunk was good. It took her mind off Blake and the fact that she had ruined his career. Violet let out a sob, but she was not going to cry!! How could she be so stupid to think that he would be interested in her? She should have stuck to her plan, ignored him at all costs, and loved him from afar. That way she wouldn’t have ended up like this.

  Heartbroken and drunk and in a strip club with no ice cream in sight!

  The song ended and the strippers helped a stumbling Sophie back to her seat and she squeezed in next to Violet. The booth wasn’t made to hold 10 drunk women.

  Sophie’s cheeks were pink and she had a big smile on her face. She gave Violet a sloppy hug as she fell onto the seat next to her. “How was the lap dance?” Violet yelled over the thumping music. “Violet, see the one in the red g-string?” Sophie yelled back, pointing out the guy. “Oh, I think I’m in love,” she giggled. The lights dimmed once more and Violet watched the stage as the guys came out again, dancing in unison to a recent chart-topping song. Sophie threw an arm around Violet and they sang along as they watched the beefcakes perform.

  Towards the end of the song, the emcee said, “We’re ready for our next lady to come up on stage and enjoy our next song.” Sophie struggled to her feet and started yelling along with the rest of the room. All the other girls stood up and joined in with Sophie, and it took a minute for Violet to register that all nine of them were screaming her name.

  Oh no!

  Violet watched in horror as Mr Red G-string came closer to their side of the stage, his gaze flicking hungrily from Sophie to where she was pointing, at Violet. He shot Violet a friendly smile, not as hot as the one for Sophie, and leaned over and grabbed Violet’s wrist.

  “I’ve got one,” Red G-string called out, and a couple of the other guys made their way over. Violet dug her heels in as all her friends pushed her towards the stage and the stripper’s beckoning hand.

  Before Violet knew what was happening, she was hauled onto the stage and flopped over a muscly shoulder. He turned and pointed her ass toward the crowd, which seemed to get louder.

  Damned ass was always getting her into trouble!!

  The dress that Sophie had insisted she wear was definitely up and flashing her hot pink panties at a couple of thousand people, but what did it matter? The whole world had already seen her ass!

  Violet was deposited on the chair in the middle of the stage that Sophie had recently vacated. The lights were bright in her eyes and she could smell fake tan, coconut oil, and man sweat. Violet swallowed and hoped that it would be over soon. The bright lights in her eyes blocked out most of the audience as the music started to play and the crowd went wild.

  And of course, when she was up here, they would play Pony by Ginuwine!

  The strippers started to dance, gyrating their hips and rippling their muscles to the beat of the song.

  This song was like the stripper’s national anthem or something.

  The crowd went wild, yelling, cheering, some singing along, and Violet didn’t know where to look.

  So much tanned bulging muscle and such tiny g-strings!

  One of the strippers started giving Violet a lap dance while another ground away at the back of her head, which was right in line with their crotches.

  Oh no!

  They were going to triple-dick her like they did Sophie!

  Violet tried to smile.

  What else was she supposed to do?

  Violet burped. She was feeling a little queasy after all that booze, and being thrown over a beefcake’s shoulder had not helped.

  Her stomach started to twist and Oh god, all those margaritas, cocktails on the plane, and champagne at the airport were churning in her stomach. Add to that a lack of dinner and Violet was beginning to feel quite sick.

  She needed to get off the stage ASAP!

  Code Red!!

  Violet tried to stumble to her feet, but the guy in front of her pushed her back into place and waved his finger at her telling her she was naughty. As punishment, he moved closer to her and thrust his crotch to within an inch of her face. That’s when it happened.

  Oh no.

  Violet felt all the alcohol come rushing back up, as she projectile-vomited all over the guy’s torso and tiny g-string.

  And we’re talking chunks! Not just liquid!


  Violet looked on in shock as she covered her mouth with her hands and heard the audience gasp. The music was cut and the lights went off, leaving Violet sitting in the middle of the stage, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting.

  Violets cheeks flamed and she didn’t know what to do.

  On the plus side, she did feel a little better.

  One of the other dancers came over and asked her if she was okay. He then helped her up and took her backstage.

  “I’m so sorry,” Violet said, tears forming in her eyes. Of all the embarrassing things to do at a strip club!

  “Don’t worry hon, it happens more than you think, I’ll take you backstage to get cleaned up.”

  Violet was so thankful for the kindness of the stripper, who helped her up and put an arm around her waist. Violet felt so weak and wobbly that she leaned into him as he helped her off the stage.

  “What a way to end the night,” the third stripper said with a laugh as Violet made it backstage. The guy helping her took her to a bathroom and shut the door.

  Violet looked at herself in the mirror. Had she really just tossed her cookies all over a guy’s crotch on a stage in front of a few thousand people?

  Just another embarrassing day in the life of Violet Stone.

  Violet took her time cleaning up because she was in no rush to get back out there to that fresh hell. Slumping onto the toilet, she let the tears fall.

  Some banging on the door startled her several minutes later.

  “It’s Sophie, let me in Vi,” Sophie hollered through the door as she continued to bang. Sighing, Violet got up and let Sophie into the cramped space.

  “Are you okay, Vi? You’ve been in here so long that you’re freaking out the stage crew.”

  “I’m sorry,” Violet sobbed.

  “Hey, don’t be sorry, if there’s anyone who should be sorry, it’s me. I just thought getting you drunk would take your mind off things…”

  Violet smiled through her tears at her best friend.

  “Sophie, its fine, I feel terrible for ruining your night.”

  Sophie laughed as she looked in the mirror and fluffed her hair. “Violet, you just made tonight a night I will never forget.” Sophie giggled and Violet smiled.

  “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, so you lost your lunch on a male stripper’s crotch, it could be worse.”

  “Yeah, like having the whole world see your fat ass,” Violet replied, more tears leaking from her eyes.

  “Blake is an idiot, I have no idea what he is thinking. When I see him next, I’m going to punch him so hard! Now, let’s forget about him and have a great weekend!” Sophie said.

  “I convinced the guys to come back to our villa for a little party!” Sophie confessed, her face turning red.

  Violet laughed.

  “I guess we better not keep them waiting.”

  Violet wiped her tears and Sophie linked her arm with Violet’s.

  “Let’s go have some fun!” Sophie yelled.

  Chapter 29


  Blake threw his phone down. He had to stop looking at it. This week had been insanely crazy, he spent every day fielding calls from friends, directors, and Darrell. They were all trying to get him to reconsider retiring. Why couldn’t people just understand that he wanted to be left alone? He had fellow actors calling him, telling him that he was making the biggest mistake of his life. He was over it. Darrell had insisted he do one interview, so he had flown out to LA and gone on a popular TV show, answered questions about his shock retirement, and tried to be funny and charming. Now he was back home, he realized that he still
hadn’t spoken to Violet and apologized in person. He looked again at his phone. It was Sunday night and Sophie’s plane was due to land in Houston at any moment. He only had one more sleep until he could clear the air with Violet. The idea of seeing her hurt made him sick to his stomach. Maybe she would just punch him and all would be forgiven? A man could dream, right? For some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to call her and talk on the phone. What was he going to say? Sorry I got your ass splashed all over the internet? He was just so embarrassed that he had put her in that kind of position because he was usually so careful when it came to his private life.

  Why couldn’t he keep it in his pants?

  “Ah! There you are Blake! What are you doing?” his mother asked, walking out and sitting on the recliner next to his.

  Blake looked down at the big bowl of ice cream melting in his lap. It reminded him of Violet. “Drowning my sorrows in ice cream, why?”

  His mother made a noise. “Blake! Why haven’t you spoken to Violet?”


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