Forbidden Attraction [The Callens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Forbidden Attraction [The Callens 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “No problem.” Phew. He must have been able to see the concern on her face.

  More people came in, and she swung around to take care of them. “Later.”

  The rest of the night went quickly. She had hoped to be able to steal a kiss, but even after the bar closed, there was some problem with the ordering, and Jackson had to sort things out with the manager. Since Jackson had looked a bit tired by nights’ end, she slipped out and headed home.

  It was always hard to fall asleep right away given her hours were so skewed. She stood in the shower with the water sluicing down her body wondering if she’d made the right decision in making love with Taylor. Sleeping with two men wasn’t something she could take lightly. She was more of the permanent type and feared they’d have a one-month fling then toss her aside. It didn’t matter that sex with two men would be wonderful, if her sister could be believed.

  Being with Jackson was a no-brainer. He possessed a good business sense. How many thirty-year-olds owned their own businesses? She didn’t know how big the mortgage was on the place or if he really was making a lot of money, but given the house he and Taylor shared, they were doing well. She also doubted that her parents would have any issue with her being with him on a permanent basis. Since her dad was a devoted University of Wyoming man, those two should get along despite the bar business being dependent on the whim of the college clientele.

  Her real issue was with Taylor. Yes, he was bright. Actually, he was a kind of a genius, but what if the monster truck craze died out? Without an engineering degree, who would hire him? What could he do besides soup up cars? A lot of things. So what if he could make a good living, would it end up bothering her that he wasn’t as well educated as she was? Did he have the motivation to keep going should his industry die?

  At least she knew that people would always be in need of a doctor, but what if a new bar opened up in Intrigue, and the students decided it was a more hip place to go? What would Jackson do if he lost his bar? He couldn’t rely on pop bands for his entire income.

  Hell. She probably could say that of any entrepreneur. Why was she hesitating? These two men excited her like no others. They challenged her beliefs and taught her things. How many women could say their men designed monster trucks or guitars that caught on fire?

  Decision made. This was the right thing to do. The next few days were going to be tense, knowing what lay ahead.

  * * * *

  Jenny hadn’t expected them to drive her all the way to Cheyenne for dinner. “What’s the occasion?”

  Taylor opened her car door as they parked in front of the restaurant. “We wanted to take you someplace authentic.”

  She wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but the red and green awnings gave this Italian restaurant authenticity. Once inside, the maître d’ rushed over and hugged Taylor. She had no idea what that was about until they started to speak Italian with each other. She probably should have recognized the possibility that he spoke another language given his family home was so baroque, but she couldn’t erase the monster truck image from her mind.

  His friend seated them at a booth in the corner. Lighted candles sat on the white tablecloth, which provided a highly romantic atmosphere. A bit nervous, she slid next to Jackson. Would the dinner conversation be centered around her role in their lives and how they planned to share her?

  A waiter came by and Taylor ordered a bottle of her favorite wine. The fact that he ordered in French really threw her. “Do you come here often?”

  “As often as I can. My uncle owns this place.”

  Ah. That put some perspective on things. “How many languages to you speak?”

  “Three, including English. My mother is from Italy, so she taught me Italian. I learned French in school, but it comes easily since the roots are so similar.”

  “Not Spanish?”

  “I can understand it, but that’s about all.”

  She’d underestimated so many of his talents. She’d taken Spanish in school, but after three years stopped pursuing it. She turned to Jackson. “Are you also a polyglot?”

  He said something to her in what she thought was Italian. Now that blew her away. “How did you learn that?”

  “Taylor and I have known each other for a long time. As kids we thought it would be cool if we had our own special way of communicating. He spoke to me in Italian. Eventually, I picked enough of it up. It’s something like pig Latin to little kids.”

  She had no idea the depths of their friendship. The waiter came back with their wine and asked if they were ready to order.

  She held up a finger for him to give her a minute as she hadn’t even looked at the menu.

  Taylor leaned over and tapped the menu. “Both the spaghetti Bolognaise and the ravioli verde are excellent. If you want fish, the stuffed pompano is awesome.”

  From the label on the wine, he was quite the connoisseur. “I’ll have the ravioli verde.”

  The men asked about how her medical studying was going, and she plied them with more questions about their design work. Both seemed to love electronics, though she understood why Jackson wanted to own a bar. He loved listening to people.

  Halfway through dinner, three men dressed in authentic Italian garb came to their table with violins and serenaded them with song. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face. No one had ever done that before. With each passing moment she became more and more enthralled with both men. Their ability to surprise her seemed endless.

  By the time dinner ended, they’d laughed a lot, but they’d also briefly touched on the tenets of quantum physics and the European debt crisis and its inevitable effect on the United States. She doubted the plastic surgeon, the dermatologist, or the accountant her mom wanted to fix her up with would have been so entertaining.

  So far the evening couldn’t have gone better. It was the rest of the evening that had her on edge. By the time they arrived back at their house, it was close to eleven. Once more Taylor jumped out of the back and opened her door. He held out his hand. As soon as she stood, he pulled her to his chest and kissed her like a man starved for affection. She could taste the wine and chocolate dessert. Her body molded to his chest as his hands slid down her back onto her ass. Tingles of excitement skittered up her spine.

  Jackson pretended to have to struggle to pry them apart. “My turn to say good night.”

  His comment finally registered. They were kissing her good night? Hadn’t they taken her to this divine restaurant so that they’d have sex with her together?

  Jackson appeared in front of her and placed kisses on her neck before devouring her mouth. When he came up for air, he leaned back. “I know you have your study group early tomorrow morning, so we’ll let you go tonight.”

  The air whooshed out of her lungs. “I can stay a bit.” She had agreed to switch their meeting day from Sunday to Saturday to accommodate one of the member’s change of plans. “We aren’t meeting until nine.”

  He ran a finger down her cheek then across her lips. She nipped his finger before he could react. Her pussy got wet just from the two kisses.

  “We know how important this test is. Maybe we can do something tomorrow after you all meet. It’ll be your choice as to what you want to do.”

  She liked the idea of having a second go with them. “I’ll call you when I get done.”


  To her great disappointment they waved good-bye. She slid into her car and took off. She’d been ready to have a new experience, and the men decided she needed her rest. Never had she met two men who put her needs first.

  All the way home her mind whirled with finding something fun to do with them. Whatever she came up with it had to end back at their place. She wouldn’t be taking no for an answer. She was going to love them both even if she had to drag their asses into the bedroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  All the way home she tried to think of something exciting to do with Taylor and Jackson on their date tomorrow. What could trump goi
ng up in an acrobatic plane, watching the stars, or going backstage with a big band?

  Since life wasn’t about only having a good time by going to some special place, maybe they’d be willing to help her shop for an apartment. What would they be like when doing everyday chores? Would they be in a hurry to pick the first one that was decent, or would they want to find the best one for her?

  Happy with her decision, she felt confident she’d get a good night’s sleep despite the sexual frustration coursing through her.

  Early the next morning she called Taylor since he would be the one to most likely object to the plan.

  “So where are you taking us?”

  “I thought you might like to help me look for an apartment. I think it’s time that I move out of the house.”

  She wondered if his mind was spinning, thinking of all the things they could do if she had no curfew.

  “I think that’s a fabulous idea. Do you want to stop here first?”

  “Sure. Does 2:30 p.m. work for you?” Most leasing offices would close at five. This would give her some time to mentally take a break after the grueling study session.


  Happy that went well, she headed to town to meet with her study group. Today, they were studying the endocrine system. She hoped she could keep her head in the game instead of dreaming about being with the men. By 2:15 p.m. the group was only three-fourths the way through the material. In part, it was her fault. The team seemed to be more interested in her love life than they were in the human body.

  “Look, guys, I gotta go. I’m looking for my own apartment today.”

  Each one had to give his advice on where to go. Being near the university seemed like the smartest choice.

  She waved good-bye. “Good luck with the thyroid gland.”

  With a smile on her face, she left her team to the world of medicine while she got to explore her two hunky men.

  * * * *

  “What do you think is up with apartment hunting?” Taylor thought she’d suggest they go horseback riding or maybe even hike in the mountains. Getting to make love in the woods would be cool.

  “What difference does it make?” Jackson didn’t seem concerned.

  “Maybe she doesn’t think we like her very much after we sent her home last night.”

  Jackson paced the living room. “I worried about that, but I don’t want her to think all we want her for is her body.”

  “I do want her partially for her body, but I also love her challenging mind. She makes me think. That’s a rare trait in a woman.”

  “I know. I’m glad she called us at least. We need to show her that we want her.”

  “Trust me. She knows I want her. You’re the one who ran out Saturday night.”

  Jackson ran a hand across his mouth. “I know, but that’s the hazard of being the owner. I want to make it up to her tonight.”

  “You won’t get any complaint from me.” The doorbell rang. “That’s her.”

  When Taylor opened the door, Jenny looked a bit tired but still gorgeous. He pulled her into the house and cradled her in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her. She looked like she needed some soft loving, so he took his time, and the tension in her body seemed to seep out of her.

  “Come on in and tell us what you’re looking for.”

  She did seem to appreciate being able to rest for a minute. Jackson came out with a diet soda for her. “This will perk you up.”

  She smiled. “Thanks.” She popped the top and drank some. “I want to be near the university for obvious reasons.” She crossed her fingers. “That’s assuming I get in. Dad’s an alum so that might help.”

  He laughed. “I’m betting you made straight As in college.”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “What else do you want? A pool? A guard gate? What?”

  “I hadn’t thought of a guard gate. All I’ve thought of is a one bedroom that’s up to date.”

  He leaned forward. “I think a guard gate is a must.” He waved a hand. “We have plenty of room if you want to crash here.” He wanted to keep his comment off the cuff so that she could turn him down without embarrassment, but if she liked the idea, he’d certainly be thrilled.

  The big problem was that once his parents returned from Alaska, his housesitting days would be over.

  “Somehow I don’t think my parents would be too thrilled with that arrangement.”

  She was a Callen after all. “Probably true.”

  Jackson leaned back on the sofa and stretched out his arms. “I just happened to be out this morning and decided to look around for something suitable. I found three places I think you might like.” He pulled a piece of paper from his back pocket and unfolded it. “The first is the Mountain Peak Estates. They have apartments as well as single-family homes. It’s on the higher end, but it looks quite safe. The second is The Dwellings, which is near the university. It’s well landscaped and has a pool. The last one is University Apartments. This is on the low end, but it’s brand new, which I bet you’d like.”

  “Wow. I didn’t expect you to go to all the trouble.”

  Go, Jackson. He was a bit annoyed that he hadn’t thought of it himself. “Ready to check these places out?”


  This time when Jackson drove, he suggested Jenny sit in the back with him. That way, he’d get to be closer to her.

  “That’s not very fair to Jackson.”

  “It’s only a few miles. You can ride up front on the way back.”

  She smiled. “I like that you can come up win-win solutions.”

  They decided to start with the cheapest one first. The leasing office showed them a few models, but he could tell Jenny was used to a lot more space.

  Once they got back in the car she sighed. “It’s cheap at least.”

  “Won’t your parents chip in some money?”

  “They’re paying for med school. They’ve raised us to be independent. I have some money saved, so I’ll be okay.”

  Taylor wished he and Jackson could chip in, but she’d never go for that. The second place was quite nice, but there was no gate and the galley-style kitchen was impossibly small. The third apartment was a dream.

  She called to them from another room. They rushed in.

  “While it’s not much more than ten feet by ten feet, it would make a perfect office. I love that it’s so light in here.”

  They’d love for her to be here, too. “I saw that the complex has a weight room and an indoor community pool,” Taylor said.

  “The weight room at least would allow me to cancel my gym membership, which would save me money. I’m still going to have to redo my budget as this is a bit out of my price range.”

  Jackson wrapped an arm around her waist. “Do you want an extra shift at the saloon?”

  She bit her bottom lip, looking way too adorable. “I’ll have to think about it.”

  One of the reasons they suggested this place was because there were also single-family homes. “I saw home models when we were driving up. Anyone up for checking them out?”

  Her eyes widened. “Why? I’m not moving into a home.”

  He shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. “I just like looking at models. As long as we’re here, we might as well take a peek. It’s always fun to see how the other half lives. By the time we’re done, we can catch a bite to eat or even go shopping and cook at home.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  The fact he suggested they not end the date right away seemed to appeal to her. Maybe she, too, was looking forward to a long night of sensuality. He and Jackson had talked about different places to make love to her, but since she had yet to make love in a bed, they thought that might be novel for them.

  They drove to the model home section. The first model had a lush lawn rimmed with shrubs and colorful flowers. The paved walkway was a nice touch.

  She shielded her eyes from the sun and glanced up. “How big do you think this is?”

  “I’m guessing four thousand square feet.”

  His parents’ home, and he bet her folks’ home, was a lot larger, but if she ever agreed to be with them, he wanted her to be comfortable in whatever they chose.

  The ten-foot, coffered ceilings and hardwood floors were quite elegant. He watched as she dragged a hand across the granite countertops.

  “I’m going to look around,” she said. Excitement laced her tone.

  So as not to appear like he was hovering, he checked out the deck, which not only had a swimming pool and a hot tub but also an outdoor fireplace. He really liked this place.

  “Do you think she likes it?” Jackson moved next to him.

  “Can’t tell. I don’t want to overwhelm her. There are two more models. We’ll check them out then decide what we want to do.”

  Jackson smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Hey, guys,” she called. “Come see this bathroom and walk-in closet.”

  This would give him more insight into her likes and dislikes. The bathroom was quite remarkable. The jetted tub sat on a pedestal in the middle of the room.

  He ducked his head into the shower. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  There were two showerheads and a large bench to sit on. His cock got hard thinking about getting Jenny naked in the shower and running his hands down her tight little body.

  Jackson tapped him on the shoulder. Damn. How long had he been standing there?

  “The models close soon. We need to check out the other ones.”

  The three of them went next door and saw an even larger home. It had an upstairs bonus room that they could use as a workspace. The downstairs had a sunroom that Jenny fell in love with. “I could stay in here for hours reading and relaxing.”

  The agent showing the house came out and introduced herself. “Here’s a brochure of all our models. We still have several lots left.”

  When she asked about when they were considering moving, he waved a hand. “We’re just browsing.”


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