Three Charms for Murder (The Case Files of Henri Davenforth Book 5)

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Three Charms for Murder (The Case Files of Henri Davenforth Book 5) Page 25

by Honor Raconteur

  That relieved me in a way words couldn’t begin to express. I regained my seat and looked into the mirror once more.

  An hour and a half wasn’t nearly enough time to tell them all that had happened in the past three years. But I wasn’t really interested in telling them every little detail. That wasn’t the point of this ET phone home. “Well, as you can see, I have very excellent friends and a boyfriend. How are you? It’s been almost three years since I’ve seen you last. Tell me everything.”

  “We’d rather hear what’s happened with you,” my mother refuted immediately in her cute, accented English. “Jamie, he told us before that you are on a magical world? That a witch pulled you through to that world? Is there really magic where you are?”

  So, Henri had called before? To set up this meeting, no doubt. I looked at my partner, my friend, and the man I was already half in love with, and couldn’t repress my smile as he looked right back at me with the same joy. “Fortunately for me, there is. All the magic in the world.”

  I sat in my favorite chair, Jamie curled in next to me. It had been three days since I orchestrated the call home for her. In those three days, I saw a very different woman. I’d had no idea the stress she carried of not being able to connect with her family until that stress was removed. She was far lighter than I’d ever seen her, almost silly with the relief. Seeing her like this, I dearly wished Seaton and I had been able to figure it out sooner.

  Because she still struggled to read for leisure, I read aloud to her, one of those ridiculous mystery books that had nothing to do with true police procedure. They amused both of us, and it was a gentle, easy way to pass the time with her. Of course, all three cats curled up on either us or the chair, as they couldn’t seem to resist a human at rest.

  Jamie turned the page for me, my other hand effectively captured by Phil. But as she turned, she asked, “Should we pause after this chapter, go out for dinner?”

  “Are you quite certain? The scent from the construction is still quite prevalent.”

  “I can wear the nose guard, it’s fine. At least I know that scent will die down once they’ve finished construction at the docks.”

  “Yes, true. Well, then, should we head to Christopher’s?”

  “Ooh, yes. I can do with a steak. You know what, I’m too hungry. Let’s go now.”

  “As you wish.”

  For some reason, she snorted a laugh even as she helped extract me from the cats. “One of these days, I’m going to find a way to fully explain The Princess Bride to you. This will happen.”

  Accepting her hand up, I stood and stole a taste of her smile. “I look forward to it.”

  · I FOUND GARLIC! It’s strangely enough a nut. And the texture is different, but the taste is dead on. I may or may not have done the garlic bread dance when I found it.

  · Tried a new drink called Shuri Ice and it did not react well with me. Or it did, depends on how you look at it. I was wired for HOURS. As bad as a toddler on a sugar high. Henri’s cut me off. I may sneak it back in for Girls’ Nights, though.

  · Sat down with Elli and Queen Regina over a private dinner last night. We got to talking about smog, and pollution, and what happened on Earth in the major cities. Regina’s not at all keen on repeating this in Kingston. I told her we had good options for windmills, especially being on the coast like this, wind is a constant. Replace all of those coal burning energy sources. Elli’s been given a Royal Order to make it so, Number 1.

  Speaking of Elli, I have got to re-work my inventions list. Her whole guild is now pitching in to handle the influx of ideas from me. (I kinda feel bad. But don’t. We’re all making loooots of money.)


  Feminine hygiene (this went over really well)

  Jeans (although convincing people women can wear them is not going well)

  Running shoes

  Rubbing alcohol

  A/C on its way


  Telephone (speakers need serious improvement)


  -Duct tape

  -zipper (I can’t believe we don’t have zippers yet)



  -COMPUTERS (whimper can’t get tech up fast enough)

  -until then, Hollerith punch cards and code

  - Adjustable Ratchets Handcuffs

  - Anesthesia for Dentistry and Surgery

  And I will figure out how to get TVs here or die trying. I miss mindless television like you wouldn’t believe.

  Note to self: Ask Sherard and Jules how feasible it would be to get small packages transported here from Earth. If I can just get a few books on mechanical stuff…

  Days of the Week

  Earth – Draiocht

  Sunday – Gods Day

  Monday – Gather Day

  Tuesday – Brew Day

  Wednesday – Bind Day

  Thursday – Hex Day

  Friday – Scribe Day

  Saturday – Rest Day


  Earth – Draiocht

  January – Old Moon

  July – Hay Moon

  February – Snow Moon

  August – Corn Moon

  March – Crow Moon

  September – Harvest Moon

  April – Seed Moon

  October – Hunter’s Moon

  May – Hare Moon

  November – Frost Moon

  June – Rose Moon

  December – Blue Moon

  Werespecies: werehorses, wereowls, weremules, werefoxes, weredogs, werebadger, weremouse, werewolf, werebeavers, wereelephants

  Other books by Honor Raconteur

  Published by Raconteur House

  ♫ Available in Audiobook! ♫


  Jaunten ♫

  Magus ♫

  Advent ♫

  Balancer ♫


  Advent Mage Compendium

  The Dragon’s Mage ♫

  The Lost Mage


  Warlords Rising

  Warlords Ascending

  Warlords Reigning


  The Child Prince ♫

  The Dreamer’s Curse ♫

  The Scofflaw Magician♫

  The Canard Case

  The Fae Artifactor


  Magic and the Shinigami Detective

  Charms and Death and Explosions (oh my)

  Magic Outside the Box

  Three Charms for Murder




  Fallen Ward



  The Human Familiar

  The Void Mage




  Call to Quarters




  Arrows of Change ♫

  Arrows of Promise

  Arrows of Revolution


  Kingslayer ♫

  Sovran at War ♫


  Special Forces 01

  Midnight Quest


  Tomes Apprentice

  First of Tomes

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  Honor Raconteur is a sucker for a good fantasy. Despite reading it for decades now, she’s never grown tired of the magical world. Sh
e likely never will. In between writing books, she trains and plays with her dogs, eats far too much chocolate, and attempts insane things like aerial dance.

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