We Will Hunt Together

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We Will Hunt Together Page 8

by J. Hepburn

  Camille pressed down an urge to see Helgaer's smooth back without the interruption of her breast binding. The lump of scar tissue marking the exit wound was too vivid to let her forget why she was so worried.

  "I should make you promise you will not go hunting men until you can draw a bow without pain," Camille called out, "but I am afraid you will be so proud you will tear yourself open before you make a sound."

  Helgaer turned around. Her sense of shame in front of Camille had completely disappeared. She stood tall, straight and open. "I think you understand my people."

  Camille stared levelly back. "You were not too proud to accept my help."

  Helgaer shrugged. "I was too injured to refuse."

  She turned away again, walking over to the dropped quiver while Camille's eyes traitorously dropped back down Helgaer's body, to where the woolen hose hugged her arse.

  Camille shook her head. To distract herself, she picked up another arrow in need of new feathers.

  "I told you I was not going into rush into any fight I did not think I could win," Helgaer called. She was sorting quickly through the arrows in the quiver, to make sure none of them were damaged. "I can fight like this, but I would prefer to be healed."

  Camille looked up sharply. "'Prefer'?"

  "I will not refuse fate." Helgaer headed towards the arrow she had fired.

  Camille's fingers tightened on the shaft in her hands. She carefully put it down, before she accidentally stabbed herself in the leg with it. "Do you think fate will only give you one chance?"

  Helgaer bent to pick up the arrow, every muscle in her arm and torso flowing smoothly. She examined the feathers as she straightened up. "We know that Captain Koda moves around unpredictably. I may only get one chance."

  "I can track a deer without seeing it. We can track him and his men."

  "Starting with an old rumour?"

  "If needs be."

  Helgaer dropped the arrow into the quiver. She began walking back to Camille, who felt a little warmer than the sun accounted for. "I will not throw myself into death's arms," Helgaer said. "But I will not keep him waiting, either. I must take my vengeance where I can, if I can. I am Vreelander. I will be shaming Tola if I hang back like a coward. I need you to understand this."

  Camille nodded slowly, without taking her eyes off Helgaer's. "I understand. But you and I have very different ideas about when caution is cowardliness and when it is prudence."

  Helgaer's face split with a wide smile. "If you can accept our ideas will continue to be different, I will accept your advice to be cautious."

  Camille stared at her in disbelief before breaking into helpless laughter, still not used to how quickly Vreelanders could go from anger to delight. "I promise," she said when her laughter had died away, "that when the time comes and fate presents your vengeance, I will be standing at your side, not holding you back."

  Helgaer's face turned serious. Camille suddenly remembered how important comrades were, to Vreelanders. "If you will fight with me," Helgaer said, "I will follow you."

  "I already told you I would stand with you on this," Camille said, feeling uncomfortable.

  "You have. And I had not forgotten. But if you advise me to hold back, I will take your advice seriously. Just do not expect me to abandon my duty."

  "I don't think anything could keep a Vreelander from her duty. If I could hold you back, you wouldn't be ready to fight!"

  Helgaer grinned again, the brief moment of seriousness passed. "You are stronger than you look, Camille. We should test it."

  Camille held up both hands reflexively, laughing. "I am no wrestler! You could beat your brother, and you could beat Tola. There is no way I could beat you, even when you were bleeding and stuck with a crossbow bolt!"

  Helgaer kept grinning. She spread her arms. "I'll teach you."

  Camille pointed one finger at the ugly lump of scarring. "When that is healed! You can teach me other things until then."

  Camille's mouth closed with a snap when she realised what she had said. Helgaer's grin had faded to a faint smile, but not disappeared. She dropped her arms. She took a step towards Camille as Camille tore her gaze away from Helgaer's waist, back up to her eyes.

  Helgar took Camille's chin in one hand, tilting her head further up. "Whenever you ask," she said softly, before kissing Camille lightly.

  Camille grabbed the centre of Helgaer's breast binding, returning the kiss fiercely.

  When they separated, they were both breathing heavily.

  "I have one more favour to ask," Camille said as she used Helgaer's binding to pull herself upright. "Sometimes, some days, we lie together without fighting first."

  "Fighting lets you know you're alive," Helgaer said as she started pulling Camille's shirt up. "But we can try it your way." She kissed Camille again before pulling Camille's shirt up over her head.

  Camille lead Helgaer inside, to the bed. She seemed nervous, a state Helgaer had not seen in her before.

  Tola had never been nervous. Nobody in Helgaer's experience had been as slender as Camille. Yet, Camille had never before looked vulnerable. Camille was older than Helgaer if only by a little, much more experienced and much stronger than she looked, but to Helgaer she now seemed fragile.

  Light was streaming inside the hut through its small windows and through the door, creating spots of bright light and contrasting deep shade. The bed was divided, so as Camille lay down, her upper body was brightly lit and her legs in darkness.

  "You are beautiful," Helgaer said. It was not a term Vreelanders used often. It was not important in a land where ability was more important than appearance and where wives were judged, like husbands, by their arms. It was a word from Ortlin and Danova. For one second, it seemed as though Camille would reject it, but she said nothing.

  Kneeling above Camille, Helgaer once more felt massive by comparison. This time, she did not feel ungainly. She knew her strength and her strengths, and she knew Camille. They came from different worlds and were measured by different standards. When Helgaer reached out to run a hand down Camille's body, over one almost flat breast to her hard belly, she felt a body that could never have come from Vreeland, and was happy for it.

  Helgaer knew she did not have to be gentle for Camille's body, but she did, right now, need to be gentle for Camille.

  Concentrating solely on Camille, Helgaer did not think of undressing herself until Camille asked her. She blinked in surprise, then sat back, undoing the clasps on her breast binding.

  Camille's breath quickened a little as the fabric came off and the pressure on Helgaer's chest was released. Helgaer still felt odd that her breasts, so ungainly and such a nuisance, could make her feel so proud. It was a feeling she relished. She sat upright, shoulders back, basking in the warmth of Camille's gaze as she untied her hose.

  When Helgaer stood to push the hose down her thighs, Camille looked even more vulnerable beneath her. Shadows cut Camille at the hip, making her seem still clothed.

  To Camille, Helgaer was mostly in shadow, but she could see her plainly. There was more strength and power in Helgaer's body than in any other woman Camille had ever met. It had threatened her, making it important for Camille that she keep the upper hand when they had lain together before–that she had kept control. She felt a flash of doubt and fear that she had exposed herself too much, before seeing the look in Helgaer's eyes.

  She lay back, tension washing out of her body on a long breath. Helgaer dropped to her knees again, leaning forwards and taking her weight on her right hand to kiss Camille softly. Helgaer was still favouring her left side, but her movements were so smooth and natural that even Camille's experienced eye couldn't see any clumsiness or discomfort.

  Katrin had been the last person Camille had surrendered herself to. There was no mistaking Helgaer for a fiery and short Gharaj woman. Camille pushed all thoughts of history out of her mind, concentrating on Helgaer's lips.

  Helgaer moved down Camille's body, still gentle, still s
oft and confident. Camille closed her eyes and felt years of tension drain out of her. When Helgaer's mouth reached her navel, Camille pushed herself up the bed so the sunlight fell across her hips and upper thighs. She spread her legs, feeling Helgaer shift her body between them.

  A moment of renewed fear melted away as Camille felt Helgaer's breath on her kunta.

  Camille breathed deeply, relaxing, letting her whole body go limp on the bed. A spasm passed through her groin as Helgaer's tongue lightly probed her kunta. The sigh that slid out of her was pure pleasure. Her eyelids relaxed, fluttering slightly. When Helgaer's tongue probed at her deeper entrance, she welcomed it.

  She felt Helgaer's hair and face against her inner thigh. The sensation made her smile, curving her lips around more sounds of pleasure. Katrin had taught her to be proud and boastful of her antics in bed, but spent little time giving Camille reason to be loud. Now, every gasp and sigh elicited by Helgaer was a little statement of triumph that Camille had finally found someone worthy to be boastful of.

  Camille's hips began twitching, rolling upwards to press against Helgaer's lips and tongue, while her arms still lay slack beside her.

  Helgaer continued, quietly and gently but relentlessly, until Camille's leg began twitching, her sounds more demanding.

  When Camille felt Helgaer's fingertips lightly rubbing at her entrance, she jerked back automatically, then relaxed again, sighed, and spread her legs wider.

  Helgaer had wet her finger, but it was not needed.

  Camille could not completely push down a surge of anxiety, but she managed to relax as Helgaer pushed gently inside her. When Helgaer's tongue lapped gently at the top of her kunta again, all her doubts evaporated on a deep, heart-felt groan of pleasure. She felt herself clench around Helgaer's finger, which continued gently pushing inside her. She remembered the feeling from years before, but had not remembered it well. She had never done this to herself. Gods above and demons below, why had she not?

  Camille rolled her head and curled her hands into the bed, no longer able to relax as Helgaer's finger began slowly sliding in and out of her.

  Her hands gripped the bed and her legs stretched apart. She shuddered, feeling the edge of her own climax tingling through her.

  Helgaer accelerated her tongue and her finger. Camille began panting loudly, urging herself on. She lifted her knees, pulling her feet back to her buttocks as she squeezed around Helgaer's finger.

  Her climax was explosive and loud.

  When Helgaer moved up to lie on top of Camille, Camille seized her and pulled her into a fierce hug, wrapping her arms and legs around Helgaer's body. Camille held on for a long time after her shaking stopped.

  Helgaer covered the ground using long, effortless strides.

  Two more days had passed. It felt as though a lot more healing had happened. Her cuirass was nearly as comfortable as her vest had been. Her cloak was welcome when she set off, yet did not get in the way as the sun rose and the air warmed. Her weapons hung easily from her belt.

  She was still too low down the mountains to feel at home, but the pines and the cooling air of approaching winter helped her feel comfortable.

  Camille had left at sunrise, intending to strike out far from the cabin to check the lie of the land and see if there was any movement of soldiers, traders or bandits that she should know about.

  Helgaer was following her general intent, but going directly to a meeting place above the town of Ghalib. There was an imperial fort outside Ghalib on the far side, on a ridge. Camille planned to ask the locals if there had been any rumour of Captain Koda.

  Helgaer worked her way rapidly down through animal tracks and rock scree to the road, quickly settling into a distance-eating pace while keeping a very wary eye and ear open for any sight or sound of other humans. Where the land permitted, she struck across country, still not completely comfortable with being exposed on a road that had already set bandits against her.

  The sun climbed without her pace slowing. Her side twinged once or twice, but she was still comfortable and breathing lightly by the time she reached a signposted intersection, turned off the road and headed straight uphill on a thin but well-worn track.

  She came at last to a rocky clearing on top of a ridge directly above Ghalib. She found a rock to sit on, refreshing herself with a swig of water as she mapped out the surrounding land.

  Camille knew this place but, with a fort nearby, did not come here often.

  The fort was not so close that Helgaer could make out figures on the battlements, but she could see the giant Ortlin flag it was flying.

  She glanced up at the sun. Camille may still be an hour away at least. Her gaze dropped to Ghalib. It was prosperous in the way that traders, not craftsmen, were—obviously rich, but a gaudy rich that seemed to be sitting on the surface. Helgaer's lip twisted in scorn.

  She drew her sword to polish the edge while she waited.

  She did not have to wait long.

  She heard Camille's footfalls as soon as Camille saw her.

  Helgaer's greeting died on her lips when she saw the expression on Camille's face.

  Camille held up a small bag. "Food," she said curtly. "I met a farmer I know. We will not have to look far for Captain Koda. The word is, he arrived two days ago. Even these villagers are nervous. The farmers are nearly petrified. The first thing my friend said to me was 'Stay away from here'."

  Camille threw Helgaer a cold lump of roasted lamb. Helgaer began eating it automatically as Camille continued talking.

  "He was seen entering the fort, but has not been seen leaving it yet. Do not place any trust in that. If he is here, assume he could be anywhere."

  "We need to know where he will stay the night," Helgaer said.

  Camille nodded. "If they camp, we can attack them in the dark. If they are indoors, we can follow them in the morning."

  "Best away from people. I want him to make camp somewhere, but the villages are too close together here. They can spend every night in a different village too easily."

  Camille nodded, her face grim. "I do not want to see any reprisals taken against villagers. I also do not want to see any fool try and help us. We know how slim our chances are. Someone who only knows how to swing a hoe or an axe will be slaughtered."

  Helgaer thought for a second while chewing a lump of gristle. She spat the gristle out, the flavour gone from it. "We need to think like our prey. Where will they go? Farms? Villages? Roads? Forest? What will they be trying to do?"

  Camille stared at Helgaer, her face suddenly alive. "Bandits! The bandits at the cliff-face camp, the ones you killed. They were making themselves known for a month. They were smart enough to travel far before attacking farms, so soldiers could never find them. Koda and his men might be able to track them."

  "Who else knows the camp?"

  "Hunters, trappers. It has been used by bandits before, but never a group as well organised or large as them. We never told soldiers about it. Ah! Merchants were told to avoid that road! There is our lead."

  Helgaer took a swig of water. Her face was set and her every movement deliberate. "A road. A length of road? He may assume they have a camp nearby, but will he know how to find it?"

  Camille stared down at Ghalib as she thought. "I do not know. But a man like Koda … if I were him, I would march half my men along the road and have half sneaking through the forest. They are not hunters, or even rangers, but they are better than any other soldiers."

  Helgaer stood up. "We have to assume they will be in the woods. We have to be better at hiding, but we have to be ready to fight. That camp is where we begin. Take us there, away from the roads."


  With every sense alert, they struck out first along the road, making good time while they could hear no other human or even a bird startled by a human.

  Camille estimated it would take marching soldiers five hours to reach the area. If Koda had left the fort before dawn, they may even have found the camp-site by now, which
would mean they had found the bodies.

  Both women were confident they could track soldiers once they knew where soldiers had been, but they did not want to miss any opportunity.

  At a turn in the road like any other, Camille turned the other way, heading uphill. They ran easily through sparse forest to a crest, then jogged along a ridge-line.

  Camille was spending less time checking on Helgaer, who was still moving easily.

  They had to fight through denser forest before reaching a clear animal track. That track lead them to a stream where they drank their fill.

  Camille stood undecided for several minutes while Helgaer fretted silently before striking along the stream between low banks. When they left the stream, they climbed again, which Helgaer did not find so easy this time.

  Camille made her rest at the top of that climb before they started heading down.

  At one point, Camille froze, absolutely silent, cocking her head to listen to a change in the wind.

  When the wind changed again, she turned her head to stare through the forest to where the sounds may have come from. Helgaer caught a slight and triumphant smile before Camille struck out again.

  Helgaer was beginning to recognise the shape of the land from her own journey. The road should be where the wind had teased from, and the camp should be near.

  She was right.

  They came out above the clearing, to where Camille had been hiding when she shot the bandits.

  It had taken them three hours.

  The light of battle was already in Helgaer's eyes.

  "The road curves," she said as softly as a falling leaf. "They have … half an hour?"

  Camille gave a slight nod, but said nothing.

  "Stay here. I will find out how they are marching. If they have scouts, I will improve our odds. If they do not, I will give them something to chase."

  Camille rounded on Helgaer, who held up a hand.

  "I can hide myself from them. I can find and kill their scouts without being seen. Do you doubt me?"

  After a long pause, Camille shook her head, but she did not look any happier.


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