Tapped: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book

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Tapped: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book Page 5

by Brill Harper

  “Are you on the pill or anything?”

  She nods.

  I know that’s a good thing, but part of me, the caveman part, wouldn’t mind knocking her up. Right here on my couch. It’s not the right time; I know that. In my head. But I can’t deny the instinct is still there. “I have a clean bill of health from my doctor. I can show it to you, but it’s across the room. Do you want me to stop and get it?”

  She arches her hips up against me. “No.”

  “Do you want me to get a condom?”

  She actually squeezes my ass. “How are you going to make me messy if you’re wearing a condom?”

  I’m not going to last. I grab hold of my cock and press her clit hard. “Tell me what you want.”

  She’s rubbing against me as hard as she can. “I want you to come all over me. Please. Cover me in it, Anker.” She’s wheezing a little and blushing hard. But she said it, and that is the fucking hottest thing a woman has ever said to me.

  I replace my thumb for my cock on her clit and pull my monster all the way out of my underwear, hoping not to scare her. “All over you, gorgeous?’

  She nods so I start pumping my dick, priming it.

  “Oh, God. It’s so big.” She’s hypnotized by it. I’ve never jacked in front of anyone in my life, and I want to do it again sometime when I’m not already so far gone because that look of hunger in her eyes, tinged with a tiny bit of fear, is pushing me right over the edge. “Give me another orgasm, babe, and this is all for you.” I work that clit hard, and she starts quaking, her body pulsing beneath me.

  I roar and pump my cock as thick, white spurts of come land on her stomach. It streaks across her skin and damn if she isn’t chanting “yes” as I cover her, mark her as mine. Blood is roaring in my ears, drowning out everything except the animal instincts that rule me. I reach down and drag my finger through the mess I made on her body and push it between her legs, rubbing my come onto her clit, mixing myself with her creamy juices, pushing it into her pussy.

  Jesus, I’m pushing it into her. I’ve never been like this before. Never had the biological urge to mate with a woman.

  Breed her.

  Fuck, I’m going to make myself hard again.

  “Wow,” she says after we both catch our breath.

  “Yeah.” I help her as she sits up.

  “That was...”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  Her face breaks into the biggest smile I’ve ever seen from her. “We are so doing that again sometime.”

  Every night for the rest of my life, is what I want to say. Instead I settle for, “Yeah, we are.”

  But first I need to figure out what is holding her heart back from me.

  And maybe clean her up. I can’t send her home like this. Even though I’d like to. “I’m off tomorrow night. Let me cook for you.”

  She thinks about it for a minute. “I guess it would look good if people saw me coming through the bar to your apartment on your night off. It would be authentic.”

  “I’m not really worried about being authentic. I just want you here. With me. Tomorrow.”

  She swallows hard against whatever fear she has about getting close. But she nods.

  I’ll take it. “One more thing. I want to amend the virgin clause.”

  “You do?”

  It wasn’t my intention to hurt her feelings, and she looks a little upset. “I do. One time isn’t going to be enough. If I’m the one you chose to take your virginity, I want to do it well. I have a lot of things to show you. I say we have sex for the duration of the two to three months we are dating.”

  Her eyes narrow at me. “One month. We are pretend dating for one month.”

  We’ll see about that.

  I lean over and kiss her forehead. “Then we have a lot to accomplish in very little time.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I’M IN CLASS AND, FOR the first time, I can’t wait for it to end.

  I sort of thought I’d be embarrassed or ashamed of the way I acted last night, but when Tanaya questioned me this morning over coffee, I was all smiles and telling her I think I’m turning into a slut and enjoying every second of it.

  Anker is the perfect man to take my virginity. He’s obviously a god in bed, but more than that, he’s sweet and attentive and he’s already helping me feel more comfortable about sex. I mean just a week ago, I wanted to cover up every inch of my skin, but this morning, I pulled out a T-shirt that I always thought was a little too small and wore it to school. It’s snug, but no tighter than anything else the other girls wear. I guess I felt like I should hide my curves, like maybe no one would know I was fat if my clothes were shapeless. But after a few powerful orgasms, I’m suddenly more a fan of my body. It can make me feel amazing. Without my body, I couldn’t feel orgasms, and now that I’ve had a few in the presence of another human being, I’m all in. Bring on the orgasms.

  My phone lights up with a text from Anker.

  Anker: I’m food shopping. Are you allergic to anything?

  Me: You don’t have to cook for me.

  Anker: I want to. And I’m cooking breakfast for you, too. So tell Tanaya you’re staying with me tonight so she doesn’t worry.

  Me: Oh, really? Don’t you think you should ask me first?

  Anker: ...

  I hope I didn’t offend him. I’m starting to freak watching the three dots not changing. Shit. I have no idea what my professor is talking about either.

  Anker: Sorry that took so long. I had to ask if they had any more whipped cream in the back. What were you saying? Oh yeah...asking you first.

  Annabelle, would you like to spend the night with me and have multiple orgasms and find out what I have in mind for this whipped cream?

  My face gets so hot. Hopefully nobody is looking at me. I squirm in my seat a little, squeezing my thighs together. What I want to do is run out of class and directly to his apartment, tearing off my clothes as I go. Instead, I answer his text.

  Me: I suppose.

  Anker: You suppose?

  He sends me a smiley face emoji, knowing that I’m messing with him, and I can’t stop smiling bigger than the emoji on my screen. I have to put my phone away or I will never know what I am supposed to about today’s lecture.

  My whole body is trembling. I think I’m addicted to him already. I should be more cautious. But it’s not like this is going to last. Just one month. I need to keep that in mind.

  But a girl can have a lot of orgasms in just one month if she’s the pretend girlfriend of a sex god.

  I have a test in my last class. Luckily, I’m pretty sure I ace it despite being up all night with Anker instead of studying. It’s weird that I study all the time like I have to, but really, most of it comes naturally to me. I think I need to learn some work/life balance, and I think Anker is going to be a great teacher.

  When I get to the bar, I wave to Tanaya and go right up the stairs to Anker’s apartment. It’s a little disconcerting knowing my best friend knows I’m probably getting laid while she’s downstairs working. At least I hope I’ll be getting laid. God, what if he makes me wait some more?

  Listen to me. I’m getting greedy.

  I smooth my skirt down and hesitate before I knock on his door. The butterflies in my tummy have grown to bats. I think maybe I wore the wrong thing. Or my hair isn’t right. As my hand glides down my hip, I second-guess my decision to forgo panties. I just don’t have any seductive underwear, and rather than be mortified by boring white cotton panties, I chose instead to be mortified by no panties at all.

  What if he thinks I’m too slutty?

  I bite my lip. Stop it, Annabelle. You already know he wants you to be slutty. I knock on the door before I lose my nerve. I am going to own my sexuality tonight. If he didn’t want me to, he would never have encouraged me. Anker could have just laid me down on his couch last night and taken my virginity quickly. Lord knows my virginity was on the table. If he weren’t really into me, he woul
dn’t have invested the time in making me come...over and over and over. It wasn’t part of our deal that he make me feel like a the luckiest woman in the world. I obviously don’t repulse him, or he would have gotten it over with as quickly as possible. And when he cleaned me off with the warm washcloth, he made sure to tell me how sexy I looked covered in him. I mean, he’s the filthiest sweet guy ever.

  I exhale and try to calm my racing pulse when he opens the door and smiles. It’s kind of feral. I feel a little debauched already, frankly.

  “There’s my girl,” he says, pulling me inside his apartment and pushing me against the door. “I missed you,” his baritone voice growls near my ear.

  God, his voice. My body is so alive from just his gravelly tone. My hands shake, and my throat goes dry. Of course it’s dry because all the moisture in my body has gone south between my legs. I remember him dry humping me against a door like this yesterday, and my core tightens and my clit starts throbbing to the beat of my heart.

  My breath catches in my throat when I see the look on his face. He is gazing at me as if I’m a goddess to be revered, and I know I’m certainly not.

  "I don't think you know what you've gotten yourself into." The gritty sound of his voice sends chills through my body, and my already heated core dampens my thighs.

  My lips part, but I say nothing. He’s right, I have no clue what I’ve gotten myself into, but he isn’t scaring me away. If anything, I’m more enticed by the predatory look in his eyes.

  "You're so beautiful. I told myself I wasn’t going to fuck you tonight, but I don’t know how I’ll control myself." He cups my cheek in one large hand, stroking his thumb beneath my bottom lip. My eyes fall closed, and I press my face into his palm, leaning into his touch

  He lowers his face to mine so our lips brush together briefly. My head tips back and my lips part. I’m practically quivering beneath him even though he isn’t doing anything but touching my cheek. He brushes his nose against mine. He’s got me on a hook. He grips my hips and pulls me into his erection straining against my belly.

  “I’ve been thinking about you, Annabelle.”

  “I’ve been thinking about you too,” I say breathlessly.

  Anker’s lips touch mine again, and he kisses me slowly, flicking his tongue over my bottom lip and gently nipping at it. I part my lips, waiting for him to give me more. Instead, he takes his time, tracing my lips and sucking them lightly.

  “Please,” I whisper.

  “Please what, baby. Do you want something?” He backs up. “Dinner maybe?”

  He’s going to tease me. Fine. I’ll live. I think. “Yes, please. I’m starved.” I walk the rest of the way into the room and plop down on his couch, pretending I’m not dying of desire. “It smells great, what did you make?”

  “Pasta. Bread. Salad.”

  “No dessert?”

  “I thought you knew, Annabelle. You’re dessert tonight.”

  And my ovaries just exploded.

  I need to up my game here. “That must mean you’re the main course, Anker.” My mind gets foggy thinking about using my mouth on him the way he did to me, and then I see the look in his eyes. Oh, he liked that comment. He looks a little foggy too. “Are you going to teach me how to give you a blow job as part of my month-long devirginization process?”

  “The things you say get me so hot, babe. You’re half innocent angel and half naughty slut, aren’t you?”

  My heart does a little flip. Actually, it does an aerial cartwheel with a complicated landing. “You make me really want to be slutty, Anker. I know I should feel a little shame about that, but I don’t. I think you woke something up in me, and she won’t go back to sleep now.”

  He crosses the room slowly. “Do you want her to go back to sleep?”

  “No. I like her.”

  “I like her too.” He crouches in front of me so we’re eye to eye. Equal. “I want to be the man you need, but I want you to be absolutely sure what you want.”

  “I want you.”

  His eyes darken, but he’s holding something back. “Do you need me?”

  “Yes,” I answer with no hesitation.

  It was the right answer. I can feel his relief. It’s almost like he’s as vulnerable to me as I am to him.

  “We can make this about you, tonight. You don’t need to do anything at all.”

  I reach for his jaw, let the soft hairs of his beard tickle my hand. “What? Just lay back and let it happen? Anker, I think you know me better than that by now. I’m a scholar. I enjoy learning. I won’t be satisfied unless I know everything there is about a subject.”

  “I can be a strict teacher.”

  Oh, why did that just make my girl parts quiver? “The stricter the better.”

  “You’re killing me. I keep trying to be a nice guy, and you keep trying to bring out my dark side.” He tenderly tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear, but his jaw is tight. “I meant it earlier. I don’t know if you know what you’re getting yourself into with me.”

  “Show me.”

  “Fuck, Annabelle.”

  “Show me,” I repeat.

  He rises from his crouched position so that he looms above me. “Unbutton your blouse.”

  My fingers go to the buttons automatically with no hesitation, and my eyes stay trained on his. He gestures to keep going, so I shrug it off. His breathing changes. “Get on your knees if you want access to your study materials, Miss I’m-a-Scholar.”

  Am I supposed to like it when he tells me what to do? Like I need discipline? Because I really like it when he tells me what to do. I slide off the couch and look up at him, watch as his hand cups my head, his fingers so possessive in my hair.

  “Undo my pants.”

  My hands shake as I reach for the fastenings of his jeans. The zipper sounds so loud in my hyperaware state. I pull them down with his briefs and his cock is already hard and huge. It’s sort of...ominous.

  “Take as long as you need. I like it when you look at my dick like that.” The gravel in his voice scrapes against my clit like a physical touch.

  His dick is kind of a beast. It’s seems like a symbol of power, a weapon almost. Like Thor’s Hammer.

  Yeah. You can take the nerd out of class, but even on her knees she’s going to equate a nice cock with a literary mythological symbol.

  “Make friends with it, Annabelle.”

  I bite my lip and run my finger from the tip to the base. It leaps under my touch, startling me. He’s glistening at the head, so I use my finger there to swirl the liquid.

  “You look hungry, gorgeous.”

  “I want...I want...”

  “I know, sweetheart. I know what you need. Ready?" he asks, his voice deceptively soft.

  I nod, my heart pounding. I can’t believe it. I’m going to taste him. My entire body is quivering.

  I lean forward and touch my tongue to the silky flesh, and he moans from just that contact. I open my lips and slide it in, the girth spreading my mouth,

  "Fuck, you look so pretty right now," he tells me. "Like that. Just like that. Suck on it."

  I feel the roundness between my lips, the weight heavy on my tongue, the tinge of the saltiness of his skin. I puff out my cheeks as his cock pushes in, the head near the back of my throat before he slowly pulls back, sliding from my mouth. I feel a sense of...emptiness.

  “Do you like the way I taste, Annabelle? Do you like my cock in your mouth?”

  I wrap my fingers around the shaft and press my cheek to it, looking up at him. “I love it.”

  “Jesus. You’re a fucking dream.” He pushes back in slowly, and I bob on him, taking him further and start to choke.

  "Easy," he says. “There’s no rush. Let yourself get accustomed to it.”

  I move my head back and forth, dragging my lips across his shaft, my tongue flicking, learning him. I watch his face for clues about what he likes. He’s concentrating intensely on my mouth. I pull back so just the head is between my lips and suck gentl
y and his hands delve into my hair. I swirl my tongue around the head, trying to suck at the same time, and he moans. Oh, he is really sensitive under the rim.

  "Oh baby, that's good."

  I go back to sliding him in and almost out, rocking my head faster. My jaw is beginning to ache, but I like the hardness in my mouth.

  Anker pulls back. “Give your jaw a rest,” he says as if he can hear my thoughts.

  I start licking the underside of his cock head, remembering how sensitive he was a few minutes ago. Thor’s Hammer seems to be getting a life of its own, bobbing a bit as I lick it. I move down the shaft, enjoying the texture of his taut skin. When I get to the base, I’m a little bit at a loss, so I ask him, “Can I lick your balls too. Is that okay?”

  “Fuck, Annabelle, you have an open invitation to lick my balls whenever you want to. You never have to ask again.”

  They are hefty. I tilt my head back and open my mouth wide, my tongue lashing out to flick against the softer skin. I lick and kiss each in turn, hearing him groan.

  I follow the length back up until I get to the head and suck on him again, tasting the pre-cum that gathered at the tip. I suck eagerly, wanting to taste more of him.

  “You’re so good at this. I thought I could last longer, but I’m going to come. If you aren’t ready for it in your mouth, you need to move.”

  I lock myself into place around him and look up into his eyes again. He must see permission in my gaze as his whole body tightens. His hips start pumping and he roars as I feel a blast in my mouth.

  It’s kind of overwhelming, trying to keep up without choking. I swallow hard as he pulses more into my mouth, coating it with the salty taste of him. I feel compelled to take more, like all my body wants is this. His come. His cock. I’m mindless and focused at the same time, greedily sucking as his moans fill the room.

  He’s petting me, telling me things I don’t think he knows he’s saying. Compliments about my mouth, how he’s never letting me go, interspersed with raw grunts and groans and words of possession and awe and directives like, “take it all,” and “swallow me.” I keep him in my mouth as long as I can, amazed at how different the skin feels in my mouth as he softens.


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