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Harmony Page 9

by Sienna Mynx

  “But Lewis…”

  “It’s done. It ain’t for you to worry or to fix. Some things a woman just can’t handle.”

  She opened her mouth to object and his kiss came down crushingly hard. Swiftly he entered her, consuming her doubts. Harmony closed her eyes and her mind, allowing him to awaken her body. She lied to herself, because in her heart she knew Grams was right.

  A car swerved then made an illegal U-turn in the street. Several other cars honked their horns. She could hear a few people yelling from their windows. Harmony glanced up to the scene as she navigated the congestion of people on the move along the sidewalk. A man jumped out of the passenger side of the car and headed directly for her. She wouldn’t have given it a second thought if she didn’t catch the determined look in his eye as he approached. Harmony quickened her step, bumping one person and the next to put distance between her and the man following. She turned the corner and walked faster. Glancing behind her she nearly panicked when she realized the man on foot kept pursuit. He was tall, white, in a dark suit and hat. He stood out amongst the sea of black people traveling the sidewalk. Many noticed and got out of his way and others were shoved aside as he hurried after her.

  The courage she summoned to visit Madame St. Clair unraveled and her instinct told her to run. So run she did. Right up against the chest of another man. He grabbed her elbow and forced her to the side of the sidewalk, staring down at her. “You Harmony Jones?”

  Startled she wrenched her arm free of his hand. The sun in her eyes prevented her from seeing his face clearly. The other man stopped behind her. Now she stood between them both.

  “Mr. Romano requests your presence.”

  She glanced to the street and noticed the car again. This man must have driven ahead and got out to cut her off. Her mind tried to think of what to say, how to escape, but nervous energy clouded her thoughts. He crowded her.

  “This way.” He gestured for her to come along.

  “I can’t. And if you touch me again I’ll scream.” She bumped into another man and her head swung around to see him crowding her from behind.

  “I don’t remember saying you had a choice.” The man advancing on her answered.

  Harmony frowned. “I said no. Tell him no, no thanks.”

  “Hey Mony! Everything okay?” Paulette walked up. The man before her narrowed his steely gaze on her only and didn’t bother to acknowledge Paulette. Immediately Harmony slipped from between them both and hooked her arm around her friend.

  “Like I said, thanks but no thanks boys. You want to see me come to The Cotton tonight. You’ll have a blast!” Harmony shouted loud enough to draw everyone’s attention on the sidewalk. A few stopped and said they knew who she was. That she sang at the Lincoln before. One person asked if she was going to leave The Cotton and switch over to the Savoy to perform. The small crowd of onlookers didn’t notice the glare of the two white men, but Harmony and Paulette did. She tugged on Paulette’s arm and together they beat a path in the other direction.

  “Who were they?” Paulette asked?

  “Vinnie Romano’s men, are they following?”

  Paulette looked back but kept step with her. “No. They’ve gone.”

  Harmony pulled her to the train station doors. “Come on, before they come back.”

  “What the hell is going on? What are you doing over on this side of town?” Paulette pummeled her with questions. Harmony’s heart thundered in her chest, she could only decipher a few of her questions. The roaring rush of the passing train drowned out Paulette’s shaky voice. Vinnie Romano didn’t want to help her. In fact she didn’t care to explore what he wanted. That game was far too dangerous to play. Not when her brother’s life depended on it. Harmony hurried into the train and checked the crowd for the faces of the men. They weren’t in the boxcar when the doors closed. She suddenly found the ability to breathe easy again.


  “Bless me father for I have sinned. I’m not Catholic, and I’m not sure how to do this right. But I’m here. I need… absolution.”

  “You are safe here my son. Regardless of faith God hears all. You want to unburden yourself? You’re ready now for complete surrender?”

  The question almost made him bolt. Father Michaels didn’t allow coloreds to attend St. Mary’s, yet he hid him in his cellar on the orders of Satan himself. Willie didn’t want to confess, but the priest made it clear if he were to stay then he’d have to atone for whatever sin brought him to the church doors. So here he was.

  “I’ve lied. I’ve stolen before. I’ve even shot a gun once or twice at another man. But I never… ever killed a man.” Willie closed his eyes. The words lodged in his throat.

  “Go on son, the path to forgiveness is one of truth. God knows your secret. Confess it and shatter the lies once and for all.”

  Willie shook his head. If he confessed his greatest sin the priest would surely throw him out the front doors. Faith or not, there would be no forgiveness for what he was and what trusting Antonio Romano had made him become. Before God and all his mighty angels Willie did what he was best known for. He lied again. “I’ve sold hooch, and other things that I shouldn’t have and I’ve stolen from those who trusted me.”

  “And you did these things because?”

  “It’s what I know. It’s who I am.”

  “To atone you must understand sin is a choice, and if you want absolution it is time for you to choose another.”

  “I understand.” Willie mumbled.

  The priest began to pray. Willie opened his eyes and stared at nothing, listening to the words of the prayer, disbelieving the power of healing in the words. He repeated the prayer and accepted his order of penance. There was no way out of the hell he was locked in. But at least Harmony was safe. She’d done so much for him, sacrificed everything for him since Grams and Lewis died. He’d find a way out of New York and head North to Canada. He’d miss his sister but she was strong, and a survivor. The best thing for them both is if he took his secrets with him, wherever they led him.


  It ain’t all Jazz baby…

  Fletch Henderson waved his hand and the band cued up. Harmony tapped her left foot and snapped her fingers to the swing beat. The scene was jumping after her third set. No matter her troubles, she sang her heart out for release. Coming up on her fourth performance she felt a sliver of elation over her favorite song. The one she and Milo wrote together.

  Trouble had come when she arrived at The Cotton. Madden was in full rage. He struck Fletch and cursed the band members before storming off. Harmony was afraid to ask the cause or source of his fury. She soon learned that Milo had not returned. He never missed a warm up. And even now he hadn’t shown for their performance. If Fletch didn’t cover for him Madden would fire him or do worse over the blatant disrespect. Harmony refused to think of what Milo encountered that kept him away. Twice through her first song her voice faltered and she struggled to keep up. Stickman on the piano cut her a look and she recovered. She had to. At The Cotton mediocre wasn’t tolerated.

  The men in the club roared with excitement. Harmony strutted around the small floor with her arms flung open wide. She worked her hips and shook her breasts to wolf calls and whistles. She sang of a loose woman who had an insatiable sexual appetite and devoured her lovers. The more she sang the more the dread and fear in her heart for Milo and her brother eased. Near the close of her performance Milo walked out wailing on his brass saxophone.

  Harmony spun with relief and excitement spiking warmed adrenaline through her veins. He blew a sultry mix of sexy melodies at her and she swayed singing along. The crowd silenced and every man and woman found themselves transfixed by the sensual direction the music flowed. It couldn’t be manufactured or called anything less than magic. Together they climaxed their jam session with him on his knees and his horn raised in tribute.

  The applause was secondary to the appreciation in his eyes. Milo rose and she drifted into his arms.

; “Where you been? I looked for you.” She whispered against his ear.

  “I’ll tell you everything,” he hushed her and spun her back out to the crowd. Harmony blew kisses to the smiling audience and nodded her appreciation to Fletch Henderson before quickly exiting. Milo was on her heels.

  She stopped behind the curtain, hopeful. He walked over and pulled her further out of earshot. “There’s something bad going down Mony. Romano is on a warpath.”

  “What? Vinnie Romano? Why now?”

  “What did you tell him about Willie?” Milo asked.

  “Nothing. I only asked for his help. What is it? Is he looking to hurt Willie?”

  Milo glanced around. Two men who worked for Madden approached. “I need you to get your things. I brought Belle to sing the rest of the night. You head home. Gather as much as you can and then go to Paulette’s. She’s waitin’ for you.”

  “No. Dammit this is insane. Just tell me the truth.”

  Milo grabbed her by both hands. “Do you understand that these men are dangerous? I know you went to see Madame today. Now I hear people think you know something around the missing booze that belongs to Romano.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Willie does. Turns out the booze he’d sold to Red Hot’s don’t belong to Mickey Collins but to Vinnie Romano, and he wants it back. Grease Man and Madame are pissed because they’ve paid for a delivery and got nothing, so they hunting him too. Looking to cash in on Willie’s troubles. Everyone’s looking for Willie.”

  Harmony’s stomach dropped. “Sweet merciful God. Willie? They’ll kill him. Won’t they?”

  “Trust me Mony. Leave now, and together we can figure out how we can help him. Go.”

  Milo released her. She’d never seen him frightened, even with the constant burden of walking the criminal line. Tonight he looked scared.

  “Paulette will take you some place safe. I think I know where to find Willie. I’ll bring him to you.”

  “Madden’s on the warpath tonight. Did he approve of Belle singing for me? Does Fletch know you making this switch?”

  “I’ll make up an excuse. Belle got talent to get the crowd going so Madden will be cool. But you need to go.”

  He walked off and she was left to watch him from the wings. There was nothing more she could do or say. Harmony pressed her fingers to her temples and tried to calm herself. Several girls passed and asked if she was okay. She managed a weak smile and dashed for her changing room. She shared it with the two other starlets performing that week but tonight it was hers alone. And when she opened the doors the most colorful sight greeted her. The place looked as if Eden had exploded in it. Flowers in all kinds of colors were stuffed in vases. She checked them one by one unsure of who they were sent to or from. She located a card and paused over the scribbling.

  I expect to see you soon. Our business isn’t done.


  The door opened. A tall black clad figure, with the front of his fedora pulled so low to his face she saw little of his eyes, walked in. But his intense stare was felt in the silent way he stood before her. She recognized him.

  “Mr. Madden don’t allow us to have visitors honey, if you wait after my show we can talk.”

  The stranger reached behind him and engaged the lock with a soft click. With a slow deliberate hand he removed his hat and a sly smile eased across his lips. His teeth, even and white, were a stark contrast over his deep olive skin. “Name’s Luigi but most call me Leftie ma’am, forgive the intrusion, however, this won’t wait...” There was a hint of mockery in the forced politeness within his voice.

  He had thick dark glossy hair smoothed back from his face. Hard angles defined his handsomeness, and his eyes looked cool as black ice. “Now that we’ve had proper introduction, pack your things. You’re going for a ride.”

  “I remember you.” Harmony dropped her hands to her hips and held to her courage. She wore her show dress, a firebomb red clingy number with a low-cut front bodice and long hem with splits up to mid thigh on both sides. She glistened like rubies when the light hit her curves, and she knew it. She noticed how his gaze often lowered to her breasts. “You’re that guy from earlier right?” She released a soft chuckle. “If I knew you wanted an autograph I wouldn’t have been so rude. Thing is suga, I’m just taking a quick break. The boys are waiting on me. I’m not leaving in the middle of my show.”

  The humor around the man’s eyes and mouth faded. She felt her skin prickle with goose bumps, and the air chill around her. She hadn’t much use for white men in the past. Besides Vinnie Romano she’d never, ever, ever, spent time alone with one. Now she remembered why. His forced respect was more of a game to him than anything. Like most white men he had an air of entitlement, and her blatant defiance challenged it on many levels. She had to think of something quick to diffuse the irritation flaring between them both. With less sass in her voice she spoke to him clearly. “Vinnie, wants to see me? Okay. I understand. Why don’t you wait out back while I change? I can’t go to him dressed like this now can I? Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll meet you in a few minutes. A quick change and we’re on our way.”

  He didn’t respond.

  Harmony took a brave step toward him. She saw his gaze drop to her hips when she did so. She almost rolled her eyes at how predictable this one here was. “Aww c’mon suga. Give me a minute please.”

  The stranger situated his hat on his head. “Either you pack something or I’ll drag you out as you are. This is happening toots. Decide. We do this the hard way or not?”

  If she screamed for help it would worsen matters. Madden would gladly hand her over to end the drama. He’d probably punish Milo and Fletch for ruining the night. And if she went with this man to Vinnie Romano what then? Milo said Romano believed Willie stole from him. Did he think the night they shared had been a setup? She was trapped.

  The man before her looked as if he would enjoy forcing her to do his will. Harmony nodded she would obey. She quickly gathered her street clothes (two dresses) into her cloth bag. With her back to him her gaze fell on her half eaten dinner. A knife lay across a sandwich glistening up at her. She leaned forward as if reaching for the scarf on the chair next to the plate and discreetly slipped the knife under her hand. “I guess Vinnie’s a bit impatient tonight huh?” She said, placing the knife in her cloth bag. She turned with an innocent smile. “All done.”

  The guy hadn’t moved a step.

  “Okay, take me to Mr. Romano.”

  He opened the door and held it for her to walk out. She followed him to the back doors and passed some of the kitchen staff. Many eyes trailed her, both from black and white faces, but she ignored the questions in their stares. She kept her hand in the cloth bag and on the knife.

  Once they entered the alley a car awaited. She was forced inside. Her kidnapper joined her in the back seat. The driver drove off before the door closed. She rode silently, playing out her options. The stranger never glanced her way. He never spoke and the silence was the worst. She thought if she breathed wrong it could set off some deadly reaction. When they travelled north out of Harlem she realized they weren’t headed back to Vinnie’s place. The city disappeared behind them, a dark forested road awaited ahead.

  “Where, ah, where are we going?” she asked.

  “You’ll see soon enough.”

  Harmony gripped the knife tighter. Lewis once told her a drive out to the country was a one-way trip. She’d be damned if she’d let it be so.


  The shipyard, remote and eerily isolated despite it being only a few miles north of the harbor, was the best lead the men had. Romano understood why Mickey would choose this spot. Prohibition had bootleggers creatively handling the drops and storage of imports from the shores of Sicily, and as far as Ireland. Not that the cops wouldn’t hand over the product if it were seized, but that too could be costly for business. He’d received word Mickey Collins wanted a meeting in another hour. However, the messy matter of locating Mickey’s p
irated stash would need to be done before any meeting occurred. He cast his gaze to the window as his car and those escorting him rode through the shipyard with the lights dimmed.

  Antonio sat to his left fuming. His bloody nose had been tended to by Mabel. He wouldn’t allow a doctor to examine him. The evidence of their brawl was brutally evident. Purple and red bruises spread from his nostrils and extended to his swollen eyes.

  The car stopped.

  “If this isn’t done tonight, I expect you to see it to the very end.” He cast his gaze over to Antonio. “You still want Harlem?”

  The question took his little brother by surprise. Antonio tried to mask the interest in his eyes when he nodded his answer. Romano understood his brother’s need to be his own man. The others had overlooked Harlem, but since Madden opened The Cotton its allure had spiked the interest of a few.


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