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Christmas Daddies

Page 22

by Jade West

  The question rolls off my tongue. “And bad little girls..?”

  I can hear the smile in his voice. “Be good and you won’t have to find out.”

  His thumb, back and forth, pressing into my ass, and I like it. I like being a dirty girl.

  I open my eyes, and his are fixed between my legs, right where he’s touching. He looks so different like this, so dark and sexy and fierce, so different from the Daddy Nick that makes my lunchbox and strokes my hair at night.

  “Wait right here,” he says, like that’s necessary.

  He picks up the bowl and heads out of view, and I bounce my knees against my chest while I wait. I hear water running, and footsteps, my neck craning for sight of him. Steam rises from the bowl when he comes back into view, and there are those tingles in my toes again, those wings beating in my belly.

  I peer down between my thighs as he lathers soap into his hands. They feel so warm as they touch against my pussy, so gentle as he rubs suds all over me. He meets my eyes as he takes the razor.

  “Relax, sweetheart. I’ll be careful.”

  I nod. “I know you will, Daddy.”

  It feels so strange, the sensation of the blade against my skin. Long strokes, then short ones, his fingers spreading me open to run the razor between my lips. I trust him so much that it’s easy to relax. I stare in fascination, not fear. Watching him, watching the way he’s so careful and precise, watching the smile on his face as he shaves me bald and makes me so tender.

  I flinch as the razor dips between my ass cheeks, and then I giggle for being so silly.

  “Nice and smooth,” he says, and runs the blade everywhere. Everywhere.

  He wipes me down with a warm cloth and it feels like tingly heaven. Like my skin’s never been touched before. I want to feel it for myself, but I don’t move, just hold my knees tight like he asked me to.

  “Beautiful,” he says. “You’re absolutely beautiful, little Laine.”

  He dips his head and blows warm breath on me, and it makes me shudder and squirm.

  “Tingles…” I whisper. “It all tingles…”

  He lets out a groan as he presses his lips to my pussy, and it’s so raw that it makes my head spin. His tongue swirls and laps at me, his fingers spreading me open until he’s flicking my clit with fast little strokes and I’m gripping my knees so tight my fingers hurt.

  “Yes, Daddy… please…”

  His mouth is hot as he clamps it onto me, and he sucks hard. I make stupid hissing noises as he pinches my clit between his teeth, and my muscles are clenched tight, my hips bucking, desperate for more.

  It’s easy to come today. My body just does it, my breath fast and short, my legs trembling as I go up and over the edge. He makes it so easy.

  I jump as his tongue touches my asshole, squirming away before he realises he’s made a mistake and squicks out, but he grabs my thighs and holds me tight, and his tongue is right back there, tasting me, in my dirtiest place, where it feels so icky… dirty…

  “Daddy…” I whisper, as though I need to tell him, but he just grunts and pushes the point of his tongue right there, right inside.

  His voice is muffled and gruff. “Relax,” he says. “Let Daddy taste you.”

  And he can’t mean… but he does… he does mean it. His fingers spread my ass and his tongue pushes and pokes its way inside, and it feels like an electric eel, all sparky and tickly and jolty.

  And I can’t get enough.

  I can’t get enough of how it feels.

  He knows it, too. I hear a low laugh. “Daddy knows how to make you feel good, sweetheart.”

  He pushes in deeper and I can’t stop myself moaning.

  I gasp as he pulls away. He licks his lips as I stare at him, and I wonder what I taste like.

  But I don’t think I want to know.

  I drop my knees and let my legs hang over the edge of the table. I’m propped up on my elbows as Daddy Nick unbuckles his belt.

  “Do you want to make Daddy feel good?”

  I smile so brightly, because it’s real and true. There’s nothing I want more than to make Daddy feel good.

  He beckons me off the table, and his hand lands on my head, pushes me down to my knees, and I know what’s coming. I just hope I remember what Kelly Anne told me.

  His cock is so big when he pulls it free. He smells all grown up, and his cock is dark and thick and veiny. He works it in his hand and the end is wet, just a little. The slit in the end is so close to my face, and I wonder if I could fit the tip of my tongue in there, and if I’d want to.

  Yes, I’d want to.

  My mouth opens on instinct, my eyes moving up to meet his as his fingers stroke my hair.

  “Give me your mouth, little Laine,” he says, and his hips push forward, the big, dark head of his cock aiming right for my lips. “Look at Daddy now. Keep looking at Daddy.”

  He’s bigger in my mouth than I expect, pushing past my teeth until my cheeks billow and strain, and I want to retch but fight it, just try to keep breathing through my nose as he rocks himself back and forth.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. That’s a good girl.”

  He pushes to the back of my throat and I splutter until he pulls out again.

  “Suck Daddy. Suck Daddy with that pretty little mouth.”

  I do suck him. I suck him hard, not caring how my mouth is wet and slurpy. Not caring that my eyes are watering and my cheeks feel hollow with the strain.

  I forget every single piece of advice Kelly Anne gave me, because it’s all I can do to keep sucking as he takes my hair and holds me tight. He thrusts, slowly, but deep, gently, back and forth.

  “That’s it… good girl…” He closes his eyes and lets out a grunt. “Deeper, let Daddy deeper.”

  I retch as he pushes, but don’t pull away. I never want to pull away.

  He pushes his dick into my cheek until it strains, and then he watches me. Watches me with his big thick cock stretching my mouth, and I pray I’m doing it right, pray I’m good enough.

  “Perfect,” he growls. “Fuck, Laine, you’re a fucking treasure.”

  His pleasure is the greatest sound on earth. The roughness of his fingers in my hair is the greatest feeling. I love it when he grunts and groans, when he thrusts and makes me gag.

  I love it when he loses control and his hips jerk and thrust and his dick twitches and pulses in my mouth.

  I love the filthy noises it makes when he’s fucking my mouth.

  Because that’s what he’s doing. He’s fucking my mouth.

  My fingers can’t stop playing with my clit, and my bare pussy feels so strange and sensitive. I’m making noises too, weird little gasps that sound like squeaks as his balls slap off my chin.

  They’re bigger than I thought, too.

  “Daddy’s going to come,” he rasps. “You want Daddy’s cum, don’t you?”

  I can barely nod, but I try anyway.

  “It’s coming… take it all for Daddy, take it all, sweetheart…”

  It hits the back of my tongue first, and it’s thick and salty and makes me choke. I feel him spurt against my lips, and it tastes so strange, like nothing I’ve ever tasted.

  “Open for Daddy…” he groans, and there’s more. I open wide as his dick jerks and his cum fills my mouth, and it’s warm under my tongue, my eyes streaming as it trickles to the back of my throat.

  He grunts and swears and works his cock as it spurts, over and over, and then he tenses and sighs. He smooths the hair from my forehead and smiles at me.

  “Show me, show Daddy.”

  I open my mouth wide, and he looks inside, then pushes his fingers in, rolls them around my tongue where I’m full of him.

  “Good girl…” he says, and it makes my heart so proud. “Swallow for Daddy.”

  I swallow it all down like a good little girl and show him my empty mouth, and it’s really not that bad. It’s not so bad at all, not like Kelly Anne said it was.

  I like Daddy Nick’s cum, just
as much as I like the rest of him.

  He pulls me to my feet and wraps me in his arms, and I feel so giddy, so floaty and light as he holds me tight.

  He kisses my mouth, where he’s been, and I’m sure I must taste of him, but he doesn’t care. His tongue licks at mine, and mine licks his right back, and I’m giggling, happy.

  I’m still giggling as he pulls away.

  “You can do your homework before dinner,” he says, and dirty Daddy Nick is all gone.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I watch her as I cook up our pasta, chopping tomatoes as she pretends to ponder over an assignment. She’s not thinking about her college work, not even close. Her eyes flick in my direction every time she thinks I’m occupied, and her cheeks are still pretty pink, flushed with that beautiful post-orgasmic glow every man likes to see after he’s been eating pussy.

  She’s barely dressed, and I wonder if her camisole, knickers and socks combination is deliberate. She couldn’t look more innocent little girl if she tried. It shouldn’t feel as good as it does, this thing we’ve got. It shouldn’t feel as though my life meant nothing before she was here, but it does.

  “What is it?” she asks, and she’s smiling.


  She laughs, and it’s intoxicating. “You’re staring so hard it burns. Have I done something?”

  “You’ve done plenty, young lady,” I tell her in my sternest voice.

  “I have?”

  “Oh yes.” I continue chopping, then put the tomatoes in the pan before I smile. “All of it good.”

  She sighs and feigns a heart attack. “I’m glad it’s all good,” she says. “You’ve done plenty too, Daddy Nick.”

  “I have, have I?”

  She nods, and there’s no laughter there, just a hushed little whisper. “I was nobody before you found me.”

  It hits me in the gut. Two different people, two very different worlds. Both empty.

  She taps the pen I gave her against her notepad. “I never had a family before, but now I have. We’re a family, right, a little one, me and you?”

  “Yes, Laine. Yes we are.”

  Her smile is bright enough to light the world. I know I’ll never grow tired of looking at her, never tire of taking care of her, or holding her tight. Or loving her.

  “Thanks,” she says. “You’ve given me everything.”

  “And I’ll take you.” I tell her. “Soon.”


  I nod. “Soon, Laine.”

  “But not today?”

  “Not today.”

  She shrugs. “Ok, Daddy. Whenever you’re ready.”

  Her coy little grin makes me smile all the while I strain the pasta.

  I run her a bath full of bubbles, and she’s so dainty as she dips a toe in.

  “Too hot?”

  She shakes her head. “Just right.”

  She holds my arm for balance, even though she doesn’t need it, and I hold her as she lowers herself, her tight little body making my cock strain as she disappears under the suds.

  I uncuff my shirt as she watches, roll up my sleeves before I dip the jug in the water between her legs. She sits up instinctively, tipping her head back ready for me to wet her hair.

  “Mum used to do this,” she tells me. “Only sometimes, when I was little. We didn’t have a shower.” She closes her eyes as I tip the jug. “That feels really nice.”

  “Our new routine, sweetheart,” I say. “Bath and bedtime.” The thought thrills me.

  I squeeze the shampoo onto her hair, darker now it’s wet, and it feels so soft against my fingers as I lather.

  “That feels better than nice,” she tells me. “It feels amazing.”

  I massage her scalp, and tickle her neck, twist her golden tresses around my fingers as she sighs.

  She lowers herself under the water to rinse it off, and her knees bob up. I resist the urge to slip my hand between her legs, and she surfaces none the wiser of the hard on pulsing in my trousers. I smooth through the conditioner as she sighs.

  “Did you do this… for Jane?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “That’s nice,” she says.

  “Like riding a bike,” I tell her, making sure I’ve conditioned the fine little wisps at her temples. “Once you know how to wash hair, you never forget.”

  “You’re good at it. You’re good at everything.”

  “Not everything.”

  She twists her head to meet my eyes. “Yes so. You’re amazing.”

  She can say it all she likes, but the two people I loved so much are still in the ground because I didn’t take good enough care of them. She must notice the sadness, because she twists further, and her sweet little nipples greet me through the bubbles.

  “I really mean it. You’re amazing, Daddy. So kind and thoughtful and strong.”

  “Not strong enough, Laine. Not in the past. Not enough to enforce the discipline I should’ve enforced.”

  Her eyes are wide, lashes wet. “But you are now.”

  “Yes,” I tell her. “I am now.”

  She twists back as I continue with her hair. “How will you… discipline me…”

  I don’t hesitate. “I’ll spank you, Laine. Hard. Until you learn whatever lesson needs learning.”

  The water gives her away, a slop against the sides as she squeezes her legs together. “You’ll spank me?”

  “Hard.” I tug her hair back until her eyes are staring up at mine. “My father used a belt on me. It’s in my study, which still has the same desk he used to punish me over.”

  She swallows. “It must’ve hurt.”

  “Very much.” I let go of her hair. “But he taught me well. Taught me how to be smart, and dedicated, and driven.”

  “Will you… use a belt on me?”

  “If you deserve it.” I twist her hair into a pony then pile it on top of her head and grab the soap. “Be a good girl and there’ll be no need. Arms up.”

  She raises her arms and I soap her, from her dainty fingers to her elbows, then up to her armpits as she giggles. “That tickles.”

  She stops giggling as my fingers work down her front. I take her sweet little tits and roll them in my palms, and her nipples are hard, just right for a little pinch. She leans into me and I pinch them again, sharp enough that she squeaks.

  “Dirty girl,” I tell her, and tap her knees. “Let Daddy wash you.”

  She raises herself on her arms, her back arched and knees spread without hesitation. Her pussy presents itself above the water, covered in bubbles and rosy pink from the warmth. I lather fresh soap and slip my hand between her thighs, rubbing back and forth, where my fingers catch her clit and slide between her puffy lips. She rocks, and murmurs, eyes tight shut as I soap her.

  “Lovely and clean,” I tell her, but she keeps rocking.

  “Please, Daddy… that feels so nice…”

  “Does my dirty little girl want Daddy to make her come?”

  She nods her head. “Please, Daddy…”

  I pull my hand away and she groans. “On all fours, be a good girl and I’ll make you come.”

  The water sloshes as she twists and rolls over. She raises herself so beautifully, and I change position, stepping to the other end of the bath where her ass is waiting for me. I pick up the moisturiser from the shelf, and squirt some onto my fingers. She spreads her knees as far as they’ll go, and the cheeks of her ass part for me. Her pussy lips drip underneath her, so beautifully puffy. I rub the moisturiser over the tight globes of her ass, and she doesn’t flinch as I part them to find her puckered little asshole. It winks at me, and I know she’s nervous.

  “Relax,” I tell her. “Let Daddy wash you.”

  She nods, lets out a gasp as I run my fingers across her tight little ring. “Relax,” I repeat, and she tries, her muscles loosening as I rub the cream along her crack. She shifts forward when I squirt a dollop right on target. “Be good,” I warn, and she hitches back.

  “What are you going to do?” she asks, and her voice is crackly. Glorious nerves.

  “Let Daddy in, sweetheart.” I press my finger to that gorgeous virgin ass, and it’s clenched tight. So fucking tight.

  “But I’m… it’s dirty… what if it’s…”

  I lower my voice. “Laine, be a good girl, let Daddy in.”

  A moment I’ll savour forever. My beautiful girl rocking on her knees as her breath catches in her throat. Hesitant. Divine.


  Her pussy clenches. Her asshole winks.

  And then relaxes.

  “I’ll be a good girl, Daddy,” she says.


  He’s going to put his fingers in there, and I want it. It feels so dirty but I want it.

  Daddy Nick wants to put his fingers in my asshole, just like he put his tongue in there. But his fingers are big.

  Not as big as his cock.

  I breathe, and make myself relax, and he groans.

  He’s horny Daddy Nick again, and if my weight wasn’t on my arms I’d put my fingers back there and touch myself. My clit is tickling, little sparks that make my breath come out raspy.

  I feel his finger pressing against my hole, and it feels so hot. He pushes and I make a funny little grunt as I feel it slide in a little way.

  “Good girl,” he says, and it makes me feel so warm.

  He pushes again, and it feels so weird, squelchy from soap as he wriggles his finger then slides it further, and I feel him, going deeper. It feels like I need the toilet.

  I tell him so and he lets out another one of those groans, and I need him to touch my pussy so bad that I can’t stop myself moving.

  “Oh yes,” he whispers. “That’s it. Push back for Daddy.”

  I ease my hips back and it feels hot, like a poker as it goes deeper. I groan and squeeze my eyes shut, and I really do need the toilet.

  “Daddy… mmm… I… I need to…”

  “No,” he says. “You don’t.”

  I gasp as he pushes again, and it hurts, just a bit. He keeps pushing, and I grit my teeth, and then he’s all the way in, I know he is. It doesn’t hurt anymore. He wriggles inside me, and I’m squelching. He presses and wriggles some more and I feel it in my pussy. It aches a fluttery ache.


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