Christmas Daddies

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Christmas Daddies Page 23

by Jade West

  And I like it.

  I really like it.

  “Beautiful,” he whispers, and I feel so shy. “How does that feel?”

  I don’t know what to say.

  “How does it feel, Laine? Tell Daddy.”

  He wriggles some more and I am so scared I’m going to poop on his finger that I clench real tight, and that makes the ache in my pussy so much worse.

  I moan, and I don’t sound like me at all.

  “Tell Daddy, Laine.”

  “I… I like it…”

  “Tell Daddy how it feels to have his finger in your ass, sweetheart.”

  Squirmy. It’s so hot and squirmy… and amazing…

  “It feels…” I suck in breath as he slides it in and out. “Ah… Ah, Daddy… that feels so nice…”

  In and out, in and out, and it doesn’t hurt, not even a bit, not even uncomfortable like it did at first…

  “That’s right, sweetheart, take it. Take it for Daddy.”

  I move as he moves, the water splashing under me as I jerk against Daddy’s thick finger as he squirms it inside me, and then there’s his thumb, pressing against my pussy, right against my clit, and I can’t stand it, I can’t stop grunting.

  “Daddy’s going to make you come. You’re such a good girl, Laine, such a good little girl.”

  I feel on fire, my ass clenching and my pussy too, and my breath in rasps. “Daddy… Daddy, please… don’t stop… don’t stop, Daddy…”

  I don’t recognise myself, and I can’t stop, can’t stop begging as he rubs me and pushes his finger in and out.

  And then there’s more… I feel another finger, and I groan but don’t stop moving… and it hurts, a burn as he pushes that one in too.

  “Daddy’s going to fuck your ass, Laine,” he grunts. I wonder if he means right now and I don’t care. He could put anything in there and I wouldn’t care. “Soon, sweetheart, soon Daddy’s going to give you his cock.”

  “Please…” I hiss. “Oh God, Daddy, please don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”

  I slam forward as he makes me come, slopping water over the side, and my hair is slimy with conditioner, pressed to my cheek as Daddy fucks me with his fingers and my ass burns and tightens. I’m a shuddery mess, my mouth open as he keeps circling my clit, and I want him in me. I want him in my pussy.

  I want Daddy’s cock inside me.

  “Yes…” I whisper. “Oh, Daddy, yes…”

  I jerk, and wriggle and hiss. His fingers keep on fucking my ass. My clit tickles and pulses and I cry out, my legs trembling.

  And then I’m done.

  I breathe.

  He pulls his fingers out with a squelch, and my ass feels open wide. I can feel where he’s been.

  He gives my ass a slap. “Time to wash that conditioner out,” he says.

  I roll over and tip my head back like a good girl.

  Chapter Sixteen


  He towels me dry and helps me into my knickers and nightdress. My socks, too. He gets me a glass of warm milk and takes me through to the sitting room, pats his knee as he lowers himself into an armchair, and I join him, my ass pressing into his lap as his arms wrap me up and hold me tight.

  His lips press to my shoulder. “You smell so clean, Laine. Sweet, like cherries.”

  He breathes in my damp hair and I still can’t believe this is real. I can’t believe that someone really loves me like this.

  He takes a brush from the side table and its bristles feel so nice against my scalp as he works it through my hair. He’s gentle, but firm, long smooth strokes to my shoulder blades, pulling loose any knots with short, sharp tugs. He’s done this before.

  I’m surprised when he splits my hair into three, his fingers so quick at plaiting the length. I hear the twang of a hairband from his wrist and he ties the end.

  “Wavy curls in the morning,” he tells me. “Like an angel.”

  “Thanks, Daddy Nick.”

  Daddy Nick.


  Using his name that way is my one pathetic safeguard of being… I dunno… being his lover, not just his little girl. I want to cling onto that, and I guess it’s fear. Fear of him seeing me as just a baby. That’s what I feel like, his baby girl.

  And I love that.

  I really love that.

  But I want to be his lover, too.

  His actual lover.

  “You’re tense,” he comments. “What’s up, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing,” I say.

  He sighs. “No secrets, Laine.”

  I shrug. “I guess I’m just scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Of loving being your little girl so much that it becomes everything I am.” My own honesty surprises me.

  “Would that be so bad?”

  I shrug again. I picture the kind of women he works with. Important, smart women. Successful women. Grown up women.

  “This is for keeps,” he whispers. “You and me.” His chin rests on my shoulder, his breath warm against my cheek. “Now that I’ve found you, Laine, I’m not ever letting you go.”

  “And that’s what you want? A little girl… to take care of…”

  “I want you,” he says.

  I twist until I can face him, and his eyes are so warm and kind. “I feel like I could stay like this forever. Never grow up. But how could that work?”

  He trails a finger down my cheek. “You’re thinking too much, sweetheart. Worrying unnecessarily.”

  Butterflies again, so many butterflies. “I guess I’ve never had to worry about losing anything before. Never had anything worth keeping.”

  “You won’t lose this, Laine. Finding you made life mean something again.”

  I smile. “It did? Really?”

  “Really.” His eyes smile back at me. “Now, stop your worrying and drink your milk. It’s bedtime.”

  I bury my face into his neck where it feels so nice, and he holds me tight and kisses my hair while I breathe him in, and my butterflies calm their flapping.

  “Thanks, Daddy.”

  I wake up from a horrible nightmare. A horrible nightmare where Nick’s introducing me to my new mummy. And she’s beautiful, and stylish and smart and all grown up.

  She’s wearing heels and red lipstick, and carries a briefcase, and her smile is pearly white as she holds out a hand to me.

  He’s still sleeping soundly when I open my eyes, his breathing calm and steady, his chest to my back. I don’t want to wake him, so I don’t. Just snuggle into his arms and tell myself I’m being stupid, that being a little-y doesn’t mean I’m not a proper lover. We can talk, about things. Grown up things.

  I could learn to be like Kelly Anne, and put on some lipstick and some sexy underwear and show him I’m a woman.

  If I wanted to.

  And that’s the thing. I’m not sure I want to.

  I love the way it feels to be his little girl. I love how naughty it feels, and how safe I feel.

  I love how it makes him grunt, and makes his eyes so dark, and his cock so big and hard.

  I love Daddy Nick.

  And that’s what I’m really scared of. Of loving someone as much as this so quickly. Because if I can love him this much already, when I don’t even know him, not really, how much am I going to love him when I’m used to him being my everything?

  He shifts in his sleep, and his arms tighten around my waist.

  He’s already my everything. All other things feel so far away. My old house, my old babysitting routine, Kelly Anne and her chitchat. My mum…

  I haven’t even given her my new number, and she hasn’t tried to reach me. No ping on social media, or desperate message through Kelly Anne. Nothing.

  I exist only to Nick.

  And that’s where I want to stay. Forever. Right here.

  In his little girl’s bedroom, with its pink walls and its comfy bed and its pretty things.

  Sugar and spice and all things nice.

  That’s what I’l
l be made of.

  And Daddy Nick will love me for it. Forever.

  Just like he would’ve loved his own little girl.


  Our routine is blissful, Laine’s and mine. Pulling free from her arms in the morning to shower and cook her up some breakfast. Dropping her at college and kissing her hair and telling her to have a nice day. Her sweet voice at lunchtime, our telephone call like clockwork, one on the dot. Her joyful recounting of her day when I pick her up. The quiet beauty of her completing her assignments at the dinner table.

  Our evening meal. Our gentle conversations.

  The chores she’s taken up naturally. Loading the dishwasher after our meal. Setting the table for the next. Dropping her clothes in the laundry hamper. Fastening up my cufflinks with a smile.

  Laine is everything I could have wished for. She’s straight from my dreams.

  And she’s mine.

  All mine.

  My innocent, perfect little girl.

  But there’s a dirtiness behind her sexual naivety. A naughty little girl behind her angel eyes.

  It’s in the way she wriggles and squirms and moans for my tongue, for my kisses, for my dirty fingers in her ass. She begs like she’s wanton and starved, and it’s a balm to my filthy soul, taking all of my restraint not to spear her tight little virgin pussy whenever she’s spread underneath me. She takes everything Daddy gives her, and still her ass grinds against my cock in the night, wanting more. Always wanting more.

  And tonight’s the night she’s going to get it.

  Friday night was always my plan. An unexpected surprise for my sweetheart after a long week at college.

  She’s none the wiser as I collect her from the college gates, telling me all about her day as she piles into the passenger seat. Kelly Anne this, and Kelly Anne that. Always that cow Kelly Anne.

  I say nothing tonight, just smile softly until she realises I’m quieter than usual.

  “What is it, Daddy?” Her eyes are so adoringly worried.

  “I’m taking you out,” I tell her. “Anywhere you want to go. My treat.”

  Her grin is magical. “Our for dinner?”

  I nod. “Anywhere you want to go.”

  I can feel her stewing, contemplating her options, and I know her well enough by now to know she’s wondering what I want to do, where I’d like to eat.

  “Where you want to go, Laine,” I tell her. “We’ll go where I want to go a different night.”

  “Okay,” she says, and I feel her eyes on me. I know the smile on her lips, the hint of devilment. “Milkshake and a burger. Fries, too.”

  I knew it. I laugh as I tell her as much.

  “A drive through!” she expands. “Oh please, Daddy Nick, can we go to a drive through?”

  “And eat greasy fries in our lovely clean car?”

  She nods. “Please, please, please!”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  She grins, bounces in her seat. “It is! It’s exactly what I want!”

  “Then a drive through it is,” I tell her.

  I make her do her homework before we head out to eat, and there’s a thrill of excitement in her smile which makes me both so happy and sad in parallel. Such a simple pleasure, and yet it means so much to my sweet Laine.

  She skips out to the car when I tell her it’s time to go. Her cheeks are flushed and her smile is bright.

  “I’m so looking forward to this,” she tells me as she buckles herself in.

  “So, what’s on the Laine Seabourne menu for this evening? Burger, fries, milkshake? How about some of those chicken nuggets on the side?”

  She nods. “And an apple pie, too? Please can we have an apple pie?”

  “We can have whatever you want, sweetheart. Ten apple pies if you like.”

  She lets out a squeal. “A large milkshake! Maybe even two!”

  “And large fries, extra large fries. Double fries. Fries on fries.”

  She laughs. “And what will you have?”

  I shrug. “I don’t usually eat fast food, I’ll take your guidance.”

  “Don’t worry, Daddy Nick,” she giggles. “I’ll help you out.”

  She does help me out, leaning across me to reach the drive through intercom and dishing out the order. Her hand rests on my thigh and my cock strains as she lets them know we want extra everything, and she doesn’t want gherkin on her burger and neither do I.

  She claps her hands as I ease the car towards the collection point.

  “Thank you,” she says. “You have no idea how much I love this stuff.”

  “I’m getting the picture. We can do this every weekend, if you love it so much.”

  Her eyes widen. “Every weekend? Seriously?”

  “Seriously. If you’re a good girl.”

  She lurches from her seat and wraps her arms around my neck, as though I’ve just proposed marriage. My stomach lurches and my dick twitches and there’s a glorious pang in my heart.

  “Thank you, Daddy Nick.”

  I squeeze her knee as we reach the collection window. “It’s just a bit of fast food, Laine. I have so many amazing pleasures to show you, I promise. We’ll do it all, sweetheart. Everything. Fast food will be the last thing on your to-do list.”

  I pass her the tray of food and thank and pay the attendant, and then I park up in the carpark as Laine instructs, and I genuinely have no idea why we didn’t just eat in. I tell her so.

  “It’s different in the car,” she tells me.

  “How so?”

  She shrugs, her fingers busy sorting out our order. “Because a drive through is… cooler…”


  “Yeah, more… I dunno…”

  I laugh as a couple of fries spill between her knees and land in the footwell. “More messy?”

  She giggles. “Well, yeah. That too. But it’s magical, getting your order and eating it on your lap in the car.”

  I’m not sure I see the magic in getting grease all over your dashboard, but I smile regardless. “Did you do this with your mum?”

  She shakes her head. “With a couple of her boyfriends, when it was all new. You know how it goes. New guy, wants to impress the kid, takes the family out for burgers, reads a bedtime story. Gets bored after a week and sends the kid to bed early every night until they get bored of the mum too and vanish into the horizon forever.”

  I don’t know how it goes. I don’t know at all. “That’s rough, Laine.”

  “It’s alright,” she says. “I did ok. I had it pretty good, loads of other kids have it way worse.”

  I keep quiet, unwrapping the thing that could only loosely be described as a burger and contemplating how she can possibly find so much pleasure in this.

  She gives a delightful groan as she bites into hers, a look of bliss on her face that I hope I’ll remember forever.

  “Good?” I ask.

  More groans. She nods her head, chews then swallows. “Better than good. Amazing.”

  I bite into mine. It’s actually not that bad, if you like the taste of processed plastic. Her eyes question me, and I haven’t the heart to tell her so. “Good,” I say, and she laughs. It’s raw and real and beautiful.


  I hold up my hands. “Really, it’s good,” I lie again.

  Her eyes sparkle. She hands me my milkshake. “Try this. You’ll like this.”

  It’s thick and slurpy. More sugar than substance.

  “So?” she prompts. “It’s good, right?”

  I tip my head. “It’s better than the burger.”

  “I love milkshake. It’s the best.”

  I can’t resist, not when I see her hollow cheeks as she sucks in rapture, her eyelashes fluttering as she takes a greedy mouthful.

  “I’m glad you think so,” I tell her. “Because Daddy’s got a milkshake of his own to give you later.”

  I try to keep my face impassive, try to stay stern, and serious, but her wide eyes tickle me. I laugh. Properly l
augh, right from the belly.

  “Gross,” she says, but she’s laughing, too, and it feels so good to let it all out, to see humour in a world that used to be so grey.

  I feel alive again.

  It dries up slowly, a soft giggle as she turns her attention back to her meal, and I’m staring at her, all thought of food long gone.

  “Tonight,” I tell her, and it takes her a moment to register my intention.

  “Tonight? Really?!”

  I nod. “Really. Home just as soon as we’ve finished.”

  She pauses, a fry halfway to her mouth, then drops it back in the carton and bundles the food back in the paper bag as I watch.

  “Finish your dinner,” I say. “There’s no rush, sweetheart.”

  But she doesn’t stop. Not until it’s all away.

  She takes my hand. Squeezes my greasy fingers with hers. “Please let’s go home, Daddy. I’m not hungry anymore.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  She’s nervous. I can feel it, her fingers squeezing mine so tightly as I lead her upstairs. I’d planned to take her in my room, in my big bed like a big girl, but the temptation to take her innocence in pretty pink sheets is too much to bear. She takes a breath as she steps through the doorway, and her smile is so bright, trying too hard to be confident. Her raspy breath gives her away.

  I close the door behind us and my beautiful girl faces me as I flick on the lamp. Her hands are clasped in front of her, so unsure.

  I shrug off my jacket and hang it on the back of the door. I loosen my tie slowly, and unbutton my shirt as she stares at me with wide eyes.

  “Undress for Daddy,” I tell her, and her nervous fingers are a joy to watch. They dither as they pull her top over her head, fumble as they pop the button on her jeans and ease down the zipper. She wriggles out of them and stands before me in just her underwear. Her bra is so understated, only the tiniest frill of lace on plain white. Her nipples poke through the fabric, tiny little peaks that make my mouth water.

  “Turn for Daddy, let me see you.”

  She smiles so shyly as she does a twirl, her shoulders back and proud, even though I’m sure her heart is racing in her chest. Her ass is a delight, tight young virgin cheeks just begging to be spanked. A dirty part of me wishes my sweet Laine was a naughty girl, but there’ll be opportunity for punishment in good time. Even the most adorable little girls can’t always be angels.


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