The Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy, vol.III

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The Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy, vol.III Page 13

by Rupert Mountjoy

  There are plenty of men who back the idea of sexual equality. Rupert and I do, for a start and there are many more besides.' 'Yes, I suppose we mustn't tar you all with the same brush, though it would be hard indeed to find more silly fools than Messrs Archer and Forsyth,' said my mater with a little chuckle. 'But don't let's stand here, come inside the house and have some tea. Don't worry about your luggage. I have left instructions with Polly so that when Goldhill and Frederick arrive they will know into which rooms they should put the various suitcases.' 'Polly, did you say, Mama? But isn't she just a scullery maid? What's happened to Sally?' I asked anxiously, for though I had fucked both girls, I was especially fond of Sally Tomlinson whose ripe, generous curves were admired by a great many male visitors to Albion Towers from our local medical practitioner Doctor Attenborough to my Uncle Algy (Lord Trippett) who always gave the girl a five pound note for services rendered during his frequent stays with us. 'Sally Tomlinson left us after announcing her engagement to Farmer Harrington's youngest son, Edmund, whom she met whilst he was on leave from his ship,' explained my mother patiently.

  T)o you remember Edmund, dear? He joined the merchant navy after deciding that the agricultural life was too staid for his taste,' explained my mother. 'So Sally is staying with her parents in Ripley until his next leave early next month when the marriage ceremony will take place.' 'Gosh, that's a step up the social scale for her, isn't it?' I remarked mischievously. 'Though I don't suppose the Harringtons were exactly overjoyed at the match. Good luck to her, she's a sprightly girl and I'm sure she'll be able to cope with her new position as a naval officer's wife. So meanwhile, I presume that Polly has been promoted to the exalted rank of parlour maid.' As we walked through into the hall my father looked at me through narrowed eyes and muttered, 'I didn't realise how interested you were in the running of the household, my lad. Mmph, I think it's just as well Sally's left Albion Towers or both you and she might have found yourselves in a spot of bother.' 'I'm sure I don't know what you mean, father,' I said innocently, but the pater waved away my protestations. 'Don't give me any of that nonsense,' he growled angrily as we followed the others into the drawing room. 'I'm damned sure your Uncle Algy was poking her and I wouldn't put it past you ignoring my advice to keep your hands off the servants.' Wisely, I did not attempt a denial and was careful not to appear to be over familiar with Polly, the pert girl who now proudly wore a smart housemaid's uniform instead of the drab clothes of a scullery maid. I answered Polly politely when she said, 'Good-afternoon, Mister Rupert, I hope you are keeping well.' However, despite my vow to heed my father's warning about the perils of being too intimate with the servants, I simply could not resist pinching her luscious bottom as she brushed past me carrying a tray of sandwiches. She gave a tiny squeal but thankfully held on to her tray which she offered to Nancy Carrington. When she came to me, she leaned forward and though her loose black uniform prevented a look at her firm breasts, she winked at me and whispered, 'Wait till after dinner, you naughty boy, I'll come up to your room at eleven o'clock.' There was no opportunity to speak further with Polly so I nodded briefly although I was now in the happy position of having, if anything, an over-abundance of girls laying claim to my cock during these few days at home. Even as I mulled over the situation, my father informed me that Diana Wigmore and her parents would be dining with us tonight. There was also Nancy Carrington to consider, of course, who during the train journey had already extended an invitation to share her bed later in the day and now Polly Aysgarth had as good as demanded to be fucked after dinner!

  Then, would you believe it, Goldhill entered the room, and, after announcing that our luggage was all safely in our bedrooms and was being unpacked by Polly and Alison, another new addition to our household who I had not yet seen, our faithful old retainer turned to me and said, 'There is a telephone call for you, sir. Miss Cecily Cardew is on the line.' Thank you, Goldhill, I'll take the call straightaway. Please excuse me, everybody,' I said as I hurried into the hall. Cecily, as readers of my first book of uncensored memoirs will recall, was Diana Wigmore's closest friend, who joyfully helped my best friend Frank Folkestone through his first ever rite-of-passage on a wonderfully sensual afternoon in the old barn near our freshly laid lawn tennis court. I picked up the telephone and said, Hello, Cecily, are you there? Rupert Mountjoy here. How are you keeping?' 'Rupert, hello, how nice to hear your voice. We haven't seen each other since Christmas, have we?' 'No, not since Diana's Old Year's Night party,' I said, and then I almost bit my tongue, for I remembered that to be absolutely exact, the last time I saw Cecily, she was kneeling on the floor of the Wigmore's dining-room (fortunately Diana's parents had decided to stay out until midnight with my folks at Albion Towers), and she was lustily sucking the veiny shaft of Reverend Campbell Armstrong, the curate of Farnham whilst being fucked doggie-style by young Brindleigh Pearce, the seventeen-year-old son of a nearby landowner, whose shining eyes and speed of spending suggested that Cecily had just taken another young man's unwanted virginity. However, my recollection did not trouble Cecily who carried on, 'Diana has told me all about what you're doing to sell her paintings. You are a good chap, Rupert, let's hope something comes out of all your efforts. And the reason I'm calling is I understand that Henry Bascombe-Thomas is staying with you at Albion Towers. Just before he went to America, Henry and I met at Maureen Waller's coming-out ball and we struck up an immediate friendship although we did not manage to seal our relationship with more than a quick good-night kiss. My parents are away until tomorrow afternoon and I wondered if there was any chance of meeting him tonight?' 'Of course you can, Cecily. Why don't you dine with us?

  No, really, my parents are always pleased to see you. Anyhow, Diana and her parents are coming over this evening so you could come with them. Will you fix the arrangements with Diana? Good, I look forward to seeing you tonight and I'll tell Henry that he has a pleasant surprise in store. Au revoir till tonight.' So now there would be a fourth girl who would probably be calling for my cock as Cecily was renowned for enjoying a threesome with her close friends. However, even though I was renowned as a lusty, libidinous fellow who could wield a pulsing prick from dusk to dawn, I was very glad that I would be able to call upon Henry's sturdy stiffstander to help ensure that none of the four girls concerned would have cause to complain of a shortage of stiff cockshaft! I went back into the drawing-room, but before I could sit down Nancy said to my mother, 'Mrs. Mountjoy, would you mind if I went upstairs? I'd like to take a short rest before getting ready for dinner.' 'Of course not, my dear,' replied my mother. 'Please feel quite free to do so. Rupert, perhaps you would kindly escort Miss Carrington to her room.' 'With pleasure, Mama,' I said, little thinking that Nancy had any ulterior motive for wishing to leave the company. After all, I could hardly stay very long with her considering that my parents and Henry were downstairs and it would be very bad form for Nancy and I to be away more than a few minutes together, especially when the others knew that we were in her bedroom. Therefore I took Nancy upstairs without any trepidation that my prick might be called upon to perform. Now I have no wish to appear blase, as I've always been game for a good fuck at any time of the day or night, but I honestly wanted to conserve my strength for what I knew would be a strenuous evening ahead. On the other hand, what was I to do when as I stood at the entrance of her bedroom, Nancy bundled me inside and swiftly locked the door? It would have been most impolite to my guest to refuse her the use of my stiffening shaft which she was squeezing deliciously as our lips met in a warm, passionate embrace, especially as I could hardly tell her that she was going to be one of four girls whose cunnies would be competing for my cock in a very short space of time. In the circumstances, I felt it best to let Nature take its course and made no effort to move away as, quick as a flash, Nancy pulled off her blouse and chemise and knelt bare breasted before me as she hungrily unbuttoned my trousers. The sight of her two snow white spheres tipped with their delicious engorged nipples sent my shaft rising high an
d my rod was rigid when she opened her mouth and began sucking and licking my uncapped knob. Nevertheless, I felt it incumbent upon me to warn the dear girl that I could only stay with her a short while. For answer, she held my throbbing tool in both hands and washed my bell-end with her tongue. Then, filling her mouth with saliva, she plunged my prick inside her, withdrew her head back and then bobbed her head forward and backwards, forwards and backwards in a wonderfully sensual manner. Within a minute, the pressure built up in the base of my cock and with a cry I held her head as I heaved my hips forwards, filling her mouth with a fierce fountain of sticky spunk as my shaft shuddered out a copious emission of jism. Nancy sighed and pouted, 'A short but sweet sucking off like that should be the hors d'oeuvres to an entree of a jolly good stint of fucking. So I hope you won't let me down, Rupert, and you'll give me your word that after dinner my cunney will be the first to be filled by your lovely thick penis.' I looked blankly at her and she wagged her finger at me, saying, 'Oh come on, Rupert, I wasn't born yesterday, as we say in New York. I could see you had an eye for Polly, the maid who served us tea, and I'm sure your best chum Diana Wigmore will also be after her share of stiff cockshaft, won't she?' Well, what could I say to this perspicacious girl? My old headmaster, Dr Keeleigh always advised us in awkward situations 'to tell the truth and shame the devil'. So I decided. That is very possible as I haven't seen Diana for some months,' I admitted with a grin as I pushed my still wet semi-stiff prick back into my trousers. 'But on the other hand, I am a firm believer in the maxim of first come, first served so I promise upon my honour as an English gentleman that I will fuck you before anyone else tonight.' 'Anyone else?' she echoed, clapping a hand to her mouth. 'Oh, I suppose you are thinking that Polly will expect to be brought off too.' In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought, and I said, 'Yes, and in all probability, so will another young lady who you have not yet met who is also dining with us this evening.' And I then told Nancy about the telephone call from Cecily Cardew, hoping that she would not take umbrage at the situation which had now developed. 'Cecily also enjoys a gambol with other girls and I don't think Polly would object to taking part in such encounters either,' I concluded, which made Nancy smile and say, 'In that case, you had better go back downstairs, Rupert, and I'll take a rest so as to be fit for the fray. 'Just do me one small favour, Rupert, don't indulge yourself too much at dinner tonight, especially as far as alcohol is concerned, and please ask Henry to be similarly abstemious when it comes to passing the port after the ladies have left the table. Remember what the Bard of Avon had to say about drinking-it makes and mars, sets you on and takes you off, persuades and disheartens, and provokes the desire but takes away the performance!' Don't worry yourself on that score,' I assured the lovely Yankee miss. 'Henry and I would far rather get laid than get drunk,' I assured her. 'We usually dine at eight so why don't we meet in the lounge at seven o'clock for a pre-dinner drink? 'I'll have fresh apple juice which Mrs. Randall our cook always has on hand,' added hastily, as I kissed her preferred cheek and went out onto the landing where Polly passed by me carrying a pile of clean towels.

  'Hello, Rupert,' she said softly, as she brushed her hip against my groin. 'Don't forget now that I'll be in your room at eleven o'clock and I might have a nice little surprise for you. But don't worry, I've already taken off my knickers and I'm looking forward to milking your thick prick all night. Just as well it's my day off tomorrow so I don't have to get up too early.' I gave the frisky girl a glassy smile before running downstairs and just as I was about to open the door of the drawing-room, old Goldhill called out to me from across the hall. 'Just one minute, sir, if you please, I must speak to you.' His tone sounded urgent so I said with slight irritation, 'What is it, Goldhill? Can't it possibly wait till later?

  I'm in a bit of a hurry just now.' 'Sorry, Mister Rupert, I won't keep you long but it is a rather important matter,' said the butler, as he hurried across to me and lowered his voice. Took, sir, I think you should know that Alison, our new housemaid, celebrates her eighteenth birthday tomorrow. She has taken a great shine to you and she has told me that the nicest present of all would be being fucked by Mister Rupert whenever he has a spare hour or two. Another honeypot to be sampled! Now whilst I was flattered to be fancied by a girl who I had not yet even clapped eyes upon, the forthcoming evening was threatening to get out of control! I steeled myself to tell Goldhill that Alison would have to wait her turn when a mop of bright blonde hair appeared around the corner of the door leading to the kitchen and scullery. The owner of this tousled mass then showed her face for a couple of moments and Goldhill called out, 'Very well, Alison, I'll be with you very shortly.' All thoughts of postponing my prick's appointment with the new maid fled rapidly from my brain for Alison was quite stunningly pretty with cornflower blue eyes, a tiny nose but with generously wide red lips and I caught a glimpse of her smile which showed off two pearly white rows of teeth.

  So I said to Goldhill, 'I'll try to fit Alison in after dinner tonight. Please tell her to come to my room just before midnight. But I've never even met the girl and she can only have seen me for a few moments this afternoon, so I'm rather puzzled as to why she has been so attracted to me.' The silver-haired servant scratched his head and said, 'To be truthful, sir, I didn't ask, but my guess is that her appetite has been whetted by Polly who never tires of talking in some detail about the uproarious night with you and Master Frank Folkestone some years ago when she was a mere slip of a girl.' A slow smile crept over his face and I also chuckled as I said, 'Well, she may have only been sweet sixteen but by Jove, she was far more experienced than either of us. In fact, if my memory serves me right, we first encountered Polly Aysgarth when she was bending over the scullery table with your John Thomas pressed between her luscious bum cheeks.'

  'Very true, sir, Polly adores fucking although I have never had the pleasure of conjoining with her again as she is well-served by some lusty young bucks in the village. Actually, soon after the event you have just mentioned, she went down to London to serve in Lord Borehamwood's town house in Belgravia. But she did not enjoy the experience and your mother was kind enough to take her back about six months later.' 'Oh yes, of course, Mama did mention it in a letter whilst I was up in Oxford. I was surprised when I heard the news because Polly always wanted to go to London. Do you know why she came back here?' Goldhill cleared his throat and murmured, 'I understand that his lordship has somewhat strange tastes when it comes to intimate affairs. Apparently most of his loves are of the homosexualist variety, although he did occasionally take a girl to bed. But his demands were very odd- the only way he could achieve an erection was if Polly dressed up like a schoolboy and caned his bare behind. Even then, all he wanted was for her to suck him. He never fucked her all the time she was in his service.' 'What very odd behaviour,' I agreed as I pushed open the drawing-room door, 'especially when there's an eager, willing wench like Polly on hand.

  Anyhow, Goldhill, don't forget to tell Alison to come for her birthday present just before midnight and she'll see that at Albion Towers we don't have such nonsense as poor Polly had to put up with in London.'

  'Ah, there you are, Rupert,' said my father crossly as I entered the drawing-room. 'Your mother was about to send out a search party.'

  'Sorry to have been so long but I was just giving Nancy the usual lecture on the more interesting aspects of local history,' I said, making for the whisky which stood on a silver salver on the sideboard.

  'An oral lesson, eh? I wonder who was the teacher and who was the pupil,' muttered Henry, who was standing by me. 'Don't fret, Henry, you'll find out for yourself later on,' I advised him cheerfully. 'Can I offer anyone a drink?' 'No, thank you dear,' said my mother, rising to her feet. I suggest you drink only soda or you can ask Polly to bring you some more tea. We'll dine at the usual time and your father has favoured us with the best bottles in the cellar to complement Mrs. Randall's excellent cooking, haven't you, dear?' My father grunted, 'Well, I've done my best to provide so
mething worth drinking. We'll start with champagne, and, for those who prefer to change to a non-sparkling wine for the fish course, there'll be a 1902 Pinot Blanc-I've already told Goldhill to chill half a dozen bottles in the ice-box. I'm putting out the last of the chateau bottled Beaune from Count Gewirtz's vineyards which will go splendidly with the beef and there'll be a sweet wine, of course, afterwards for the desserts. We'll serve that 1903 Chateau d'Yquem I bought last time we were in Bordeaux. 'So it would be foolish to begin imbibing heavily before dinner,' he said meaningfully with a disapproving look in my direction. I accepted the implied rebuke and splashed some plain soda into a glass as my mother said to me, 'By the way, dear, I forgot to mention that your Aunt Penelope will also be joining us for dinner. Unfortunately, as Uncle Stephen has been called to London on business, she will come alone and stay the night here. And that reminds me, I'd better make sure her bedroom is ready.'

  My father looked less than ecstatic at the news and after my parents left the room, Henry said, 'Your father gave the impression that he was hardly overjoyed at the news of an extra guest, although you looked far more pleased to hear than an old aunt was dining with you.' 'Ah well, for a start. Aunt Penelope isn't old. She's a very attractive woman in her mid-forties and about ten years younger than her husband. Uncle Stephen. And she's not an aunt in the strict sense of the word. Penelope and Stephen Trelford-Neil are perhaps my parents' closest friends and I grew up with Alicia and Georgina, their twin daughters, although I haven't seen the girls since they went to Italy last year for an extended stay with Uncle Stephen's brother who is the commercial attache at our embassy in Rome. 'Aunt Penelope is a keen amateur artist and I suppose my mother thought that she would be interested to meet you and Nancy. I like her very much and I'm sure you'll also enjoy her company. My father has always admired Aunt Penelope (in fact I think he harbours naughty ideas about her) but since she has also become a keen member of the women's suffrage movement, he and Uncle Stephen tend to drown their sorrows together whilst my mother and Aunt Penelope go round the county drumming up support for votes for women.' 'She sounds a feisty lady and I look forward to meeting her,' said Henry and, after I had swallowed down my soda, we went upstairs to prepare for dinner. 'You've never mentioned your Aunt's twin daughters,' said Henry suddenly, pausing at the entrance of his bedroom. 'Have you been keeping some wicked secrets from me as far as they are concerned? Having a pretty set of twins together is one of my unfulfilled fantasies.' I laughed and said, In that case you would be even more frustrated if you ever met Alicia and Georgina. They are only nineteen years old and although not identical twins, they do look very much alike.' 'And are the two girls both attractive?' he asked. 'Absolutely ravishing, old boy, but I've never had the opportunity to progress further than a kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas parties,' I said regretfully, as it had been my ambition to bed the heavenly twins.


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