Tundra Witch

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Tundra Witch Page 8

by SL Perrine

  “I’ve not said a thing about your intelligence,” she took a defensive step forward.

  “Oh, haven’t you?” He too stepped forward.

  “No, I have not.”

  “Then just the other things, then?”

  Suddenly, Gianna realized they were a mere breath apart, and something inside her snapped. With a mad fury, her hands flew out to grab him by the back of the head and pulled his mouth down to hers while pulling herself up to the tips of her bare feet. She kissed him and, without skipping a beat, he was reciprocating. His mouth tasted sweet and fruity. His cologne was hearty and reminded her of the feeling she got when she was most comfortable. His hands found the curves of her hips and moved to the small of her back, the heat of his hands seeping into her body through her suit blazer. His tongue parted her lips, diving deep and swirling around her mouth in a frenzy. She let a moan escape her and then pulled back quickly, her hands flew to her back as she collided with the refrigerator, using them as a buffer.

  “Oh, my. I’m so sorry.” Her voice squeaked when she spoke, and she fought to swallow.

  Anthony looked more shocked than Gianna felt. Without waiting to see if he were going to quit his job, or sue her for sexual harassment, she flew back to the safety of her own room.

  Chapter 9

  Anthony watched Gianna’s retreating form as she hastened from his apartment, her bare feet hardly making a sound on the plush, carpeted floor. When her legs disappeared up the stairs, Anthony realized she’d left the door open in her passing. He crossed the room and closed the door.

  “What the hell just happened?” Anthony asked himself aloud as he went to his bedroom.

  Entering the room, he removed his suit and hung it on the back of his door. He’d figure out how to get it dry-cleaned later. He left a trail of underwear to the bathroom where he took a long shower. The hot water did not reveal the answer to the questions plaguing him, and he emerged sometime later with more issues. He dressed in a comfortable pair of sweats and t-shirt as he pondered further.

  After a while of bustling about performing meaningless tasks, Anthony gave up trying to decipher Gianna’s actions and decided to chalk it up to a moment brought on by the stress of another abduction attempt on Mila. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He hurried to answer it thinking Gianna had come back to talk. He was surprised to find Nico standing outside with a twelve pack of beer.


  “Yeah bro, I’m off duty. I’m not too early, am I?”

  “Too early for what?”

  “Call of Duty and beer?” he says while hefting the twelve pack.

  “Oh yeah. Right, right. Come in.”

  “Did you forget?”

  “Slipped my mind,” Anthony admitted as he took the beer and carried it to the refrigerator.

  Nico wandered into the living room and began digging around in the stand beneath the large television. “Yeah, I heard about what happened today with Mila.”

  “Word travels fast in the Moretti household,” Anthony groused.

  “You have no idea.”

  “So, what’s everybody saying?” Anthony asks as he joins Nico in the living room with a couple of beers.

  “There’s a large pool on how long before Mr. Moretti fires your ass,” Nico replies as he takes the proffered beverage.

  “How’d you bet?”

  “I got money riding that you won’t get fired over this incident,” Nico says with a grin.

  The two clink their bottles together. “Appreciate the vote of confidence. So, how’d you hear about it?”

  Nico’s grin spreads wider. “I used to bang Eva Fontana. She blew my phone up to tell me about your terminator routine.” His voice pitches higher in an imitation of a female voice while he minces about. “That Anthony is so manly. He’s so handsome. You should have seen how forceful he was when that man accosted Mila. Do you think he would go out with me?”

  Anthony chuckles at Nico’s antics. “No, she didn’t.”

  “Well, it was definitely along those lines. Anyway, I wouldn’t have said anything, but Eva and Sarah grew up together. That was her next phone call. The news went through the staff like wildfire afterward. Hence, the firing pool.”

  “Well, spend your earnings well, Nico. I don’t think I’m getting shit-canned this time. So, where’s the PlayStation; I thought we were going to play some Call of Duty?” Anthony said by way of changing the subject.

  Nico turns back to the stand, digs out a few controllers, and hands one to Anthony. “Perks of the job, standard in all staff quarters.”

  “You’re shitting me.”

  “Nope. The Moretti’s spare no expense,” he replies as he activates the console. “Ready to die a vainglorious death?”

  The two lose themselves in competition for several hours until Nico gives a massive yawn and shuts off his controller. Beer bottles adorn the coffee table in front of the couch. Anthony starts to clean up, but Nico stops him.

  “Leave it, bro,’ the maids will get it,” he says.

  “Is that a mantra around here?” Anthony inquires.

  “Pretty much, they have to earn a paycheck too.”

  Anthony raises his eyebrows and pursed his lips before answering. “Well, all right then.”

  “I gotta go, man. Four a.m. comes awful early,” Nico says as he shakes hands with Anthony. “I’ll let myself out.”

  “Good night,” Anthony replies before taking himself to bed.

  The next few weeks pass with the days as a wash and repeat of the one before it. Anthony quickly gave himself over to the routine; the only disruption to his focus was how often Gianna’s image appears in his thoughts when not focused on her daughter. Even so, Anthony sticks to Mila’s itinerary without the slightest deviation. The first Monday morning meeting with Gianna after the incident at Chuck E Cheese had been somewhat awkward. They quickly fell into a comfortable rapport after that; although Gianna was decidedly brusque and all business.

  He was surprised when Gianna came to him on a Saturday morning and gave him the night off.

  “Why? Did I do something wrong?” Anthony asked.

  “No. The D’Angelo’s have invited Mila to a slumber party at their estate with Tina. You’ll drive her there this afternoon and pick her up tomorrow evening.”

  “Who’ll look after her while she’s there?”

  “The D’Angelo’s have their own security. Mrs. D’Angelo, Bianca, assured me they would keep her safe.”

  “And you trust that scenario?”

  “The D’Angelo’s have more money and better security than we do. That’s saying something.” She slaps his leg a couple times in excitement before hopping off the stool and exiting the apartment. “This is a good thing.”

  Anthony had embraced the established, regimented routine, and this sudden change threw him off stride. He ferried Mila to the D’Angelo’s at the appointed time, flirted with the nannies in attendance for a short while, and returned to the Manor. After changing out of his suit, he amused himself with the PlayStation for the better part of the afternoon until his phone rang.

  “Hello?” he asks after hitting the accept button and placing the phone to his ear.

  “Hey, Anthony! How are you?”

  “Daniel! Hey buddy. I’m doing well. How about you?”

  “Thought I’d give you a call. You seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth. What have you been up to?”

  “Got a new job. It’s been keeping me busy.”

  “I’ll say. You don’t call, you don’t text, you don’t come hang out with your best friend.”

  “Yeah, man, I’m really sorry.”

  “Who is she?”


  “Come on, man. No job would keep you from getting together with your friends. Who is she?”

  “You got me.” A flash of Gianna’s beautiful face resolves into Mila’s adorable visage. Daniel can hear the smile in his voice through the phone as Anthony replies, “She’s t
he sweetest, most adorable girl I’ve ever met. Green eyes, long dark hair, keen intellect.”

  “What’s her name?”


  “She sounds awesome. You should bring her out with you tonight.”


  “My birthday? Are you telling me you forgot?”

  “Holy shit, man…” Anthony silently chastises himself before continuing, “I’m so sorry! I did forget.”

  “Well, you can make it up to me tonight at O’Shaughnessy’s. Seven o’clock. Drinks are on you. Don’t even think of backing out.”

  Realizing that he had the night off and no reason to beg off, Anthony agreed. “I’ll be there.”

  He ended the call and looked at the time displayed on the screen. Realizing he had a few hours, Anthony set about getting ready. He was about to leave when it occurs to him to inform Gianna of his plans. He finds her in the kitchen of her wing. She looks depressed as she stares at a half-melted bowl of vanilla ice cream while chef hovered nearby.

  “Hey, Gia.”

  “Jax. You look nice. Going out?”

  “Meeting some friends at a pub for my best friend’s birthday.”

  “Oh. Well, have a good night.”

  “I just wanted to leave you my cell number in the event you needed me to pick up Mila early,” he replied while handing her a piece of paper with his number on it.

  “That was very thoughtful of you,” Gianna says in an emotionless voice.



  “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, Jax. Thank you for asking. I’m just not used to Mila being out of the house. It kind of interrupted my routine.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “You seem to have recovered well.”

  “Daniel, my friend, didn’t give me much of a choice.”

  “Well, have a good time,” Gianna said dismissively.

  Anthony turned and started walking down the hall when a thought came to him, and he stopped. He went back to Gianna.


  “What now, Jax?”

  “Would you like to go with me?”

  Gianna’s eyes went wide, and her eyebrows raised. “You want me to go with you?”

  “What else are you going to do?”

  “Catch up on my reading.”

  “What book? How to watch ice cream melt in a bowl?”

  Gianna smiled wanly. “Not the most exciting way to spend an evening,” she admitted.

  “So, come with.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack.” Anthony smiled warmly.

  Gianna lit up. “Okay. What should I wear?”

  “Something nice, but casual.”

  “Okay. Give me a half hour to get ready,” she said as she left the room.

  Anthony took the seat Gianna had just vacated as chef removed the bowl of melted ice cream and left the room. True to her word, Gianna presented herself a half hour later dressed like she was going to a cocktail party. He couldn’t help but laugh aloud.

  “What?” Gianna asked with furrowed brows. “Don’t I look nice?”

  Anthony shook his head. “Gia, you look amazing, but you’re overdressed.”

  She looks herself up and down. “I am?”


  “You said something nice, but casual.”

  “Don’t you have any jeans?”


  “You do own Jeans, right?”

  Gianna thinks for a moment. “It’s been ages, but I think I have some.”

  “Think college babe on the prowl,” Anthony called after her as she left the room.

  She returns fifteen minutes later wearing slim-fit jeans, a low cut white blouse, and a pair of sexy, open-toed, medium-heeled shoes. As she enters the kitchen, Anthony gives a low wolf-whistle.

  “Wow. You could get a rise out of a statue.”

  Gianna beams. “Crude, but your sentiment is appreciated. I take it I look good enough to go out in public with you?”

  “Adequate,” Anthony deadpans.

  “Kiss my ass, you blue collared bitch boy!” Gianna erupts with an incredulous, yet playful, look.

  Anthony grins at her, “Mark an acre, you slave driving ice princess.”

  “I’m a queen, don’t you forget it.”

  “As her high-ass, I mean highness, commands. After you.” He gestures towards the door.

  “Finally, a man that knows his place in my world. There’s hope for you yet, Anthony Jackson.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The two make their way downstairs to Anthony’s vehicle where he gets the door and assists her inside. He hits the automatic garage door opener before he gets in. Backing the car out of the garage, Anthony drives them towards their destination. After a brief stop to pick up a birthday present for Daniel, they ride in awkward silence until Anthony turns on the radio to fill the gap in conversation. The CD inside catches Gianna’s attention. After a while, Anthony notices her swaying and bobbing in her seat in time with the music. A content look adorns her features.

  They arrive at O’Shaughnessy’s at precisely seven. After finding a place to park, Anthony gives Gianna his arm, much to her surprise and pleasure, as they make their way into the pub. They’re no sooner through the door when the crowd inside herald’s their arrival with loud greetings and calls to join them.

  A handsome, buff, Hispanic man breaks away from the throng of people and rushes Anthony. He wraps him in a great bear hug.

  “Man, you made it!” he smiles warmly after releasing his friend.

  “I told you I was coming.”

  “I had my doubts,” he says giving Gianna a welcoming smile. “So, you’re the beautiful young woman that’s been keeping our Anthony away from us. No wonder. You’re a stunner! It’s a pleasure to meet you Mila.”

  “I’m sorry?” Gianna asks with a confused smile.

  “When I called Anthony today he told me he had a new job. I knew a job wouldn’t keep him from us, so I asked him who the lady was. He said, and I quote, ‘she’s the sweetest, most adorable girl I’ve ever met. Green eyes, long dark hair, keen intellect.’ That obviously describes you.”

  Gianna throws her head back and lets loose with the most authentic laugh Anthony has heard from her during his employment. She fixes Anthony with a look, her eyes sparkling with emotion that Anthony doesn’t recognize.

  “I’m sorry, Daniel. This isn’t Mila,” Anthony says.

  Daniel looks in confusion between them. “It’s not?”

  “No. This is-”

  “Gia. Mila’s mother. Mila is my daughter,” Gianna interrupts. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Daniel.” She steps forward and embraces Daniel warmly.

  Daniel hugs her back. “No, Gia, the pleasure is all ours,” he says sincerely. He grabs Gianna’s hand and drags her into the mixed group of men and women in the bar. “Hey, everybody, this is Gia, Anthony’s girlfriend!”

  A loud chorus of greetings rises from the group, and everyone surges forward to meet her. Gianna smiles over her shoulder mischievously as she allows Daniel to make introductions. Shocked, Anthony follows behind as his friends surround them. He and Gianna find themselves swept in different directions as everyone wants to get to know her or catch up with him.

  After some mingling, Daniel rejoins Anthony at the bar where he’s stationed himself. “Time for that drink, amigo.”

  Anthony raises a hand and addresses the man behind the bar. “Hey, O’Shaughnessy, two beers and two shots of tequila, please?”

  The bar owner nods and brings them two of his best homebrew. He sets three shot glasses on the counter and pours three generous shots. “It’s good to see ya, lad. It’s been awhile,” he says to Anthony before addressing Daniel. “Happy birthday, Daniel.” The three knock their drinks together and toss them back. O’Shaughnessy gives them a nod before moving away to tend to his other patrons.

  Daniel turns to Anthony. “S
o, catch me up. What’s been going on with you, and how did you meet such an awesome woman?” He nods in Gianna’s direction.

  “Daniel, she’s not my girlfriend.”

  “She’s not? Then why did she let me tell everyone she is?”

  “I think she didn’t want to embarrass me.”

  “Embarrass you?” Daniel asks as he rotates on his stool to see Gianna where she’s currently sitting at a table with several other women. “What gives?”

  “She’s my employer.”

  “Your employer,” Daniel parrots. “What do you do for her, big fella?” He waggles his eyebrows suggestively at Anthony.

  “I’m her Manny,” Anthony says as he takes a sip from his beer.

  “Her Manny… and, Mila?”

  “Her daughter.”

  “Totally lost, brother. You’d better start from the beginning. What’s going on?”

  Anthony nods and launches into his tale. He recounts the last few weeks of his life from meeting the Moretti’s too inviting Gianna to Daniel’s party. When he’s finished, Daniel gives a low whistle.


  “You said it, my friend.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “What I was hired to do. Mila is an awesome kid, and her mother has her moments; like tonight.”

  “Yeah, that was pretty cool of her not telling everyone you’re her Manny.” He juts his chin towards their friends, “They would have picked on you the entire evening.”

  “Ok, enough about me,” Anthony changes the subject. “We came here to celebrate your birthday, brother. I say we get to celebrating.”

  “I concur, good sir,” Daniel agreed.

  Anthony orders two more beers, hands one to Daniel, and they make their way among their friends. As the night wears on, Gianna spends her time close to Anthony. The alcohol and conversation flow freely. Anthony’s large group of friends accept Gianna, and she seems to enjoy their company as much as they enjoy hers. Anthony is amazed. It’s like he’s witnessing an entirely different person than the Gianna he’s come to know.

  When Daniel’s cake, glowing from the twenty-nine candles adorning its surface gets paraded to the table, Gianna sings happy birthday as enthusiastically as his oldest friends. She also surprises Anthony further when she presents Daniel with a gift that she purchased herself. After the cake and presents, the party gets into full swing; and Anthony finds himself repeatedly dragged onto the dance floor by Gianna. During a particularly grooving song, Anthony finds that he can’t keep his eyes off her.


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