Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2

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Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2 Page 2

by Tigris Eden

  Residing in close quarters with other wolves made it hard for Blue. He was a loner by choice. He didn’t pledge his allegiance to any Pack. He was his own Alpha. In the recent months, he’d even gone to Victor, alerting the new Alpha and Luna of Pack Canidae of his plan to find shelter on the far side of the mountain. Away from the Pack. It was how he’d stumbled upon the camp and its carnage. He’d been out making a run to grab supplies when he heard the screaming and scented the blood.

  When he'd come upon the clearing, there was no one left alive. But there were Hunters. Four of them, and they were newly made. One male he recognized from town. Tahoe. He was one of the few humans Blue had let into his club. He was human no more. All three males were in a blood rage and so wrapped up in drinking their victims’ blood, it had taken them a full minute to register Blue’s arrival. He'd killed them swiftly. Left nothing of their dead bodies but broken bones and shredded meat.

  Looking down at the female covered in mud, he grunted. He had to deal with her. Abandoning her on the service road would be irresponsible. It wasn't that he didn't like humans, because he did. It was the problems it would cause for the others when he brought her into the den.

  Concealing their identity was one thing. Bringing someone into their home was the exact opposite. Especially with the conflict with Roman and the others. Blue was conflicted but understood that the right thing to do was to care for her until it was safe to bring her down the mountain.

  He picked up the woman and made his way back to the den. It took longer than he’d expected. He was dragging his ass. Not because he was tired, but because he knew the moment he stepped foot inside the mountain, things would get dicey. Take her straight to your room. As he neared the opening, Santos, one of the guards, greeted him.

  “Blue, what is that you’re carrying?”

  Blue didn’t answer right away. He didn’t need to. Santos had one of the sharpest noses in the Pack. The moment his senses sifted through the mud and dirt, his hackles would rise.

  “Santos, not in the mood.”

  “Fuck, she’s human. A barely alive human. What the hell happened out there?”

  “Hunters. Four of them. Took out her entire camp. I tracked her down when I realized she was headed straight for the mountain.”

  “Victor is not going to be happy about this. How close was the camp?”

  “One-day run for us. Four for her. They were on the outskirts of our property.”

  Santos nodded as he looked past Blue’s shoulder, calculating the distance.

  “Why’d you bring her here? Should have dropped her at one of the service roads.”

  “Thought about it, but her pulse is weak. It may be days before anyone comes along. It gets cold at night.”

  Santos eyed him suspiciously.

  “Since when do you care what happens to humans?”

  “It’s not a matter of caring, Santos. It’s a matter of right and wrong. It’s not her fault that her camp was attacked.” Blue sighed deeply. “I’m gonna take her to my room, get her out of these clothes, and try to get some food in her when she wakes up. Can you send Cassandra up?”

  “Yeah, man. But do you really want to do that? She’s not going to be happy.”

  No, Cassandra wouldn’t be happy. But she’d deal. Victor’s sister and Blue had once considered breeding, but things hadn’t worked out. His tastes were darker than most, and although they’d never talked of mating, it wasn’t unheard of for two wolves to enter into a breeding contract. One he still hadn’t gone through with. For the most part, they were amicable towards each other, but the moment any of the other females started sniffing around, Cassandra turned bitch. Fights broke out, and she’d remind him that he was still under contract. He was, and because of it, he slept with no other. At least not until he sired a pup on her. A difficult task he still hadn’t accomplished. He didn’t know any other way to be but who he was. Welcome to the world of forced celibacy. Females assumed he was a challenge. Cassandra, for the most part, regarded him as an inconvenience. She hadn't pushed for the agreement to be enforced, but she sure loved to remind him that he was still beholden to her.

  Blue was surprised that the journey to his room held no distractions or interruptions. The passageways were empty. They must be in the valley. It was a place where they all gathered from time to time, and after mating season, it would be where the women got together to rub their swollen bellies and discuss the births of their young. Although they were at war with the Hunters, they still found ways to celebrate the new life being introduced into the Packs.

  His room was highly understated. Not at all what he was used to having when he lived back at the club. He had a bed, a table, even a small sitting area, and the recessed lighting installed in the walls wasn’t a bad touch. But it pissed him off that they were still inside the mountain. In all his long years, he’d found that this century suited him best. The opulence. The things one overindulged in. It was perfect. Being kept away from it because of a war he’d not asked to be a part of rankled.

  Against his better judgment, Blue placed the woman on his bed. Caked with mud and the goddess only knew what else, he cringed as dirt settled onto his sheets. They didn’t have washing machines, which meant he’d have to pay a visit to one of the many females who vied for his attention. If Cassandra doesn’t get there first. He was attracted to Victor’s sister. She was beautiful. She didn’t want to be mated, and neither did he. But there was a lot more than just having an attraction for someone. Their contract made things convenient. Beneficial. He wanted pups, and she’d agreed to provide them, no strings attached. Thorn looked favorably on their contract, as it meant introducing a new line of blood into their family. Berserkers were different from wolves, in the sense that their blood held unlimited strength when called for. But Thorn’s main concern was Blue’s resistance silver. He’d built up a tolerance as a young wolf, back when he’d been caged. His owners had been cruel and unforgiving in their punishments.

  Blue did have three forms. The wolf, the beast, and the man. Victor and his people called their beast a warrior. But the Berserker part of Blue, at times could not be reasoned with. Drug fueled madmen is what his kind were called. He was part of a race of beings that were worshipers of Odin, the supreme Norse deity. Those times had been dark and injuring to his psyche. It was one of the main reasons he thrived on control. Cassandra hadn’t been willing to submit to him fully, and in turn, Blue had become uninterested in coupling with her. But the contract was still in place. Women serviced him in other ways, but to allow his seed to enter anyone else was in direct violation of Pack law. His breeding contract with Cassandra wasn't known to others. They’d entered into the contract with only Thorn’s and Allesandra's knowledge.

  The woman on his bed moved slightly but did nothing else. He stood over her. Watchful. For reasons unknown to him, Blue felt a pang in his chest. He felt bad for the female asleep on his bed. He wanted to help her. Protect her even. Whoa. Do not go there. He had a habit of taking in strays. It was the reason his club had flourished. He wouldn’t be doing that with this human.

  “Blue, you requested me?” Cassandra’s voice was gentle. But it was a trick. She would pretend to be docile, even subservient at times, but the moment he got even an inkling to take things to the next level, she’d immediately shut things down with her complaints.

  “Yes, I found her in the woods. A group of Hunters attacked her camp. Can you see that she gets cleaned and fed? I need to go and talk with your brother.”

  “Now you think I’m the maid?” Cass all but sneered.

  “No, you’re the only female besides Nerina and your mother who can understand the dilemma I’m in. Leaving her to die wasn’t an option. I had to bring her here. The others won’t understand. But you can. Nerina’s trying to conceive and is in a delicate state. Victor would have my head for even thinking of asking her for help.”

  Cassandra tracked him as he walked over to the door. There was nothing more to say on the matter

  “Either you’re going to help me, or you’re not. Which is it?”

  “I’ll help, but only because I know our Luna would wish me to. And, Blue?”


  “I’d very much like to discuss our contract.”

  He didn’t answer. He gave a curt nod and left her alone with the female. He’d known she would want to negotiate again. Most of the other females were with young, and although mating season was over, those under contract still had a window of opportunity. He’d have to take the matter up with Victor now, as well. Fuck.

  Three days ago, if someone had told him he’d kill Hunters, track a human, and bring said human back to the den—as well as renegotiate a breeding contract—he would have laughed.

  Only there was nothing funny about any of it.

  The scent was nauseating. Olivia couldn’t place it, and she was afraid that if she did, she’d throw up. Her body ached all over. Her skin felt too tight, and she had mud caked everywhere in parts not fitting, dried onto her skin, making her itch.

  No. No. And no.

  She was dreaming. Or she was dead. Perhaps both, and was now in the throes of some twisted nightmare. With plush blankets. That wasn’t right. The last thing she remembered was running from those wannabe vampires, being chased by a wolf the size of a pony, and running into a Viking lord with intense blue eyes, and long, blond hair.

  Be realistic.

  Yes. She needed to analyze the situation. Assess the facts, and distinguish between what was real and what wasn’t. She’d been forced to go on vacation. Chose to go to Alaska of all darn places. Everyone in her camp had been killed by men who looked a lot like vampires—and not the ones that sparkled and fell in love with teenage girls. Ones straight from a dark horror movie. Like the one Josh Hartnett was in. Weren’t they in Alaska, too?

  Olivia knew she wasn’t dead. There was too much pain involved for death to be the answer. Unless you’re in Hell, Liv. Hell was for bad people. She wasn’t bad. Even if she’d been called vicious in the boardroom, she wasn’t bad. She was a realist. Dear Lord, please understand that every claim I denied was because it wasn’t worth the risk. What if this were her penance for all the claims she’d rejected?

  That’s just silly. She needed to be practical. Start by opening your eyes and assessing your situation via visualization. Right.

  Olivia opened her eyes and found she was lying on plush blankets. In a bed. And if she weren’t mistaken, the walls were made of rock. A woman stood off in the corner, talking to another woman, who pointed in her direction. The taller of the two had midnight black hair and violet eyes, the color vivid and flawless. The woman was a natural beauty. The other woman was of Spanish descent, her hair a dark brown to match her whiskey-colored eyes.

  “She’s awake, Cassandra,” the shorter of the two women said.

  Was I rescued?

  “Where am I?” Olivia croaked, her voice strained from dehydration and lack of use.

  “You’re safe. Would you like some water?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  The other woman who wasn’t Cassandra nodded and walked out of the room.

  “Blue asked that I get you bathed. Do you feel up to it?”

  Olivia didn’t feel up to anything, but she found it odd that no one seemed concerned about what had happened to her. Or at least they hadn’t asked yet.

  “I’m Olivia.”

  “Cassandra. The woman who just left is Elena. We’re here to help you. Blue has gone to speak with my brother and his mate.”

  “Who’s Blue?”

  “He’s the one who brought you here.”

  “The Viking?” Olivia blurted.

  Cassandra smiled and nodded.

  Elena returned with a glass of water, and Olivia took it, guzzling it a bit too quickly. She coughed until her chest hurt, and her dry lips split. The metallic taste of blood flooded her mouth, and almost made her gag.

  “Go easy. You’ve been out a while, and from what Santos told us, you were running for three days. It’s a wonder you’re alive.”

  Wasn’t that the truth. The cardio had paid off.

  “Yeah, you wouldn’t believe the crazy shit that’s out there in the woods.”

  Elena giggled, and Cassandra glared in the other woman’s direction.

  “Elena. Manners.”

  “Yes, sorry. We understand you ran into a bit of trouble and your campmates were slaughtered.”

  “Yes, by vampires if you can imagine it. Although, I can hardly believe it. Cannibals are more accurate. They were drinking their blood. And their eyes…they were red.” Olivia suppressed a full body shiver. Now that she was safe, her mind and her body were starting to digest all that had happened. Scary shit. Gruesome stuff, and too much blood. Straight out of a slasher flick for sure, only worse.

  “I’m going to get an escort to the private baths,” Elena commented.

  Olivia took in the room more acutely and realized she was in some sort of cave.

  “What is this place?” she asked Cassandra.

  “It’s home to our people.”

  “You mean like a commune? Are you in some sort of cult?” The woman wasn’t dressed in a cult-ish fashion. She wore tight jeans and a tank top, and Elena wore a maxi dress.

  Elena grinned before motioning to someone out in the hall.

  Cassandra said nothing.

  Olivia was about to ask another question when two large wolves appeared in the doorway.

  “Oh, hell no. Those are wolves.”

  “Demon and Daar, this is Olivia,” Cassandra introduced. Like they understand.

  “Um, yeah. Hi.” Olivia waved. She’d run from one crazy train, only to enter another. She was grateful for the save, and she wasn’t about to mock their way of life. If they were used to living with wolves, who was she to argue? She may be from the city, but she wasn’t a fool to assume she’d make it out of the Alaskan wilderness alive without a guide. If Blue had found her, he would be the one to take her back to civilization. She’d file a report for the campers, leave out the vampire parts, and go on about her life as if everything were back to normal.

  “The private bath is this way.”

  Olivia took her time standing. Her feet throbbed, and her bones protested, and Elena, who seemed the friendlier of the two, helped her as they made their way down a lit pathway.

  “Are we inside a cave?” Olivia wondered.

  “Yes. You’re safe here. Watch your step. And you can lean on me if you’d like.”

  “Thanks, and sorry.”

  “For what?” Elena asked.

  “My unappealing aroma. I figured if I rubbed mud all over myself it would mask my scent.”

  “It would have if you were completely naked. But with clothing, the scent of the fabric is easy to pick up.”

  “Good to know.”

  It was on the tip of Olivia’s tongue to ask about her attack, but as she followed the two women and their pet wolves down the corridor, she changed her mind. I’m suffering from mental exhaustion. What was peculiar was Elena’s response. She must be talking about the large wolf that chased me. Yeah, that was it. Had to be. There was no way vampires were real. Not a possibility whatsoever. If there were vampires, her job as a risk analyst would have included that. It would have been a part of her schooling. Being attacked by a vampire was a huge risk.


  Are we a shelter? We taking in any old strays now? Humans, Hunters, hell, are there fairies out in the world needing help, because if there are, we might as well throw out the welcome mat for them, too,” Nerina complained as she absently rubbed her belly. She did that a lot. Especially now that she and Victor were actively trying to conceive.

  “Neri, be calm.”

  “Vic, you can’t be serious? What about the little ones, and the ones on the way? We can’t chance it.”

  “She’s not a threat, Luna,” Blue interrupted their conversation. Nerina’s sharp eyes turned his way, and he could see the indeci
sion lingering there. She was skeptical. As she should be. Their duties were constantly being tested, and Blue hadn’t made their day any easier. He’d compounded their situation. Bringing a human to the mountain was reckless.

  “The girl will be my responsibility,” he added. Knowing it wouldn’t make the choice any easier.

  “I agree with Nerina, but at the same time, I’m not in the habit of turning people who need help away. If I allow this, Blue, the woman is solely under your care. Should anything happen here inside the mountain and one wolf or pup is hurt, I will hold you personally responsible. “

  Nerina snorted, and both Victor and Blue looked her way.

  “What, Neri?”

  “You’re so full of shit, Vic. We’re at war with Hunters, and you say you don’t turn people away,” she huffed before continuing. “I remember how you treated me, you weren’t exactly welcoming.”

  Blue enjoyed watching the couple spar verbally. Nerina tested Victor daily.

  “Baby, you were different. I could feel it in my bones.”

  “More like your dick.”

  “I’ll go and see to the female,” Blue called into the room, interrupting the couple’s stare down.

  “We’re not done here,” Nerina shot back, giving Blue the evil eye once more.

  Other people giving him orders made his skin crawl. He understood the dynamics of Pack mentality. Knew their ways were all about being agreeable to the Alpha couple no matter what. Nerina shared the Alpha strain with Victor. She was also the first hybrid. Part Hunter, part werewolf. She would give birth to the Silverback Alpha, but none of that concerned Blue like Nerina thought it should.


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