Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2

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Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2 Page 6

by Tigris Eden

  “Perhaps, but I don’t see why I should—or would—when I can sleep here. The bed is big enough to fit twelve.”

  “Yet, we’re smashed together. And your hand is on my ass.”

  Blue squeezed her hip to emphasis where his hand rested.

  “Actually, my hand is half on your ass and half on your hip.”

  “Yeah, because you’re like, huge.”

  “Thank you.” His grin was infectious, but she wasn’t going to let him know how he affected her.

  He thought she was paying him a compliment. Arrogant ass.

  “Come, we need to eat. May I suggest putting on some clothing? Although, if you wish to eat in your skin, it is permitted. We don’t hide ourselves here if we choose not to.”

  “I choose clothes.”

  Like they were an old married couple, Blue pulled her in for a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. Olivia froze. What the hell is happening here?

  “You’re awfully comfy with those hugs,” she noted.

  “You’re my mate. It’s natural for me to seek you out and offer you comfort. Just as it’s natural for you to seek me out in the middle of the night to be held. Your body knows you’re safe with me. Whether your mind wants to admit it or not, you’re aware of the connection we share. If you listen long enough, you’ll hear it, too.”

  “Hear what?”

  Blue didn’t respond. Instead, he sat up, pulling Olivia with him before walking unabashedly naked to a basin filled with water. He splashed some on his face before drying off with a towel.

  “I miss my club,” he mumbled.

  “You mentioned that before. What club?”

  Blue’s eyes slid over Olivia’s exposed form. A noise like a purr, or maybe a rumble, came from his chest. His ice-blue eyes heated with warmth.

  “I am the owner of Eden’s Den.”

  “A play on a den of wolves?”

  “No,” Blue said tersely. Something about the name of his club didn’t sit well with him, and Olivia didn’t have it in her to play twenty questions, so she let it go.

  They were standing there, having a conversation while in the nude. Her hands were crossed over her lap as she sat on the edge of the bed. He stood in front of her like a Viking of old, his hair held by a leather band braided in platted rows, so imposing as he pulled on a tight, dark blue t-shirt that hid nothing. He might as well have walked around without a shirt on. She was almost sad to see that he had covered up, but before she could dwell on the thought, the silver torque around his neck caught her attention.

  “I thought werewolves were allergic to silver?”

  Blue’s gaze snagged hers, and the grin working at the corners of his lips shifted something deep inside her gut as his lips lifted into a full-on smile.

  “True for werewolves. Not true for me. I’ve built up a resistance.”

  When she had no comment, Blue continued.

  “How old do I look?”

  “Excuse me?”

  He pulled his thick legs through a pair of pants and asked again. “How old do I look?”

  “Maybe late twenties, early thirties.”

  “I was born in 839 AD.”

  “Stop fucking around,” Olivia blurted.

  “I’m not, I’m over eleven hundred years old. I don’t keep track of my birthday. There’s nothing celebratory about my birth. My mother was raped by my father, and after they pulled me from her belly and introduced her to a hanging by her own intestines, her father sold me into slavery. I was raised in a harsh environment. Forced to kill for my next meal. Always fighting, always watching my back.”

  “That’s horrible,” Olivia mumbled.

  “Don’t pity me. Never do that. My time in captivity turned me into the man that stands before you. I’m better for it.”

  He couldn’t possibly believe that. No one would benefit from that kind of upbringing.

  “I’ll agree to disagree,” Olivia said.

  “My handlers knew me for what I was right away, and before I had my first change, they made me eat small amounts of silver.”

  Olivia gasped.

  “It’s all right, Liv, it made me stronger. Silver doesn’t bother me in the slightest now.”

  “Well, darn. How can I use it against you to escape your evil lair now?” Olivia joked.

  When Blue tilted his head back and laughed, she watched entranced by the movement of his throat. The heavy timbre of his voice resonated from deep within. That gut feeling her abuela always spoke about reacted almost violently. Damn. I’m so fucked if I stay here longer than necessary.

  Not to mention, she was still naked. Comfortably so.

  “Any more questions before we eat, Liv?”

  And there he went with her name. Olivia was bad enough. But when he said Liv, he held on to the v a bit longer than necessary, and his voice slid into a rough tone. It made her body feel slumberous, or was the correct word drunk? His tone caressed her in a way she could feel. Like the throaty rumble he’d done against her ear last night. Had he asked, she would have done anything. Hypnotized by his words, her body became desensitized instead of alert. A recipe worse than disaster. Utter clusterfuck. Blue and his voice were a bad combination for her sanity.

  “None, but I’d like some clothes.”

  “They’re here on the back of the chair. Come.” Blue reached out a hand in her direction. She hadn’t noticed that he’d stepped closer, but without thinking, she gave him her hand.

  Olivia reached for the shirt and pants, but Blue wouldn’t allow her to. He halted her actions with a curt shake of his head and then went about the task of dressing her. Made sure her sports bra was comfortable before pulling the long-sleeve, white thermal over her head. When he went to his knees, she was really thrown. Blue was precise in his movements, almost ritualistic, but she could tell he was happy in his actions. She didn’t know if he was being overly nice to try and sway her, or if he was always like this. He’d better not be this way with others.

  “Step into your pants, Liv.”

  Like she would argue with a man like Blue. His words weren’t harmful to her, just succinct. Maybe he was doing it because she wasn’t at her best yet. Making sure she didn’t overexert herself. Dressing is not a process, Liv.

  “Take a seat on the bed, please.”

  When she did, he walked over and slid a pair of wool socks onto her feet, then boots, before assisting her up to stand and leading her back over to the chair where he instructed her to sit.

  “I thought we were going to breakfast?”

  “We will in just a moment. Your hair needs tending to.”

  “I’ll just pull it up.”

  “Allow me,” Blue whispered. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she felt it as his fingers sifted through her tresses. He did that for several more moments. It almost put Olivia to sleep. She liked his fingers in her hair. The strength in his fingers was noticeable as he sifted through her strands. He braided her hair into two long plaits that rested against the tops of her breasts.

  “There, much better. We can eat now.” He reached for her again, and once more, Olivia went without complaint.

  It had never happened this way with her ex. Santiago had tried to lead, but she’d always refused to follow, preferring to be level-headed. Santiago had a way of exerting his will over others. Blue finessed it. Almost like giving you an option while at the same time making him seem like the better choice. She could have refused his hands, but she would have been denied the pleasure of touching his skin, or having him touch her. Their attraction was real. She couldn’t deny that. But life was real, too, and she had a real life back home in New York.


  The dining hall was full when they walked in. Yesterday, Olivia had met a small group of people. Today, the area was filled. Werewolves. They were all werewolves, save for Nerina, who was a hybrid. Palms sweaty, and heart going off like a machine gun, Olivia tried to breathe.

  “Be calm, Elska, no one will harm you here.”

  “Who the hell is Elska?”

  She didn’t know if he was growling or laughing at her with the sound he made, maybe a mixture of both.

  “It’s a term of endearment. It means love or cherished one. You didn’t like little one.”

  “Because I’m not little.” She wasn’t sure about being referred to as love either. It would send the wrong message to him and she didn’t want to do that.

  Blue stopped walking to peer down at Olivia. To him, maybe she was little. She was five-foot-nine, but he had to be at least six-foot-seven or taller. Every inch of him was covered in muscles, honed for battle. But in the back of her mind, she knew that wasn’t the reason she didn’t like the term. Being called what he called everyone else made her feel the same. Equal. As if her status were an everyday occurrence. Nothing special. You’re not special. Not to Blue. Maybe not, but she wouldn’t analyze her reaction too closely. Her goal was still the same. Get off the mountain.

  Blue tweaked her nose and brought her in for a hug. “You’re not big either. Should I refer to you as medium one then?”

  Before she could respond, her stomach growled.

  “Let’s get you fed, medium one.” Blue smirked before taking her hand and leading her over to where Nerina and Victor sat with Cassandra, Thorn, and others she didn’t know. Olivia didn’t respond to his comment. Instead, she pushed past him and took a seat across from Nerina.

  “Victor, Nerina, I hope the two of you slept well.”

  Nerina raised a brow at her and responded with, “How did you sleep?”

  “She slept comfortably, Luna. I made sure of it.”

  “If you mean by keeping the room over-the-top hot and not offering me any blankets, then yeah. I was comfy.” Olivia snorted.

  “Sounds like you have your hands full, Blue,” Victor commented.

  “No more than you did, my friend.”


  “You’re really going to bring her to the table where my daughter eats, after you discarded her. Scraped her off your boot?” Thorn remarked.

  “It wasn’t like that, Father, stop being difficult,” Cassandra admonished.

  Thorn stood, and the woman by his side stood with him. “You may have convinced my son to take your side, and even my daughter. But me…I won’t. You made a promise, Bödvar.”

  “I did. I understand your grief, Thorn. Had I known my gods would ever grant me the peace that comes with finding a mate, I would never have entered into the contract. What can I do to make this right between us?” Blue’s words were sincere, but Olivia could see that Thorn wasn’t willing to play ball. She didn’t know anything about werewolves or their behaviors. But, what she did know, were the pros and cons of most situations. That was her job. Analyzing risks, seeking solutions to problems.

  “Don’t you guys know about insemination?” The words flew out of her mouth like vomit. She couldn’t take them back if she tried.

  “Why is she even allowed to talk? I thought you had control in all things, Bödvar?” Thorn taunted.

  “Olivia,” Blue snapped. “We are not stupid. Of course, we know about insemination. It is just not the way things are done. At least not for Cassandra and me.”

  The sound of his voice when angry struck a nerve. A serious one.

  “You can’t talk to me that way. Furthermore, I wasn’t implying that any of you were stupid. I was merely suggesting options.”

  “You’re not Pack, and as such, you have no say in how things are done,” Thorn seethed.

  Right. She was human. They weren’t.

  “Regardless of Pack politics, I’m still a person. A human being.”

  “Right. And we’re not,” Thorn retorted.

  “Sit down, Father,” Victor growled. This got the attention of everyone in the area. Including those who’d been minding their business, eating their food. Their table was now the center of attention. “Olivia is our guest. Blue is her mate, and as such, their affairs do not concern us. Sit down and eat.”

  “Boy, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Blue’s blood will strengthen the Pack.”

  Why is Blue’s blood so important? As if he could read her mind, he answered for her.

  “As I mentioned, I’m impervious to silver. That would pass to my offspring.”


  “Sit down and stop bringing attention to the table. I swear, I feel like we’re in an episode of some dramatic soap opera,” Nerina sighed.

  Olivia snorted. “Or a cheesy telenovela.”

  Nerina laughed at her comment, temporarily easing the strain at the table. Keyword, temporary. Blue sat next to Olivia, and as soon as he sat, a woman she’d not seen before was there with a plate of food for him. Not her, him. Seriously?

  “I’m not sure I agree with the way guests are treated here,” Olivia tossed out.

  “You will eat from my plate.”


  “Because it is what I wish.”

  The woman who’d handed Blue the plate looked on with envy. Olivia, on the other hand, became agitated. Nerina had a plate, and so did Cassandra and her mother. Why not her?

  “What about what I wish?”

  Nerina choked on a cough. She was trying to contain her laughter.

  What the hell is so damn funny?

  “I’ll see to those, as well.”

  “Then I wish to eat from my own plate.”

  “Olivia,” Blue growled. “You will eat from my plate. Allow me to care for you.”

  “I’m fine. More than fine. I feel stronger since I slept. I think today would be a good day to leave.”

  Blue’s eyes lit up like blue fire. The same eyes as the wolf in the forest who’d chased her. His lips peeled back slightly to reveal long canines, longer than even Thorn’s. The torque looked close to breaking as the cords in his neck bulged. Olivia swallowed down her next words. Whatever she’d been about to say was no longer a concern. Her request to leave had set him off. Penny had warned what would happen when his temper flared. Not that she cared too much. Olivia just didn’t want to make a spectacle of things. She and Blue could talk about her leaving later.

  “You will not leave me. You. Are. Mine.”

  “And that is the crash course introduction to being mated to a wolf, Olivia,” Nerina supplied.

  “How can you be so sure?” Olivia asked, eyes wide as she watched his chest bulge further. She chanced a look around and found that she wasn’t the only one in shock. Is this not an everyday thing in wolf behavior? She’d assumed they changed often. Or…you pissed the man off, and now, his wolf wants to remove your head from your shoulders in one swift chomp.

  He didn’t answer her question, so Olivia prompted. “Blue.” She touched his hand that was flat against the table. A swift jolt of warmth shot up her arm and settled in her chest. There’s that feeling again. Blue’s eyes darted to where their hands touched, and he growled. “Because of that right there. Can you honestly say you don’t feel that?”

  She had, but that didn’t mean anything. Liar. Her grandmother had told her once, to feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life. Sentir el amor de la gente que amamos es el feuge que alimenta nuestra vida. Olivia didn’t believe in insta-love, but her grandmother said it was the only love that existed. “First instincts are spot on, chica. Embrace them and heed their gifts; as well as their warnings.”

  “I felt it.”

  What else could she say?

  Blue nodded in agreement. Turning to face her, he placed his plate between them and picked up the fork. “Now, allow me to care for you. We’ll talk after breakfast.”

  Thorn scoffed before standing again, and he looked to the others at the table.

  “He’s made a fool of us. We’ve already gone through this once, and I accepted it. Nerina is our Luna. There is no mistaking that. My son’s Eros is the right decision for the Packs, for the Clan. The two of them will usher in a new era among our kind. You, Blue, do not wish to be a part of this Pack,
yet my son allows you to take refuge. You made a promise to me, to my daughter. Now, you parade your female in front of us when you know with our present situation. Your blood would not only give the future of Pack Canidae an edge but perhaps others. Your blood, along with Victor’s rule, could unite the Clans.”

  “I meant no disrespect, and as you well know, we cannot deny Fate. I’m not bound by Pack politics, but I do follow your laws. Where it clearly states in the matters of finding one’s mate, it trumps anything else. I plan on invoking Kievan before the moon rises on the third day.”

  There were gasps heard throughout the dining hall. Even Nerina looked surprised.

  “You are willing to openly make the claim on the third day of the moon’s rise?” Victor asked.

  “I am.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what’s going on?” Olivia interrupted.

  “You wouldn’t, dear.” This was said by the Cassandra’s mother sitting next to Thorn.

  “Allesandra, no one asked you to offer your input,” Thorn seethed.

  “Yet, I give it freely. This girl has no idea what she’s walked into. She’s human, not the enemy. I’m not happy with the outcome either, Thorn, but she is his mate. Whether she admits it now or later, it is a fact. Cassandra has Teak and, understandably, she accepted the contract because of you. Victor and Nerina hold the Alpha strain, and if our son has not said he wishes his sister to give birth to more pups, then the Packs will survive. We always have, and always will.”

  Olivia hadn’t met Allesandra yet, but she immediately liked her.

  “As I said before, Thorn, I realize the position I put you in, but I can no longer honor the contract. My wolf will have no other. I will have no other.”

  The room began to vibrate with a sound. One Olivia was not familiar with. What in the world? Tables shook, rocks fell from the ceiling, and the ground itself rolled. Did they have earthquakes in Alaska? Olivia wasn’t sure, but she could have sworn the answer to that question was no.

  “Come with me,” Blue spoke harshly, taking her by the hand and yanking her from the table. Others were doing the same. Women grabbed their children, while men were issued orders. Victor and Nerina all but disappeared.


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