Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2

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Dire Cravings: Arctic Wolves Series, Book 2 Page 24

by Tigris Eden

  “Possibly, but right now, we have other things on our plate that our more important. I wanted us to get cleaned up, and get some sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  “How about the afternoon? I plan on sleeping for a long ass time.”

  Blue laughed, before kissing her soundly on the lips. “Then, lets talk in the afternoon, beautiful girl.”

  Blue lay awake pondering all the things he wanted to say. Needed to say to Olivia. There was the matter of their mating. His tastes and mannerisms had not changed, but for her, he’d compromise. Olivia was the exception to the rule. He didn’t know what to think of the future, he just knew she’d be in it, for however long that was.

  “You’re thinking too loud.” Olivia mumbled as she turned toward him. “I thought we were going to talk in the afternoon.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Try. You’re gonna need your strength. I don’t plan on giving in to all your demands.” She rolled into his side, and placed her leg over his.

  “Olivia, maybe we should talk now.”

  She moved the curls covering her face, and peered up at him with sleepy eyes. She was alert, and pissed. “Alright, Bödvar, let’s talk.” She huffed, pulling herself up into a sitting position. She mumbled something under her breath and then there was light in the room.

  “You’re already practicing your craft.”

  She grinned. “Yes and no. Simple stuff really. If you ask me its kind of cool. Having all this information. Trust me, its also very scary.”

  “What happened in the cave?”

  “Well, I went in looking for the Bow, and found myself.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “I mean, I found myself. I went into the cave as the old Olivia, and I came out the new Olivia. The bow was there, those damn carnivorous birds were there too. They almost gouged my eyes out. But I did it. I beat the Crinaea and I got the Bow. It was a test to see if I was worthy enough to be keeper of the Bow and Arrow, and at the same time it also showed me that I candle handle anything. Including you.”

  “You think you can handle me?” This is a great opening to talk about my needs. Blue reminded himself.

  “Oh, I can handle you, and all your dirty little habits.”

  “Dirty habits? How so?”

  “I saw the video back at Red’s, I know exactly how deep your tastes run. That show back at my apartment was for a beginning. I get it. You like to exert your control over others. “

  He hadn’t been expecting that answer from her.

  “It’s not over others Olivia. Just you.”


  “Because I know what you need.”

  “But all day, every day? That’s ridiculous Blue. I’m too headstrong to be in a controlling relationship twenty-four hours, three-hundred and sixty-five days of the year. That to me is crazy.”

  “No crazier than me being mated to a witch who is now the warden of the Bow and Arrow.”

  “I’m nixing the twenty-four-domination thing. Tie me up, spank me, give me pleasure sexually all day. But once that’s done, then I get to be me again.”

  “Who says you wouldn’t be you?”

  “I say, and you should respect that. Just like I’m respecting the fact that you want to tie me up, and choke me out while I’m shackled to my bed by a bra.”

  She had a point. A valid point. Everything inside of him wanted to refute her claim. He could care for her twenty-four seven. He was the dominant one. But she was right. Hell, Nerina had said times were changing. Looks like the trend is setting in.

  “I’ll agree to that, if you can agree to one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The claiming. The Kievan. It’s a public display.”

  “Yup, got that. Figured that out.”


  She tapped her head. “The old lady, whoever she was, gave me all sorts of interesting fun facts about all things that go bump in the night. It’s like I’m encyclopedia of all things other-worldly.”

  “You understand, I get to fuck you in front of the entire clan.”

  “Yea, can’t say that I’m happy about that, having my body on display. But from what I understand, it’s not all that bad, and it’s a one-time deal.”

  “It is, but I run Eden’s Den. Things that happen there, happen every night.”

  “And they can continue to happen, as long as every fucking female or male in that place understands you won’t be their ring leader.”

  Blue tried to hold in his grin, but couldn’t. She was just as possessive as he was, and he loved every minute.

  “I can agree to that, beautiful girl.”

  “Good. What else do you want to talk about?”

  “The Silver Bow of Artemis and the Arrow of Power.”

  “What about it?” She eyed him. He could see the speculation as she waited for him to respond.

  “Victor is going to want the bow in a safe place.”

  “It’s safe with me.”

  “Olivia, you have to understand. He’s not going to feel comfortable with you being around the other pack members. Especially with you having the power that you do.”

  “Then we make him comfortable. Doesn’t he get it. We all need to be ready for what’s coming next. It’s not going to be pretty. It’s going to get ugly. People are going to lose their life. People he cares about, people you care about. People, I’ve come to care about.” She said on a whisper. “I love you. I love everything about who you are. Man, beast, wolf. I love all of you. I know I’ve only been here and apart of this a short while, but I haven’t forgotten what it has come to mean to me. There are children here who will need my help, mothers, and the elderly. You may think you’re not part of the pack. But you are apart of this family. That’s what this is, Bödvar. One giant family.”

  She was right. Victor and the others were his family. But Olivia was part of his family now too.

  “Thank you for saying that. I needed to hear it. You’re right.”

  “Wait. What did you say?” She asked smiling, showing a perfect row of white teeth.

  “Thank you.” He repeated, knowing exactly what she wanted to hear.

  “No, that last part.”

  “What last part?” Blue said smiling.

  “Stop playing around, you know what you said. I want to hear you say it one more time.”

  Blue pulled her into his lap, positioning her so that she faced him, and straddled his thighs. “I said you’re right. They are family, you’re family. Just know, that I love you more than I love myself.”

  “Ditto for me, big guy. Now, can we go back to sleep?”

  “I’m wide awake.” Blue slid her over his hardening cock. “So is he.”

  Olivia squirmed before saying, “Yeah, I see that, but, I’m really tired.” She yawned as if to prove her point. “Think we can make it a quickie?” She asked smirking.

  “A quickie? Do I look like a man who loves his woman quickly?”

  “No, you look like a man, who will ruin my sleep and ensure I’m tired for more than just a few more hours.”

  “So instead of waking up in the afternoon, we just wake up later?” He suggested. She was naked. He was naked. He didn’t see the point in prolonging the inevitable. He was going to have her either way.

  She smiled, before peeking up at him from beneath her lashes, her hazel eyes, now a molten chocolate. “Bödvar, if you want me, just take me.”

  Take her he did.

  The next couple of days went by in a flurry of activity. Olivia and Blue were able to convince a still brooding Victor, that her keeping the Bow in her possession was a good thing. Collin was still fretting over Frankie and her absence, but there was nothing to be done for it. She’d chosen the wrong side, and because of it, her sight was taken from her. Blue was reluctant to let her go back to New York to formally quit her job. It was what the board wanted all along, but he did allow her to skype from the hotel conference room in Anchorage.

bsp; Santiago and the board members sat in their offices. All of them wearing smirks on their faces. Olivia didn’t care. She was right where she was supposed to be and didn’t give two fucks what they thought about her.

  “Olivia, by you not showing up to work as scheduled, we took that as a no-call no-show. We have no tolerance for neglect.” The CEO stated.

  “That’s fine. I’m just chiming in to tell you all that I officially give my resignation. I’m selling my invested stock in the company, and I’m starting a new life.”

  “You can’t be serious, Liv.” Santiago said, sitting straighter in his chair.

  “Oh, but I am. There’s a lot more to life than just money and numbers, and I’ve hit the jackpot.”

  ‘You mean, you’re sleeping with a Neanderthal.” Santiago shot back.

  Blue was in the room, so he heard the jab. But otherwise said nothing.

  “If you mean, Bödvar, yes, he and I are getting married in a couple of days Santiago. Wish I could invite you, but Blue has a strict policy against assholes. We have nothing more to say, gentlemen. My lawyer will be in touch with all the details.”

  Before Santiago could say another word of protest, Olivia ended the skype session.

  “Gotta love modern technology,” Blue mumbled from behind a desk he occupied in the same room. He was making plans on shutting down Red’s den, and heading back up there with Callum, who needed to rescue his brother, Will.

  “Blue, I have to make one more call, and I’d like you to be sitting here with me when I do.”

  “Who are we calling?”

  “My grandmother.”


  Olivia was nervous, but excited at the same time. Victor told her, that she needed to be lean on the information given to her grandmother. Her abuela would understand why she couldn’t be at the mating ceremony. At least she hoped she would. Olivia picked up her new phone and dialed her grandmother’s number. She answered on the first ring.

  “It’s about time.”

  “Abuela, I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. It’s okay, you had your hands full. I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m fine. But there isn’t much to say, except I want to talk to you and your young man. Put me on speaker.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”


  “We’re here.”

  “Young man, can you hear me?”

  Blue grinned at Olivia. She knew it was because he was a lot older than her grandmother was.

  “Yes, ma’am, I can hear you.”

  “Good, you take care of my granddaughter. You can do it. I know you can.”

  “That’s the goal.”

  “Don’t make it no goal, boy. Make it a fact. You may be the last of your kind, but I’m not the last of mine, and I have a whole army of witches ready to beat you to a pulp if one hair on my granddaughter’s head is harmed. She’s stubborn, I know that. But she’ll love you better than any woman can. You remember that when those cows are trying to toss you their milk. You hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Don’t you go ‘ma’aming’ me, boy. I look old, but we both know you’re way older. Too old if you ask me.”

  “Abuela,” Olivia scolded.

  “What? I knew this day was coming. I just had to wait it out. I’m happy for you. I’m coming out there as soon as that mating business is over. I know the rules, and you be sure to let your Alpha know I’m coming.”

  “We will.”

  “Good, now get off the phone. This darn smartphone is burning up my ear. I gotta get rested and powered up. We’re all gonna need it for the fight to come. You did good, hija. Real good. I’m proud of you. I just wish your mother was here to see it. She wasn’t strong enough. But you are. Stay blessed, and I’ll see ya’ll soon. After the snows melt, be ready for me.”

  “We will, abuela.”

  The line disconnected and Blue pulled Olivia in for a hug. That didn’t go bad at all.

  “Your grandmother is something else.”

  “She’s definitely something. You ready to go home?”


  Home was on a mountain with a bunch of werewolves and a berserker.


  They were back at Eden’s den, and tonight was the reopening of the club. They’d won the biggest part of the battle, but there so much more they needed to gain back. Frankie, she feared was lost to them. but Colin refused to believe that and was on a mission to get her back. Olivia not only wielded the Bow, but she also controlled the Arrow—a major player in the campaign for their right to freedom. Roman wanted to control the wolves. He used the power given to him by the goddess as a weapon. He turned light into dark, love into hate, and it spread fast. Corrupted many. Callum had returned only to leave again, but Olivia and Blue both understood why. He needed to go back and free his brother.

  The ceiling shook. Everyone celebrated. They had every right. Although their victory was small, Victor had said they all needed to be reminded of the happiness and the love left in the world. It was the reason Olivia stood butt-ass naked with rope as her only piece of clothing.

  You can do this. It was their way. Olivia loved Blue. She’d do anything for him. Including submitting to him in public. Nerina had the brilliant idea that she should also tell Blue about their unborn child. She’d only confided in Nerina about her current predicament. And Nerina suggested this was the best possible way to make things even more celebratory.

  “Can you breathe?” Nerina asked.

  The Luna expertly wrapped her the way she said Blue would enjoy. Olivia’s movements weren’t restricted, but there were many possibilities.

  “There is so much beauty in Japanese rope bondage. Victor told me that there was a slave girl during the war who trained Blue.” Nerina said.

  That would be Chiyoko. She wanted to dislike the other woman. But who could blame her. Blue was a hard man for anyone to get over.

  “Him seeing you bound like this will drive him crazy. Remember, there is just you and him. No one else. Even as the others watch, they aren’t doing it to make you feel uncomfortable. For them, it’s an honor and a blessing to watch a female submit to her male. The exchange of power happens with both partners. It’s not just Blue.”

  Olivia saw the aesthetic aspect of the bondage. Her lower torso was encased in the blood-red nylon rope in a design of perfect symmetry. Nerina had done an amazing job. The rope was fashioned into an elaborate corset, and the front was knotted into a design that resembled buttons. The rope went up and over her shoulders, leaving her breasts bare, and the back was laced with a six knot that could be tightened. Nerina pinned her hair on top of her head, saying that Blue would love that her neck was exposed.

  “Put your hands out in front of you, I’m going to tie them.” Nerina turned to Cassandra, who stood off to the side with a smile on her face. “Do you have it?”

  Cassandra nodded, walking forward. “Blue is not going to be able to control himself. There will be a lot of sad females tonight.” She held a black box in her hand.

  “Downright heartbroken,” Nerina said with a bright smile on her face.

  Olivia’s hands trembled as Nerina had her lace her fingers together and tethered her wrists, leaving little slack in the rope.

  “Do you remember what I told you?” Nerina asked.

  How could she forget? Olivia’s job was to seduce her mate. She had to yield, and be strong at the same time. Show no weakness. Remain alert, and communicate with her eyes and her body. Blue would know her signals, and she had to trust in him to take care of her.

  “Yes. Communication. Trust. And above all…“ The three said at the same time, “Obedience.”

  Cassandra laughed. “I’m happy for you. You are the better match for Blue. You are the fire to his water. He will allow you to burn brightly, and you will allow him to flow over you and keep you safe.”

  “It’s almost time,” Nerina said. “Cassandra, grab the robe.”

  A brig
ht, hooded robe was placed over Olivia’s shoulders. The hood shrouded her in darkness. She pulled in a deep breath and willed her body to relax. The cloak was spelled. Her scent would be masked, and no one in the crowd would know who was underneath until the hood was removed.

  “Deep breath in, deep breath out,” Nerina said.

  “Did you have to do this?” Olivia asked.

  “Yes, I did. Although, I did have on some clothing. And pearls.”


  Nerina smiled a secret smile. “I’ll tell you about the pearls another day.” The Luna rubbed her belly. She was carrying the Silverback Alpha—and a spare. Olivia’s bound hands absently went to her own stomach. She was carrying a little secret of her own. Something she planned to reveal tonight. With the old woman’s memories, she’d been able to mask her pregnancy. Being a witch and the carrier of the Silver Bow and Arrow of Power made her life interesting. She hadn’t been ready to impart knowledge of her pregnancy to Blue. Especially not during their time in the cave or on the battlefield. He would have been impossible to deal with. But now that things were getting back to a semblance of normalcy it was time for them to both enjoy the benefits of their new-found life. She didn’t know if she was ready to be a mother, especially now with the up coming dangers. But she knew that with Blue, all things were possible.

  “It’s time,” Cassandra said.

  “Right. I got this.”

  “You do, and you’ll be fine. Let him take care of you. I promise, we’re not some weird, freakish sex cult. Once the show gets started, you’ll find that the others will be into their own things, and center stage will be forgotten.”

  “Right, but until then, I’m putting my tits and ass on display for all to see,” Olivia said with a snort.

  “Hey, you’ve got great tits and an awesome ass. I’d do you if I weren’t strictly dickly.”

  “I second that,” Cassandra giggled.

  They couldn’t see her under the hood, but Olivia rolled her eyes.

  “I’m ready.”

  “No, you’re not. Gotta give you something to help you relax.”

  “No. I’ll be fine. Trust me.”


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