Ray, Helena - Hidden Pride [The Pride of Savage Valley, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing M?nage Everlasting)

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Ray, Helena - Hidden Pride [The Pride of Savage Valley, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing M?nage Everlasting) Page 11

by Helena Ray

  He thrust forward, and the thick head of his cock pushed past her labia and hovered at the entrance to her cunt. He landed soft kisses on her neck, entirely inconsistent with the erotically brutal furor of his earlier ministrations, then over her jawline to her lips. His nose brushed against hers as he pulled his face back only enough to capture her attention with the forcefulness of his stark blue gaze.

  “I want to fuck you. I hope you know that.” Her pussy convulsed at his words, and all she could manage was a small nod in response. “But I also hope you know that I want so much more than that. You drive me crazy, Anya. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for a second since I first saw you. But it’s more than that.” He ghosted another kiss over his lips at the same moment he pushed his hips forward only a fraction of an inch so that the tip of his hard erection was now inside of Anya’s ready pussy. “I want to know you, I want to be with you, and I want to fall in love with you.”

  Love? Wasn’t it a little soon to be batting around that sort of word? The rational part of Anya’s brain listed all the reasons she should scream for help, but it was the irrational part that won out in the end. Somewhere deep within her soul, she knew that she wanted the same things that Jack did, and she wanted the sort of relationship Jack and Clay would offer her. No, it didn’t make any sense, but what about Anya’s life did make sense at the moment?

  “Me, too, Jack.” Her voice wavered as she said the words. “I feel like this is happening so fast, but god, I want everything with you and with Clay.”

  He pushed forward, sending tiny waves of pained pleasure out from her damp pussy as his head fully penetrated her.

  “So you want me to fuck you.”

  Instead of responding verbally, Anya wrapped one leg around his back and used it to press forward. His cock sank fully into her, and she felt his ballsac brush against her forbidden entrance as she sheathed him. He began slowly, only pulling out an inch before pushing back into her, his eyes searching hers. While she appreciated his consideration, her libido couldn’t take the slow fucking, not now, not when she’d spent every waking second of the past forty-eight hours dreaming of having his cock inside of her.

  She clenched her inner muscles around him, and he increased his pace, pulling his cock all the way out then pushing back in with a tantalizingly punishing rhythm. Over and over, he slammed into her, driving her need higher with each thrust, pushing her closer and closer to the brink of orgasm. Right when she hovered at the precipice of another release, he slowed his pace, pulling out of her and pushing only his head in and out.

  He moved one hand underneath her ass cheek and squeezed his fingertips into the flesh there. She felt his nails dig into her, and the quick, sharp pain melted into molten pleasure that oozed straight into her cunt. Suddenly, one of his fingers strayed closer and closer to her back entrance, to the puckered, virgin hole that no man had ever caressed. When he raked his finger over her anus, her hips shot forward involuntarily. She had never imagined how amazing that would feel, never even knew that the nerve endings there were capable of such sharp electric shocks straight to her clit.

  “Do you like that?” Jack whispered as he moved his finger over her again. This time she thrust back into the sensation, reveling in the erotic glory of his fingers.

  “God, yes,” she moaned as his finger pushed forward, penetrating her only slightly.

  “That’s good,” he said, picking up the pace of his fucking, “because I fully plan on putting my cock inside this tight little ass.”

  Before Anya could respond or let him know exactly how appealing that sounded to her, Jack resumed his relentless thrusting. His lips moved back to her nipple at the same time his fingertip slipped just a little further into her. Anya felt the telltale contractions in her lower abdomen, felt her clit tighten and retreat into its hood just before her moment of climactic joy.

  Her pussy grasped Jack’s cock into its vise, and she felt his cock slam against her inner walls as his release sprayed inside her. Combined with his echoing shouts of pleasure, Jack’s orgasm set off her own, and she milked the rest of his hot seed from him. Moans ripped from her chest as the fireworks of release mixed with the blood flowing in her veins. It was too much, too good, too perfect. After what felt like the longest and most intense moment of pleasure in Anya’s life, her body returned to its normal state, although slightly sweatier than before.

  Jack’s lips pressed a line of kisses along her throat then over her lips as she wrapped her legs around his waist, unwilling to let him withdraw from her body just yet. She didn’t know why, but her body screamed at her to stay connected to this man, to trust him to care for her.

  “Thank you,” Jack said against her lips.

  “For what?”

  “For that. For you. For trusting me to take you there.” He pulled back just an inch and looked into her eyes. “I want to explore everything with you.”

  “So do I,” Anya said quietly. “So much.”

  He kissed her once more, the deliberate, tender kiss he had first given her at the Ninth Time, and pulled his spent cock from her body. She whimpered a little as her womb cried out at the loss. Jack fell to her side and held out one arm, inviting Anya to cuddle against his chest.

  “I can’t believe I found you,” he said as he ran his hand over her upper arm.

  “You were looking for me?”

  “I didn’t know I was, but now that I’ve found you, I know that I’ve been searching my entire life.”

  That spark of anxiety lit in her chest at his words. He spoke like a man committed, like he had found the one. And while that frightened Anya, her mind couldn’t conjure a future that didn’t include these warm caresses, that didn’t include long blizzard-filled nights with gas lamps and the Abbott brothers. What did she have to be afraid of?

  “Then I’m glad I was here for you to find.”

  “Me, too, gorgeous,” he said as he looked up at the ceiling. “Me, too.”

  * * * *

  Jack’s fingers tickled Anya’s palms as they entwined with hers. When she looked up at him, she couldn’t help a schoolgirl’s giggle. It was very obvious that he had just been fucked, for his hair stood at an odd angle, and his full lips were an even deeper red than usual. She wanted to run her fingers through that hair again, to feel his chest pressed against hers as he fingered her asshole once more. Her inner thighs zinged with excitement at the thought, and she had to tamp down her arousal as she and Jack entered the lobby area.

  “Come here,” Jack said just as the blast of warmth hit Anya from the fireplace. He maneuvered her around his front and lowered his lips to hers. His hand slid down her back, and she stood on her tiptoes, hurrying its descent to her ass.

  “I didn’t know you two knew each other.”

  Before his hand could caress her, Aunt Cora’s voice stilled both of them.

  Anya broke the kiss and turned, keeping her gaze lowered to the ground as she felt the heat of color rush to her cheeks.

  “Um, yeah. We met at the Ninth Time when I, uh—”

  “Oh, I should have known,” she said as she approached the couple. “You always were close with Clay, weren’t you?”

  Anya’s face set aflame as visions of Aunt Cora’s family, the Yeatses, flooded into her mind. They had always been ménageamous, and therefore she probably had an idea of what was transpiring between Anya and the Abbotts.

  “I guess you could say that.” Anya dug her toe in the ground then looked back up at Jack. One of his hands was busy trying to smooth his hair and shirt and appear as though he hadn’t just gotten laid—a futile effort.

  “Jack and I are good friends, aren’t we, Jack?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jack responded with a nod. “Very good friends. That have known each other a long time. And who have a mutually beneficial professional relationship.”

  Anya couldn’t help but grin at how flustered Jack was, a departure from his normally suave demeanor.
  “Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be helping down at the Ninth Time?” Aunt Cora asked pointedly. Jack gave her a look that Anya couldn’t interpret, and she made a mental note to ask her aunt about this situation later.

  Jack ran one hand down Anya’s back and kissed her hair, and the intimate gesture sent a chill through Anya.

  “I was just on my way, wasn’t I, gorgeous?”


  “Clay and I will call you a little later,” he whispered to her before kissing her cheek and heading toward the exit. “I’ll be seeing you down at the Ninth Time soon, won’t I, Mrs. Copely?”

  “You bet your sweet ass you will,” Cora said as Jack opened the door, letting in a burst of cold air. He mouthed a “good-bye” to Anya as he made his way down the path toward town.

  After looking around and making certain the lobby was free of guests, Anya turned to her Aunt Cora.

  “Okay, what was that all about?”

  Her aunt merely grinned and crossed her arms as she made her way to one of the armchairs situated to the right of the entrance.

  “The Abbotts, huh?”

  Anya eyed her warily. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Come sit a spell,” Aunt Cora said, patting the seat of the chair beside her, and with tentative movements, Anya joined her. “So have they told you yet?”

  What was it with Aunt Cora and Anya’s sex life today?

  “With, um, you know, the…uh…more than one…um, person, thing?”

  Her aunt chuckled at her stammering comment. “They told you about ménageamy then. That’s good.” She cocked her head and studied Anya with twisted grin. “Honestly, I hadn’t thought you would go that direction, but now that you have, I can see how it would really work for you. You’re quite the woman, honey, and you probably do need more than one man to keep up with you.”

  “Nothing’s been decided or anything yet,” Anya clarified, hoping Aunt Cora wouldn’t jump to any wild conclusions. Even though the fantasy of forever with the Abbotts ran through her mind, neither she nor they had committed to a relationship.

  “Honey,” Aunt Cora said in a nurturing voice, “I’ve been around the Abbotts since they were babies. I’ve seen both of them grow up, and I will tell you, Jack’s never had goo-goo eyes for a woman in his life.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” Anya gave her aunt a hard glare. “Come on, he’s a total flirt.”

  “He puts on that image, yes, but I’ve never seen him crazy about a woman. There are certain…things that make it difficult for him to get close to other people, so seeing the two of you right after you fucked was quite a shock.”

  “Aunt Cora!” she exclaimed, incredulous that her aunt would say such a thing.

  “What? It’s what the two of you were doing, wasn’t it? Let me tell you, with your uncle, I know a thing or two about an afterglow. I bet your mother does, too.”

  “Oh my god, I don’t need to hear this.”

  “Come on, we’re all adults here.” She winked, and Anya crinkled her nose in mock disgust. “Okay, okay, enough about that. But let me tell you, those Abbotts will start like they mean to go on. Their fathers did with their mother, and it looks like this generation is doing the same with you.” She stopped suddenly and narrowed her eyes at Anya. “You do have feelings for Clayton, too, right?”

  “Um, I, um…” Anya trailed off, the memory of Clay’s tongue buried inside her pussy inconveniently jumping to mind.

  “That’s what I thought. You’ve been hanging around the Ninth Time and making eyes at him since you were a kid. It was always just a matter of time before he figured out you were a woman now and went for it.”

  “It was that obvious?”

  “Honey. No red-blooded thirteen-year-old girl wants to sit around listening to some guy talking about restoring old electronics unless she has a soul-crushing love for him.”

  A grin spread across her face at the memory of lurking in the Ninth Time for nearly an hour when she was thirteen, just watching Clay restore an old weather radio. Yes, when she thought about it, she had never particularly hidden her admiration for the man.

  “Had you even met Jack then?” her aunt asked suddenly.

  Anya thought for a moment. “I would have remembered him, even back then.”

  She nodded, as if deep in thought, then clucked her tongue.

  “They only told you about the ménageamy thing. There was nothing else. Nothing particularly odd or perhaps unbelievable that they told you.”

  “I don’t think—” She stopped midsentence and remembered Jack’s evasive answers about his inexplicable nudity. “There was something. They never explained it to me, but they kept alluding to this secret they couldn’t tell me, at least not yet.”

  Her aunt leaned forward and grasped her hand, her expression gravely serious. “They’re gonna tell you something you won’t believe at first, honey. It’s gonna sound more bizarre than anything you’ve ever heard, but you have to trust them.”

  “Aunt Cora, you’re scaring me a—”

  “Just hear me out,” she interrupted and squeezed Anya’s hand tighter. “You’re my niece, and I love you, just like I love your father and your mother as if they were my own brother and sister. But so help me, if you break those Abbott boys’ hearts, after all they’ve been through, I’ll still love you, but I’ll find it real hard to be around you.”

  The intensity of the moment shocked Anya, and she felt dizzy from everything that had happened over the past few hours. Hell, the past month of her life had changed everything. Now her normally sane aunt had a crazy glint in her eye and sounded like a soothsayer from some medieval tale.

  “Get some sleep,” Aunt Cora continued. “I know I just dumped a lot on you, and you look like you got quite a cardiovascular workout with Jack.” She winked, eliciting an exaggerated shudder from Anya. “Everything will unfold like it’s supposed to. I just wanted to give you some fair warning.”

  She finally released Anya from her grip, and Anya dropped her head to her hands. “Sleep does sound like the best option.”

  “I’ll make sure you don’t get any more unexpected guests.” Aunt Cora started back toward the reception desk.

  She looked up gratefully and gave the best smile was capable of. “Thank you, for everything, Aunt Cora. I wouldn’t have survived the past month without you and Uncle Frank being there for me. With my parents out of the country, I don’t have a lot of family around here.”

  “Anytime, sweetie.” She took a few more steps then turned and winked at Anya. “I think your family’s about to grow in a very big way.”

  Before Anya could ask what she meant, Aunt Cora disappeared, leaving Anya to her thoughts.

  Anya had never thought herself particularly intuitive, but today, she knew—knew with every bit of her mind and heart—that things were about to change, and they would change for the better.

  Chapter 9

  “We gotta go to Bo.”

  Jack was out of breath as he opened the door to the Abbotts’ cabin in north central Savage Valley, disrupting Clay’s work.

  “Already did, brother.” Clay was sitting at the large drafting desk in the center of the cabin, hunched over his latest sketch, but he hadn’t really been working. Visions of a certain buxom brunette danced through his mind, stealing every conscious moment.

  “What do you mean you already did?” Clay looked up as his brother stormed across the room to stand beside him. “How could you go without me?”

  “Easy. I showed up at his house.”

  Jack shot his brother an exasperated look, and Clay grinned in response then turned on his chair to face Jack. “I’ve been trying to tell you for days, but you keep disappearing in your lion. I went to Bo as soon as I saw Anya and my dick got hard. See, I thought that lions could only recognize their mates the first time—”

  “Not true. Amelia Sullivan.”

  Did everyone know
about this but him?

  “How did you know about her?”

  Jack shrugged. “Ira thinks about it all the time. Wonders if some of the girls he went to elementary school with were actually his mate. He gets terribly disappointed when he runs into one of them at the courthouse and doesn’t get an insta-woody.”

  “You gotta get out of people’s heads.” Clay stood to go to the kitchen, not having taken any time to eat all day, but then he smelled an intoxicating, sweet scent coming from…his brother?

  It was then that Clay took in his brother’s appearance—the matted hair, the flushed skin, the grin that looked stupid even when compared to Jack’s other sloppy grins.

  “You slept with her.” Clay couldn’t deny the jealousy that rose within his chest, but mostly he was overjoyed. “You fucking went out and fucked our mate.”

  The grin widened. “Got a problem with that?”

  “We gotta go to Bo,” Clay said, echoing Jack’s earlier words. “If she felt that drawn to you after just meeting you…” Something occurred to Clay then. “Did you musk her?”

  “As soon as I touched that soft skin of hers, I couldn’t help it. You know how it goes, don’t you?”

  Clay’s mind went back to when he helped Anya up after she fell in the Ninth Time and to the oddly satisfying feeling of the musk slipping from his pores as his arousal grew. “Yeah, I do. So we’ve both musked her, and apparently she’s attracted to us both, so…”

  “It’s time to go to Bohagande,” Jack finished for his brother. “You know we can’t shift in front of humans unless our lives or our territory are in danger, and you know that according to legend, we gotta shift before we mate her. Bo has the potion that allows us to do that.”

  Clay glanced at the clock and saw that it was already ten thirty at night. Bo wouldn’t appreciate another late-night interruption, but Clay couldn’t let this rest until tomorrow. No, he had spent thirty-six years alone, and six years with his brother as his only family. He was fed up with the loneliness, and he had found the one woman made to spend the rest of her life with him. One more second than was necessary was fucking long in his book.


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